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10 Good
  1. i hate the kotfe, and I hate all the fanboys in this thread That is all
  2. All the quit whining posts miss one thing.... This event was hyped up in such a way that a lot of us expected some new content...... And what we got was not new content but just a way to coax people into buying more character slots and rerun the same stuff we did initially. As I see it : There are no new players they are trying to entice... There is not gonna be any new content other then this story which is on autopilot This is game is not headed for any turn around or major cash infusion to improve gameplay or ops The upper management are trying to squeeze as much money out of their devoted player base before we all leave And this makes me sad
  3. This .....100000 times this. The story blows the class stories were unique and fun. They are slowly pushing me away from this game as I wait for things to get better...it doesn't
  4. Seriously will you guys ever make a new op? Or should we just call it a day?
  5. yup exactly ......... So once you finish an operation once you never do it again ... Ever
  6. Some said intergalactic tacos? I think this needs to be reconsidered. Intergalactic tacos are game killersx
  7. I am sick of this complaint!! Ie "no one wants to take me on ops cause I don't know fights and I don't know fights cause no one takes me on ops." There are more then enough places to review strats of a op. Takes like 5 min..... Less time then it took to write your post
  8. "EPIC" would be bioware admitting this was a really bad idea to not add new Ops or FPs and they will immediately set about righting their mistake. Thus saving me from finding a new game to blow my $$$ on.
  9. Ziost is a dead area used for "farming and rep" and it is boring. I am very afraid it will be more of the same in the xpac. To a lot of subscribers and regular players, doing and learning ops is one the best parts of the game and most of these people have done all of the old ones. I enjoy the team work and camaraderie of killing a new boss in an op after alot of trial and errors. It is an awesome feeling that you just won't get killing a old juiced up boss from days past.
  10. Bad idea to,leave out ops and team play out of expansion. This last expansion was lame with nothing left after you finished the story. No new op or world area to farm and instead you are recycling old ops. Why would this be considered a good idea? I don't know if I will stay
  11. I used to hate bombers but now they are my favorite targets. With a T2 scout and burst lasers I ignore turrets and go in blasting hit my anti missile lock and no mas. Or even better intercept them when they are on their way to node
  12. Elitism much? There is always at least one post like your in every thread and I can almost guarantee you run with a four person group on vent or TS. Fact is, if your team has two bombers vs none on the other, not only do you have a guaranteed win, but you will have a hard time finding ships to kill as they are usually killed by turrets before they even get in range from their capitol ship. I have played a bomber and it is stupidly easy to hold an objective and rack up kills. All your counters etc... require a lot more skill and specialization of ships then needed for any other ship in the game. I would say I am a fairly decent player and even with all your counters and a decent team I have found that winning against a bomber heavy group is not possible (even if they are mediocre players with low upgrades). I cant say that about any other class of ship. So yes I feel that they need to be definitely toned down in their turret damage and their survivability
  13. I have been on both sides of the coin, being on a side with 2-3 bombers is boring as the other side is more or less stuck at their spawn, and fought against them with more or less the same results. One class should not drastically change the face of the of the game to the point we are at now. Bottom line I think if the bomber isn't nerfed all the recreational casual GSF people will stop queing and all you elitists will be left fighting each other
  14. Oh and by the by... Hakuna Rakata is a Pub guild
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