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How hard is it to get Valor 5?


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I've never done PvP here, so I have no frame of reference of what it takes to get to Valor 5.


Can someone lay it out? I suspect you get less (or none?) if you are on the losing side so I imagine it's not just a fixed number of warzones, but roughly, what are we looking at for Valor 5?



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I've never done PvP here, so I have no frame of reference of what it takes to get to Valor 5.


Can someone lay it out? I suspect you get less (or none?) if you are on the losing side so I imagine it's not just a fixed number of warzones, but roughly, what are we looking at for Valor 5?




I only ever did two PVP matches in my life and I was already valor 3, and I did... bad... and I mean BAD. I would be more worried about the HM FPs honestly, I mean they take 10 years to pop.

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Subjective question. For me it would be impossible. I won't poison my soul with this game's pvp and I'm not enough of an arse to ruin others fun by going afk for the required warzones.


I'd like to see the valor part moved out of the Champion Tier, since I can't get Eternal without completing Champion, so I will never get whatever the resulting event companion. Stick it up in the Legendary Tier with all the other crazy objectives.

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I've never done PvP here, so I have no frame of reference of what it takes to get to Valor 5.


Can someone lay it out? I suspect you get less (or none?) if you are on the losing side so I imagine it's not just a fixed number of warzones, but roughly, what are we looking at for Valor 5?




You only have to play 3 or 4 matches to get valor 5, you can run around and troll the entire time and you will still get it easy. Don't worry about it.

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Or not ever want to touch it again once they start getting flamed by the hardcore (and toxic) PVPers.


In lowbie unranked? Ive never run into it, ever. I've played over 400 unranked WZ matches, and never run it. It's super rare. Most of the people in lowbie unraked are just people who don't care and are just messing around. The hardcore trolls jump ship eons ago or went to Ranked. Now if the requirements was get to valor 5 doing Ranked pvp, you would have my sympathy, but unranked, valor 5? easiest requirement to get beside hitting lvl 25.

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Okay, here's my standard New-To-PVP peptalk:



  • Valor 5 is crazy-easy.
  • I understand trepidation about PVP - until you actually start doing warzones your only exposure to PVP tends to be reading what toxic braggarts are writing in pvp chat.
  • Ignore those guys. Seriously, ignore them.
  • Lowbie is where people go to learn. If you are new to PVP, do lowbie. No one who is not the aforementioned toxic braggart is going to rage at you in lowbie.
  • You die a lot in PVP. It's okay to die a lot in PVP.
  • If you're really, really scared... be a healer. It's so nice to have healers, you are less likely to be raged at no matter what level you're playing.


When you're in the bullpen waiting for the match to start, it doesn't hurt to let people know you're new, you don't want to stink, state your build and then ask what you should be doing. If you don't get an answer... you've lucked into a match where no one else knows what they are doing either.

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Don't worry OP, it is super easy to get to valor 5. :) And I'm not saying that as a seasoned PvP'er, or a good PvP'er, or even someone that likes PvP. I really wanted Pierce on one of my characters, so I trudged through the 10-20 WZ's needed to get him, and no one flamed me or trash talked me or anything. It wasn't what I'd call fun, but it was very do-able. And you will need far fewer WZ's to get to valor rank 5.


By the way, don't forget to pick up the daily (and weekly, just in case)! Getting more WZ coms to spend on fun stuff helps make PvP'ing less painful. The leveling PvP weapons are some of my favorites in the game. ^^

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Having to get level 5 valor is laughably easy. You don't even have to win the warzones, just show up, follow the group and stumble around shooting anything red. Now if they would change the 21 tactical requirements to just showing up and stumbling into walls then I'd be a happy camper.
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I've never done PvP here, so I have no frame of reference of what it takes to get to Valor 5.


Can someone lay it out? I suspect you get less (or none?) if you are on the losing side so I imagine it's not just a fixed number of warzones, but roughly, what are we looking at for Valor 5?




4-5 matches and you're done. You don't really have to know what you're doing. You don't have to do much of anything. Treat each of the other players as a world boss if you need to, to get through it and you'll be fine, even if you die repeatedly, you'll still be fine. As my boyfriend says: it's mind over matter, and if you don't mind, it don't matter! You just have to get to the point where you convince yourself you don't mind! I had to, and now am not too bad a warzone healer if I do say so myself, on my Sorcerer. :)

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I'm not a fan of pvp. I usually avoid it like the plague most times (unless I want a certain shiny). But valor 5 is like 2-3 warzones, without having to win a match. Basically show up, do some work (well or badly) and boom. Valor 5.


Even if you suck balls at pvp like I sometimes do, Valor 5 isn't hard.

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Valor 5 is not that difficult to achieve, and I myself despise PvP. I once tried it with Gunslinger, didn't even get all of the pvp gears but still I admit it's kind of fun. Especially there's this one time in 4v4 where all of us dps' against a well composed group. (2 DPS, 1 T. 1H) Typical outcome that we're surely gonna be pwned but amazingly we won! (Even though I was the one who's died first but it's okay if it lead to our winning lol)


To those who do not even want to touch PvP, just give it a try. It can be fun and it can suck, cause you'll die.... a lot, and it's okay. I personally think people who don't like pvp are the ones who don't like seeing their character, their hero, die. At least that's one of the reasons that make me despise pvp.

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Subjective question. For me it would be impossible. I won't poison my soul with this game's pvp and I'm not enough of an arse to ruin others fun by going afk for the required warzones.


I'd like to see the valor part moved out of the Champion Tier, since I can't get Eternal without completing Champion, so I will never get whatever the resulting event companion. Stick it up in the Legendary Tier with all the other crazy objectives.


I'm not one of the ragers spitting venom in post after post about this event. I actually think the event could be fun and that it's nice new players can participate. However I most likely won't be competing either. I truly despise PvP...have ever since Ultima Online and the time I spent as a "Guide" on a EQ pvp server. (Anyone remember the Zek servers?)


But if you're someone who likes pvp , pve, and crafting it could very well be a fun and rewarding challenge.

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... However I most likely won't be competing either. I truly despise PvP...have ever since Ultima Online and the time I spent as a "Guide" on a EQ pvp server. (Anyone remember the Zek servers?)...


Race based Tallon and Vallon, Good/Neutral/Evil religion/alignment based Sullon with no level limits, or free for all - no teams Rallos?

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I'm not one of the ragers spitting venom in post after post about this event. I actually think the event could be fun and that it's nice new players can participate. However I most likely won't be competing either. I truly despise PvP...have ever since Ultima Online and the time I spent as a "Guide" on a EQ pvp server. (Anyone remember the Zek servers?)


But if you're someone who likes pvp , pve, and crafting it could very well be a fun and rewarding challenge.


I was never on a Zek server, but I was on Morden Rasp who got squished into Povar.

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