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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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All the quit whining posts miss one thing....

This event was hyped up in such a way that a lot of us expected some new content...... And what we got was not new content but just a way to coax people into buying more character slots and rerun the same stuff we did initially.

As I see it :

There are no new players they are trying to entice...

There is not gonna be any new content other then this story which is on autopilot

This is game is not headed for any turn around or major cash infusion to improve gameplay or ops

The upper management are trying to squeeze as much money out of their devoted player base before we all leave

And this makes me sad

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All the quit whining posts miss one thing....

This event was hyped up in such a way that a lot of us expected some new content...... And what we got was not new content but just a way to coax people into buying more character slots and rerun the same stuff we did initially.

As I see it :

There are no new players they are trying to entice...

There is not gonna be any new content other then this story which is on autopilot

This is game is not headed for any turn around or major cash infusion to improve gameplay or ops

The upper management are trying to squeeze as much money out of their devoted player base before we all leave

And this makes me sad


I'll be honest... I did not expect any new content for this event. I did, however, expect it to be more inclusive. I would have expected to be able to do whatever they came up with with whichever character(s) I chose to use.


Telling people start over is beyond insulting. Telling people to buy slots, delete characters, or move to a new server is beyond insulting.




Oh yeah, and they have LITERALLY just SLAPPED. US. IN. THE. FACE. with this so-called event. :t_tongue:

Edited by AlienEyeTX
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All the quit whining posts miss one thing....

This event was hyped up in such a way that a lot of us expected some new content...... And what we got was not new content but just a way to coax people into buying more character slots and rerun the same stuff we did initially.

As I see it :

There are no new players they are trying to entice...

There is not gonna be any new content other then this story which is on autopilot

This is game is not headed for any turn around or major cash infusion to improve gameplay or ops

The upper management are trying to squeeze as much money out of their devoted player base before we all leave

And this makes me sad


Well for me when i heard about this "event" I was not expecting any content what so ever. I was thinking it really was just going to be totaling all the lightside and darkside points across the entire game from everything (even diplomacy till the devs said no) and then the total would be counted and BOOM we get a new companion. (Most likely not the one you wanted :p) When they said "Oh earn rewards!" I thought they were just going to add like a daily mission to get X amount of lightside or darkside points and get a goody. That was it in my mind. With this they gave more things to do (Which is both "good" and bad because i dislike having to do all this stuff again or faster as i like taking my time leveling and having fun with my character and companions, i RP some:cool: But.....even though i come to games for storyline....i stay because my OCD brain takes over and I HAVE to get all the AP (achievement points) Yes i know I'm never getting 55 kills in 50 WZs, but hey I'm going for every achievement i can get! (And yes, that even means Mokan (Rishi HM bonus boss) got him all 25 kills in less then 4 days and before that had NEVER stepped into Rishi HM before.) So once you lower or change your expectations, it doesn't hurt as bad. Yes i wish SWTOR had ALOT more things in it, content, features, anything and mostly everything that has been explained over the past 4 years, but i also know there are VERY few people working on this gam now as EA gutted them. SO i lower my expectations to meet the realist in me, and BOOM.....still stupid but I'm not as freaked or freaking out about it because it meets my expectations. (Mind you i was freaking out on Thursday till i read more :D)

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I'll be honest... I did not expect any new content for this event. I did, however, expect it to be more inclusive. I would have expected to be able to do whatever they came up with with whichever character(s) I chose to use.


Telling people start over is beyond insulting. Telling people to buy slots, delete characters, or move to a new server is beyond insulting.


^^ Yep agree with all this that is said......er typed :D.

Edited by Lakemine
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All the quit whining posts miss one thing....

This event was hyped up in such a way that a lot of us expected some new content...... And what we got was not new content but just a way to coax people into buying more character slots and rerun the same stuff we did initially...


I actually expected less content wise ( IE: Absolutely none. ), but I did expect more creativity with what we would do...and more importantly that we would use any character we WANT to use. IE: My main.

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LMFAO!!!!! Bioware, you've done it again. It seems like 90% of my posts are just to talk about how dumb your decisions are, but this one.. man... you've outdone yourselves. Most of your player base has 20+ toons already, and your big event is to have them make ANOTHER one to play through content they've already done 20 times? FAIL. STUPID. Seriously... do you people even try? I, for one, will not be making a brand new toon to participate in this event to acquire things that will probably be bound to that character. Thanks for leaving my main and my main alt out of this completely, because I woulda been all over this event on those two. Idiots.
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I am not against the event perse, hell speedrun sounds fun ... but there are way to many things wrong with the event. One of the biggest gripe I have is that you need to level EIGHT toons of different classes just to get part of it done. No loyal longstanding member wants to do that, I am sure.


And their lack of communication today is disturbing and unbelievable. Why? Because they keep silent. Because they know they did something wrong, and just do not want to admit it.


Hang on a second. The part you are talking about is the LEGENDARY tier, their ain't nuttin legendary about giving it to players who did 8 classes over numerous years.


It's an EVENT thus you need to DO something during the EVENT to EARN something. Capiche?


Their communication hasn't been too bad really, most major questions have been answered I thought.

Oh sorry did you want them to address all the whinging and hyperbole over how players are supposedly being punished, screwed over, kicked in the guts, treated poorly yada ya ya etc.


Nah I wouldn't want to reply to that either, many players are coming across as a bunch of self entitled children.


I feel sorry for people who have legitimate mechanic questions though that may not get answered due to being lost in this massive whingefest.

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Oh! Are you pointing to the fact that heading right above the list of the fps says "Tactical Flashpoints" and not "Solo"? Well they are technically tac fps, just you can do them solo with the god droid. In fact before they added the dailys for solo modes, they counted for the tac fp weekly (still might just cant be bothered atm because I'm lazy.)


I would imagine they want the proper group tactical done ( which you can also solo many if you're skilled enough ) due to wanting to push people into grouping.

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I would really like an answer to this. It was mentioned before characters only created on or after the event count toward the event. However, I have dozens of characters level 1 with my names saved and the looks set.


Since they are still level one do they count?


Or how about they have been created but never been loaded into the game?


Or they have been loaded but never left the first mail box?


Like I said before I have more than i can count already created characters with names and looks already set. Some I have loaded to get mail, some I have never even loaded into the game.


I would hate if I have to delete these characters and possibly lose their names. Thank god at least I wrote down the numbers for the looks categories.


They won't count, you need create them to get that facny little flag saying they are part of the LS/DS event.


You would be super unlucky to lose a name in the time it takes to delete then recreate them. Better chance of getting an Arbiter saber drop from every pack of a hypercrate I imagine. ;)

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All the quit whining posts miss one thing....

This event was hyped up in such a way that a lot of us expected some new content......


It was? To you perhaps but to most we thought we would get "They'll track the choices made over normal play and reward a companion at the end based on if LS/DS wins".

Nothing has hinted at new content and this event is more than I thought it was going to be.

By all means though ... demonstrate ONE instance where they hinted we were getting new content other than a companion? Which we are getting btw if you get far enough ...




The rest of your points I don't necessarily disagree with around the status quo of the game at least.

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You know I just thought, I am kind of surprised there's not any social rank requirement for any of the levels. Now that would of been interesting.


On the plus side I get to replay the Inquisitor class story, best class story in da game! It'll also be kind of cool to see the lower planets become more populated (for a while), almost like the game first released.

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Sad news....did some looking around yeah, the cross country server transfers are disabled atm :o:( Thought when they disabled the transfer system a month ago they turned them all back on, guess not. Hopefully when/if they turn that feature back on, they will say so in a big clear sign so people like you can see it. *sigh* Sorry i couldn't be more help. :(


Oh, drat. And here I spent the evening reserving my names on the server I was hoping to transfer to. I hope they turn this on again for this event.


And thank you so much for checking!

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But ... Arg ... Gah ... gRRR Arggg ... YOU CANT ... ARGHGHGH!!! *poof*


*bows and has a quiet vigil for the day words and language died*





(meaning the post you are responding to, not you sir *bow*)

Edited by Lakemine
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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




This is ridiculous. How many players have already leveled 8 characters past level 50? And considering its those players that are the most likely to be dedicated enough to want to get to the Legendary level, this just seems like either a slap in the face, or an incredibly thoughtless decision. Once again Bioware throws it's most loyal customers to the curb in favor of noobs.

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Hey MR. Musco, I have my main character who honestly I want the best stuff to definitely be in his story. The thing is he's level 65 and can't earn the rewards. I was wondering if the companion rewards were legacy - bound, or could be mailed / transferred from one character to my main? Is there anyway that my main guy could end up with those companions? I shall await your reply!
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Hey MR. Musco, I have my main character who honestly I want the best stuff to definitely be in his story. The thing is he's level 65 and can't earn the rewards. I was wondering if the companion rewards were legacy - bound, or could be mailed / transferred from one character to my main? Is there anyway that my main guy could end up with those companions? I shall await your reply!
The companion (I don't believe musco has ever used the plural when talking about rewards) will be account wide, and will be sent to all of your characters via ingame mail.
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Hey MR. Musco, I have my main character who honestly I want the best stuff to definitely be in his story. The thing is he's level 65 and can't earn the rewards. I was wondering if the companion rewards were legacy - bound, or could be mailed / transferred from one character to my main? Is there anyway that my main guy could end up with those companions? I shall await your reply!


The boxes you get are character bound (and the items inside are character bound, but if you get a full set of armor or a weapons you can then unlock them account wide.) The titles and achievements are legacy wide, meaning ONLY that server you do them on. The exp boost armor is for that character that completes that tier that gives the armor (its in 3 different boxes across 3 different tiers) but that armor set is legacy bound. All the other rewards, the pet, the speeders and most importantly the companions will be ACCOUNT BOUND at the end of the event. Meaning EVERY character on your account, even ones made after the event, will get those rewards. Hope that helps :) May the Force be with you.

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The companion (I don't believe musco has ever used the plural when talking about rewards) will be account wide, and will be sent to all of your characters via ingame mail.


Yes, it is only ONE companion we will get at the end of event based on the total lightside and darkside points made by the community on characters made on or after June 28th during the event. So yes that means if you are completely lightside and the darksiders win, you can and ONLY will get the darkside companion, and vice versa. And yes that means half of the community is NOT going to get the companion they want, there are thoughts as to them adding the other one down the road, but that might cheapen them. Then again.....

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It's difficult to know where to even begin... I've let this sink in for a while, but want to add my feedback in case it matters a little.


Eric, Tait, Ben, everyone at BioWare Austin,


I truly believe that you have your hearts in the right place. I can see it in your excitement whenever you talk about the game publicly. This game is very special to me and I want nothing more than to see it succeed to its fullest potential. Please listen to what remains of the game's community, we're drowning. The community has already lost podcasts, streamers, guilds, blogs, and active players in general to an alarming extent and the remaining voices are saying the same things every single week, so please listen to them.


There might be enough solo players right now to keep the revenue steady, but the hype from The Force Awakens is already a memory and the engagement metrics from Google Trends and /r/swtor are disturbing. Every announcement like this costs me an officer in my guild, but eventually it's going to be me that walks away. The game will lose another guild that was once, and should still be, the backbone of the player community.


Please listen to your most passionate supporters. We need end-game content, we need new Operations, we need more of all of the things that made this game what it was instead of the shell it's become. If none of that is possible, we need honest communication about the future of the game. No more "MMO bits" and vague allusions, just tell us if this event is indicative of the rest of the game's life. The heartbreak won't be any less significant, but at least we'll know and feel respected for the time we've spent together.


Please guys. I get it, I really do, but enough is enough.

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