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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Maximum Character Slots Per Server


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Hey folks!


One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event.


I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today.


As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on. I wanted to make sure you all knew that this was in process. There is no guarantees this change will happen, we need to make sure it won't cause any issues!



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Yup! They are on sale right now as a matter of fact :rak_03:.




Are you seriously going to force your longterm subscribers to BUY their way into this event? You need to grant everyone at least 1 free slot.

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While there are some people that the big issue with the list, is that they don't have the free slots. Technically I think I fall in this group, my only free slot is the free level 60 that I never used.


However this isn't my issue with the list being described as an event, nor does giving me the option to purchase more slots make running old content make it seem like new cause I purchased a new slot to do it with.


This is akin to putting a band aid on someone that has just had their head cut off and going well we discounted the band aid! Its fixing a minor issue that doesn't really assist the wider problem, that the list is about is repeating content that has already been done many times and calling it an event.

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increasing the cap does nothing if we still have to buy the slots.

we should be given at least 2 more free to do this event instead of being forced to buy.

its extorting us if we wish to take part. i already pay a sub and am excluded from this event without buying slots? really?

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Not by much :( Was really hoping for 50% or more off


You should GIVE us two new slots for this event, at least those of us who subscribe. Honestly, it reeks of cash-grab.



*edit Wrong quote, but you get the gist.

Edited by Morathiel
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This is obviously nothing more than a cash grab that may backfire completely and kill the cash cow.

Horribly conceived, terribly implemented, and at best telling those who have supported the game for so long now that we dont matter even though we are the ones that kept it alive.

Worst example of subscriber appreciation in gaming history

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Raising the character limit is a good move.. since for some players they are at the 40 cap on a server already.


That said... as most of us already know... you can run this entire event with two character slots. So IMO, you should grant two of those 10 slots for free to all subscribers. It costs you nothing and would disarm much of the complaint about the event as it takes away one of the more tangible reasons to be unhappy about the event.


Now.. the real problem is... this should have all been thought through and ready ahead of the event.. because now you are going to get complaints from people who felt forced to delete characters or move to another server to do the event.


You really need a core team inside the studio that risk assesses (from the player perspective) choices you make like this event. Personally, I think the event is a good thing to offer through the summer months, but some of the actual justifiable barriers from a players perspective were either not anticipated, or disregarded. Either way.. you need a "what could go wrong from the players perspective" assessment before hand, not after the fact. It would have saved us all from much of the needless angst, rage, and player-on-player conflict in the forums for the last 4 days.


The player base, broadly speaking, is extremely pessimistic about the state of the game, and while some of it is unjustified, some of it frankly IS justified. Worse.. it feeds the "game is in maintenance mode" meme and the "CM is all they ever do" meme. Both inaccurate memes, but easily played when simple things like risk assessment of impact to players in terms of character slots are not considered ahead of time.


TL;DR Please appeal to the producers to stop being reactive and be more proactive. I know you cannot meet every players needs, but things like character slots IS a need you can meet at little or no cost to the studio. The good will it fosters would disarm many of the games critics.

Edited by Andryah
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This is obviously nothing more than a cash grab that may backfire completely and kill the cash cow.

Horribly conceived, terribly implemented, and at best telling those who have supported the game for so long now that we dont matter even though we are the ones that kept it alive.

Worst example of subscriber appreciation in gaming history


Yep. But read the forums. People will buy them nevertheless, and feel good about it because there is a sale. Common sense is sadly missing these days...

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Yup! They are on sale right now as a matter of fact :rak_03:.




Dude really they are on sale right now for you to earn money from an event that is created to force people to unlock more slots and or help repopulate your dead and dying servers due to your poor management of the game.


Please stop trying to come off as this is anything but that.


and for the original post this is only a knee jerk reaction to the mostly HUGE disdain for this horribly conceived "event"


I might sound harsh but its the truth, you know it, I know it and everyone else knows it.

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Hey folks!


One of the questions that came out of the Dark vs. Light Event announcement was the current maximum character limits per server. There are some players who have all 40 slots filled, and were concerned about participating in the event.


I wanted to let you know that we are actively testing right now the possibility of increasing that maximum by 10. That would mean that a subscriber could have a server maximum of 50 characters. We are exploring if this is a safe change to make and I am hopeful that I will have an answer about this today.


As soon as I have any other information I will pass it on. I wanted to make sure you all knew that this was in process. There is no guarantees this change will happen, we need to make sure it won't cause any issues!




That's nice. Are you going to GIVE subs extra slots, or do we still have to buy them?


If it's the latter, I'm still not touching this event.

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Thanks for the update. :)


I hope you (the veto'ers, whoever they may be) will seriously consider the "free slot" proposal that many have put forth, even if it is just one slot. I think all you would need to give out is the one to send the right message and it would make a lot of people very happy and a lot more optimistic about those nice words they're hearing.


I know I'm just repeating myself at this point, but I wanted to acknowledge the OP, in part. It's nice to hear that you guys are already on the cap, seeing what you can do.

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I am looking forward to this event. For a couple of reasons that I think some people are missing. Lets first take last year for instance. We had back to back years of a casino boring event. The event last year produced nothing new that I didnt even participate in it. So we could have a casino event again this year or absolute nothing until the new update.


Now I understand the frustrations on getting nothing really new in this event other than achievements and rewards. In my opinion they are currently working on new stuff in the upcoming chapters or expansion and don't have the resources to add a new content event. So what do they choose to do. They decide to put a event into content that we already have to keep people around until the release of the new chapters/expansion. This takes them little work to make happen. They release cool rewards and even stuff that usually you have to spend real cash or credits on the gtn to try to make it rewarding.


I have all 8 toons to level 65, I enjoy all aspects of the game and really enjoy doing achievements. Does it bug me that I have to do all 8 toons over again? A little, Does it bother me that I have majority of flashpoints done for achievements and done them all 25 times in story mode and hard mode and have to do them again? A little, but tbh I rather have something to do to have cool rewards and new achievements even by doing all the stuff I already did then have nothing to do until the new chapters/expansion is released.


Now to all the people who think this is a money grab I have to disagree with you. I have 16 toons on my server. I do not even play all 16 toons. I play at the most 4-6 all the time. I have no problem deleting two of them. One to get to lvl 65 and do all the content to get my rewards and the other one to just deleting after I hit lvl 50 for my class achievement. So I disagree this is not a money grab, if anything you will be getting tons of stuff that normally would only be put in cartel market and would have to be purchase with cash or credits on gtn. Now you can get it in game by doing stuff to unlock your rewards. People usually complain about all the cool stuff being put in cartel market and now we have a opportunity to unlock them from playing the game and we still complain.


TLDR= This event is better than the last two years of an old casino event. If you dont want to participate don't. You can do what most people did the last two summers. Some old content for no new rewards. Or you can choose to do old content in this event and get new cool rewards.

Edited by Resputin
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