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The most predictable betrayal in the history of betrayals...


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I called this as a joke months ago. I didn't actually think they'd do a villain swap at the last minute with the most obvious traitor since Ben Kingsley in Prince of Persia.


This chapter was beyond boring, too. Cutscene. Run ten feet down a corridor -trigger cutscene. Run down another corridor, kill single mob. Cutscene. Kill two mobs. Corridor. Cutscene. I'd run it again to time it, but I don't have any desire to. It's easily 75-25 split cutscene/"content" and half the content is running down identical corridors doing nothing.


So, to recap:


They don't want me to participate in the "event" with any of my 40 toons

Hypercrate price increase because lolz

Running heroics just became more pointless with halved rewards

The chapter is boring and predictable as ****

And no alliance alert


Oh, and those legacy "quality of life" perks that were added are almost 15 million credits per toon

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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I expected her to betray us, but when she "died" I thought it was legit so I was a little shocked when she came back. I became suspicious when the Eternal Throne scene played and was not surprised when she appeared on the Throne, though.


I agree it was an actually surprise for me in the end and I like the chapter

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I didn't hate the chapter. Yes, it did seem a bit obvious and I was not quite convinced that

Scorpio actually died. Having played the agent story, it only made sense that a part of her would end up being in the network.



That being stated, my BH is currently thinking, "So what? Does this mean that I can focus on Arcann and then get back to collecting bounties for sweet sweet credits?"

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The oh-so-shocking and surprising ally "suddenly" and "unexpectedly" turning against you in Chapter XV. Seriously, was there anyone who did not see this happening from a million miles away? This has to be the most obvious betrayal I ever had the fortune to witness.


Lmao, i laugh at this... because its so true. i was expecting someone like Senya, the mother of Arcann & Vaylin, or someone else. It's also getting old on watching Vaylin & Arcann in the throne room talk to each other for the usual 2 minutes. When do we get to fight Vaylin? or have another shot at Arcann?

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