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DvL: Flashpoint Expert: Depths of Manaan

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Have not done that one yet.


But I only have a Republic character in this event so far and did Maelstrom Prison, once I completed the Tactical, The Foundry also got checked off. When I did Taral V however Boarding Party was still unchecked.


Not sure if the first case is working as intended or the second.

Edited by Newyankalt
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They did say "either Republic or Imperial version" of those Flashpoints on the Event page, if I recall correctly.


Let's see here... http://www.swtor.com/blog/champion-level-guide


  • Korriban Incursion (either the Empire and Republic version)
  • Taral V (Republic only)
  • Boarding Party (Empire only)
  • Assault on Tython (either the Empire and Republic version)

Maelstrom is Republic Only but I got Foundry checked off at the same time

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  • 4 weeks later...
Has anyone else done the Tactical for Depths of Manaan and not had it count towards DvL Flashpoint Master? I did it yesterday and just noticed it is still 0/1 on my list (yes, I did it on a DvL character).


I just did it today on a DvL character and it didn't count toward mine, either. Bioware, what gives?

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the tactical of depths of manann for DvL does not count towards the event when completed by a republic charater however it does count on the imperial.


I have confirmed this with another person I know who had the exact same issue.


This is a bug as it should complete not sure if it is known by BW or not.

Edited by Scarr_swtor
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I first did it on a Vanguard, and it completed just fine for me. I thought I remember seeing something that people were talking about where it may not be giving credit if Stivastin is taking the last tick of damage from the pipe fires, as opposed to one of your attacks (or companion damage, excluding JesusBot, may also be finagling with the kill credit)
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I ran Depths of Manaan in SOLO mode as part of Prelude to Revan on my DvL character and received credit for it.

But then again, I rarely keep the boss in the fire the entire time. just a couple times to get the shield blown off and then can kill it easily.

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I did solo mode and got credit for it (with a Sith Warrior). At the last few percent of the monster's life, I put my comp on passive and made sure to kill the monster myself, without using the fire. It worked just fine this way, though you have to be very careful near the end. Edited by Lunafox
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the tactical of depths of manann for DvL does not count towards the event when completed by a republic charater however it does count on the imperial.


I have confirmed this with another person I know who had the exact same issue.


This is a bug as it should complete not sure if it is known by BW or not.


Actually not true. I did it today on a Republic character and got credit for it int he dvl list

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Actually not true. I did it today on a Republic character and got credit for it int he dvl list

It is certainly bugged.

Few threads on the bug reports subforum.

The underlying issue seems to be your toon NOT delivering the killing blow on the last boss.


I did it twice and didn't count towards the achievement. Once I read those threads, I tried it again and, how others have suggested, I made sure my toon killed the boss.


When the boss is low, dissmiss Jesus-Bot (if you're in solo mode), put your companion on passive and do not bring the boss to the fire. That's what I did and that time worked.

Perhaps is only the fire the problem, but doesnt hurt to be careful.

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I had to do it 3 times before it counted. Did the story quest for SOR on my imp, did everything I read about avoiding the bug: got rid of the droid, and made sure when his health was at about a quarter or so put my comp on passive and kept him out of the fire so I got the killing blow but didn't get credit. Ran it again but made the mistake of getting him to close to the fire which killed him, so I had to run it again and finally got credit, even though after he died the adds ended up killing me.


I definitely think its bugged but I don't think BW will ever acknowledge it or fix it. So just like the CC packs or the event packs it all comes down to luck

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the tactical of depths of manann for DvL does not count towards the event when completed by a republic charater however it does count on the imperial.


Well, this isn't true, because I did the tactical Manaan last night on my imp and it did NOT count for the event achievement.

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Finally after 12 tries, I got mine to finish. Tried everything on here, none of it worked. So I just kept doing different things.


This last time. Dps jugg. Lana on heals, robot helper doing w/e it is he does. Did 2 fires on the boss, dpsd him down. When he was around a sliver, I got knocked near a wall where we stayed. Put lana on passive. Left the robot helper alone since he was aggroing the adds. And just kept hitting away on the boss. Didn't expect to get it, since this was my 2nd attempt today. He died, and bam achievement complete for the flashpoints. I am happy it went through cause I don't expect swtor to fix it anytime soon.


My legacy is screwed on this. 17 first boss kills, 16 2nd boss kills, and it should say 16 3rd boss kills. it don't, says 7 that's when it last stopped counting the kills on him. The difference between the 1st and the 2nd is cause a friend and I tried tactical, me him and 2 pets. and Ortuno wasn't having any of it lol. So anyhow, that's that. Good luck to anyone else stuck in this problem. My wife's account still is.

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