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PVP is now dead in swtor


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That's an interesting but risky strategy, but I can't say I blame them if that was the case. Too many hateful people created the toxic atmosphere and the pvp player base either ignored them through inaction or made excuses for them. And for those same people spewing vitriol in the forums at the devs with a disconcerting number of people again condoning the behavior...is it really surprising the devs would ignore the pvp community? Those trolls don't make up the majority of the pvp population, but they are by FAR the loudest and most noticeable, even by people who have never set foot in a warzone.


Too few respectable pvpers calling them out, shunning them, ignoring them, reporting them, whatever else that is in the player's power to lessen the impact of the toxic element. There is still a loud enough group of individuals (at least on Harbinger) that are pushing newcomers out. It's too hopeful that these people would get up and leave--they've been here a long time, they're not like the elites that have left, they're most of the time bads themselves and they don't have the common sense (or decency) to leave the game they claim to hate.


The devs treat the pvp community like it deserves the inattention it receives, and I can't disagree until more pvpers step up and actively push these ******** out of the game and welcome the new players the community desperately needs by showing them the pvp community will no longer make excuses for, condone, or actively do nothing against the people ruining the experience for everyone else.


I had some private words with some rude full time pvpers the other day who were talking trash at newbies.

Their response was "it's only regs and it's PVP, they need to get a thick skin"

I pointed out that the PVP population is dying and the DvL event is bringing new blood, but their attitude towards these new players is why lots of people don't even try PVP or don't come back. Once I reasoned this out with them, they acknowledge I was right and that they would change their attitude towards these new players.

I think if we all politely talk to these guys in private after a match it would help. Most are reasonable and only do it because they learned the behaviour from the main toxic people who have mainly left the game. Once they understand that they are contributing to PVP failing, they usually come around to our way of thinking.

Of course there will always be some who are mentally challenged or wired wrong to behave as part of society. You can't help those guys.

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You'll just have to suffer through higher queue times until people hit 65 and start que'ing with their undergeared toons that they will have no skill on. :rak_03:


Definitely going to hate the upcoming weeks/months in PvP. :(


Hey at least they will have half an idea, unlike the insta 60 bads (if anything that killed pvp) Im actually thinking this LvD may finally teach the insta 60 players the basics of their class


Ive played this game since launch & i have 0 confidence that bioware will save whats left of the sinking pvp ship, the sheer amount of incompetence on display is staggering


Could i do a better job? How could anybody do a worse...


1. Merge the servers

2. Implement cross faction queues (at least for arenas & huttball)


& if for some unknown reason that is too hard to do, then i suggest you just pull the big plug out from the wall & call it a day

Edited by SubjugatorX
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  • 2 months later...
Lol, this not just PVP, this game is dead as MMORPG for about two years already. Just consider this game as solo RPG and you will have no problem with it. This game was good MMO only for one year after release, nothing is left in game from that times. I'm playing this game now and this is absolutelly different game compared to what i've played on release. Edited by Keetsune
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Lol, this not just PVP, this game is dead as MMORPG for about two years already. Just consider this game as solo RPG and you will have no problem with it. This game was good MMO only for one year after release, nothing is left in game from that times. I'm playing this game now and this is absolutelly different game compared to what i've played on release.


This is true, and from what I remembered it was all because of faction inequality, it was 80% imperial and they all wanted to face role the 20% that hit ilium, then the BM happened. This game has story for days, if only the pvp community didn't beat the hell out of it at launch and give it the time WOW took to ramp up.


Not saying this game ever did ramp up, but perhaps it would have stayed away from F2P and Devs would have tried.

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I hoped never to say this. I've seen so many predictions since launch about the game dying. The game as such is still alive, at least the FP story mode is. But PVP is dead, It's in its death throws.

Everyone started to transfer to harbinger because of low PVP population on other servers. Now Harbinger is experiencing the same thing.

Sure there are times that it seems fine, but there are huge queue times now at other times that used to only have 2-5min wait times only three months ago.

If that's not dying I don't know what is. Other servers are dead even at prime time, now old Harbinger is heading that way. I thought we might see a slow decline before it happened, but it seems to be accelerating really fast, must faster than I ever expected.

Even these PVP forums are dead. Some threads are still on the front page from a few days ago. That is not normal for this highly vocal group.

I don't know what Bio can do to fix it, if anything. But they should at least merge the servers into region blocks. ie, merge all of the west coast to Harbinger


The PvP is very much alive on The Red Eclipse, it usally kicks off at about 12-13 PM CET (GMT+1) and continues to pop frequently past midnight.

Edited by Gray
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The PvP is very much alive on The Red Eclipse, it usally kicks off at about 12-13 PM CET (GMT+1) and continues to pop frequently past midnight.


Its pushing through, I wouldnt call it alive though. It was alive about a year ago, and even further back was alive and kicking. But really, it is struggling now. Now you usually just et 4v4s and the new 8v8 map.

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Its pushing through, I wouldnt call it alive though. It was alive about a year ago, and even further back was alive and kicking. But really, it is struggling now. Now you usually just et 4v4s and the new 8v8 map.


hm not in my reality at least, it's been popin frequently with full map cycle since I made that post with zero wait time and full teams Rep Vs Imp "no training exercises".


addtional info:


Republic Fleet Population: 3 instances, one red, one orange/yellow, 1 white

Imperial Fleet Population: 3 instances, one red, one orange/yellow, 1 white


Time: 00:38 AM

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hm not in my reality at least, it's been popin frequently with full map cycle since I made that post with zero wait time and full teams Rep Vs Imp "no training exercises".


addtional info:


Republic Fleet Population: 3 instances, one red, one orange/yellow, 1 white

Imperial Fleet Population: 3 instances, one red, one orange/yellow, 1 white


Time: 00:38 AM


You sir or mam are lucky then. I get almost nothing but 4v4s....

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It's not just that the population is dying the hacks are killing the experience. Almost every match there are hacks employed to gain advantage. Just got out of a Voidstar where no one could see who was opening the doors and no warning was given that the enemy had even successfully engaged a door but it blew anyway. I simply cannot continue to play like this and I just came back.
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It's not just that the population is dying the hacks are killing the experience. Almost every match there are hacks employed to gain advantage. Just got out of a Voidstar where no one could see who was opening the doors and no warning was given that the enemy had even successfully engaged a door but it blew anyway. I simply cannot continue to play like this and I just came back.


It's entirely possible that it was a very good stealth or 2, who were doing the "perfect" ninja cap. It's also possible the people guarding weren't watching properly or even calling.

I'm not saying someone wasn't cheating, but that is the last thing to consider based on what you've described.

I've even ninja capped on my Sent. I was hiding behind a pylon, they killed most of my team and ran to the other side as my team switched during the respawn. They still had 2 guards, both snipers, both in front of the door and facing out.

Then one of my team drew their attention and I popped camo, ran right behind them and ninja'd the door. I didn't even attack them after, but stayed backed up against the door and I don't think they even realised the door was capped. When it did open, I popped predation and camo again and ran to the bridge and capped it from the backside. I'm pretty sure they didn't even know I was in front of them.

We didn't get the next door, but if I can do that on a Sentinel, what do you think 1 or 2 stealths working together can do.

That is a perfect example of how you can do something that many will jump to the conclusion of hacking, but was instead ledgitmate tactics, skill, class abilities and the other team not noticing.


Now if you had seen the doors capped before the match started or the bridge capped before the first door opened or exactly as it opened, then yes, it's definitely a hack. It's actually something that was happening only a week ago. But Bio got onto it straight away when numerous people reported it in-game and also sent msgs to Eric and Tait. The person(s) doing it, disappeared within days.


Here's the link to a thread on how to report - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=896448


Hi Guys, lots of people ask me what way do you report players cheating/hacking in the game.


This is how I report in-game.. as well as reporting to Eric and Tait.


Firstly in the match, select the player, then go report Harassment. This spells out the name in case they use alt codes to create the letters in their name.


Out of the match, go to the customer help request, you should be able to see the report you did in the match... (normally you should be able to just update this ticket, but it's broken, so don't try. It lets you type it all out and then when you click save, it says there was a problem and you have to start all over again :( )


So instead go to the bottom of the screen and click the Create Ticket button.

Under the category select "Report inappropriate player behaviour".. in the description put the following info -

Report Hacker/cheat

Name - ##### (this where having the correct spelling helps. I often refer them to the privious ticket I made for harassment and include the ticket number)

Server - Harbinger (as an example)

WZ name - ie, Civil War

Time - 7pm - 7:20pm PDT (it's important to put the time zone in. I always convert to PDT even though I'm not in that zone)

Guild - ##### (If they are in one)

Description of what you saw - ie, speed hacker.

If you have proof, ask them the best way to send it to them.


When reporting, please be aware that it won't let you set out formatting like normal on different lines like I have in this post... It will be one long paragraph... What I do to make the information stand out is to use ... dots in between each lot of info... like this... so that it stands out.


To Eric and Tait.. if any of this is incorrect, can you please tell us the correct procedure ;)



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I hoped never to say this. I've seen so many predictions since launch about the game dying. The game as such is still alive, at least the FP story mode is. But PVP is dead, It's in its death throws.

Everyone started to transfer to harbinger because of low PVP population on other servers. Now Harbinger is experiencing the same thing.

Sure there are times that it seems fine, but there are huge queue times now at other times that used to only have 2-5min wait times only three months ago.

If that's not dying I don't know what is. Other servers are dead even at prime time, now old Harbinger is heading that way. I thought we might see a slow decline before it happened, but it seems to be accelerating really fast, must faster than I ever expected.

Even these PVP forums are dead. Some threads are still on the front page from a few days ago. That is not normal for this highly vocal group.

I don't know what Bio can do to fix it, if anything. But they should at least merge the servers into region blocks. ie, merge all of the west coast to Harbinger


Funny. Because even in the middle of the day on a week day Ebon Hawk PvP pops just fine. Maybe your server at your playtimes is the issue. There is no decline. Nothing is dying. It's just your personal experience.

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Funny. Because even in the middle of the day on a week day Ebon Hawk PvP pops just fine. Maybe your server at your playtimes is the issue. There is no decline. Nothing is dying. It's just your personal experience.


0/10 troll effort


Yep, the same way as Mars has a healthy population :rolleyes:. I would say your limited experiences on 1 server, probably in the middle of prime time, shows you that your pops are fine. I bet if you played outside you obviously small play window and on other servers too, you would see what 99.99% of the pvp old guard can see. Pvp populations and even game populations are dead.

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PVP would be better if you could pull in people you enjoy playing with to make your entire team, rather than 50%.


Imagine how nuts the progression PVE folks would be if half their operation team had to be pulled in from a que.


It needs a way to link group que's so you get put with your friends. Then you turn solo que into a legit solo que with no groups whatsoever. Also fix solo que-s distribution of healers tanks and DPS per team. (Which is a major driving factor for grouping, I do not want a four healer group, so on my healer, I pull in strangers in the PVP area of fleet that are DPS or tanks to force a balance.) Its still a "solo" que, but atl east the roles are right.

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PVP would be better if you could pull in people you enjoy playing with to make your entire team, rather than 50%.


Imagine how nuts the progression PVE folks would be if half their operation team had to be pulled in from a que.


It needs a way to link group que's so you get put with your friends. Then you turn solo que into a legit solo que with no groups whatsoever. Also fix solo que-s distribution of healers tanks and DPS per team. (Which is a major driving factor for grouping, I do not want a four healer group, so on my healer, I pull in strangers in the PVP area of fleet that are DPS or tanks to force a balance.) Its still a "solo" que, but atl east the roles are right.


It used to be called ranked 8 man... blame Bio for removing it

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Pops are much rare than 2-3 years before, i say nothing about yolo when people spam general chat to force players q and have 0 pops. Sometimes u need to w8 5-10+ min in prime time to get .....an arena pop! lel. So definitely PvP is quite dead, at least popularity is bleeding. And look at PvP forum section - dead.



And btw speacial thx to #choicesmatter and #singleplayerRPGwithcoopFriends and ofc #morecarebearfixesinPvP

Edited by helpmewin
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0/10 troll effort


Yep, the same way as Mars has a healthy population :rolleyes:. I would say your limited experiences on 1 server, probably in the middle of prime time, shows you that your pops are fine. I bet if you played outside you obviously small play window and on other servers too, you would see what 99.99% of the pvp old guard can see. Pvp populations and even game populations are dead.


-10/10 B.S. whining attempt


I have no issue getting matches. I don't have any 65 characters so maybe your issue is there. I can't speak for that, but I have no issues whatsoever getting into matches. Is 1 pm primetime on an east coast server? I'm retired. I play at all kinds of hours. Right now it's 9 am and I guarantee I can get into matches right now. There are typically 70-111 players on fleet in midday.


The games not dying. PvP is fine on Ebon Hawk. You're not happy and therefore nobody should be. Your type is nothing new.

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Pops are much rare than 2-3 years before, i say nothing about yolo when people spam general chat to force players q and have 0 pops. Sometimes u need to w8 5-10+ min in prime time to get .....an arena pop! lel. So definitely PvP is quite dead, at least popularity is bleeding. And look at PvP forum section - dead.



And btw speacial thx to #choicesmatter and #singleplayerRPGwithcoopFriends and ofc #morecarebearfixesinPvP


5 mins = dead?


Generally it takes longer until the first match starts after entering the queue which can reach up to 8 minutes or so when it's not primetime. It's typically a 3-6 minute wait on average for me after that. That's not bad imo. If this is what you consider dead your expectations are too high.

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5 mins = dead?


Generally it takes longer until the first match starts after entering the queue which can reach up to 8 minutes or so when it's not primetime. It's typically a 3-6 minute wait on average for me after that. That's not bad imo. If this is what you consider dead your expectations are too high.


Mb u missed that times or ur server always was like that. Nowdays PvP isn't so fun coz META and much much less players in q. 3 years ago TOFN had 1-2 min yolo pops even on rep side almost 24/7, insta regs pops, mb 30-40 sec max. For me, yes, its pretty dead. Sometimes i switch on Harb coz i need to w8 TRE pop around 10-15 min+.

And nowdays yolo is the same 10 guys, regs mb the same 30-40 players with random PvE geared/undergeaerd guys from day to day doing conq daily. But tho TOFN died with PvP in dat game as Bastion and POT5 before.


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I play on the ebon hawk, it's definitely not up to snuff as it was after 4.0 launch. Sure it pops, but there's 2-3 games going in 65 bracket at prime time, when it use to be double that at least. But the same thing happens every year, the end game pushers get bored of smashing the same content or toying with the same pvp meta, and they don't play. 5.0 will bring some people back, things will be hopping for a few months, and then it'll stabilize back to the dedicated players. I think the chapters was an attempt to maintain interest through out the year, but I guess an hour of game play wasn't enough to maintain a lot of players interest to stay subbed for an entire month.
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If you say that PvP is dead in swtor your probably just on a dead server. When it comes to ranked though, every season there is a notable decline in participation. For teams it's always just the good teams who play. A couple newbie teams try it out for the first time, get stomped and never play again.
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If you say that PvP is dead in swtor your probably just on a dead server. When it comes to ranked though, every season there is a notable decline in participation. For teams it's always just the good teams who play. A couple newbie teams try it out for the first time, get stomped and never play again.


They need to drop this gear nonsense. Or save that for ranked. PvP should be about fun and enjoying yourself. I can't imagine there are tons of people who come into PvP from the get go with the mindset that it's supposed to be a gear grind. Everyone should have the same default stats. No one should have any advantage over anyone else. No super soldiers running around soloing 4 people and other **** that has people crying "cheater!!". If people keep having those experiences they probably end up just dismissing it all together. It should be a fun experience for everyone. Not just the uber elite with the best gear who get a kick out of curb stomping people instead of actual competition.

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They need to drop this gear nonsense. Or save that for ranked. PvP should be about fun and enjoying yourself. I can't imagine there are tons of people who come into PvP from the get go with the mindset that it's supposed to be a gear grind. Everyone should have the same default stats. No one should have any advantage over anyone else. No super soldiers running around soloing 4 people and other **** that has people crying "cheater!!". If people keep having those experiences they probably end up just dismissing it all together. It should be a fun experience for everyone. Not just the uber elite with the best gear who get a kick out of curb stomping people instead of actual competition.


What? lol?


The gear grind in this game is extremely fast.. they updated the grind so you can play like 10 games and get a full set of PvP gear. This grind is NOTHING compared to other PvP games; they are literally giving the gear for free.


Everyone has the same default stats...? Not sure where that comment is coming from. The only differences you would see if people got datacons or not and thats purely PvE object finding.

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They need to drop this gear nonsense. Or save that for ranked. PvP should be about fun and enjoying yourself. I can't imagine there are tons of people who come into PvP from the get go with the mindset that it's supposed to be a gear grind. Everyone should have the same default stats. No one should have any advantage over anyone else. No super soldiers running around soloing 4 people and other **** that has people crying "cheater!!". If people keep having those experiences they probably end up just dismissing it all together. It should be a fun experience for everyone. Not just the uber elite with the best gear who get a kick out of curb stomping people instead of actual competition.


You'd be surprised how much better people do when they take 15 minutes to understand the spec they're playing, and then take maybe 2 minutes to parse it out and make sure they're recognizing all their procs. That's what decides games. 2018 expertise is easy as all hell to get, and you can have the required comms well before you hit 65 even with an insta 60. Just hit the weekly and you're practically there. Min/max 208 vs 204, isn't going to curb stomp. You'll have an advantage, but not curb stomping. People seem to mess up the simple **** that's clearly explained in the spec tree and they gimp their own damage.

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