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Dark vs. Light Event


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Well, the silence is deafening today. Even took the time to make a humorous PR post about Guss not making it, but can't even make a, "We're paying attention" post for this? Come on...


I'm trying so hard to give the benefit of the doubt. If I hear nothing tomorrow too, then I know what I'm dealing with here.

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Well, the silence is deafening today. Even took the time to make a humorous PR post about Guss not making it, but can't even make a, "We're paying attention" post for this? Come on...


I'm trying so hard to give the benefit of the doubt. If I hear nothing tomorrow too, then I know what I'm dealing with here.


Imagine the poo typhoon if they said nothing before the patch and people found out they weren't getting Guss after the patch...

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Thank you for replying Ben and acknowledging that you are paying attention to what we are saying. I give you kudos man.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!





Oh color me excited for the one sided ******** you call a conversation every time the elder gamers get screwed. Just like with Operations.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




I give you credit for this so thank you.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!



Thanks for the reply but I don't expect any changes. We've seen how you addressed issues in previous livestreams (speedrun contest as the latest example) so this won't be any different. But at least it's good to hear that there will be a livestream this week.

Edited by Jerba
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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




You're good people, Ben, I don't care what the rest of the forums say about you <3

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!



Thanks for this. ^^


Means a lot.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!



Thanks for taking the time to remind us that you've been reading the forum and have seen the response.

Any chance for some answers to questions about unclear event guides before Thursday?

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Not sure I'll even care enough to watch after your deafening silence about this event until now. This is a poor excuse for an event, the concept is lacking in so many areas it's not even funny. By the way, if it's your idea of April Fool's, you're almost three months too late for that!

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Thank you Ben mean a lot

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Bioware...seriously? This is impossible and especially annoying to those who have already done every single achievement that's possibly obtainable. I don't understand why I must go through the entire game again with a level 1 and do ALL OF THESE FP's MY STORY ALL OF IT! I'd like to know how long this "event" is going to last if its like the Rakghoul or Gree event then there is no way this legendary status or what ever it is is even possible honestly you need to rethink the requirements to get these rewards the only one that would take at least 30 + minutes to complete is the FIRST ONE get to level 25 after that it starts getting very very very difficult and those who are new and fresh to the game won't even have the resources or money to pull half of these off I'm sorry but the amount of grind time to do this is way to large...Bioware with sincerity please consider changing the requirements for all levels be either decreased in amount of achievements or decreased in general difficulty in some shape or form.



~ A player among st the ocean.

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^ Calm yourself, dude... I bet even a casual player can do the first five tiers well inside a month, and this event goes on for several. If you can't level two toons to 65, solo the tacs, and run through SoR/KotFE before August, you don't deserve any rewards. Even if it took you all of July and August to do just that, you still got September and October and probably November to do just the top tier.
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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Looking forward to finding out what y'all have to say. I hope y'all've gotten to see a large portion of the feedback.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!



4.5 years playing swtor. Just give us all Retroactive achievements.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




You've* clawed back a little bit of respect with me just by acknowledging this.


Will be interesting to see what is said in the stream, and how the forums respond afterwards. When do you plan to tell us if changes are or aren't coming? Because let's be serious. "Sharing your thoughts" is all well and good but I imagine most only care what you're going to do about the feedback, if you're going to do anything at all.


*You = Bioware; not you = Ben.

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Bioware...seriously? This is impossible and especially annoying to those who have already done every single achievement that's possibly obtainable. I don't understand why I must go through the entire game again with a level 1 and do ALL OF THESE FP's MY STORY ALL OF IT! I'd like to know how long this "event" is going to last if its like the Rakghoul or Gree event then there is no way this legendary status or what ever it is is even possible honestly you need to rethink the requirements to get these rewards the only one that would take at least 30 + minutes to complete is the FIRST ONE get to level 25 after that it starts getting very very very difficult and those who are new and fresh to the game won't even have the resources or money to pull half of these off I'm sorry but the amount of grind time to do this is way to large...Bioware with sincerity please consider changing the requirements for all levels be either decreased in amount of achievements or decreased in general difficulty in some shape or form.



~ A player among st the ocean.


I'm okay with the events being difficult, or not necessarily easy to complete. I'm okay if its a time sync in terms of you're going to have to put work in. But we are not talking look I could play 2 - 3hrs a night to get this done. We are literally talking weeks upon weeks of PHYSICAL playtime in order to finish this. As somebody who HAS done nearly all the achievements in game, I can assure you that finishing the top tiers will not only take a great deal of determination, but you might as well kiss your kids and partners good bye if you want to actually get this stuff done.

SWTOR swayed the way of the weekend warrior with going F2P, fine... it helped server populations (very little for anybody actually trying to do something difficult, but whos counting) Then they step back and move towards a more story like approach, hey who doesn't like a good story, most of us were even willing to tolerate the changes in 4.0 that would lengthen any attempt to finishing objectives such as operations, FPs or anything else that was difficult. Now that most of the bugs are fixed things are slowly getting back to normal... months later.


Now... lets move on to this "event" its a great idea IN THEORY. But, you know the F2Ps either wont pay the CCs to complete half the objectives, and the subs wont do it out of spite because we have already done all this stuff. So, in order to save everyone a lot of headache and embarrassment, please before you leave for your summer vacation, turn on the 12X exp and leave everything alone. K thx.

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Hey All,


There are a lot of forum posts and conversations happening around the Dark vs Light Event. We are paying attention and following what all of you are saying. Our plan is to share our thoughts on the Event during the Live Stream on Thursday (https://www.twitch.tv/swtor). That doesn't mean that changes are or aren't coming but we will talk through some of the main topics then. See you on Thursday!




Yay! :D:D:D See? They do read! Thanks for the heads up and looking forward to it. :)

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they have earned ZERO respect from me because they hare having a live twitch.


1. they will only read from a script

2. it will crash has it always has

3. they will express that they hear the players yet do what they still want to do regardless of how poor it is.

4. unless the fire eric on air honestly it wont be worth watching and just read up with what dulfy might post after.

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I'm okay with the events being difficult, or not necessarily easy to complete. I'm okay if its a time sync in terms of you're going to have to put work in. But we are not talking look I could play 2 - 3hrs a night to get this done. We are literally talking weeks upon weeks of PHYSICAL playtime in order to finish this. As somebody who HAS done nearly all the achievements in game, I can assure you that finishing the top tiers will not only take a great deal of determination, but you might as well kiss your kids and partners good bye if you want to actually get this stuff done.

SWTOR swayed the way of the weekend warrior with going F2P, fine... it helped server populations (very little for anybody actually trying to do something difficult, but whos counting) Then they step back and move towards a more story like approach, hey who doesn't like a good story, most of us were even willing to tolerate the changes in 4.0 that would lengthen any attempt to finishing objectives such as operations, FPs or anything else that was difficult. Now that most of the bugs are fixed things are slowly getting back to normal... months later.


Now... lets move on to this "event" its a great idea IN THEORY. But, you know the F2Ps either wont pay the CCs to complete half the objectives, and the subs wont do it out of spite because we have already done all this stuff. So, in order to save everyone a lot of headache and embarrassment, please before you leave for your summer vacation, turn on the 12X exp and leave everything alone. K thx.


Have you read all the requirements for the different tiers? Have you read about the legacy gear with the 50% exp boost that will stack with guild exp boosts and regular exp boosts and the character perk unlocks? Plus doing heroics or fps with 3 others, (better yet with 65s with you) the exp is going to be even better then 12xp. And remember, the 12xp was ONLY for storyline. All these stacking exp boosts are for EVERYTHING ingame. PvE, PvP and gsf. Everything. Mind you I get the rage, I raged on Thursday night, but once I read through it again and read what some other people had said and explained it a bit better, I calmed down and found....the objectives were kinda easy. (for me to get anyways.) But then again, I am also someone who still has well over 300+ fps on HM left to run, about 3/4 of the 16m NIM left and 18k more pvp kills, so...im used to things like this. So just saying, before (or even after) raging, just read and then think through it and you can find pathways through. :)


And for the achievements? Did they auto grant you the wookie boss in Cademimu when they released that? Or did you have to redo that fp 25 times all over again even though you had 100% before 4.0? (trust me I sent in a ticket to ask if they could auto grant it ,but its a coding issue and they couldn't, most likely the same thing is going on here.) Just saying, its the same here.

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they have earned ZERO respect from me because they hare having a live twitch.


1. they will only read from a script

2. it will crash has it always has

3. they will express that they hear the players yet do what they still want to do regardless of how poor it is.

4. unless the fire eric on air honestly it wont be worth watching and just read up with what dulfy might post after.


I just read up on dulfy later also, as I don't have a twitch account and I would rather be playing then watching something.

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Did they auto grant you the wookie boss in Cademimu when they released that? Or did you have to redo that fp 25 times all over again even though you had 100% before 4.0? (trust me I sent in a ticket to ask if they could auto grant it ,but its a coding issue and they couldn't, most likely the same thing is going on here.) Just saying, its the same here.



They did mine. Coding my ***, they make a token you eat and get it back, or manually grant it like all the nightmare achives for EV, KP and EC when those came out.

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