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First off, thank you to the thread creator as I've long wanted to talk about the LIs, but felt either no one would be interested or would consider it a topic long since talked to death over.


The primary ones for my roster are Quinn, and Andronikos. There's something about getting the Very Proper officer to start to cut loose and the scruffy pirate starting to think of something what passes for stable that just clicks with me. Even taking into account The Thing that happens in the Warrior storyline, it does play out differently since they've revamped the companions. My first Warrior, I'd already had things maxed out so they were married before The Thing happens so it played pretty weird. Since the revamp, everything's paced out much differently, especially if you make particular choices on Corellia that really make a difference in the overall flow. Spoilery details for the curious under the click:



At most there's the first kiss before the betrayal thing so the romance is still in essentially the early stages. However, part of me still wishes there was a dialog option during the betrayal to tell Quinn that you're pregnant whether it's legit or a lie just for the reaction. During Corellia with Vowrawn, I left Quinn on the ship since I was trying to cap out Pierce's kill count for the achievement and when the assassins attack, Quinn leaps into the defense with little regard for his life and afterwards Vowrawn's crowing about how awesome Quinn is, while Quinn simply says he's trying to make up for a past indiscretion. You have options then to say he's made up for it or still needs to work at it. I've done both options and after Corellia I got the "I'm falling in love with you" talk from him which got followed by the proposal which made it feel like the betrayal was the big test for the couple rather than the "what the ****?!" flow it had before.



With that said, and my deciding I really do want to have the gold medal stuff for class story Legendary Player completion along with wanting to see how much I can unlock/achievement ding, I've been going through a full roster to hit all that and see what else goes on outside my usual choices.


To start, I simply can't do the Corso one for Smuggler. Others have long said the issues they see with the companion, and I do share those same sentiments. Equally I totally understand the Corso fans reasons for liking it but for me as my ex-husband was also one of those old fashioned country types and well...I've experienced the darker side of that type and Corso just dredges up bad memories. It'd be different if there was some indication of his changing some of his attitudes over the course of the storyline, but I've not seen it so far. Risha, I can't see her as a romance option because I see her too much as a BFF/partner in mischief. I was figuring my smuggler would just be perpetually single, but since Theron Shan's an option, I figure I'll give that a go to see how it rolls. I haven't done Akaavi's romance yet mostly because I've yet to do a male smuggler. Having finally finished a Smuggler playthrough last night, one that blindsided me was Darmus Pollaran. Again, spoilery details beneath the click.



My smuggler has been a neutral leaning towards dark side budding crime boss and I took every possible flirt with Darmus. I don't know if this triggered the dialog option when you confront him on Corellia about being the Imperial agent, but I had an option to say that I loved him when he comments he couldn't believe my smuggler fell for his act. That got the response from him that while my smuggler wasn't the first or only woman he'd ever lied to, she was the only one that he regretted it with. Then my smuggler had the option to plead with him to stay with her on the ship and he seems to consider it before refusing because he'd only break her heart again. It overall left me with the feeling that there might have been a something there between them but greater galactic events put the kibosh on things. The whole thing had me really wanting to see what was in his locker at Port Nowhere, but after Corellia, there's no chance to head back there to see.



On my Bounty Hunter, I can't do the Mako one because I see her as too much of a kid sister/sidekick than a romance option. The Torian one, I've probably completely botched on my first Hunter because I barely took a flirt with until too late, but seeing it on one of my unlock Hunters, it wasn't as horrible as I was expecting as I was figuring since he was a Mandalorian, everything with him was going to be like having to force chug the Mando-ade. It's made me think about also seeing how the Akaavi one plays out in comparison.


On my Knight, I've liked both the Kira and Doc options. While Kira's a padawan at start, the Knight's only recently out of his padawanhood, and things felt more like a pair of sarcastic contemporaries who treat the Code more as guidelines than a rule than anything really creepy. Doc, maybe because I play with the sound off, but he comes across to me like Bruce Campbell in one of his cheesy romantic type roles more than anything creepy.


With my Consular, I will have to do a playthrough romancing Iresso as the previous posts made now have me wanting to see how it rolls. Nadia is a definite nope-nope-NOOOPE for me because with her age and mindset, it really comes across very skievy-creepy to me. Even taking the NOPE! option when she starts hinting, I don't know if it's just the camera angle or lack of nuance with the graphics, it seemed like she wasn't giving up on hooking up with the Consular. It was enough to make me wonder if at some point if my Consular took a flirt with someone else when she was around, he'd find his pet gizka getting boiled in a pot on the ship.


Agent, I'm too creeped out by the bug thing with Vector, especially after taking dialog choices and finding out exactly how extensive the bug thing is with him. Kaliyo, I keep thinking of the old saying about having sex with messed up people not being worth it in the long run and some of the things that happen during the storyline just confirmed it for me. Temple, I've not done yet so I don't know.


Trooper, Dorne's wasn't bad, it reminded me in some way of with Quinn as far as Very Proper went. Jorgan, I've not done yet, but I'm not particularly impressed by him with the dialog I've seen so far. As Trooper is one of my least favorite storylines, it'll be a while before I can work up the energy to give another playthrough a go.


Warrior, I've already had my say about Quinn, but like with Mako, I can't really see romancing Vette for the same reason as she feels more like a kid sister/sidekick than a love interest. Jaesa, I doubt I'll ever see since I'd have to turn her dark sided and from what I've seen of her dark sided...that's just too messed up for me, but then I also have issues with the presentation of the Dark Side only being about anger/hate/rage/sadism rather than a wider range of emotions such as love and hedonism.


Inquisitor, already had my say about Andronikos, and having done the Ashara one, it just doesn't feel as developed as the others do. I've taken all the flirt options with her, but I don't know, it just feels a bit flat compared to the others.


Regarding Lana and Theron, I figure I'll do a couple playthroughs with Theron for my single characters. I'm not sure about Lana yet mostly because it's only been recently that I'm doing the post Chapter 3 stuff and have yet to get a sense of her to decide about playing through a romance or just watching the highlights on Youtube.

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I've always done Torian's romance on my female bounty hunters. So sweet, yet simple. He was my first romance in the game and my favorite.

I know everyone hates Corso, and I understand why people hate him, but I still love his romance. I don't view him as unpleasant. Naive? Yes. But I personally never felt uncomfortable romancing him.

I romanced Theron on my light side Pureblood Marauder. While she IS light IV, she's also kind of a jerk, so I figured two grumpy people would make a better couple than a grumpy, snarky Sith with an Imperial officer.

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You just have to get to know her a bit...Hell, you and she even



Go on an actual date, like normal people do!



How can that not be adorable :)

It's funny how the most twisted character story-wise gets that with both their LIs :D

I think only agent does that with Kaliyo of all people :p

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I totally love Corso above all, with Torian a close second, and Also Vector although I do have a problem with the Killik thing. But I am completely unable to comprehend why anyone wouldn't adore Corso! I didn't like his hair when I first saw him, but Customization 2 fixed that very well:) What won my heart is his lovely old fashioned respect for women and his unconditional love for his Captain, whom he is willing to wait forever for if need be. He gets my vote for the absolute sweetest romance ever. Loved all the jealous cutscenes...those were adorable, along with his charming sense of humor ("bet we could last 10 minutes!"}. I just need to find him in real life:)


I also adore his voice....especially when he says "Anything you want, Captain...". *sigh*


The other thing I can't understand is how so many are crazy about Quinn, who professes to love you but then cold-bloodedly tries to KILL you! That broke my heart when it happened, and I could never get around it, or even finish playing my character after that. I found it impossible to justify or forgive:(


OMG CORSO IS A FREAKING CUTIE, LIKE, i UNDERSTAND, WHY SOME PEOPLE HATE HIM, but, ugh. Move over Edward, there's a new fictional BF in town!

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Quinn is my main man too, I adore him. Vector is a very close second, so close it could be a tie, and then Theron.


If I had to rank my men, it would be as follows (from favorite to least favorite) Quinn, Vector, Theron, Doc, Andronikos and Corso.


Torian falls in the middle ground...not enough to make the favorites list, but not dull enough to make the unwanted list either.


To me, Iresso, Jorgan don't even register, which is too bad, cause I like Jorgan's VA...but catman just doesn't exite me at all....and with Iresso I find myself checking both the time and his pulse. :p I just wish Scourge was romanceable.

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Torian > Vector > Quinn > Theron > Doc.


The rest, meh. I played through all the romances once and let's just say there's some cheating going on when I finally take some of them through KOTFE.


Corso's romance could be sweet, but overall throughout the story he annoyed me, even though my Smuggler didn't cheat or flirt with other guys. (Doing so on another Smuggler was a hoot though.) He and Quinn are those LIs that are either loved or hated, there seems to be no in between.


Jorgan, well, why have Jorgan when you could flirt with Jonas Balkar? (Why couldn't I have him? Wahh.)


Andronikus wasn't memorable enough. Not boring, per say, just... I don't know, didn't really do it for me, even with dat voice.


To me, Iresso, Jorgan don't even register, which is too bad, cause I like Jorgan's VA...but catman just doesn't exite me at all....and with Iresso I find myself checking both the time and his pulse. :p


*chokes* Bwhahahaha. :D A friend of mine said she did Chapter 14 the other day and found the Torian/Hunter romance boring, but Iresso, yeesh. I don't know if it's because you get him so late, the Consular is so emotionless, or what, but I couldn't get into it.

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I love Corso, but he is sooooo wrong for my smuggler. She doesn't need someone to take care of her like he wants to do. RL me, on the other hand, would date him in a heartbeat. XD


Quinn is just too submissive for my tastes? My SW would much rather date Pierce! So, that's what I do. In my head, Pierce is her drinking buddy/friend-with-benefits. I wish there was some acknowledgement of that in KotFE.


As for the Jedi love interests... Iresso is a nice guy, but so nice that he's kind of boring. Don't EVEN get me started on the horror that is Doc. My Consular sticks to the Jedi beliefs about entanglements after one romanced Iresso and my JK always-always-always-always has unrequited love for Lord Scourge in her heart. How can she romance Doc-the-creep after that Romance Novel Perfect set-up with Lord Scourge?!


My Agent remains true to Vector - always. My SI remains true to Andronikus. I love their stories. My SI refers to Andronikus as Andy which amuses me to no end.


BH? Gonna be Koth or Theron for sure. Torian seems too young to me until we actually get him back in KotFE, but it is probably too late to romance him then!


Trooper - well, I made a Cathar trooper just to romance Jorgan. I love that gruff soldier. So grumpy.


The DvL event is giving me an excuse to try out some romances from the male character perspective, but I haven't done so yet! I think Elara will be first...

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Sith Warrior - DS Jaesa (He's Dark IV only because he prefers honorable duels over wanton slaughter, but he's still evil).


Jedi Knight - Kira C. She has more fade to blacks than another companion. I find this fascinating as it implies that a Jedi Padawan gets it on more than any groupie (well DS Jaesa sleeps around, but that's different).


Sith Inquisitor

A) My main is planning on marrying Lana B.

B) My alt loves and respects Ashara


Bounty Hunter - Lana B.

Not because he loves her, but because he finds Mako annoying


Smuggler - I got a bug where I managed to marry both Risha and Akavi and now I'm dating Lana.

Yeah.... that's going to blow up in his face.

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SW Vette was great, since I'm a light Sith and also love trolling other people :)

BH Mako was interesting but forgettable, maybe Akaavi would be better fit for a real Mandalorian...

Smuggler Risha was good, but not the best

JK Kira was also great, her dark side makes it exciting

IA Keeper was my fav, I really hope she returns

SI Ashara again great, a light Sith-Jedi combo

Trooper Elara I actually enjoyed opposed to most people. I'm very sad she's still not here :(

JC... Lana I guess?


My ranking would be: Vette>Ashara=Elara=Kira>Keeper>Mako=Risha

KotFE needs more interactions with LIs though.


P.S.: Oh and make Vaylin romanceable! Even if 99% of the players hate her...

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Doc, maybe because I play with the sound off, but he comes across to me like Bruce Campbell in one of his cheesy romantic type roles more than anything creepy.



To me he always came across somewhat as a reference to Hawkeye from MASH, but now that you mention it there is that BC air about him.


Dammit, now I'll be expecting him to bust out a random 'hail to the king' or something when I end up rolling another knight at some point....


As for my own LI favourite, right now it's toss up between Theron and Torian. Torian being the first companion I decided to romance when I first started playing, and Theron because I have this little head cannon that it all started as some weird spy vs spy game between him and my agent on Rishi, and somewhere along the way got serious. Vector, as oddly adorable as he is, ended up being the rebound guy after SoR was all said and done. I really hate the idea of eventually breaking the sweet bug boy's heart, but head cannon must be obeyed. The fact that Theron's VO is Troy Baker may have something to do with it too...

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As for my own LI favourite, right now it's toss up between Theron and Torian. Torian being the first companion I decided to romance when I first started playing, and Theron because I have this little head cannon that it all started as some weird spy vs spy game between him and my agent on Rishi, and somewhere along the way got serious. Vector, as oddly adorable as he is, ended up being the rebound guy after SoR was all said and done. I really hate the idea of eventually breaking the sweet bug boy's heart, but head cannon must be obeyed. The fact that Theron's VO is Troy Baker may have something to do with it too...

This is the reason I romanced Theron with my MALE IA lol
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Right now on my smuggler I'm pursuing Akaavi. I don't know if it is possible or not, but the flirt options are fun :D


Nadia was the first romance, but she was nearly 3 years ago. Good job BW keeping those up.


So now it's Lana, but we haven't talked about the romance since when a couple months ago?


Have one of your free interns compose emails for each romance, run it by story people, and then push it out once a month.


Keep your players who are going through the stories into the characters you want us to connect with. :rak_03:

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Have one of your free interns compose emails for each romance, run it by story people, and then push it out once a month.


Keep your players who are going through the stories into the characters you want us to connect with. :rak_03:


I admit to really liking the idea of additional letters from the romanceables. So far all I've gotten is the one from Malavai for my SW which is really vague as to how far back he wrote it compared to some of the others that state how many years it's been since your character went MIA. I've been headcannoning that his letter's been what's motivating her to keep shaking the pillars of heaven around Zakuul hoping he'll eventually show up on Odessen and they can show the galaxy how unstoppable their passion makes them or if he's died since the letter, she's razing Zakuul to the ground out of grief.


And since my last post in this thread, I've started a Theron romance on my Smuggler and so far I'm liking it enough to add Theron as a goto with Malavai and Andronikos for romances.

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This is the reason I romanced Theron with my MALE IA lol


Hehe. It is a little infectious, isn't it? The idea of spies from opposite sides trying to out do each other is rather entertaining.


Anyway, I understand not receiving any more letters from the LI's who are still MIA, as a good portion of them probably think you're dead after five years of silence after getting blown up on Marr's ship, but not having any sort of interaction outside of the initial hookup/reunion with the ones we have now seems to be a bit lacking. The occasional letter would be great, especially after the more dramatic chapters (I really did appreciate getting something from Theron to my agent and Lana to my inquisitor after Visions In The Darkness for example. No idea if this extended to any companions who had returned after the 1-9 chapter grind though), but a little dialogue scene here and there that has nothing to do with Alliance shenanigans and focuses more on the relationship would be even better. At the very least, some more flirt options for dialogue would be nice.

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Don't EVEN get me started on the horror that is Doc. My Consular sticks to the Jedi beliefs about entanglements after one romanced Iresso and my JK always-always-always-always has unrequited love for Lord Scourge in her heart. How can she romance Doc-the-creep after that Romance Novel Perfect set-up with Lord Scourge?!


How well I know those feels. ;_;


My faves of those available are Quinn (so fun to tease), Vector (so sweet and genuine), and Theron.


I wish we could have romanced Scourge and Zenith instead of who we were stuck with.

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It's actually quite hard for me, since I liked most of the romances that I've played through, some more than others. The only one I didn't really care for was Kaliyo's romance, but I didn't hate it either. If I had to boil it down to one for each side, my favorites are Elara on the Republic side (With my mostly LS Vanguard and primary male character) and Quinn on the Empire side (with my DS Marauder). I guess I like the idea of an uptight by-the-books person defrosting towards the person they care about, and I like how similar yet different the two are. I don't even really mind the "incident" with Quinn's romance, and I'm actually pleasantly surprised about the amount of people who favor him in this thread.


However, the romance that really came out of nowhere with how much I liked it was when I romanced Theron with my DS Assassin (whose also my primary female character). I had pursued Andronikos in the base game, and while I enjoyed it, I ended up liking it less than I thought (I think that they are better off as friends). On a whim I decided to romance Theron with her, as I hadn't really seen that pairing anywhere (only one video on Youtube, counting both male and female Inquisitors) and was curious to see it. I'm kind of shocked about how much I enjoyed it, with how jarringly different the two are, how well both VAs do with the dialouge, and the whole star-crossed lovers vibe from it (as with any other Theron/Imperial character or Lana/Republic character pairing). Once I re-roll my Inquisitor into a Sorcerer, I'll have her pursue him only.

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I love Quinn, like totally can't wait for THAT reunion!


I actually love all the male LIs. Quinn, Vector, Doc, Andronikos, Jorgan, Torian, Corso, and Iresso are all good. I RP my main consular as being with both Iresso and Tharan Cedrax as she has two kids, one from each man. Damn, I miss Tharan and Holiday!


My male Agent is gay so he's with Theron and my male smuggler, well he's with Theron too cause at the time, I couldn't get into Koth. But I can now after spending almost a year having him around.


The reunion between my trooper and Jorgan was sooooo sweet. Jorgan's VA did a superb job. Torian's reunion with my bounty hunter was sweet. I loved how she did what she did during their courting, grabbed him by the front of his armor and laid a hot smooch on him. *sigh*


But I think Quinn, Doc and Vector I'm looking forward to the most to get reacquainted. It's killing me, having to wait.

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I find the somewhat lack of Andronikos disturbing. ;)


Andronikos is hands down my favorite in the game. I absolutely love the mutual respect type dynamic that goes on between the SI and the Pirate. They are a team rather than just another romance, that involves the NPC falling all over themselves for the character.

Sophena and Andronikos


Followed by Theron.. I can't really say much about the Theron romance since we don't really have much to go on. I will say, the interaction between Theron and my Agent is one of my favorites.

Melena and Theron


Also, Torian. Again, mutual respect and I just love the dynamic. Plus it's such a cute and sweet romance!

Ketana and Torian


Honorable mention to Lt. Pierce! I don't care if he isn't an official one. He and my SW are together, darn it.

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I'm attached to Vector, Quinn, Corso, Theron and.....Lord Scourge. Yeah...every time I play a knight (on my 3rd now) I like him a bit more. That voice. Good god, why are we not allowed to romance him??


My DvL knight got a Darth Sion chest piece, and I discovered that it looks quite fetching on Scourge. :p I had to use a customization on him though, or else he insists on wearing a bra with it. <sigh>


My agent is enjoying a relationship with Lana as well. They are perfect for each other in their gritty ruthlessness.

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