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PVP is now dead in swtor


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The following is just my opinion and my 2c in regards to PVP in this game.


I've played SWTOR since launch. I've watched this game evolve from unkillable Merc healers (yes, they were unkillable at launch) to Derp Smash and Stun bubbles 8s (shudder) to Dongcleave 4s and on. I'm not new to PVP in this game, some might even recognize me from my youtube videos. While I was never the best PVPer, I would like to think I had a strong grasp on all the classes and their strengths/weaknesses. Before I quit, I had ~25 65s across a few servers at full 208s to give an idea at how much I played this game.


I've left the game a few times claiming I wouldn't come back but I always did. We all thought Wildstar would be the new thing but that lasted for like 3 months and I was back to SWTOR. Everytime a new game was thought to "kill" SWTOR, it never really did and people always came back. I stopped playing again earlier this year in January.. and I have no desire to come back. I loved PVP in SWTOR (and I still do believe that the combat is truly is one of the bests when it comes to MMO PVP) but its grown VERY stale. This may be due to a few issues but I'll start with ranked.


Ranked PVP in this game, IMO, has always been poorly executed. Without cross server queues, 1-2 teams on each server would rise to the top and essentially farm the rest of the teams until they no longer desired to queue. The only time that I recall that this wasn't an issue was during the first few months of server transfers. Teams migrated to their respective PVP servers, namely POT5 and Bastion for US, iirc TOFN for EU and there was something of an actual ranked scene happening. While I never participated, it was fun to watch streams of high level teams playing each other. Anyone remember Flavored from DailyPVP, you know the "Roots...Stuns" guy? As much flak as he got, you had to admire his attempt on making organized ranked pvp videos for the community. Remember when the PTS came up and you had top EU and US teams going at it on the PTS? Yeah nothing like that exists at all now. I'd like to remember this as the golden age of SWTOR PVP. Then BW got rid of 8s in favor of 4s and arenas. Lot's of players left because of this but this was when I personally stepped into ranked. My team ran that cheesy Dongcleave comp all the way to our Rancor mounts in S1 of arenas. Tank tunnel meta didn't exist yet so we were the top 4s team on the server and eventually people stopped queuing against us in favor of solo ranked.


Solo Ranked is probably one of the largest mistakes that BW could have made for PVP. I understand its easier for folks to get into but it goes against the whole MMO focus of grouping up with others and working together. Because of solo ranked, you had griefers and trolls throwing games, queue dodgers/syncers, and it changed the balance of the game. What do I mean by that? It's clear that class balance was not (and should not) be balanced around solo ranked. So naturally, some classes will perform better than others due to their kit. Those classes would rise up in popularity and some players found themselves forced to reroll to earn their ranked rewards furthering the class imbalance. There will always be a Flavor of the Month class in every game, but in SWTOR's case it seemed like certain classes were Flavor of the Year/Patch/Game. Players who refused to reroll stopped doing ranked or left the game.


There's always the saying that everything is viable in regs, which is true to an extent. I've been able to play pretty much every class and spec in regular WZs just fine. There were plenty of skilled players who didn't enjoy arenas at all or who didn't want to reroll FOTM for ranked that just played regs only. Often they would group up for a premade (which there's nothing wrong about) and dominate WZs. This is often one of the issues for new players who want to try out PVP but get their asses kicked. Which brings me to my next point: the barrier to entry for pvp is deceptively high considering how casual this game is. There's a great bolster system (when it's not broken/bugged) but its rules and guidelines are not advertised very well so you still have players queuing up in full PVE gear or with mixed mods. Gear is easy enough to get now but its still a grind for those who are starting out. Those players are then smashed by the players queuing up in correct gear or in premades. Coupled with the inherent toxicity that exists in ANY PVP game, new players aren't going to have a good time given how casual online gaming as a whole has become. Of course you can be like the one of the previous posters above me (Good on you!) and strive to get better but most would get frustrated by the continuous *** kicking they receive while trying to learn the game. I could go on and on about today's current gaming mentality but that's another story for a different day. As ranked inevitably dies down every season, due to the imbalance you'll see larger amounts of FOTM classes in the regs queue. Also, without cross server players end up playing the same people match after match and if you're repeatedly getting dumpstered by the same person/premade/FOTM class while trying to learn the game, its not that fun.


Why did I even bother posting this? Well after hours of losing my rating in Overwatch the other night I thought it would be the cherry on top to log on to swtor and see what's up. Decided it was an even better idea to solo queue on pub side on Harbinger. First game was an ever revolving door of players in that new WZ. It ended 30 seconds in cause everyone kept leaving. Next was an AHG, lo and behold I went up against a team full of skank tank juggs and sorc healers. My team got destroyed though I did surprisingly well for being so rusty. Maybe that was because I was a skank guardian myself, knowing how OP they were. I wasn't mad but I thought to myself if I was a new player on my team in that match, it wouldve been a nightmare. Then I thought to myself what If I was on the other team in that game? Curbstomping a team out of their spawn can only be so much fun until you have to wait 20 seconds for their spawn doors to reopen. Then it gets boring. Let's be honest PVP is at its most fun when you're going up against an equal team and that's a rarity these days. Equal teams are supposed to be matched in ranked but ranked is a joke without cross server. I know it was only 1 warzone but it saddens me that the game I loved had degraded to this. I decided to see how we got to this point and I kind of just scrambled my thoughts into this mess of a post.


TL;DR Some nerd writes a dear diary about swtor pvp from launch to now.


In addition to Overwatch, I've also moved on to WoW. Having never played before, it was new to me but familiar at the same time(after all, SWTOR is another wow "clone"). The CC is a bit jarring at first and the animations are a little muddy but I can't argue with the cross server, actual ranked, and the <1min queue times. Sure I miss my lightsabers and force powers but I'm having much more fun.


Now back to ELO Hell in Overwatch :D

Edited by OMGitsCHARLIE
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I agree the community is really toxic. That being said i think most of those people bashing on PVP probably don't bother to PVP in any other MMO style game either. Maybe it's just not for them? Maybe they don't get off on competitive game play the same way others do and they will never like it. I think the majority of people who do enjoy PVP have already left the game because of obvious neglect. We may get a few new faces here and there but the pvp gaming community have all but completely abandoned SWTOR.

Thats just my opinion


My toxic comment was an example of what the PVP haters say, not my own.

I think most of those trolls have moved to other games. The rest aren't worth the time.

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you can only play pvp so much...thats why its always....dying....


Um what?


Hardcore pvpers, only want to PVP, most of us don't even do PVE content. The reason it's dying is because of the lack of attention Bioware have given PVP over the years, plus the absolute disregard for what pvpers have asked for.

I could list a whole page full of things that the Devs didn't do, did half baked, broke, removed, and didn't listen.

This is why it's dying, the pvpers are moving onto games because of Biowares handling on PVP in this game. That is 90% of the reason they leave, so they can actually get some PVP love that other games have to offer.

Obviously PVP all the time isn't for everyone. Casual pvpers like yourself like to do a mix of content, which is what an MMO is about. We expect you guys to rotate through and probably only do your dailies/weeklies and possibly a few extra matches.

Pvpers in their soul, only want to PVP. That is why PVP is dying, no love from Bioware.

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SWTOR mmo PvP will die when a better mmo with PvP comes out. But wait nothing is coming out that is even Remotely as good as SWTOR! So looks like SWTOR will live on unless you wanna go back to WoW that is. :p


MMOs are pretty dead now, lots of game players have moved away from them, which is why they aren't being developed as much. Also most pvpers are looking for that PVP rush they can only get from playing other players. MMOs aren't need for that.

Blizzards new Overwatch is trying to fill that void without it being a FPS or MMO. That will be the new style of game for pvpers who don't like FPS.

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BTW if you know of a better objective based PvP mmo than this please let us all know. :D


World of Warcraft actually has better objective based mechanics. Most of swtors WZs are based on WoWs models.

But WoW looks like a kids cartoon after playing swtor. I played WoW since it launched, the only thing that got me to try swtor was because it was SW based, other wise I would still be playing WoW PVP and be oblivious to the type of realist representations swtor uses. I've tried to go back to WoW, but when I look at the difference in character modelling, it's just not the same. Plus who want to play a dwarf or gnome with axes and bows, when you can wield force lightning and use light Sabres.

But to answer your question, WoW has got better objective based PVP that swtor

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I hoped never to say this. I've seen so many predictions since launch about the game dying. The game as such is still alive, at least the FP story mode is. But PVP is dead, It's in its death throws.

Everyone started to transfer to harbinger because of low PVP population on other servers. Now Harbinger is experiencing the same thing.

Sure there are times that it seems fine, but there are huge queue times now at other times that used to only have 2-5min wait times only three months ago.

If that's not dying I don't know what is. Other servers are dead even at prime time, now old Harbinger is heading that way. I thought we might see a slow decline before it happened, but it seems to be accelerating really fast, must faster than I ever expected.

Even these PVP forums are dead. Some threads are still on the front page from a few days ago. That is not normal for this highly vocal group.

I don't know what Bio can do to fix it, if anything. But they should at least merge the servers into region blocks. ie, merge all of the west coast to Harbinger


try balancing the dam professions for one. Remove Tanks as DPS for another. Do some innovation, plain as day people don't like what is going on in pvp and hence the reason the population suffers. Its no longer a vast collection of professions its just a bunch of Jugs and sorcs usually 3-4 of each with reminder of any other classes filling in the open spots. It has turned into sorc/jug wars. As a result people ain't paying for the subs because it isn't worth it. I know I ain't tired of wasting my money the devs don't give a rats ***

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Um what?


Hardcore pvpers, only want to PVP, most of us don't even do PVE content. The reason it's dying is because of the lack of attention Bioware have given PVP over the years, plus the absolute disregard for what pvpers have asked for.

I could list a whole page full of things that the Devs didn't do, did half baked, broke, removed, and didn't listen.

This is why it's dying, the pvpers are moving onto games because of Biowares handling on PVP in this game. That is 90% of the reason they leave, so they can actually get some PVP love that other games have to offer.

Obviously PVP all the time isn't for everyone. Casual pvpers like yourself like to do a mix of content, which is what an MMO is about. We expect you guys to rotate through and probably only do your dailies/weeklies and possibly a few extra matches.

Pvpers in their soul, only want to PVP. That is why PVP is dying, no love from Bioware.


Trixxie is right. I dabbled at PVE hell don't think I have even completed a Dread force palace. What about other content such as Crafting.....oh wait thats an epic fail because there is no crafting in this game just lame *** Replicating of stock Items. Crafting requires you craft unique items either because of its unique appearance or improved stats not inn this game. Its an after thought. Well what about space sim ........another epic fail hell xwing vs tie fighter was 1000 times more fun and that is 20+ years old. These buffoons don't even have joystick support! Why is pvp dying mostly do to class imbalances newcomers get discouraged and say screw this crap and don't bother. The rest of us hard core guys just get sick of the grossly unbalanced classes and say I ain't paying for this. Tanks should not do DPS ever and they should never out DPS a pure DPS spec! People wonder why pvp is dying that is prime reason.

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The following is just my opinion and my 2c in regards to PVP in this game.


I've played SWTOR since launch. I've watched this game evolve from unkillable Merc healers (yes, they were unkillable at launch) to Derp Smash and Stun bubbles 8s (shudder) to Dongcleave 4s and on. I'm not new to PVP in this game, some might even recognize me from my youtube videos. While I was never the best PVPer, I would like to think I had a strong grasp on all the classes and their strengths/weaknesses. Before I quit, I had ~25 65s across a few servers at full 208s to give an idea at how much I played this game.


I've left the game a few times claiming I wouldn't come back but I always did. We all thought Wildstar would be the new thing but that lasted for like 3 months and I was back to SWTOR. Everytime a new game was thought to "kill" SWTOR, it never really did and people always came back. I stopped playing again earlier this year in January.. and I have no desire to come back. I loved PVP in SWTOR (and I still do believe that the combat is truly is one of the bests when it comes to MMO PVP) but its grown VERY stale. This may be due to a few issues but I'll start with ranked.


Ranked PVP in this game, IMO, has always been poorly executed. Without cross server queues, 1-2 teams on each server would rise to the top and essentially farm the rest of the teams until they no longer desired to queue. The only time that I recall that this wasn't an issue was during the first few months of server transfers. Teams migrated to their respective PVP servers, namely POT5 and Bastion for US, iirc TOFN for EU and there was something of an actual ranked scene happening. While I never participated, it was fun to watch streams of high level teams playing each other. Anyone remember Flavored from DailyPVP, you know the "Roots...Stuns" guy? As much flak as he got, you had to admire his attempt on making organized ranked pvp videos for the community. Remember when the PTS came up and you had top EU and US teams going at it on the PTS? Yeah nothing like that exists at all now. I'd like to remember this as the golden age of SWTOR PVP. Then BW got rid of 8s in favor of 4s and arenas. Lot's of players left because of this but this was when I personally stepped into ranked. My team ran that cheesy Dongcleave comp all the way to our Rancor mounts in S1 of arenas. Tank tunnel meta didn't exist yet so we were the top 4s team on the server and eventually people stopped queuing against us in favor of solo ranked.


Solo Ranked is probably one of the largest mistakes that BW could have made for PVP. I understand its easier for folks to get into but it goes against the whole MMO focus of grouping up with others and working together. Because of solo ranked, you had griefers and trolls throwing games, queue dodgers/syncers, and it changed the balance of the game. What do I mean by that? It's clear that class balance was not (and should not) be balanced around solo ranked. So naturally, some classes will perform better than others due to their kit. Those classes would rise up in popularity and some players found themselves forced to reroll to earn their ranked rewards furthering the class imbalance. There will always be a Flavor of the Month class in every game, but in SWTOR's case it seemed like certain classes were Flavor of the Year/Patch/Game. Players who refused to reroll stopped doing ranked or left the game.


There's always the saying that everything is viable in regs, which is true to an extent. I've been able to play pretty much every class and spec in regular WZs just fine. There were plenty of skilled players who didn't enjoy arenas at all or who didn't want to reroll FOTM for ranked that just played regs only. Often they would group up for a premade (which there's nothing wrong about) and dominate WZs. This is often one of the issues for new players who want to try out PVP but get their asses kicked. Which brings me to my next point: the barrier to entry for pvp is deceptively high considering how casual this game is. There's a great bolster system (when it's not broken/bugged) but its rules and guidelines are not advertised very well so you still have players queuing up in full PVE gear or with mixed mods. Gear is easy enough to get now but its still a grind for those who are starting out. Those players are then smashed by the players queuing up in correct gear or in premades. Coupled with the inherent toxicity that exists in ANY PVP game, new players aren't going to have a good time given how casual online gaming as a whole has become. Of course you can be like the one of the previous posters above me (Good on you!) and strive to get better but most would get frustrated by the continuous *** kicking they receive while trying to learn the game. I could go on and on about today's current gaming mentality but that's another story for a different day. As ranked inevitably dies down every season, due to the imbalance you'll see larger amounts of FOTM classes in the regs queue. Also, without cross server players end up playing the same people match after match and if you're repeatedly getting dumpstered by the same person/premade/FOTM class while trying to learn the game, its not that fun.


Why did I even bother posting this? Well after hours of losing my rating in Overwatch the other night I thought it would be the cherry on top to log on to swtor and see what's up. Decided it was an even better idea to solo queue on pub side on Harbinger. First game was an ever revolving door of players in that new WZ. It ended 30 seconds in cause everyone kept leaving. Next was an AHG, lo and behold I went up against a team full of skank tank juggs and sorc healers. My team got destroyed though I did surprisingly well for being so rusty. Maybe that was because I was a skank guardian myself, knowing how OP they were. I wasn't mad but I thought to myself if I was a new player on my team in that match, it wouldve been a nightmare. Then I thought to myself what If I was on the other team in that game? Curbstomping a team out of their spawn can only be so much fun until you have to wait 20 seconds for their spawn doors to reopen. Then it gets boring. Let's be honest PVP is at its most fun when you're going up against an equal team and that's a rarity these days. Equal teams are supposed to be matched in ranked but ranked is a joke without cross server. I know it was only 1 warzone but it saddens me that the game I loved had degraded to this. I decided to see how we got to this point and I kind of just scrambled my thoughts into this mess of a post.


TL;DR Some nerd writes a dear diary about swtor pvp from launch to now.


In addition to Overwatch, I've also moved on to WoW. Having never played before, it was new to me but familiar at the same time(after all, SWTOR is another wow "clone"). The CC is a bit jarring at first and the animations are a little muddy but I can't argue with the cross server, actual ranked, and the <1min queue times. Sure I miss my lightsabers and force powers but I'm having much more fun.


Now back to ELO Hell in Overwatch :D

If there's any devs that even read these posts anymore on the PVP forum, this is pretty much spot on. You wonder why the best PVP players left the game? Read above.

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The following is just my opinion and my 2c in regards to PVP in this game.




Great post and basically Bioware's #1 priority above all else should now be adding Megaservers or cross-server queues. It would help/salvage not only PVP but also PVE group content, GTN and GSF. Lack of developement/news on this issue is just puzzling when it's so clear how important it is

Edited by Pietrastor
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*sigh* hate to say it but I think decent pops already have been concentrated to 1 server on each continent. In europe TRE is the place to be for "real" pvp . . .


And by the way, the Swtor pvpers is about to kill Swtor pvp, as the migrating pvpers take with them the very thing that killed pvp on their own server; The strive to only fight easy prey, the strive to always quit in face of defeat, the strive to make a certain win a complete shut out . . .


Been here long enough to remember when even Resolve worked . . .

Edited by t-darko
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And by the way, the Swtor pvpers is about to kill Swtor pvp



Yup, pvp is dead because of the pvper - hateful attitudes and nonstop drama/trolling is what turned me off completely to ranked .I mean just completely turned me off. I even removed pvp chat on Harbringer because its non stop college brat boy troll talk. Regs atleast are stil fun.

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The following is just my opinion and my 2c in regards to PVP in this game.


Very good post, all in all.


A few things made me thinking, though ...



Lot's of players left because of this but this was when I personally stepped into ranked. My team ran that cheesy Dongcleave comp all the way to our Rancor mounts in S1 of arenas. Tank tunnel meta didn't exist yet so we were the top 4s team on the server and eventually people stopped queuing against us in favor of solo ranked.


Solo Ranked is probably one of the largest mistakes that BW could have made for PVP. I understand its easier for folks to get into but it goes against the whole MMO focus of grouping up with others and working together. Because of solo ranked, you had griefers and trolls throwing games, queue dodgers/syncers, and it changed the balance of the game. What do I mean by that? It's clear that class balance was not (and should not) be balanced around solo ranked. So naturally, some classes will perform better than others due to their kit. Those classes would rise up in popularity and some players found themselves forced to reroll to earn their ranked rewards furthering the class imbalance. There will always be a Flavor of the Month class in every game, but in SWTOR's case it seemed like certain classes were Flavor of the Year/Patch/Game. Players who refused to reroll stopped doing ranked or left the game.


First, you write that your team was doing the Dongcleave (yes, i even vaguely remember that expression ! and kind of exploited the game so much that people went into Solo Ranked - and THEN you write thzat Solo Ranked is "probably Biowares biggest mistaker" and advice very much against it.


What made me thinking was this : Weren't you part of the problem ? Kind of exploiting the Dongcleave so much until - as you freely admit - nobody wanted to queue against you anymore - and then went into Solo Ranked ?


I see this as people fleeing from you into Solo Ranked. Because your team, was SO STRONG, people didn't see ANY chance to properly suceed anymore in Group Ranked - and THEN you don't want Solo Ranked ?

To me, this sounds - shortened a lot - as if you didn't want people fleeing into solething else than Group Ranked where your Dongcleave team did reside.


This is what I though. I don't know whether I'm right or wrong with it (most people will call me a Troll anyway), but that was my line of thought ( or train of thought ).


Gear is easy enough to get now but its still a grind for those who are starting out. Those players are then smashed by the players queuing up in correct gear or in premades. Coupled with the inherent toxicity that exists in ANY PVP game, new players aren't going to have a good time given how casual online gaming as a whole has become. Of course you can be like the one of the previous posters above me (Good on you!) and strive to get better but most would get frustrated by the continuous *** kicking they receive while trying to learn the game.


Also, without cross server players end up playing the same people match after match and if you're repeatedly getting dumpstered by the same person/premade/FOTM class while trying to learn the game, its not that fun.


I wasn't mad but I thought to myself if I was a new player on my team in that match, it wouldve been a nightmare. Then I thought to myself what If I was on the other team in that game? Curbstomping a team out of their spawn can only be so much fun until you have to wait 20 seconds for their spawn doors to reopen. Then it gets boring. Let's be honest PVP is at its most fun when you're going up against an equal team and that's a rarity these days. Equal teams are supposed to be matched in ranked but ranked is a joke without cross server.


Whn I complained about this ( inbalanced matches, for example ), people were answering "mimimi ?" in chat (meaning something like "whine much ?", and something like "I must pee" and were mocking me, because to them it was "proof" that I was a BAD. And no real PvP player.


Some PvP players made and still make it clear that feeling overwhelmed and have negative feelings about losing is not something a true PvP player should have. Or, as I put it, "only concreteheads remain".


This compared to how casual SWTOR has become AS A WHOLE : PvP players still insist on casuals keeping from PvP - or get farmed, cynically put (you all know how much I'm likely to put things in a rather cynical way here).


"True" PvP players just don't want "casuals". They want to remain within their own, closed circle. Thus them trying to chase away everyone new - because less players = less competition.


Congratulations to those few who remain in playing PvP and even finding fun in it, because they are able to essentially block out any negative feelings.

The rest just keeps away like sheep do from wolves.

That sheep could have their own kind of PvP is often mocked at with expressions like "people should only throw wads of cotton wool at each other". That rams do exist, is something wolves love to ignore.


And yes, I do know that my pictures are hard to understand. Not my fault. L2I (Learn to imagine.)


The level of difficulty has always been high - but it went down after the introduction of Bolster. Now, with KOTFE, it has become so much more higher - for the KOTFE players. Compared to "how casual this game ha become", the level of difficulty of SWTOR PvP is nowadays even higher than in earlier times.


Only GSF has a ( much ) higher level of difficulty - but that has always been constant with the introductioon of the last ships.

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First, you write that your team was doing the Dongcleave (yes, i even vaguely remember that expression ! and kind of exploited the game so much that people went into Solo Ranked - and THEN you write thzat Solo Ranked is "probably Biowares biggest mistaker" and advice very much against it.


What made me thinking was this : Weren't you part of the problem ? Kind of exploiting the Dongcleave so much until - as you freely admit - nobody wanted to queue against you anymore - and then went into Solo Ranked ?


I see this as people fleeing from you into Solo Ranked. Because your team, was SO STRONG, people didn't see ANY chance to properly suceed anymore in Group Ranked - and THEN you don't want Solo Ranked ?

To me, this sounds - shortened a lot - as if you didn't want people fleeing into solething else than Group Ranked where your Dongcleave team did reside.


This is what I though. I don't know whether I'm right or wrong with it (most people will call me a Troll anyway), but that was my line of thought ( or train of thought ).


If Solo Rank never existed, those who wanted to participate in ranked would be forced to do group. Eventually, if the population was large enough, an ELO/MMR would have been established and weaker teams would not face the strongest teams. I'm just saying solo ranked should have never existed period. Those who wanted rewards would have needed to grind it out with a team. Assuming the PVP community was healthy enough at the time, the one-sidedness to some matches would have worked its way out.


As far as my team being so strong and others quitting, who's to blame in that? My team or the quitters? We did nothing wrong, we just played well together. One of the major focuses in PVP is improving yourself. Dongcleave was never exploiting. It just used an extra AP PT with a shield as its tank. The added DPS also added a huge weakness, kill the fake tank. Fortunately for us, no one thought of it at the time. (The game was still in the KILL THE HEALER mentality) Any of the teams we faced could have figured out what our team was doing and theorycrafted a way to beat it. Dongcleave AOE was just so overwhelming that it just seemed impossible to beat. (Super Dongcleave however, was A.

. OF.
.) I guess you can also partially fault the rating system. The first 10 matches are weighted so heavily, if you lose the majority of them you'll be stuck in ELO hell forever. It was easy to get discouraged due to a low initial rating having lost to the same team a few times in your placement matches.


The overall point I'm trying to get at is ranked was doomed from the start without cross server. The ranked populations was divided even further with the addition of solo ranked. Ranked never had a chance to properly bloom. Instead it dwindled down to like 1-2 teams that did group ranked begging on fleet chat for other teams to queue up and the solo ranked pvpers playing the /who mini game to avoid the known troll that was throwing games.


Whn I complained about this ( inbalanced matches, for example ), people were answering "mimimi ?" in chat (meaning something like "whine much ?", and something like "I must pee" and were mocking me, because to them it was "proof" that I was a BAD. And no real PvP player.


Some PvP players made and still make it clear that feeling overwhelmed and have negative feelings about losing is not something a true PvP player should have. Or, as I put it, "only concreteheads remain".


This compared to how casual SWTOR has become AS A WHOLE : PvP players still insist on casuals keeping from PvP - or get farmed, cynically put (you all know how much I'm likely to put things in a rather cynical way here).


"True" PvP players just don't want "casuals". They want to remain within their own, closed circle. Thus them trying to chase away everyone new - because less players = less competition.


Congratulations to those few who remain in playing PvP and even finding fun in it, because they are able to essentially block out any negative feelings.

The rest just keeps away like sheep do from wolves.

That sheep could have their own kind of PvP is often mocked at with expressions like "people should only throw wads of cotton wool at each other". That rams do exist, is something wolves love to ignore.


And yes, I do know that my pictures are hard to understand. Not my fault. L2I (Learn to imagine.)


The level of difficulty has always been high - but it went down after the introduction of Bolster. Now, with KOTFE, it has become so much more higher - for the KOTFE players. Compared to "how casual this game ha become", the level of difficulty of SWTOR PvP is nowadays even higher than in earlier times.


Only GSF has a ( much ) higher level of difficulty - but that has always been constant with the introductioon of the last ships.


I guess I have to L2Imagine but if you were getting flak from before, it's because this game had more trolls and toxic players at the time. Granted some are still around but the majority have left the game. The people left are just players trying to salvage whats left of this dead community.

Edited by OMGitsCHARLIE
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Pvp it's not dead, it went down since 1.2 and the lol bag system

Pvp went dumb when they replaced 8v8's for ranked arenas, but it was already in a bad place when some genious introduced the lolbubblestun. Those times i remember playing rankeds with 12 rounds of AHG with no caps. I know some guys that did 16, Thats how dumb it was, so dumb that a lot of teams left.

Enjoy what u have, it's still funny sometimes

If u dream about "perfect" balance, wake up, it's never gonna happen

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Yup, pvp is dead because of the pvper - hateful attitudes and nonstop drama/trolling is what turned me off completely to ranked .I mean just completely turned me off. I even removed pvp chat on Harbringer because its non stop college brat boy troll talk. Regs atleast are stil fun.


Luckily a lot of the egos have gone in the last few months. The only ones remaining and talking this way are people who are trying to lord it over newbies or casual pvpers. That's the sad thing, they really have no one to troll, but they do it anyway lol.

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Pvp it's not dead, it went down since 1.2 and the lol bag system

Pvp went dumb when they replaced 8v8's for ranked arenas, but it was already in a bad place when some genious introduced the lolbubblestun. Those times i remember playing rankeds with 12 rounds of AHG with no caps. I know some guys that did 16, Thats how dumb it was, so dumb that a lot of teams left.

Enjoy what u have, it's still funny sometimes

If u dream about "perfect" balance, wake up, it's never gonna happen


It's dead if you base it on pops. When I say dead I mean diminished population to just 3 months ago, not since 1.2.

When all you do is PVP in this game and are used to 2-5min pops in your prime time and those pops go out to 1 hour, then it's dead or dying fast.

The only saving grace at the moment is the DvL event. It seems to have brought more pvpers into the queues, at least in lowbies and mids, which hardly popped at any time of the day..

Now we just need to get them to stay and breath some life back into PVP. We just have to hope the smack talking trolls in PVP can keep their mouths shut till these newbies get addicted to PVP.

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It's dead if you base it on pops. When I say dead I mean diminished population to just 3 months ago, not since 1.2.

When all you do is PVP in this game and are used to 2-5min pops in your prime time and those pops go out to 1 hour, then it's dead or dying fast.

The only saving grace at the moment is the DvL event. It seems to have brought more pvpers into the queues, at least in lowbies and mids, which hardly popped at any time of the day..

Now we just need to get them to stay and breath some life back into PVP. We just have to hope the smack talking trolls in PVP can keep their mouths shut till these newbies get addicted to PVP.


I agree! I for one am actually enjoying the DvL event. Talk about a breath of fresh air in the lowbie zones now!


I for one, gave up on 65 regs and ranked. They were both a joke and the toxic nature in which both had become wore me down. Now, i am actually enjoying the game again.


Pvp is fine, maybe the devs just needed a moment to "throw out the trash" without actually "throwing" them out!


(Edit) - maybe this is why they have not mentioned anything about the season rewards. The DvL event may have been a way to "reset" the player base so it could thrive once more!

Edited by Nickodemous
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I agree! I for one am actually enjoying the DvL event. Talk about a breath of fresh air in the lowbie zones now!


I for one, gave up on 65 regs and ranked. They were both a joke and the toxic nature in which both had become wore me down. Now, i am actually enjoying the game again.


Pvp is fine, maybe the devs just needed a moment to "throw out the trash" without actually "throwing" them out!


That's an interesting but risky strategy, but I can't say I blame them if that was the case. Too many hateful people created the toxic atmosphere and the pvp player base either ignored them through inaction or made excuses for them. And for those same people spewing vitriol in the forums at the devs with a disconcerting number of people again condoning the behavior...is it really surprising the devs would ignore the pvp community? Those trolls don't make up the majority of the pvp population, but they are by FAR the loudest and most noticeable, even by people who have never set foot in a warzone.


Too few respectable pvpers calling them out, shunning them, ignoring them, reporting them, whatever else that is in the player's power to lessen the impact of the toxic element. There is still a loud enough group of individuals (at least on Harbinger) that are pushing newcomers out. It's too hopeful that these people would get up and leave--they've been here a long time, they're not like the elites that have left, they're most of the time bads themselves and they don't have the common sense (or decency) to leave the game they claim to hate.


The devs treat the pvp community like it deserves the inattention it receives, and I can't disagree until more pvpers step up and actively push these ******** out of the game and welcome the new players the community desperately needs by showing them the pvp community will no longer make excuses for, condone, or actively do nothing against the people ruining the experience for everyone else.

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I don't consider it risky at all!


We are talking about a handful of players who can destroy a community. Now, I certainly don't frown upon players looking for dominant pvp guilds. They have every right. Nor, do I frown upon players who premade, are good, or are looking to be dominant with any particular class. It is the other players responsibility to invest the time to catch up. I actually want to play the best.


My issue is that these "handfuls" prevent growth. They actually discourage new players from queuing. Can u blame them?

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