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I would like gifts given back if your going to take companions away.


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{I want all the fuel back from the car that I sold last week so that I can use it in my new car. I have already sent a strongly worded email to the dealer that bought the car, and will be speaking to a lawyer with regards to having the fuel reclaimed. This is ridiculous that I shouldn't be able to have this fuel returned. I am also seeking advice with regards to the money spent on car washes, servicing and air fresheners.}


You did choose to sell the car. Also, the cost of the tank of gas wasn't a significant portion of the overall value.


I don't have any comp at 50 because of the ridiculous resource requirement. But I see the issues with removing the high-influence chars from the non-story parts of the game as well

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The other point that I haven't seen be raised here is the refund of cartel coins.


Scorpio has been my "main" companion ever since I got her on my agent way back when. I've always enjoyed the character and have very rarely strayed to use others. She was the first one I leveled up to rank 50 (for reference ALL of my companions are rank 50 so this isn't a crafting issue) but her being involved in the story has been pretty much the only saving grace so far this season.


Having her removed, non retrievable through any means is not acceptable regardless of what rank you have. But, and this is something that is bothering me - I paid cartel coins to unlock a Scorpio customisation to be account wide. Granted this isn't a massive amount of coins but this is bioware removing something from the game I paid real money for and sets a very shaky president for them. I called customer services and requested a coin refund and they very politely said they do not refund purchases (i also accidentally spoiled the chapter for a very nice man called Dave) so they have effectively stolen this item from me.


So not only are they removing high ranked companions which no options, they're also wiping whatever coins you spent unlocking items specifically for them and that is just crap.

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Anyone that didn't understand the CLEAR implication associated with Koth's decision to leave the Alliance is just beyond help. This game can't be dumbed down enough, it can't be made easy mode enough, for people that didn't understand any and all companions are at risk.


How much time it costs to level a companion to 50 is not relevant to this argument. The risk with any companion is clear, and with the case of Scorpio, it was especially clear.


I'd love to say Scorpio's actions are completely in line with her storyline since her introduction in the Agent class story. I do find a fatal flaw. IF Scorpio is so advanced, then why can't she play this chess game out a couple more moves, and realize her position on the Throne is completely untenable. She has the fleet and skytroopers, but not the Knights and populace of Zakuul.


Nonetheless, IF you didn't see Scorpio leaving the Alliance, then I suggest you find another game to play.

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Anyone that didn't understand the CLEAR implication associated with Koth's decision to leave the Alliance is just beyond help. This game can't be dumbed down enough, it can't be made easy mode enough, for people that didn't understand any and all companions are at risk.


How much time it costs to level a companion to 50 is not relevant to this argument. The risk with any companion is clear, and with the case of Scorpio, it was especially clear.


I'd love to say Scorpio's actions are completely in line with her storyline since her introduction in the Agent class story. I do find a fatal flaw. IF Scorpio is so advanced, then why can't she play this chess game out a couple more moves, and realize her position on the Throne is completely untenable. She has the fleet and skytroopers, but not the Knights and populace of Zakuul.


Nonetheless, IF you didn't see Scorpio leaving the Alliance, then I suggest you find another game to play.


Gameplay/story segregation. I have no problem with companions being removed from the story. I have a lot of problems with losing access to a rank 50 companion (not that any of the companions I've lost access to are close to that, myself). The chunk of mechanical advantage being taken away with no option to retain is uncool.

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Anyone that didn't understand the CLEAR implication associated with Koth's decision to leave the Alliance is just beyond help. This game can't be dumbed down enough, it can't be made easy mode enough, for people that didn't understand any and all companions are at risk.


How much time it costs to level a companion to 50 is not relevant to this argument. The risk with any companion is clear, and with the case of Scorpio, it was especially clear.


I'd love to say Scorpio's actions are completely in line with her storyline since her introduction in the Agent class story. I do find a fatal flaw. IF Scorpio is so advanced, then why can't she play this chess game out a couple more moves, and realize her position on the Throne is completely untenable. She has the fleet and skytroopers, but not the Knights and populace of Zakuul.


Nonetheless, IF you didn't see Scorpio leaving the Alliance, then I suggest you find another game to play.


Please, Koth is NOTHING like Scorpio. Koth leaves by the player's CHOICE, Scorpio leaves because BW forced it on everyone. The people who leveled Koth to 50 can easily keep him, that's why there wasn't a thread like this when he (or Jorgan/Kaliyo) left. I dumped Koth because I wanted to. There's no equivalent choice for Scorpio, this is a HK-55 moment (only worse because you didn't have to wait months to know 55 was gone) and we know BW caved and gave him back to subs.

Edited by FireFoxed
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Please, Koth is NOTHING like Scorpio. Koth leaves by the player's CHOICE, Scorpio leaves because BW forced it on everyone. The people who leveled Koth to 50 can easily keep him, that's why there wasn't a thread like this when he (or Jorgan/Kaliyo) left. I dumped Koth because I wanted to. There's no equivalent choice for Scorpio, this is a HK-55 moment (only worse because you didn't have to wait months to know 55 was gone) and we know BW caved and gave him back to subs.


The ore I think about it, the more annoyed I am that HK-55 as a comp and his chapter are sub only rewards (I have -55 available and will get the chapter, so not complaining I missed it). Bad decision that leaves them with two very bad options.

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This happened with another companion in KotFE, so far. Not Koth, because Koth leaving is the player's choice.


Vik. Those entering KotFE on a Trooper character lost one of their class story companions during chapters 1 - 9. On my Trooper Vik is gone. Cannot be summoned, and cannot be sent out for crafting. Whatever Influence gained is gone. The way I play a Trooper, there is a loss of some companion gifts because Vik wasn't big on my Trooper's decisions. To get Vik useful for crafting, I used companion gifts.


Granted, it's unlikely that particular companion was Influence 50 at the time for many players. Still it showed that losing a companion could happen, and be out of the player's control. I think what happened in the latest chapter makes for a good story, and was foreshadowed from the first meet with that companion. But, I also think it is a mis-step to bar a companion from doing crew skills or anything outside of KotFE this far into play.

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This happened with another companion in KotFE, so far. Not Koth, because Koth leaving is the player's choice.


Vik. Those entering KotFE on a Trooper character lost one of their class story companions during chapters 1 - 9. On my Trooper Vik is gone. Cannot be summoned, and cannot be sent out for crafting. Whatever Influence gained is gone. The way I play a Trooper, there is a loss of some companion gifts because Vik wasn't big on my Trooper's decisions. To get Vik useful for crafting, I used companion gifts.


Granted, it's unlikely that particular companion was Influence 50 at the time for many players. Still it showed that losing a companion could happen, and be out of the player's control. I think what happened in the latest chapter makes for a good story, and was foreshadowed from the first meet with that companion. But, I also think it is a mis-step to bar a companion from doing crew skills or anything outside of KotFE this far into play.


Just goes to show that the game is like life: Sometimes, no matter how much time and money you spend on someone to show your affection, they will betray you.


BioWare is proof.

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They should have put/left SCORPIO, Koth, Jorgan, Kaliyo, and whoever else has the chance to be removed from story in a chapter after you've obtained them. IE, not Darth Marr or the various alliance alerts that you can refuse to accept the companion at the end. At the very least, if you have no choice but to lose SCORPIO, no matter your decision, it's a poor move to lock her out of mechanical use. Everyone else but HK and Darth Marr can be kept by choice. And I'm still not entirely sure I like that they removed HK-55 with no chance to keep, even if they did make him a sub reward after. That one, at least, you didn't have 2-3 months to work him up via gifts, etc.



"Refunding" companion gifts is a huge can of worms, considering all the different ways to get them and the different relative costs of each type of gift, etc. Allowing retrieval of "lost" companions (at least ones not "lost" to player choice) is a much simpler idea.


then give a "level companion to 50" token. problem solved

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And the people who only have that comp at 10, or 20, or whatever?


Like I keep saying - it's notably easier to just put absent comps on the return terminal


bioware never takes the easy way..they go for perverse. if there is a backhanded, asinine way of solving something, they will find it.

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Decisions Matter


Game design 101 says that - go read any Game Masters Guide, etc. Hence "game balance" etc.


bioware never takes the easy way..they go for perverse. if there is a backhanded, asinine way of solving something, they will find it.


Easier for them, though I can't exactly argue their track record on things...

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I mean every companion can die, it was told from the start, no one took it seriously until koth leaves you, and you can kill Bowdarr and Xalec, and others too.


Every companion is fair game, you signed up for this you knew companions can die from your actions.



As for the crew terminal hell no, hey i lost koth as a rank 50 companion, i wasn't that pissed because i knew any could die/leave. So suck it up and level a non stary companion.


If by our "Actions" you mean actively participate in KofTF, then yes, but other than that OUR CHOICES DO NOT MATTER! We lost one of the most enjoyed companions in the game!


Sit down and color!

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Game design 101 says that - go read any Game Masters Guide, etc. Hence "game balance" etc.




Easier for them, though I can't exactly argue their track record on things...


But things like this make the game more interesting.


Good design, though, would dictate that raising affection would make them more loyal. But, that's a whole 'nother issue.

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From the stream, looks like they are trying to implement returning companions removed from the story through the Odessen terminal (apart from Darth Marr).


Correct. They said Marr and HK-55 will not be available from the terminal. They said this update will probably be with the next story patch.


Thoughts: Now my Agent can play Chapter XV. :D



If we can retrieve companions that have died in KotFE, why not Marr? It's immersion breaking either way. :rak_02:

Edited by neoraFIVE
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Correct. They said Marr and HK-55 will not be available from the terminal. They said this update will probably be with the next story patch.


Thoughts: Now my Agent can play Chapter XV. :D



If we can retrieve companions that have died in KotFE, why not Marr? It's immersion breaking either way. :rak_02:


Because they didn't want people to have the effective head of the Empire as the player's lackey? HK, of course, is a sub reward.

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Because they didn't want people to have the effective head of the Empire as the player's lackey? HK, of course, is a sub reward.


And having SCORPIO as your lackey after her current rise to power makes anymore sense?

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And having SCORPIO as your lackey after her current rise to power makes anymore sense?


The difference with SCORPIO is that she was a class companion that many had as their main one. Many people also have cartel market customizations for her.

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