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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

June Producer Livestream Wrap-up (6/30)


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Hey folks,


We covered a lot in this livestream, here is the wrap-up if you weren't able to tune in!


State of the Galaxy

  • Cartel Market Update - You can read all about the changes that were made in the GEMINI Pack, here.
  • Guss Tuno Recruitment - It is our goal to deliver this with Chapter XVI but we are still working through the issue.
  • Heroic Missions - They were rewarding a lot of credits, it was definitely having an impact. Still, we realize that with this being missed in the patch notes and the overall timing of the change, we are going to be reverting the rewards back to their pre-4.6 values.
  • Companions - Without being spoilery, we have received feedback regarding the impact of Companions leaving via story and the time/money that has been put into them. We are looking at how to solve this issue in the future.
  • Group Content - We have stated before that right now, there is no new group content coming in the short term roadmap. However, we do want to let you know that the team is working on group content as we speak. It is our plan to reveal more details later this year. Just to set some expectations, this isn't confirming any specific type of content (Ops, Wzs, FPs), but group content is in the works.
  • Dark vs Light Event - Head down to the event section down below for details.


Chapter XV: The GEMINI Deception

  • Now available to all subscribers!
  • Lead a daring assault on one of Arcann’s warships in a bid to seize control of the entire Eternal Fleet!
  • Uncover more of the secrets behind SCORPIO and the GEMINI droids.


Featured Community Contributors

  • Unholy Alliance - Revenge of the Musco's Charity Event
  • SWTOR-Crafter
  • NewOverlords DvL Event Tracker


STAR WARS: Celebration

  • We will be on the show floor all three days at the EA Star Wars booth
  • EA Star Wars Panel - Saturday, July 16th from 7-8PM GMT
  • London Cantina - Saturday July 16th from 8-11PM at the Fox ExCel


Dark Vs Light Event

  • Event Goals/Rewards - We have worked hard in the past year to try to offer rewards to veteran players and subscribers such as Legendary Status, monthly sub rewards, etc. This event is meant to be something different from that. As we are heading into our 5-year anniversary we really wanted to celebrate and offer new rewards to players for simply creating a new character and playing through the game. That is the overall focus of this event. We have no plans at this time to make rewards retroactive.
  • Character slots - We know one of the issues that was raised are players who are at the current character slot maximum. With our maintenance next week we will be increasing the server maximum by 10.
  • Dark Vs Light Pack bind rules - The reason we chose to go with BoP over BoL for these items is Collections. Currently, BoL items do not work towards a Collection unlock. If we had the items be BoL then you could not have combined the event packs with any other items to complete a Collection set. We agree this is not optimal and we are working on ways to solve this moving forward.


Chapter XVI: The Battle of Odessen

  • Early Access on July 26th
  • Face Arcann in deadly combat as he launches an all-out assault against the Alliance base on Odessen!


Thanks everyone for tuning in. Feel free to ask any questions you may have in this thread.



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Thanks for the stream! Unlike the vocal players, I enjoyed it a lot.


The Dark vs. Light event breathed new life into my raiding guild. It has been slow during the past few months because there was only story "content" (1 day per month), but this week we've had 20+ players creating alts for the event. It may be grindy but we are progression players after all, and we don't mind the requirements. (except maybe the 8 toons and 6 crafting skills, that's a tad excessive)


I'm disappointed that you are caving into the players and reverse the heroics nerf. There are way too many credits in the wild and GTN prices are at an all time high. I think you are forgetting that the economy depends not just on the credit drop rates but also on player activity. If you put popular items in a pack with a high rarity (crossguard saber, weapon tuning), then players who want those items will run dailies until they have enough credits to afford them. Those players flood the game with credits and drive GTN prices up even further; a vicious circle.

I hope you have an alternate solution planned once credits from heroics go back up, because this situation is far from fixed. Inflation may be good for the Cartel Market but it's bad for the long-term health of the game. You may just need to adjust the MTX rarities; if the supply of the most popular items is higher, prices go down and players will farm fewer credits.


Hope to get an ETA on Guss Tuno soon, I really want my favorite companion back. :cool: Make it happen for Chapter 16!

Edited by Jerba
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These new companions from the Dark vs. Light event, will they have a recruitment mission or will we just get them via a token unlock, like Treek or Nico? Do they have companion conversations, or are they even romanceable? Will their presence be in any way acknowledged in KOTFE later on?
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Some small part of me had held out hope that this joke of an 'event' would be cancelled, even though I knew EAWare would never listen to their player base.


It was a mistake to continue subscribing to this game after EA took it over, and that's a mistake I'm correcting now.

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Got three questions not answered on the stream.


1) Will the Grand Acquisition Race Chevin World Event ever return once again in the future? It was so awesome with all its rewards. Any update?

2) That was confirmed - Nar Shaddaa Nightlife event is returning soon. Any changes in rewarded items? Last summer most of the players got everything they wanted.

3) When does PvP season 7 end? May be you can tell the month at least.



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The Light vs Dark event seems very fun, especially for those of us who like to see the story.


As stated by many, most veteran players don't have 8 free character slots.

With the current discount of 25%, it costs 3600 Cartel Coins to buy 8 new slots. That's about 6 months of subscriber CC rewards. Most players don't have the coins to pay for it, and GTN is not an option on most servers.


Can we get some free character slots?

Or at least a better discount that allows us to buy all the slots before the end on the event with the Cartel Coins from the subscription?


I would very much like to enjoy the story again and keep the new characters. Actually playing the stories is much more fun than smashing spacebar to get to 50 in a few hours and then deleting your toon.


Thanks for the answear. :)

Edited by Juliani
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Some small part of me had held out hope that this joke of an 'event' would be cancelled, even though I knew EAWare would never listen to their player base.


It was a mistake to continue subscribing to this game after EA took it over, and that's a mistake I'm correcting now.


Been playing a new character and the starting worlds are pretty busy and a lot of players are diving back into flashpoints. Event seems to be doing what it was intended to do.


And by playerbase I take it you mean the folk sat on a forum whining and filling the place with negativity or those ingame having fun and a bit of a laugh.

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In regards to server character slots.


When you increase them by 10, will I be able to log on immediately and create 10 new toons (considering I'm all ready at 40) or will I still have to buy Server Character Slots from the Cartel Market or the GTN?

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Can you tell us now if any romanced companions are likely to be lost through the story (and not by any choice we can make) in the future? I'd like to know now so I can rage quit prior to the next season of knights :rolleyes::D
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Can you tell us why there is no armoring slot in the Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set gear set? it only has slots for mods and enhancements


I'm assuming because of invisible armorings for the set bonus. Which would be weird however, considering the old 1.0 era token sets had the bonus on the shell, not on the armoring slot.

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Some small part of me had held out hope that this joke of an 'event' would be cancelled, even though I knew EAWare would never listen to their player base.


It was a mistake to continue subscribing to this game after EA took it over, and that's a mistake I'm correcting now.


Why would they cancel an event, when some players like it and some do not. Those that do not.. just skip it IMO.

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Hey folks,


Dark Vs Light Event

  • Event Goals/Rewards - We have worked hard in the past year to try to offer rewards to veteran players and subscribers such as Legendary Status, monthly sub rewards, etc. This event is meant to be something different from that. As we are heading into our 5-year anniversary we really wanted to celebrate and offer new rewards to players for simply creating a new character and playing through the game. That is the overall focus of this event. We have no plans at this time to make rewards retroactive.

Using the Legendary Status emblem as an example of why no retroactive application of accomplishments -- go do it all again -- is priceless. Since some players have already done all eight class stories, as well as many other aspects of the game, it's only right and fair to do it all again as a celebration of the upcoming fifth year.


No matter how I reword it, that doesn't make sense.


So, my bad for supporting the game, and playing the content, for (in my case) the past 3.5 years?

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I'm assuming because of invisible armorings for the set bonus. Which would be weird however, considering the old 1.0 era token sets had the bonus on the shell, not on the armoring slot.


Yep... the bonus must be tied to the armor slot in some manner .. so it will have to auto-scale with level. Sure hope they don't bork up the scaling.. or they will be worthless.

Edited by Andryah
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About the LvsD event rewards:


Will the Companion we get have armor slots like the original Companions (Kira, Jaesa, etc) or will they have a static appearance like the newer ones (Nico, Lana, etc)?

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[*]Character slots - We know one of the issues that was raised are players who are at the current character slot maximum. With our maintenance next week we will be increasing the server maximum by 10.

Are there any plans to do with the unlocking of slots or is it only increasing the max that you can unlock via server slot tokens? It wasn't really addressed clearly in the stream and I saw some people in chat who seemed to think the mentioned 10 were going to be free, which seems very unlikely to me.


So... managing expectations. What's going on there?

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This is the end of swtor for me . The fact that you just insulted and completly ignored half your playerbase as a long time veteran giving us this legendary status "icon" and everyone and their bro n sis have ingame by now . You keep saying the sub rewards granted they are not even great sub rewards its not even worth subbing for !! Its just such a shame that yoy dont give a crap about the playerbase that has been with you for 4 1/2 yrs . This is your idea of celebrating 5 yrs ?!?! So pissing off your player base is the plan you had ? When will you understand no one cares about HK anymore we just want to know when season 7 ends ? When there will be new content ? If not then why are e all still subbing ? When will you gt it no one wants your hk chapter we want new content that we were promised not this slap in the face by devs . This legendary status means nothing as a veteran . What a way to keep the event as it is and upping server slots as a lazy half crap solution bcuz your all to lazy to adress that your veterans arnt happy . YOU say you want new players but they will see how you treat the vets , theyll see what a rip off cm is , theyll see how much of help cs is ingame and see how much you care to fix ingame bugs . To think in august youll be competing with wows legion expansion tsk tsk .im unsubbing and your not getting not one more dime.from.be bcuz as a veteran player ob my 4 1/2 yrs disnt mean crap to you as devs . #RipSwtor2016 #LegionisComming
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Why would they cancel an event, when some players like it and some do not. Those that do not.. just skip it IMO.


Quite simply, because they're offering rewards for which some of us paid real money to acquire - rare prestige items. They're taking the exclusivity of those items from us and telling those of us who paid for them that they consider our investment into their game worthless. They could have offered new exclusive event rewards, but instead they chose to screw their most loyal customers.

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Dark Vs Light Pack bind rules - The reason we chose to go with BoP over BoL for these items is Collections. Currently, BoL items do not work towards a Collection unlock. If we had the items be BoL then you could not have combined the event packs with any other items to complete a Collection set. We agree this is not optimal and we are working on ways to solve this moving forward.


I know, it's probably too early to ask this, but will this change be retroactive?

Should I better wait with opening my crates or maybe even obtaining them, or can I just open them now and whatever solution is obtained then will be applied to the items I get now?

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Quite simply, because they're offering rewards for which some of us paid real money to acquire - rare prestige items. They're taking the exclusivity of those items from us and telling those of us who paid for them that they consider our investment into their game worthless. They could have offered new exclusive event rewards, but instead they chose to screw their most loyal customers.


They did not screw anybody. Stop with the "loyalist" elitism. Then again.. perhaps my signature applies to your personal outlook.


Weeks from now.. the complaints will be all about how people did not get what they wanted in the rewards and how evil /RNG was to them.. and now they are somehow forced to buy the missing pieces off the GTN at premium collector prices.


Besides... since many people will have gaps in a full set of armor.. they WILL probably be buying the missing pieces off the open market in game.


Just because someone got something one way, does not mean someone else is not able to get them another way. I personally have many many CM items unlocked.. yet I have never paid real money nor bought any cartel packs. So how is doing the event and perhaps getting some by some players any different?????

Edited by Andryah
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The only thing I'm looking forward to is the end of the event. You think people are pissed now? Just wait until nearly half of the player base finds out they aren't getting the reward they put in all that effort to get. I'll have some popcorn ready while I watch the forums burn.
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