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Subscriber rewards... how do people feel?


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So on the stream, Ben defended them a bit about veterans, bringing up the long-term subscriber rewards they've put in place, particularly this year.


What I want to know is, of the people who have participated in this long-term, how do you feel about it?


To me, the idea of a static reward set for being a long-term subscriber is not that appealing. It could be great if the reward appeals to me, but could mean basically nothing if it doesn't. I like the idea of reward programs that make me feel involved in something, have options in such a way that I can make choices if one thing doesn't appeal to me, and I like points systems because I can take a break and come back and still have progress.


But I'm also not that into exclusivity in the first place and I know I'm not everyone. So I want to know how other people feel about it.

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Well, the BW stance on the matter is that exclusive rewards should not be overly desirable, and it shows. How many people are actually upset that they did not receive one or more of them? Personally, I haven't used a single one. They are all sitting in my ship cargo hold.
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I'm not really here for the subscriber rewards, I'm here because I like Star Wars and this is my virtual toy box.


Some of the rewards are okay, some are awful (Zakuul patrol bike I'm looking at you), some are really nice (HK-55 themed rocket pack). It's a mixed bag and I don't have to use them. Due to the range of characters I have some rewards suit some far more than others.


Along with complimentary cartel coins, the individual monthly rewards and the loyalty reward of the HK chapter I don't think I'm doing too bad for my sub.


I just hope players can reign in their expectations of what the 'Group Content' under development is going to be.

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I'm not really here for the subscriber rewards, I'm here because I like Star Wars and this is my virtual toy box.


Some of the rewards are okay, some are awful (Zakuul patrol bike I'm looking at you), some are really nice (HK-55 themed rocket pack). It's a mixed bag and I don't have to use them. Due to the range of characters I have some rewards suit some far more than others.


Along with complimentary cartel coins, the individual monthly rewards and the loyalty reward of the HK chapter I don't think I'm doing too bad for my sub.


I just hope players can reign in their expectations of what the 'Group Content' under development is going to be.


^^ Ditto for me.

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I'm not really here for the subscriber rewards, I'm here because I like Star Wars and this is my virtual toy box.


Some of the rewards are okay, some are awful (Zakuul patrol bike I'm looking at you), some are really nice (HK-55 themed rocket pack). It's a mixed bag and I don't have to use them. Due to the range of characters I have some rewards suit some far more than others.


Along with complimentary cartel coins, the individual monthly rewards and the loyalty reward of the HK chapter I don't think I'm doing too bad for my sub.


Pretty much the same for me. I like having Nico, but once my roster is full of my main comps, I don't use him. Just get him up to iRank 10 and stick him around my other drunk and disorderly comps in stronghold decoration mode.


I haven't bothered using the titles. The Legacy Bound GSF-inspired Armor is nice for moving mods around for my Cybertech to dismantle, but with all the legacy-bound armors out there, I only unboxed one set for each legacy as of late. I like the HK rocket pack. The other vehicles are a meh once I got more than the Lucky 77 to ride around on.


The HK-inspired weapons aren't bad, but I wished there were more, like a weapon for each class (okay, Trooper's the only one that can't use any of the HK weapons on him/herself). THe HK Commemorative State was fun. HK-55 isn't bad, just iRank 10 and stick him in a stronghold to look pretty, but it is a bit of a disappointment that he includes story stuff that others don't get access to unless they plan to cycle rewards like HK-55+'Chapter' and Nico again. The HK helmet and HK ship droid skins and the upcoming HK posters are all very likely to not be used beyond gathering prestige for the posters and then never using more than one of them, maybe one.


HK-inspired armor set on the other hand would be nice, to go with the helmet, but that's likely to show up as another Cybernetics Armor Set in the CM packs. "Gold ranked" oooooh *shrugs since she prefers more of the bronze armors over the silvers and golds with a handful of exceptions*


Mixed bag, yup. Mostly "eh, I'll use it when it is there"


I do use the purple-black weapon crystals rewards though, for the stats on weapons until I find one of the same stats and a better color set for that blade weapon (blasters don't care). And Nico's blasters and coat are good too.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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Having seen more than a few tirades on these boards about how "BW doesn't care about loyal subscribers, all they care about is CM, CM, CM!" and even threads where players called a subscriber reward of 500CCs a "slap to the face" (not the standard monthly reward, an additional one they randomly gave out), I have to say I'm really pleased that BW started giving out special in-game rewards - pets, mounts, armors, weapons, even companions - every single month. This is all stuff that could have wound up on the Market being used to incentivize and reward subscribers again, and I think that's a nice change of pace.


Some of the individual rewards are hit-or-miss (Nico's Duster definitely comes to mind as a miss, whereas the HK Jetpack is a solid hit), but most work well enough with at least one character or companion, IMO.


I don't think anyone should be placated by these subscriber rewards alone if they're not satisfied with the rest of the game, but as someone who's happy with what I'm getting for my sub in terms of gameplay content, I think they're a nice "cherry on top".

Edited by DarthDymond
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Personally? I'm fed up of sucking HK-55's proverbial trouser pole.

I would have been fine with one, maybe two HK-55 themed rewards, but when all of the rewards bar two are HK-themed? What about something that was Alliance-themed? Like the weapons set, could have made a unique blaster and lightsaber to represent Theron and Lana.


KotFE should rely on its own premise to keep players interested, not shamelessly beating the dead droid. The HK series of droids are iconic to a lot of people, but aside from the jetpack I've barely used any of the HK rewards. Wnt to know why?

Oversaturation, and they look damn ugly.

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I'm not really here for the subscriber rewards, I'm here because I like Star Wars and this is my virtual toy box.


Some of the rewards are okay, some are awful (Zakuul patrol bike I'm looking at you), some are really nice (HK-55 themed rocket pack). It's a mixed bag and I don't have to use them. Due to the range of characters I have some rewards suit some far more than others.


Along with complimentary cartel coins, the individual monthly rewards and the loyalty reward of the HK chapter I don't think I'm doing too bad for my sub.


I just hope players can reign in their expectations of what the 'Group Content' under development is going to be.


I know your all for making this game a single player rpg, but you may as well come to terms with the fact that as some point in the near future, they will be focusing on group content to the chagrin of solo players.

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I know your all for making this game a single player rpg, but you may as well come to terms with the fact that as some point in the near future, they will be focusing on group content to the chagrin of solo players.

Why would you think I have a problem with them making group content?

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So on the stream, Ben defended them a bit about veterans, bringing up the long-term subscriber rewards they've put in place, particularly this year.


What I want to know is, of the people who have participated in this long-term, how do you feel about it?


To me, the idea of a static reward set for being a long-term subscriber is not that appealing. It could be great if the reward appeals to me, but could mean basically nothing if it doesn't. I like the idea of reward programs that make me feel involved in something, have options in such a way that I can make choices if one thing doesn't appeal to me, and I like points systems because I can take a break and come back and still have progress.


But I'm also not that into exclusivity in the first place and I know I'm not everyone. So I want to know how other people feel about it.


Ben's "defense" about their treatment of veterans is laughable. The sub rewards they've had all this year had nothing to do with being a long time sub.


They were solely trying to get/keep subs for each KOTFE chapter. It had nothing to do with "veterans" vs "new players".

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As a subscriber for any MMO, I am not a fan of the Reward system to subscribers. I feel it discourage many new players for joining, having missed all the previous rewards. There are different kind of players for any MMO, you have the explorers, PvE and PvP players, and you have collectors. The latter ones hate any chance of missing out on gear and the more rewards that are given out, the less likely they are to join.


But as in regard to the specifics of these rewards, only HK-55 jet pack and story is interesting to me. I never use any of the others, but having 2 days early release was nice. Mostly though I subscribe to this game cause the Story is pretty darn good, however the Gemini Deception left me rather pissed, the Dark vs Light rewards are pissing me off even more and the complete lack of any actual MMO content for over a year is making me wanting to quit this game and then come back when a whole new story has been out and get it all at once. Why pay each month, when I can get it in the end and there is no actual MMO content released.

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I've been pretty happy with the sub rewards so far; if anything I think a couple of them have been "too big."


Cosmetic rewards with no "story" or (large) mechanical advantage attached are about right in my mind. Speeders, armor, weapons, decos. Companions, in theory, but both Nico and HK have issues in practice, and the HK-55 "story," no matter how small, was not appropriate. I'm really surprised they did that after the fiasco with the datacubes in CM packs. (Which I later got at exorbitant prices and am slowly unlocking in collections at "incorrect" CC values - they're badged bronze and each cost 400 cc to unlock, and I forgot to take advantage of the half-off sale when it happened).

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As a subscriber for any MMO, I am not a fan of the Reward system to subscribers. I feel it discourage many new players for joining, having missed all the previous rewards.


Which is why they would do something like FFXIV does for their players, and tie the rewards to how long the player is subscribed for. For new players, they do not miss out on anything because they will get the rewards as soon as they hit their subscription marks.


As to this years monthly subscriber rewards, they have definitely been more miss than hit. I've trashed the mask, speeder, and will be trashing the poster. I loved the HK-55 twist in the story, it was so out of character for the HK series. They took the fans response to this, and turned it into some weird obsessive thing. No I don't want to wear HK-55's face, I'm not Buffalo Bob. Could you imagine Square giving players in game Aerith masks or costumes after her death?


Equipment, decorations, mounts, and pets that are used for subscriber rewards should be different enough, that non-subscribers look and say, "I want that! I'm gonna go subscribe!"

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I sub to WoW as well as SWTOR. Every month I get nothing from WoW. Every month I do get something from BioWare, and in a months time, my reward for having been subbed so far this year is an exclusive chapter, sounds worth it to me. My reward from Blizzard in a months time, is to have to fork out another 50 dollars for yet another half assed expansion pack. KotFE was free.


I guess I'm just cut from a different cloth than most gamers, whining like little girl doesn't appeal to me, if after the HK chapter is released BioWare decides to not do anything until season 2 comes out, I'm gone til then, I won't whine or cry about, I'll just walk away. Like I did with WoW, from last summer til roughly a month ago when I picked up a time card for pre expansion gold building.

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I sub to WoW as well as SWTOR. Every month I get nothing from WoW. Every month I do get something from BioWare, and in a months time, my reward for having been subbed so far this year is an exclusive chapter, sounds worth it to me. My reward from Blizzard in a months time, is to have to fork out another 50 dollars for yet another half assed expansion pack. KotFE was free.


I guess I'm just cut from a different cloth than most gamers, whining like little girl doesn't appeal to me, if after the HK chapter is released BioWare decides to not do anything until season 2 comes out, I'm gone til then, I won't whine or cry about, I'll just walk away. Like I did with WoW, from last summer til roughly a month ago when I picked up a time card for pre expansion gold building.


Um...KotFE wasn't free. And we have no idea when the "exclusive chapter" will drop or that it will even consist of anything worthwhile.


Sure, you don't whine or cry....about swtor, but will apparently whine about WoW here. Please, continue with the straw men analogies while patting yourself on the back. You're such a big boy for taking your toys and going home.

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Um...KotFE wasn't free. And we have no idea when the "exclusive chapter" will drop or that it will even consist of anything worthwhile.


Sure, you don't whine or cry....about swtor, but will apparently whine about WoW here. Please, continue with the straw men analogies while patting yourself on the back. You're such a big boy for taking your toys and going home.


This again? KotFE didn't cost anything over the cost of a subscription - I've got everything I paid for with my monthly sub, and they added KotFE on top of that. It's a least "free with subscription," which is a perfectly cromulent use of the language.

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