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Open Challenge: Do You Have the Guts?


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With the new Light vs Dark event many new pilots are taking to the skies. Some brilliant battles have been happening with very close matches. Until the old 5 mastered ship premades on VOIP showed up.



My question to you guys:


Why not show us how good you really are and start a new GSF toon for the event. Why turn away all these potential new people to GSF by bringing out your maxed geared ships with grouped premade?



It should be refreshing to start a new ship and dog fight with the other plebes. Big deal if you don't get your normal 24 kills in your gunship. Seeing that same grouped 4/8 team with a wall of gunships may get you a few stomping matches in the short term but when GSF dries up again don't complain as your Q times go back to 2 hours.

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That was my best performance on a stock ship.


We also had a thread about that topic some time ago.


Maybe by now more people have some screenshots of battles in new ships to post.


By the way, not every good group is a premade and vice versa. Also, whenever I group with someone, tactics are rarely discussed in VoIP.

Edited by Danalon
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I rolled a new toon, for two reasons - the main one was the event, and a secondary one was that I wanted to improve with my Condor skills. Here's one result (thanks to Vexxial for a giving me a rundown of his usage!).

In case you are interested in upgrades: LC 1st, slug 1st, clusters 1st, directionals 1st, retros 2nd, range capacitor 0, regeneration extender 0, large reactor 0, turning thrusters 0. (Edit: crewmembers are stock, except C2-N2 whom I got from my story missions).


The point is that, while premades can be frustrating and they certainly can kill queues, solo queuers will do well against new players no matter their ships and upgrades. It's very frustrating to die to ionspam repeatedly, or burst/pods out of spawn, but I don't see how rolling a new toon will help with this.


As a side note, I quit a couple of matches (on this toon) today after running into a premade of self-destructers on my team. Not all newcomers are good news.

Edited by Greezt
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Why not show us how good you really are and start a new GSF toon for the event. Why turn away all these potential new people to GSF by bringing out your maxed geared ships with grouped premade?


Sure. Actually I roll new toons all the time, and in fact I did that just for this silly event. Here's one such result, bone stock, solo queued. Fleet Admiral Ranken couldn't quite carry that team, but did OK nonetheless.

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Still your firstdamage/warning to kill time gets considerably longer. That changes perception of your victim.Someone just exploding in 0,5sec will be more discouraged than someone that was destroyed after 2-3 seconds of constant damage...

Your ion rail hits will drain less energy, and won't leave ships as a sitting duck. etc. etc.


This, actually, is a good point. New folks understandably get discouraged when they're 1-shot...or, rather, when they feel like they've been 1-shot, when in reality they were hit multiple times (BLC + pods, two GS on the same target, whatever). That's still going to happen, but in general TTK is of course a bit longer when you're using a stock ship. So perhaps those few extra seconds of life give the victim just a little more time to actually fly around and get some practice flying/evading/shooting, rather than simply waiting for respawn. Again.


The flip side of this is that I've noticed many matches are dragging on longer than pre-DvL. Lots of TDM timeouts, for example. Feels like more than usual. Anyone else experience this?

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