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Worst Chapter So Far? (SPOILERS)


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EAware, I swear on me mum, if you make the next Chapter this thing where Arcann and the Outlander have to team up against Scorpio I am completely done with this game. Not only has the game's quality been declining ever since 4.0, now the story is the most cliche, repetitive thing ever.
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Actually, I'm gonna have to disagree. It made sense, and it was very surprising and ballsy, to suddenly changed the entire power balance of the universe in one chapter.


I'm not shy ffrom criticising KOTFE. All my previous threats can attest that I'm more of a hater than a fanboy, but no, I will have two tip my hat for this one. Even though Arcann still sucks.

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Damn, I've got to agree so much with you.


The """plot""" was SO predictable.

The chapter was so disappointing, by itself. I mean, one month for this ...


It begins with the boarding of the spaceship.

It ends with the destruction of the spaceship.


No discussion with our romanced-companion (once again). Well, not any discussion with anyone apart from the boarding of the spaceship. We've been betrayed and we have to wait for the next chapter to know how our companions feel about this. Gee, they'll have to do something HUGE for Chapter 16 ... Otherwise, it'll be a mess.


I love KotFE, but this ... Now this was frustrating.

Edited by FrancisLa-Laine
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Actually, I'm gonna have to disagree. It made sense, and it was very surprising and ballsy, to suddenly changed the entire power balance of the universe in one chapter.


I'm not shy ffrom criticising KOTFE. All my previous threats can attest that I'm more of a hater than a fanboy, but no, I will have two tip my hat for this one. Even though Arcann still sucks.


Sarcasm? People predicted this since last chapter, but I had hoped upon hope that it wouldn't actually happen.

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I agree with Aud, and I kind of feel like some audiences are so savvy that the only way to surprise them is to jump the shark.


That said, I'm kind of excited now that SCORPIO is the new apparent big bad. I at least expect her to be much more engaging than Ude and Kuse.

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Just please tell me that the Outlander doesn't act shocked at the betrayal, because my blind deaf uncle felt that one coming



The Outlander does act shocked, but only because they believe SCORPIO is already dead, and are surprised to see her alive. The actual betrayal probably isn't all that surprising.


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I will be completely honest when I declare that this SW:TOR;KotFE expansion is extraordinary and that Chapter XV is SUPERB!! :):hope_06::csw_deathstar::csw_redsaber:


:rolleyes: BioWare; keep doing the good work but try not to decrease your standards!!

Edited by cunctatorg
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Sarcasm? People predicted this since last chapter, but I had hoped upon hope that it wouldn't actually happen.


No, people predicted a betrayal from Scorpio. Our character did too, by the way. And anyway, people predict everything about everything.


Maybe YOU predicted that she would suddenly become the master of the galaxy, but I didn't, and I didn't see anyone predicting that. And even if some did, well with data mining, BW can't keep things completely secret anyway.


Man, I don't care if you didn't like it. Most of KOTFE sucks anyway, but to me, this chapter was okay and surprising. Not because I was surprised at the betrayal, but at how the betrayal turned out.

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I will be completely honest when I declare that this SW:TOR;KotFE expansion is extraordinary and that Chapter XV is SUPERB!! :):hope_06::csw_deathstar::csw_redsaber:


:rolleyes: BioWare; keep doing the good work but try not to decrease your standards!!


Hm... So, you're a blind fanboy? :D


Anyway, inn regards to the betrayal. The concept of Scorpio betraying us wasn't surprising, but the exercution was. Especially with her getting the Eterna Fleet.

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I must be one of the few that actually liked this chapter :D

Count me in too. It was intense, the fighting in enemy-controlled surroundings was quite interesting, especially with this ironic nod to Agent's story.

And we finally see SCORPIO as planner.

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Count me in too. It was intense, the fighting in enemy-controlled surroundings was quite interesting, especially with this ironic nod to Agent's story.

And we finally see SCORPIO as planner.


When havent we been figting in enemy controlled surroundings? we have been doing that in almost every single chapter.


Anyways the chapter was.. alright at best, which considering the normal standard of KOTFE is good. But I cant see how anyone couldent see Scorpio betraying the player character from a mile away, with all the hints given between her and the fleet, and just the framing of the shots and the things she says, it was the least supprising betrayal ever, and again makes the outlander look like a moron for accepting her help and bringing her on a mission like this in the first place

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and again makes the outlander look like a moron for accepting her help and bringing her on a mission like this in the first place


Not really, remember the fact that she's continually proved her usefullyness to this point. Yes, we can see it comming our way because we're looking at the story through the perspective of the camera and know almost anyy plot twist bioware could pull. But all our characters can see is that she's a smug ***** with a grudge against Arcann. And that she's useful.

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On a side note:


With how long Valkorian has lived, you'd think he would of had the wisdom to put security measures into his throne during his space stations construction, in which would prevent just anyone walking up and taking control of the whole damn fleet.

Edited by cool-dude
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Not really, remember the fact that she's continually proved her usefullyness to this point. Yes, we can see it comming our way because we're looking at the story through the perspective of the camera and know almost anyy plot twist bioware could pull. But all our characters can see is that she's a smug ***** with a grudge against Arcann. And that she's useful.


I would like to think that our characters are smart enough to be takken by supprise by something like this, especially since the amount of times we have had the chance to let them explain that they are in fact suspicious, and after all it is just a droid, there is absolutly no reason this wasent preventable. Again comes down to the bad predictable cliche plotline of this expansion

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When havent we been figting in enemy controlled surroundings? we have been doing that in almost every single chapter.

We had enemy-occupied surroundings, not enemy-controlled. To that degree that doors and lifts obey the thoughts of your opponent.


On a side note:

With how long Valkorian has lived, you'd think he would of had the wisdom to put security measures into his throne during his space stations construction, in which would prevent just anyone walking up and taking control of the whole damn fleet.

I am not sure that he hasn't done it and just waits for the moment to activate said measures.

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On a side note:


With how long Valkorian has lived, you'd think he would of had the wisdom to put security measures into his throne during his space stations construction, in which would prevent just anyone walking up and taking control of the whole damn fleet.


It's very much hinted that the fleet, Is older than him. I think that Scorpio was the actual original master of the throne. Which could be Gree technology, as we know that the Sith Emperor used it.

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I would like to think that our characters are smart enough to be takken by supprise by something like this, especially since the amount of times we have had the chance to let them explain that they are in fact suspicious, and after all it is just a droid, there is absolutly no reason this wasent preventable. Again comes down to the bad predictable cliche plotline of this expansion


If you looking at it through a betrayal yes our characters probably expected it but considering Scorpio was supposed to have died on the ship, there would be no reason for the outlander to guess otherwise. Even my smuggler said well she planned this so it's fitting she stays here.

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That Scorpio is with the alliance for her own reasons and that she'll leave the second they are no longer useful is obvious and acknowledged from the moment she joins but she gets to stay because it's a small operation and they need her.


We're used to Bioware so we knew that betrayal was inevitable but her being an AI who steels the Eternal Fleet out from under Arcann? I don't believe anyone who says that they saw that coming.

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EAware, I swear on me mum, if you make the next Chapter this thing where Arcann and the Outlander have to team up against Scorpio I am completely done with this game. Not only has the game's quality been declining ever since 4.0, now the story is the most cliche, repetitive thing ever.


You know your are speaking for your self, right? Because you are not speaking for me. If you can not get the reason of the chapter than that is on you and perhaps you shouldn't play. If that is your only real reason why you do not like it because of that reason. Perhaps you should leave the game. Or try playing through with another toon and perhaps pay attention better and maybe it would make perfect sense than.


But please, do not speak for me or put your words in my mouth, and i imagine the other people wouldn't like it neither. When you, your self, do not know what mine, and the other people's thoughts on the chapter is?


I wish you the best in what ever you choose to do?

Take Care and Be Well.....

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That Scorpio is with the alliance for her own reasons and that she'll leave the second they are no longer useful is obvious and acknowledged from the moment she joins but she gets to stay because it's a small operation and they need her.


We're used to Bioware so we knew that betrayal was inevitable but her being an AI who steels the Eternal Fleet out from under Arcann? I don't believe anyone who says that they saw that coming.


You are right, i didn't see that coming. I knew she had a hidden agenda, and i figured it had something to do with Gemini's internal programming or something like that to upgrade her self so she could, Truly be the All Powerful AI in the universe. Because although she knew she was the first advance AI out there of her kind, she felt a little inferior still and knew there was room for improvements, and if Scorpio knew she, her self is the first one, then found out about Gemini. She knew Gem was a New model and she could get upgrades for her self and eliminate ole Gem all in one fair stroke.


Thats what i figure she was up too. Or something similar. But to Take over the Throne is a sneaky, low down, dirty trick that made even better sense. I do see Arcann and Valyn tearing her apart though. Of course she get some good leaks in as well soften them up for the Outlander and his Alliance to destroy once and for all.




* thinks out loud * Now, if some one can just be that cunning in Game of Thrones, we wouldn't need too wait on any more books to be written and wait another year for another tv season to come out. Or to find out who will battle their way too and win the Iron Throne.

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EAware, I swear on me mum, if you make the next Chapter this thing where Arcann and the Outlander have to team up against Scorpio I am completely done with this game. Not only has the game's quality been declining ever since 4.0, now the story is the most cliche, repetitive thing ever.


I thought the chapter was great!

The danger felt real and Scorpio/Gemini interactions were interesting.

The ending completely took me by surprise!

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