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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dark vs. Light Event


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This has to be THE WORST idea this team of clowns has ever come up with. The degree to which it punishes its own players is directly proportional to the amount of time players have spent playing the game. I don't know WHAT you guys are thinking.


Thanks for the middle finger, but you'd better give the biggest apology you ever have if you want anyone to care about your new Star Wars MMO, because at this point you're punishing your loyal fanbase. A lot of us aren't going to bother with SWTOR 2 or whatever your upcoming MMO is. You have more than crossed the line at this point. Good luck recovering from this.

It doesn't punish the players at all.


Legendary level is a nightmare that I'm not even going to attempt. But everything needed for Eternal and below is from the sort of content I do during lulls in content anyway. You know, level up an alt or two, run some tac flashpoints, maybe dip my toe into PvP to see if i'm still hopeless at it. Regular content for regular players.


Can see me in casual mode probably getting Eternal in 4-6 weeks.


Been here since launch. don't feel punished by this event in the slightest.

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While the details of the event and everything required has left me feeling fatigued already, my biggest concern is with the rewards. The packs are locked behind RNG that is not always kind, but the items they give cannot be sold! That means the possibility of getting pieces of a Satele Shan or Revan Reborn armor that I have already, across my account! Not only that, getting multiples of specific boxes, and again, you can't sell them! they become garbage, just like the ridiculous amounts of bronze/silver/gold cybernetic parts.

I would love to be able to sell the duplicates to someone who needs them. But nope. Bioware, says deal with the duplicates or delete them!


Yeah and that is just another reason for the "slap in the face" hurting people who have been here for years. I have 6/8th (not 3/4th yes yes I know same value, but saying 6/8th makes it sound like I have more then 3/4th:p) of the cartel market armors unlocked. In fact out of that list that was given, there are only 3 maybe 4 things I don't have. The 2 new lightsabers (Emo Kylo's) and the light and dark side tunings...that's it. And with my "luck" of RNG I will get lots and lots and LOTS of Satele (love her armor set) and Revan Reborn and Tolak Hord pieces which I cant give to guildys who are missing a piece or so. I get not making them BoE because then the GTN would get flooded (but then again.....is that really a bad idea for items that are 20-100 millions? wouldn't the price go down if its flooded? correct me if I'm wrong economists, as I am not one lol) But maybe a way to make it so you can only trade them and not on the GTN? *sigh* the only real reason to do this for some is to get the rare items, but lock it behind RNG? on a ONE TIME EVENT!?!?!? *sigh* There was a idea put forth by a posted some while back (like in the 80-90s) about making it to were we had tokens and then we can spend them at a vendor for the reward we wanted. ie: ranked season tickets and Cartel Certificates.

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The thing is they are being stupid with the legendary status. You need to use a new toon when some of us have fully geared toons that could help those through the hard mode flashpoints but no bioware is punishing people by not allowing us to use our fully geared toons and please no gear they give out will be as good as the gear people have that are used to running these flashpoints and operations. It is like they want people to fail the hard modes and operations with the cheap gear they give out.

About the only thing a new character would be lacking on achieving would be earpiece, implants and relics. And ones that will do are cheap enough.


Seriously it's so easy to equip characters now with the abundance of legacy sets and a legacy bank to store it in.

The end of chapter 9 KotFE hands out a legacy main hand, and Gree event can use Helix tokens to buy a Legacy offhand.

Not to mention stats are all based on Mastery now, one set is good enough for most DPS/Healer.


And if you haven't been putting your best mods in legacy gear maybe now's the time to start ;)

Edited by Vhaegrant
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^ This. And on a side note can we change the event name to this dudes forum name? Because at this rate I think "Max Killjoy" would be a better name than "Dark vs Light" considering the amount of community letdown with this so called "Event".


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It is an issue especially with a limited number of crates.


I did suggest earlier and in a thread that they maybe think about tokens instead and a vendor with the items on instead.


They had this exact same issue with the very first rakghoul event they ran on Tatooine with people not getting the plague companion customisations they wanted but multiple customisations for those comps they didn't want.


The solution was to use tokens and a vendor when the Rakghoul event was relaunched ;)


True, which is a very good idea. The problem here is.....the rak event is a repeating event, now made monthly due to Lokin, but this event will not (So far at least, but we have seen multiple times then say "Nope never and BOOM 2 years later its back) return. Which means even if we get all the random stuff we have already, sucks be you. Because to get those new rewards they bring out in the future (if they do) you have to do all that also, on top of your "wasted" boxes you get from this event because you had some or most of the stuff that will drop.

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There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)



* No. I have my characters on one server. They're cooperative with each other, so that I have access to all the crew skills and the benefits of shared strongholds and storage. (Of course, KotFE kinda kills this at least on the in-character level, as supposedly each PC becomes the sole and only "outlander"... good thing I'm not touching KotFE with a 10-foot poll.)


* No. I already subscribe, I'm not spending even more money to redo things I've already done, and in some cases that I did not care for.

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About the only thing a new character would be lacking on achieving would be earpiece, implants and relics. And ones that will do are cheap enough.


Seriously it's so easy to equip characters now with the abundance of legacy sets and a legacy bank to store it in.

The end of chapter 9 KotFE hands out a legacy main hand, and Gree event can use Helix tokens to buy a Legacy offhand.

Not to mention stats are all based on Mastery now, one set is good enough for most DPS/Healer.


And if you haven't been putting your best mods in legacy gear maybe now's the time to start ;)


^^^ Very good info. Mind you....im the complete opposite derpy headed moronic idiot who KNOWS about legacy gear.....and never uses it rofl. I have pieces of armor on some characters (mains) that I don't want to lose. (don't trust the outfit designer, yeah I'm THAT idiot) So I make due with it, so I have no problem with gear, plus with my raiding guild I have like...2 tabs full of random 220s and set bonuses just sitting there for alts lol


Anyway, the point is, you don't need to worry about gearing your character with legacy gear. Its also why the outfit designer was added (still don't trust it but I'm a weirdo ask any of the people I raid with:D) and removing all the stats and throwing them all into one stat, so make it easier to throw gear around to characters. Like here said, just ear, implants and relics, which just use DMCs to get the 220s ones, but even if you don't have DMCs, you can use 112 ones. Heck I'm a idiot and use 112s on my shadow tank and he tanks HM ops lol (keep losing the relic rolls and saving DMCs for the SA and FR relics for dps, cant heal.....yet.....)

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True, which is a very good idea.

Thanks :)


The problem here is.....the rak event is a repeating event, now made monthly due to Lokin, but this event will not (So far at least, but we have seen multiple times then say "Nope never and BOOM 2 years later its back) return. Which means even if we get all the random stuff we have already, sucks be you. Because to get those new rewards they bring out in the future (if they do) you have to do all that also, on top of your "wasted" boxes you get from this event because you had some or most of the stuff that will drop.

I'm not really following this line of thought.

Rewarding tokens and placing items on a vendor means there is no randomness or repetition of an item (unless you want to buy multiple dyes). The player gets to chose what they spend those 55 tokens on so even if there are armour sets or items on the vendor they already acquired from cartel packs (and I've unlocked all the cartel pack armours) they don't have to buy them they can choose something else.

No tokens are wasted, you don't get any items you don't want.

You may not get enough tokens to get everything you might like off the vendor but that's life (or you could try to get the extra 30 from Legendary level :o )

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I got to page 26 of 124 before I gave up. The replies have been more than 20 to 1 in the negative, and I can't really say I blame them.


I will not be participating, and here's why:


1) There has not (to my knowledge) been a reply as to whether this is tiered, or is I could go straight to the level I have in mind and do those requirements solely. That's just bad form.


2) Assuming it is not tiered, I must (A) level one toon of each faction to 65 (all right...not thrilled, but it's doable), (B) do 5 rounds in the Zakuul arena ( I detest this arena - words do not exist for my loathing of this feature, which predates this event announcement by a considerable amount of time...to the point where I decided that Bowdaar could take a hike as a companion, and © hope...HOPE...that my choices in the Light/Dark seesaw pan out to where I am able to get the Chiss Jedi, and not...the boring alternative.


3) Assuming I get the Chiss Jedi (and not the boring alternative), there is no guarantee that we would be able to dress her in new (or old) armor sets, and that she would not be stuck in a frumpy, boring set of mega-yawn snooze-barf like Lana Beniko is.


Sorry...I'd grit my teeth and muddle through the <CENSORED> arena if the final result wasn't dependent on the fickleness of other players. But I have other things I can spend my time on in lieu of spending my time grinding a pair of toons that ultimately net me nothing interesting to show for my efforts. To those who decide to participate: Best of luck to you - I hope you decide it's worth the time and effort you invest.

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Thanks :)



I'm not really following this line of thought.

Rewarding tokens and placing items on a vendor means there is no randomness or repetition of an item (unless you want to buy multiple dyes). The player gets to chose what they spend those 55 tokens on so even if there are armour sets or items on the vendor they already acquired from cartel packs (and I've unlocked all the cartel pack armours) they don't have to buy them they can choose something else.

No tokens are wasted, you don't get any items you don't want.

You may not get enough tokens to get everything you might like off the vendor but that's life (or you could try to get the extra 30 from Legendary level :o )


Oh um...let me try to explain it a different way. Say I have Satele's armor set already (which I do, looks so cool *smacks head* back on track) which means if I get a Upper Satele armor box, its wasted. Were as if drops for someone that doesn't have it, its not wasted on them. So if they add down the road the tokens (like was said about the rak event and the companion customizations) we both would have to run the same number of things for the same reward. Where I could have got something new that I don't have it was wasted with me because I have it already. But if they added the rewards to the vendor and gave us tokens instead, then we can pick and choose what ever the blooming galaxy we wanted!:D Choices matter! Amazing! Giving us options isn't so bad!:D Hopefully that explained it better :) If not, well then....is claiming I'm a idiot count for something? :rolleyes:

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This is such a waste of time. We are 4 years down the road guys!! HELLO!! Maybe in the 1st or 2nd year this would have been a great idea. But most people have 20+ Alts. And some of us don't have the head-space or the time to spend such a colossal amount. And make a character on a new server and get rewards on what "that legacy" pwah...no that's just silly, SW is about community, I will be routinely on the same server.


If we had a vote, I guarantee you it would be 75%-80% of players would say "**** this". There is no reward for being a subscriber for 4 years. You people keep saying subscribe by X date, and Y date and ZZ date, what about being a subscriber from early access period December 2011?


This is not a BioWare policy, I can see right through it Mr. EA. Stop pushing people away with dumb ideas. There are games coming out and you need to get competitive not dull and mind-numbing grinding for "pixels".


Very disappointing.

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I got to page 26 of 124 before I gave up. The replies have been more than 20 to 1 in the negative, and I can't really say I blame them.


I will not be participating, and here's why:


1) There has not (to my knowledge) been a reply as to whether this is tiered, or is I could go straight to the level I have in mind and do those requirements solely. That's just bad form.


2) Assuming it is not tiered, I must (A) level one toon of each faction to 65 (all right...not thrilled, but it's doable), (B) do 5 rounds in the Zakuul arena ( I detest this arena - words do not exist for my loathing of this feature, which predates this event announcement by a considerable amount of time...to the point where I decided that Bowdaar could take a hike as a companion, and © hope...HOPE...that my choices in the Light/Dark seesaw pan out to where I am able to get the Chiss Jedi, and not...the boring alternative.


3) Assuming I get the Chiss Jedi (and not the boring alternative), there is no guarantee that we would be able to dress her in new (or old) armor sets, and that she would not be stuck in a frumpy, boring set of mega-yawn snooze-barf like Lana Beniko is.


Sorry...I'd grit my teeth and muddle through the <CENSORED> arena if the final result wasn't dependent on the fickleness of other players. But I have other things I can spend my time on in lieu of spending my time grinding a pair of toons that ultimately net me nothing interesting to show for my efforts. To those who decide to participate: Best of luck to you - I hope you decide it's worth the time and effort you invest.

Let me help you out.

The level progression is tiered, you have to unlock them in sequence.

Still awaiting confirmation that you can unlock the achievements earlier than you need them though.


As top the light/dark side companion, I'm afraid that's democracy in action for you ;) You'll probably find they'll be a way of acquiring the other companion at a later date for a small cc cost.

Also highly likely they will function like recent companions new in 4.0 and be non-dressable (although that's speculation and unconfirmed).

Edited by Vhaegrant
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So, are the ETERNAL LEVEL REWARD companions bound to the event characters?

Nope. Sent out to all characters account wide at the end of the event.

Good question! The rewards are delivered in three different methods, depending on the reward:

  • Titles - These are tied to the Achievement and therefore are unlocked for each character in the Legacy.
  • Dark vs. Light Packs and Pioneer Armor Set - These will be delivered via in-game mail to the character who completes the final objective in that event level.
  • End of event Cosmetic Rewards - Things like the Companion and the vehicles will come at the end of the event and will be delivered to every character on the account, similar to the monthly sub rewards.


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I believe you can transfer between EU and US servers now, its 500 CC more. Server transfers are 1000 CC and EU to US and vice versa are 1500 CC. Thought I will be honest I have not done it personally so you may have run into a bug or issue I do not know about. But hope that helps :)


Dang it, that throws a wrench into the works, since I had already picked which character I was going to reroll on my home server. But thanks for the info. :)

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Oh um...let me try to explain it a different way. Say I have Satele's armor set already (which I do, looks so cool *smacks head* back on track) which means if I get a Upper Satele armor box, its wasted. Were as if drops for someone that doesn't have it, its not wasted on them. So if they add down the road the tokens (like was said about the rak event and the companion customizations) we both would have to run the same number of things for the same reward. Where I could have got something new that I don't have it was wasted with me because I have it already. But if they added the rewards to the vendor and gave us tokens instead, then we can pick and choose what ever the blooming galaxy we wanted!:D Choices matter! Amazing! Giving us options isn't so bad!:D Hopefully that explained it better :) If not, well then....is claiming I'm a idiot count for something? :rolleyes:

No. Exactly the point I'm trying to make as well.


Given the limited amount of crates and the issue with RNG there's a chance you could open 5 crates and get 5 sets of Satele Shan Armour Lower.

Given that you can't sell it or do anything with it other than drag it off panel and delete it this seems such a waste of a reward opportunity.

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lol #EricAprilFoolsDay but you're late about 86 days -- I do prefer take it as a joke if not I would certainly felt insulted just like you spit on my 4 years supporting this game. Are you saying to "founders" and "legendary status" players, go f** o** ?
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Yeah and that is just another reason for the "slap in the face" hurting people who have been here for years. I have 6/8th (not 3/4th yes yes I know same value, but saying 6/8th makes it sound like I have more then 3/4th:p) of the cartel market armors unlocked. In fact out of that list that was given, there are only 3 maybe 4 things I don't have. The 2 new lightsabers (Emo Kylo's) and the light and dark side tunings...that's it. And with my "luck" of RNG I will get lots and lots and LOTS of Satele (love her armor set) and Revan Reborn and Tolak Hord pieces which I cant give to guildys who are missing a piece or so. I get not making them BoE because then the GTN would get flooded (but then again.....is that really a bad idea for items that are 20-100 millions? wouldn't the price go down if its flooded? correct me if I'm wrong economists, as I am not one lol) But maybe a way to make it so you can only trade them and not on the GTN? *sigh* the only real reason to do this for some is to get the rare items, but lock it behind RNG? on a ONE TIME EVENT!?!?!? *sigh* There was a idea put forth by a posted some while back (like in the 80-90s) about making it to were we had tokens and then we can spend them at a vendor for the reward we wanted. ie: ranked season tickets and Cartel Certificates.


Seriously, BoE is what you want? I have over 90% of all cartel items account unlocked and am livid about these RNG packets. Nothing else about the event disturbs me, but that some of the rarest cartel items will simply be handed out en masse for questing? Tulak Hord, Reborn Revan, etc. are cool for the looks, sure, but far more so because so few players have them. Make them more widely attainable and their worth drops dramatically, and I don't just mean in credits. If they're going to do this, which in itself is an insult to players who paid real money and bought their packs to acquire these items BECAUSE THEY'RE RARE, then they at least need to be BoP and not account-unlockable. I thought EAWare learned their lesson after the sh--storm that ensued when they introduced the slot machines, but apparently not. If anything old, make the Party Jawa a reward for Legendary, since it was just a 'be subscribed at this point in time' item, no one had to buy packs for it, and there are achievements tied to it - but please leave our rarest CM items in their packs where they belong.


I've been very patient with SWTOR because it's an amazing game and can live with the existing group and PvP content, but if come fall I start seeing everyone and their grandmother running around with Cathar Honor Swords and Tulak Hord's armor, among others, that may be my last day in this game I've played since beta. I'm not naïve enough to believe that EA cares, but I'm posting this anyway because I do.

Edited by Aulus_Claudius
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Answer: Each level's objectives are tracked through the Legacy Achievement system. This means that you must finish the objectives within one Legacy in order to complete them.




So basically you are saying that if I have these achievements already on my legacy I need to start a new legacy to participate? Meaning playing on a new server where I get all these niffty rewards, ...that are bind on pick-up, ...on a toon I didn't want to create, ...on a server I didn't want to play on...and then I'm allowed to pay you more money for the collection unlocks so I can have the stuff on the character and server I ACTUALLY play on?


Seriously? April 1st is way past and I'm in no mood for bad jokes!


You come up with one of the best ideas for "choices that matter" and tie it to the worst and most punishing system I've seen so far....:mad:

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I got to page 26 of 124 before I gave up. The replies have been more than 20 to 1 in the negative, and I can't really say I blame them.


I will not be participating, and here's why:


1) There has not (to my knowledge) been a reply as to whether this is tiered, or is I could go straight to the level I have in mind and do those requirements solely. That's just bad form.


2) Assuming it is not tiered, I must (A) level one toon of each faction to 65 (all right...not thrilled, but it's doable), (B) do 5 rounds in the Zakuul arena ( I detest this arena - words do not exist for my loathing of this feature, which predates this event announcement by a considerable amount of time...to the point where I decided that Bowdaar could take a hike as a companion, and © hope...HOPE...that my choices in the Light/Dark seesaw pan out to where I am able to get the Chiss Jedi, and not...the boring alternative.


3) Assuming I get the Chiss Jedi (and not the boring alternative), there is no guarantee that we would be able to dress her in new (or old) armor sets, and that she would not be stuck in a frumpy, boring set of mega-yawn snooze-barf like Lana Beniko is.


Sorry...I'd grit my teeth and muddle through the <CENSORED> arena if the final result wasn't dependent on the fickleness of other players. But I have other things I can spend my time on in lieu of spending my time grinding a pair of toons that ultimately net me nothing interesting to show for my efforts. To those who decide to participate: Best of luck to you - I hope you decide it's worth the time and effort you invest.


Good......sadly I'm a idiot who has a lot of free time this weekend to post stuff on the forums as my family is out of town lol And yes...im a beyond stupid idiot that has been reading all 124+ pages....yeah...I have no life. Anyways....


1. Yes it is tiered, so to get Legendary, you MUST complete the Eternal tier, and to get the Eternal tier you MUST complete the Champion tier ect ect ect


2. A. You only need one of each faction to 65, and only one through all the storylines from Ziost onward. The "Level all 8 classes" is just that, just level all 8 classes to lv 50, not 65. Not complete the storylines, just level. And with the 50% exp boost armor set we are getting, and it will most likely stack with other boost....you will be 50 in no time. (Still a stupid requirement imo) B. I understand your detestment of the EC, because for about 4-5 days after it came out ,I could not beat round 6 (which is by far the stupidest one there) But reading and watching the vids on dulfy.net (awesome place btw) and talking with friends who beat it within 2 hours of the content dropping and got speed run and deathless (still don't have speed run lol) made me look at it a bit differently and I made it. Just takes practice and learning the fights. C. Sadly they will not in the way most people (myself also) want. Even if you are fully lightside on every new character you make (as only characters made on June 28th and afterward count) if the darkside wins overall total, you will be stuck with the darkside companion and NO WAY WHAT SO EVER get the chiss. (Mind you some people are think they just might add them to a cartel pack or CM later on, which is also stupid imo)


3. Imo, it will most likely be like all the KotFE companions and you cant switch out armor or faces, but you can switch the weapons.


Hopefully that helps with the info. Though it is sad that most of the info is depressing to say the least. May the Force be with you

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No. Exactly the point I'm trying to make as well.


Given the limited amount of crates and the issue with RNG there's a chance you could open 5 crates and get 5 sets of Satele Shan Armour Lower.

Given that you can't sell it or do anything with it other than drag it off panel and delete it this seems such a waste of a reward opportunity.


Yes wasted indeed. Which is why its sad for RNG based rewards in the game for one time rewards. If its a repeating reward, then its fine. Just means you have to run something more then other people, like the walker in the starfortress or EC. But one time rewards based on RNG? That's just.....non-logical as there is next to no reason to even do it. (Cartel packs.....still hate them and havnt bought any since they removed the rep from them but I understand the mentality behind them) (Meaning I'm agreeing with you:D)

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So basically you are saying that if I have these achievements already on my legacy I need to start a new legacy to participate? Meaning playing on a new server where I get all these niffty rewards, ...that are bind on pick-up, ...on a toon I didn't want to create, ...on a server I didn't want to play on...and then I'm allowed to pay you more money for the collection unlocks so I can have the stuff on the character and server I ACTUALLY play on?


Seriously? April 1st is way past and I'm in no mood for bad jokes!


You come up with one of the best ideas for "choices that matter" and tie it to the worst and most punishing system I've seen so far....:mad:


They are adding new achievements with the update, those are how you will track the progress. And you can do them on a exsisting legacy, lv50 even. Just need 3 character slots. (Maybe even one if you really want to power level 6 lv50s and 2 65s one right after another)

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