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Im still making huge profits from slicing... The Truth about Slicing


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So let me get this right... People flood the forums whining about slicing, so they do something about it so people whine twice as hard? LMFAO THIS IS A VIDEO GAME GET OVER IT! IMO slicing should have been taken out to begin with and this would never have been an issue..



People are just pissed cuz everyone who had early access is sitting on a gold mine (760k here) and they didnt get a chance to exploit it... I dont know what ppl are talking about negative returns, you are doing it wrong... Im still making huge profit, just about 30% less then before... Put the effort into figuring out the skill rather then crying about it, and you would still be making a ton of money for doing almost nothing...


Take slicing out completely IMO, save everyone the tears! Slicing makes no sense.. If you want money for not crafting go farm like in every other MMo, go play the auction house.. Spoiled *** little kids....


To all the ppl still slicing and doing it right, keep the secret, we will laugh all the way to the bank!




For admitting that you were exploiting the game and now have an unfair advantage, I hope you get nerfed, like a perma ban. :D

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I am thinking the issue here is context. When you are leveling up slicing was very nice to help you along. However, when you are lvl 50 you have dailes that give you between 6k and 13k per daily. There is about 10 of them and you can do them in a hour with 2 people. It will take a bit longer with 1 person.


These people are making about 90k in an hour... so, nerf dailies?


What I am getting at is at pre nerf levels slicing seemed very lucrative @ lower levels. At lvl 50 slicing was more if a bonus than an income source. When everyone is 50 people will laugh that they even had to call for a slicing nerf.

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Well one tip I can give you is dont ever do tier 6 missions, thats why so many ppl are

Crying negative returns, another is always do rich yields, and bountiful, i still make a ton!


People have posted spreadsheets listing every mission they have done, cost and yield. Im inclined to believe them over you.

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I'm just going to leave my analysis here. I'm not looking to argue or anything.


I picked up slicing as a method to cover the expenses of leveling and to try and level up my Cybertech using Salvaging missions. I quickly ran into a predicament, in which i couldn't make any of the rarer mods because i had no method of obtaining the metal required for it. What i typically would do in most cases would be to buy components off the auction house. Consequently, i my new found profit motivated me to purchase modifiable equipment, in a lot of cases made by people. However, I always was considering taking Underworld Trading up in the back of my mind.


Since the update, i have changed over to Underworld Trading. Slicing is no longer profitable enough for me to keep it and while I could go and farm in Nar Shadaa somewhere for nodes, its still not ideal. Reason is, because i could do Slicing before AND enjoy the game's story on my character. So i'd much rather keep my standard of enjoyment and take up a mission based skill (what i was using Slicing as anyway).


My life story probably didn't really amount to, or add anything to the argument (i'm sure other people have had similar experiences).


I'm going to go ahead and say what probably a lot of other people have said: This change has probably eliminated a source of credits in the market. I know I provided a substantial amount of purchasing power and credits to would be plyers of their craft on the Marketplace and now I won't be contributing as much (which eliminates a source of credits for someone else). That being said, i'm perfectly alright with Slicing missions being reduced to a way to obtain schematics and augments.


I think the real issue here is the cost of living. I, and others, would not complain so much if living in the Old Republic wasn't so bloody expensive. Eliminating sources of income for the game does nothing but make it more difficult to do other things like sending people on mission or hell even training new skills and/or schematics. PvP might net about 1900-2100 credits (maybe more as you get higher level) but you still gain tons of experience that way and end up moving very quickly through the ranks, and thus accruing more expenses.


I think that either the cost of living should be reduced or rewards in general should be increased. This slicing thing, is merely a symptom of a very high "living" cost in game.

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They nerfed slicing because tons of people were bragging about the silly money they were making at slicing. Others got jelous and flooded forums.


Due to vol of complaints on both sides it is now changed. Now you have to farm nodes just like all the other profs.


Is it balanced... prob not.... was it before.... prob not... will it change again... probably.

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And yet, when I was 28 with slicing I had my speeder with license 200k in the bank, gave armor to several people and crafted an exeptional hooligans armor for myself, because I had money to no end.


Because slicing was redonculous.

My level 14 sage has no slicing, and sells cybertech gear he makes on the GTN. (or did, before yesterday, less sales so far.)


I did one transfer of 2000 credits when he first got to the fleet, which he could have made in a run of essles.


At level 14 he has 250k in the bank, and not one bit of that came from slicing.


I have a level 12 trooper that has no crafting profession. Gathering and missions only. No slicing. Level 12 and he's sitting on ~75k from crap that he picks up and slaps a pricetag on.




So... congratulations, you (supposedly) took slicing and didn't fail at using it. other people took other craft skills, stupidly spent all their money "playing pokemon" with grabbing recipes they didn't need and will never use, and reverse engineer their products for an even bigger overall loss to learn even more recipes they will never use, and whined because they (are somehow shocked that they) are losing money because they keep throwing it out.



Remember Highlights (kid's magazine)?


Gallant goes to his job where he's a middle management wage slave and pulls in an okay salary. He pays his bills on time and has money left over to buy things he wants. He'd really like a new electric guitar.


Goofus makes electric guitars, but spends his rent money on expensive tutorials on how to make mandolins and banjos and sitars that no one will ever play. Goofus makes all of these things and then promptly smashes them up a la Pete Townsend because it makes him feel like a rockstar. He could take these things down and sell them at the pawnshop where he'd be losing money but still have some, or even look up Gallant and many other people who would pay very good money for the nice electric guitars that Goofus can make... If he did, he could actually wind up making much more money than Gallant could ever dream of, because Gallant is on a set salary. But smashing them is more fun.


Goofus hasn't payed his rent in two months and is about to get evicted.


The obvious solution?


Burn down Gallant's office because that mother(shut yo mouth!) obviously makes way too much money and it's all his fault.

Edited by LeperJack
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The problem I have with this nerf is not the reduction in profits for slicers BUT that you now have a crew missions that take an hour to do, has the chance of failing and uselly make a loss. Don't get me wrong before it was far to easy to make money now the missions just do not make sence.


One of the ways SWTOR tried to stand out was by having crew members do professions not you, now my crew members just sit in my ship ordering take-aways. As the leader of havoc squad I really should be court marshalling some of them for the amount they fail rather than having the bribe them to leave my ship.


I think the problem is the cost of sending crew out on missions, half the cost of missions across the board. Give crafters a chance to make items, gatherers a chance to sell the items and slicers a small average profit.



If SWTOR is planning to make the cost of living so high that I have spend every waking hour farming, doing daily quests or working the AH then I have a suggestion ......... make the next Sith class THE PANDA!!! :mad:

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There is much money to be made in any crew skill. Just at the 1st tier of Archeology I've made over 60,000 credits in the GT and am only level 21.


There is much money to be made in the GT and you may have to put out the 1st investment but you make much more. I also look for stuff people are selling for low profit and re up it.


There is money to be made but it will take effort and willing to put out credits as an investment to make money.


That's because people with slicing had money to throw your way for your items. Don't expect those profits anytime soon.

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Dude you are like an angry teenage child trying to make your ignorant beliefs be heard. No ones mad that losers like you have more money because you've been on longer. I think thousands of us dont care at all haha!


I agree I don't give a flying **** that he has money, and no one's whining, were all paying customers $15 a month just to play this game? our opinions should matter and whats the golden rule for any company? Keep the Customer happy. Now I personally don't use slicing but the people i know that do say there's still a bit of profit to be made it's just not as quick as it was

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I am a 400 Armormech/Salv/UT and level 43. I am currently no where near able to buy my 40 speeder and skill and have about 150k in skills left to train.


I can craft orange gear, which doesnt get RE'ed. Ya that "awesome" orange gear that people crave so much cannot be RE'ed, and unless someone really wants the "look" they aint gonna buy. Level 39 Chests vendor for 395 credits and cost almost 7k to make. That is 2-3x Level 4 UT missions for metals to the 6 metals for the one chest peice, not counting what I have to salvage in the field (ya cause scav missions are crap, only worth it for the flux's).


I can make some blues from folks who send me recipes but those blues have to crit in order to get a better pattern which need to be RE'ed to get the purple and then you get 2 levels of each purple. Long and drawn out huh? That is not even hoping for the crits to get a mod slot on anything.


To all the moans about slicing, you are now a member of the community, dirt poor like the rest of us. You cant print your own money anymore and have to grind it out like the rest of us.

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but you just rolled a new toon try raising your companion's affection and see if there is any difference


Slicing would have been FINE the way it was if there was a cap on how many companions could do slicing missions. When people plowed through pre release to 50 they had 5 companions running slicing missions while most other folks were still on nar shadaa.


Slicing WAS fine for 2 companions, but was silly with 4 or 5

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I am a 400 Armormech/Salv/UT and level 43. I am currently no where near able to buy my 40 speeder and skill and have about 150k in skills left to train.


I can craft orange gear, which doesnt get RE'ed. Ya that "awesome" orange gear that people crave so much cannot be RE'ed, and unless someone really wants the "look" they aint gonna buy. Level 39 Chests vendor for 395 credits and cost almost 7k to make. That is 2-3x Level 4 UT missions for metals to the 6 metals for the one chest peice, not counting what I have to salvage in the field (ya cause scav missions are crap, only worth it for the flux's).


I can make some blues from folks who send me recipes but those blues have to crit in order to get a better pattern which need to be RE'ed to get the purple and then you get 2 levels of each purple. Long and drawn out huh? That is not even hoping for the crits to get a mod slot on anything.


To all the moans about slicing, you are now a member of the community, dirt poor like the rest of us. You cant print your own money anymore and have to grind it out like the rest of us.



Couldn't agree more. Spend less time QQing about the prof and hit 50. The market is going to be completely changed when there is a much larger base of people at max level doing some of the later content anyways.

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If they wanted to fix slicing, they should have simply pulled the plug on NPC vendors. Selling moderate to high end goods should be something left to crafters. In that system when a perceived imbalance in the economy occurs prices adjust accordingly. Nothing was wrong with slicing as it was. What was and still is wrong is that crafters often cannot do better than in game vendors with fixed prices.


Nerfing or in this case killing slicing has hurt all crafters and pissed off some of the player base needlessly.

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I'm running a 100 mission spreadsheet to see what my balance is just based off splicing missions. It'll take me a few days to a week to complete but I will publish it when I am done. Keeping track of mission name, quality, rank, item bonuses, yield, and cost.


So far after a dozen or so missions its at around +2000 credits. We will see where it is after 100. Only a few missions have ran at a loss, I am a sith inquisitor so there is no massive bonus for me on the missions.


edit: My slicing is maxed as well.

Edited by BobFromMarketing
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And just today I went looking for GREEN mods on my Bounty Hunter which was lvl 25. And you know what I found. Nothing. Zilch. Seems to be a nitch that could be filled. And if your out grinding your mats like you propose the rest of us do the only thing that green mod cost you to sell was some time and a 10 credit flux.


I am a Cybertech, Scavenger, Slicer with an alt that is a Armormech, Underworld Trader, Investigator. While trying to level my Cybertech, using materials I have gathered and sent my companion out to get, I haven't felt like I've been able to make a mod that was better than the mods I can get from the Commendations vendor. I figure, why should I put time and money into it past just craft grinding to level it up, when I (and others) can get nice mods from the commendations vendor for free? I haven't even bothered looking on the GTN for mods or what I could sell mods for because there is always something just as good or better than my current Cybertech crafting level at the commendations vendor. My Cybertech is now 270 and I think there are more recipes opening up from the trainer, so it may get better, but up til this point, I haven't been impressed with the Cybertech mods compared to what I can get from quests and commendations vendors.

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I am a Cybertech, Scavenger, Slicer with an alt that is a Armormech, Underworld Trader, Investigator. While trying to level my Cybertech, using materials I have gathered and sent my companion out to get, I haven't felt like I've been able to make a mod that was better than the mods I can get from the Commendations vendor. I figure, why should I put time and money into it past just craft grinding to level it up, when I (and others) can get nice mods from the commendations vendor for free? I haven't even bothered looking on the GTN for mods or what I could sell mods for because there is always something just as good or better than my current Cybertech crafting level at the commendations vendor. My Cybertech is now 270 and I think there are more recipes opening up from the trainer, so it may get better, but up til this point, I haven't been impressed with the Cybertech mods compared to what I can get from quests and commendations vendors.


Because... Its called reverse engineering. Sure you can get them from commendations but thats not the point of a crafting skill... Crafting is so you can make them.. sell them... and make mass profit. If everyone was just self-sufficient then crafting would not exist in game.

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In this thread... lots of people that seem to think Slicing has no mats to gather... just credits...



Compare the cheapest quickest missions across all gathering skills with nodes and you will find that the worth of items gained is generally less or about even with the cost of sending the mission.

Obviously there are exceptions... such as Rich or Bountiful yields, for example. However, those same exceptions apply equally to slicing as well. Gaining the schematics, for example, is equivalent to gaining extra/higher quality stuff in the other crew skill missions.



What you are absolutely failing all over the place on in this thread, is trying to whine about a justified nerf that put slicing back in line with the rest of the node professions, by comparing lockbox missions to crafting material missions.

How anyone manages to convince someone else this is a fair comparison is beyond me... since the comparison would be with AUGMENTS versus crafting materials.


Yes, did you forget the actual purpose of slicing? Augments?

Sounds like most of you do not even know what Augments are or what they are used for.

There were maybe 3 or 4 people in this thread that talked about them, but everyone else ignored them.




If you want money from slicing, gather nodes like every other node crew skill.

If you want materials, send your companions to actually GET materials...

Just ridiculous how much all of you are whining about this... and I HAVE slicing...


The majority of the people whining about this slicing nerf are the ones that speed leveled a bunch of characters to get their 2 companions out so they could chain run lockboxe missions on all of their characters, exploiting the fact that many of the higher end low yield lockbox missions gave much more than the cost of the mission.

WAAAAAAH my exploits have been fixed, time to go whine on the forums with terrible facts.

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I would say players who are lvl 50 and have a skill lvl of 400 will have the best perspective. If you are still lvling your toon and your skills then youre prob not the best source of information.


There are a lot of complaints everywhere and my guess is that most are not lvl 50... or even close.

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