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Rate the Light Dark side event


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creating an event that excludes the majority of the playerbase that has played the games for years is just stupid.

It should have been designed so that all players could contribute without having to create new characters which for some players with full slots isn't even an option.

Edited by Gammawaves
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creating an event that excludes the majority of the playerbase that has played the games for years is just stupid.

It should have been designed so that all players could contribute without having to create new characters which for some players with full slots isn't even an option.


There's always options. Just because "us" veterans don't want to do them, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Transfer to another server for the legacy. Start fresh on said server. Delete and rebuild. Plenty of options exist. :cool:

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creating an event that excludes the majority of the playerbase that has played the games for years is just stupid.

It should have been designed so that all players could contribute without having to create new characters which for some players with full slots isn't even an option.


Oh no, you can go to another server and do it. (I say this with sarcasm). The most lamest thing I've heard in a response then anything else on this forum and that's saying something...

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I can't rate it until I know more about the rewards. Off hand this looks way better than the Nightlife event, which I'd rate at a 1/10. (Talk about a non-event! Spend hours standing still feeding a machine millions of credits for a chance to win a mount for one character! Woo-hoo!) The design of the event fits perfectly with my playstyle, but the requirements for the Legendary Level are downright sadistic.


-Are the Force-bound packs going to be legacy or bop. I know the items inside are bop, but are the boxes?

-Are the Force-bound packs really going to have the best of the best? Or is there some crappy filler that will greatly reduce our chance of getting something good?

-What will the Victorious Pioneer’s Armor Set look like? The Victorious Trailblazer’s Armor Set? The Victorious Trailblazer’s Bike Mount? The Victor’s Titan Turret Tank Mount? Are they going to be really cool or just meh?

-Will Darth Hexid or Master Ranos have any content associated with them? What do they sound like? Will they be customizable?

-What are the stats on the new datacrons and how much parkour will be involved?

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Well taking into consideration there isn't any new content either way and that we would have to have some event that uses existing content so rating it only on that ...


5/10 - I feel I might do half of it casually or so as I wouldn't mind opening a few boxes.


The BoP drops the rating a bit, 6-7/10 if they made it BoL.


I feel they could have done a points based system also and given points just on what content you do but now I've had time to think on it I can see why they want people doing things on new toons to avoid newer players or casuals being left behind for gearing reasons etc.


So certainly nothing earth shattering but miles better than that stupid bounty event they do but not as good as rakhgoul or gree in terms of unique content even though those too are now considered repetitive content.

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As someone who has been around since prelaunch beta days I personally don't have a problem with it, I took a small break since March and have not leveled any new characters since before KOTFE. Only ran one character through KOTFE as well so should be fun to do it all again.


Not going for the last tier of the event but I'll do all of the rest. Tbh I'm actually a bit interested in doing a full play through, not skipping any missions at all and not space baring. I haven't done that since the first few months of launch. But seeing the side missions again might be more engaging and interesting then the class missions.



In order to get Light V of Dark V anyways you kind of have to do the side missions unless you want to run BT/ Esseles 20 times

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As someone who has been around since prelaunch beta days I personally don't have a problem with it, I took a small break since March and have not leveled any new characters since before KOTFE. Only ran one character through KOTFE as well so should be fun to do it all again.


Not going for the last tier of the event but I'll do all of the rest. Tbh I'm actually a bit interested in doing a full play through, not skipping any missions at all and not space baring. I haven't done that since the first few months of launch. But seeing the side missions again might be more engaging and interesting then the class missions.



In order to get Light V of Dark V anyways you kind of have to do the side missions unless you want to run BT/ Esseles 20 times


I'd use diplomacy to do it personally since it's not counted towards the overall count of the event but it will still work in getting the DS/LS 5

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Some of their achievements are just ridiculous. Get max 550 in all crafting skills? Come on, literally what is the point in having that there.

Thinking about it more, I wonder if in that regard, they were thinking in terms of power gamers. But the thing about power gamers, is they usually will bend over backwards to be the first to complete new content (cause it's sort of like winning a competition). If the content has been done already ten times over, I can't imagine many power games bothering.


I mean, what would they brag about exactly? First at being last?


Maybe I underestimate the tenacity of some, but I just don't see many seriously trying for legendary, even among the type who normally would.

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Thinking about it more, I wonder if in that regard, they were thinking in terms of power gamers. But the thing about power gamers, is they usually will bend over backwards to be the first to complete new content (cause it's sort of like winning a competition). If the content has been done already ten times over, I can't imagine many power games bothering.


I mean, what would they brag about exactly? First at being last?


Maybe I underestimate the tenacity of some, but I just don't see many seriously trying for legendary, even among the type who normally would.


Ths much grind is so small a timeframe isn't aimed a powergamers, it's aimed at botters.


All The Best

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We should also take into consideration that you can purchase the Light vs Dark Hypercrate and it comes with a chance cube.


So any look at the rewards as making the rehash worth it if you consider you have a high chance of getting a chance cube and ending up with pointless emotes or dyes or furniture.


So the 'Event' is rehashing old content and in all likelihood (from the many complaints about chance cubes) likely to be things that people don't want. Imagine rerunning that content and ending up with a bunch of furniture thats worth a few credits on the GTN.


As new content goes there isn't any, its a check list. How can anyone rate a check list as an event and say it could be worse, how could it be worse, less things on the check list. So any rating over 0 must be for the rewards which as some cosmetic stuff and a good chance of getting chance cubes. Are people really rating chance cubes as making an event good?


Or would these people be rating the event above 1 even if it was spending 100 hours continuously in game with a level 65 character and if you go afk it resets the counter deletes the character and you have to start all over again. What are people rating some gear and some chance cubes?

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I mean, what would they brag about exactly?


BioWare probably wants to incentivise more new players to play through all the content, as well as bring in subs that have been hesitant about doing KotFE to finally play the new expansion. They're also probably trying to spark some life into monthly events (Gree, Rak, etc), ops, warzones, and GSF, which I support 100%.


For me, though, I'm treating it as a speedrun challenge. I've got about four months to basically 'beat' the game : )

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In its current iteration, 0/10.


If they expanded the maximum character slots per server past 40 (and gave those extra slots for free) so that I could actually participate in the event without deleting any of my characters or doing this event on a server where none of my friends are, then I'd give it a solid 2/10. No new content, merely the same thing that I've been doing over and over anyway since TOS/Ravagers- even AFTER taking an extended break from the game.

Edited by UTlNNl
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So for the rewards up to the companions it's really not THAT hard. Just level two characters up to max level, one on each side, with some variety in terms of the content. Valor rank five might be a bit of a pain, but most of the rest should be easy on any server with decent prime time queues.


That said, I'm definitely not going for a repeat of legendary status. I have a couple of advanced classes that I didn't cover getting to legendary status the first time, and I'll maybe fill in the gaps there. There's not really any replay value to this event though. It's regrind of story content, much of which I've already reground several times before. The saving grace is that grind is pretty easy these days.


Nice bonus for anyone thinking of getting legendary status for the first time though. If this had happened a year and a half or two years ago I would have thought that it was pretty great. Or is it three years now? It's been a while.



Definitely a event for newer players to keep them in game.



Now if we could also get a bit more in terms of stuff that has appeal to long time players . . . .


that would be nice.



In terms of metrics, BW should keep in mind that the players doing this because, "there's some loot at the end, there's nothing new to do anyway, and I'm not quite ready to give up on SWTOR entirely," probably shouldn't count toward success of the event in terms of, "are we doing a good job of serving our customers?"


If bean soup is the only thing on your menu, it does not follow that all of your customers love bean soup just because 100% of the people who ordered a menu item ordered bean soup.



At any rate, we should applaud that BW's strong commitment to recycling and reuse. ;)



So I'll be generous and rate it 2/10 for established alt-a-holics and 7/10 for new players with a single character who were thinking of trying to get legendary status.

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At first when I saw rewards and companion-reward I was excited, thought that only max ls/ds and one character for it would be enough...but then excitement quickly went downhill to frustrated even angry when I've read that I'd need to regrind all that I've done...

So 1/10. :(

Edited by PMichal
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for me I'm gonna give it a 8/10

I have no issue running old content over and over as I do that anyway.I don't do op's so I re roll characters/classes and play them as I see fit.I have also played the game since launch with a couple of small breaks due to RL and burnout.


If the event is aimed at new players (going by what people are qqing about amongst other things) then this is a good thing as maybe they will stay and more players is always a good thing.



Edited by Avorniel
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For F2P, Preferred, completely new players: 4/10


The first two tiers allow for F2P and Preferred to participate. The $19.99 KotFE Story Bonus pack allows for one month of subscription benefits. 4 out of 10 because the limited time of D/L encourages speeding through, rather than getting in to, the story and learning a class.


For existing players, especially long term players: 0/10


What I think is the message from BW: See, if we don't force you to redo everything, any new players we get might not have as many veteran players at the same level. Sure, "level sync." But, we don't want those new players mostly surrounded by level 65s. Now, go grind that old content. And thanks!

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I am amazed it has done as well as it did.


I am still at a loss how a list of achievements and then some cartel market rewards for completing those lists is an 8, 9 or 10 out 10 event. There is No new content, no effect on the content that is on offer. You don't get your companion showing up in a cut scene as you make it through the quest guiding you on to your 4th or so new character to grind or encouraging you as your ganked in PvP.


Could the people that have given it an 8 or above explain as an event how much less they could have done which would have lowered your score. Less things on the list, so less grindy its all old content so surely that would have been a good thing. Maybe if they gave less rewards you would be less inclined to provide such a favorable rating, so basically an event is good if they give away stuff. Surely then just giving everyone cartel market stuff would be a better event, that doesn't seem like an event and more prizes.


Maybe because its not for Veteran players, it therefore must be for new players and therefore it must encourage more players. Sadly that doesn't track and you would have to be retarded to think that just because you have to create a new character to participate there are thousands of new players sitting out there not wanting to play but hear that there is a list of achievements that only count for new players and they will be rushing to play. They weren't interested in the content last month the content hasn't changed only now they get some cosmetic gear on top and that will change their view of the content. Not to mention its missing the point, the thread is rating the event, not rating possible knock on effect from the event. It would be like me deciding the event is so bad I'm quitting, quit and find my quality of life has improved and therefore rate the event a 10 because it lead me to quit and free up my spare time. The event is still a list of achievement and cosmetic rewards.


Does make me think that there must be people on the EAware pay roll posting here. That or I hope the people saying how amazing the event is are planning on completing it and don't end up saying its a great event but it wasn't really for me. Turns out perfect event but its more for mythical new players and its still an amazing event but I couldn't be bothered, But it is 8 out of 10 event oh yes but not for me even though that is the rating I gave it, I gave the rating for new players that haven't played the content for veterans well erm yeah I'm a... yeah.... no I haven't seen any new players.... but if there were any I'm sure they would have given it 10 out of 10.

Edited by Costello
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