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Dark vs. Light Event


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Oh and I just saw that you have to get dark 5 and light 5? The hell is the point of seeing which side is stronger when everyone will have to max out both sides?

Because it's not just those V ratings that are counted but all the choices eligible characters make in conversations.

If you are going for Legendary, you need 8 characters for all the Classes, 2 at level 65 (and the most likely candidates for light V and Dark V) and then 6 more at 50... who may or may not all be LS or DS.

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Oh and I just saw that you have to get dark 5 and light 5? The hell is the point of seeing which side is stronger when everyone will have to max out both sides?


They probably did it because some servers would shotgun to one end or the other and stay there. Exception of course is KOTFE simply because evil tends to equal lose a companion.

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josephxp;8973723 I get some people have max slots, i deleted 2 lv 65 characters today so i can have the space, small sacrifice but in the end the 2 final characters after the lv 50 trash i reroll for the achievement, will be mirrored class, name, spec etc. So i don't mean to offend you but i'm sure you have 2 character alts that you never use, you could delete and reroll them in the end with the exact same stuff. If you have more space possible the 600 cc unlock isn't the worst option either. I'm just saying with no offense, if i can delete 2 lv 65's and im a big alt hopper im sure you may find 1 or 2 you can reroll as well.


Let me take a wild guess and say you are not a roleplayer. Deleting two characters for those of us that are roleplayers it is a big deal. I know for me my characters already have a back story and are tied to either my toons, my boyfriend's or both.


For roleplayers each character they create have a purpose and they are not just created and never used.


Creating new characters don't just happen for roleplayers. They create back stories and have to plan out how the new characters fit into the scheme of the other toons.

Edited by casirabit
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Total garbage. Why would it not be retroactive? Talk about total ignorance. :mad:


Because the "challenge" is in doing it all in the 4-5 months the event has been running, not the 4-ish years the game has been running.


I'm just curious though ... WHY would you want to do if you've already done it numerous times?


The rewards are cosmetic and recycled for the most part ... why would you bother doing this all over again instead of going to play another game or just doing what you normally do?


I just see no point in this event to veterans if it means they can't at the VERY LEAST do it on their existing toons.


While I wouldn't mind the ability to "re-do" the class storyline; short of that, how are you going to track doing an equivalent amount of effort on existing characters? How are you going to handle a character who chooses different options in the story the second or N-th time around? Especially given all the demonstrated issues with story flags already?

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Let me take a wild guess and say you are not a roleplayer. Deleting two characters for those of us that are roleplayers it is a big deal. I know for me my characters already have a back story and are tied to either my toons, my boyfriend's or both.


For roleplayers each character they create have a purpose and they are not just created and never used.


Creating new characters don't just happen for roleplayers. They create back stories and have to plan out how the new characters fit into the scheme of the other toons.

But, if you were so inclined and desperate enough to consider making characters and deleting them just to obtain the legendary status there must be one character of the 40 that's a little less loved than the others. That you could temporarily put into exile until you'd run through the levelling process of the six level 50s and level 65 of opposing faction before recreating the original character and relevelling them to 65.

It's not ideal, it would be a grind, but it leaves you with a finishing point that is identical to the start.


Unless all 40 of your characters are unique and have multiple unique items unlocked on them.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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But, if you were so inclined and desperate enough to consider making characters and deleting them just to obtain the legendary status there must be one character of the 40 that's a little less loved than the others. That you could temporarily put into exile until you'd run through the levelling process of the six level 50s and level 65 of opposing faction before recreating the original character and relevelling them to 65.

It's not ideal, it would be a grind, but it leaves you with a finishing point that is identical to the start.


Unless all 40 of your characters are unique and have multiple unique items unlocked on them.


So for the people who have not unlocked all 40 slots I have to pay to unlock at least one more slot just to participate in this event? That isn't an event it's a money grab.

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Agreed. Whoever was the genius behind this event doesn't seem to grasp the idea that half of the lasting "joy" playing an mmo is the investment in the character (either story-wise or strength-wise depending on your priorities).


Also, personally, I find the 2 "unique and different" characters are not even worth caring about as they are just templated from the character creation variables. At least spend a few days doing a different mapping for the faces or something. Why should I care about getting one character or the other when I can make that EXACT character myself? (since they're pushing us to make a new character anyways)


Sorry guys and gals at Bioware. I love this game and am looking forward to the new kotfe chapter, but this event is garbage and I will be ignoring it entirely.

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But, if you were so inclined and desperate enough to consider making characters and deleting them just to obtain the legendary status there must be one character of the 40 that's a little less loved than the others. That you could temporarily put into exile until you'd run through the levelling process of the six level 50s and level 65 of opposing faction before recreating the original character and relevelling them to 65.

It's not ideal, it would be a grind, but it leaves you with a finishing point that is identical to the start.


Unless all 40 of your characters are unique and have multiple unique items unlocked on them.


For a roleplayer they are all unique and for me alone all my toons have anywhere from 12-16 outfits on the outfit changer. while I can get them off my collections the cost of outfitting them and unlocking the tabs well would be expensive. I am a very picky person on what my characters wear (even brand new ones) It takes me over an hour to design one and then another hour or so to get the outfits right.

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So for the people who have not unlocked all 40 slots I have to pay to unlock at least one more slot just to participate in this event? That isn't an event it's a money grab.

Or delete an existing character and use that slot to do all the levelling on.

If you're a subscriber you get cartel coins every month, how much is a new character slot unlock?

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I was so excited for this event and now I'm so disappointed with bio-ware. I can't believe you're asking us to regrind these characters just to participate in this event. What is the purpose of making us start at level 1?
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For a roleplayer they are all unique and for me alone all my toons have anywhere from 12-16 outfits on the outfit changer. while I can get them off my collections the cost of outfitting them and unlocking the tabs well would be expensive. I am a very picky person on what my characters wear (even brand new ones) It takes me over an hour to design one and then another hour or so to get the outfits right.


I totally understand it take me over and hour just to design a character as well. I feel your pain

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Because it's not just those V ratings that are counted but all the choices eligible characters make in conversations.

If you are going for Legendary, you need 8 characters for all the Classes, 2 at level 65 (and the most likely candidates for light V and Dark V) and then 6 more at 50... who may or may not all be LS or DS.


Plus, you can get the L-V and D-V via Diplomacy if you're into metagaming. Not to mention all the people who aren't going to bother with Legendary. It's one heck of a steep curve to go from Eternal to Legendary. I'm going to hazard a guess that most people won't try, though a lot of the sub-tasks grant separate titles, like the event-related tasks, the Dreaded News task, Giant Killer (which you might do as part of Qyzen's recruitment, a double feature!), and Dragonslayer.


Actually, the only hard part of that is the 8xL50, and that's more tedious than hard. It's not "complete Ch.3 of their stories," either, apparently, just reach L50. You can do that by Alderaan, if you do absolutely everything on-planet and no "extra credit" activites such as WZ, FP, or GSF, and popping the complimentary XP boosts might make it earlier. Hmmm. Doing the HMFPs might be harder, depending on the queue situation on your server and your own guild status.

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For a roleplayer they are all unique and for me alone all my toons have anywhere from 12-16 outfits on the outfit changer. while I can get them off my collections the cost of outfitting them and unlocking the tabs well would be expensive. I am a very picky person on what my characters wear (even brand new ones) It takes me over an hour to design one and then another hour or so to get the outfits right.


I'm the same way, I tinker forever with their appearance, and to get the right name for them, and getting their outfits right, also takes hours. Then I start on their companions...it's a real undertaking, but one I enjoy...and if I make these toons, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to delete them after...as it is I'd have to delete two in order make room....then I'd have get five more slots to take it to 40. I just don't think it's worth it. For that amount, I can buy the rewards I want off the GTN.

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You've not read the forums much, I see. They announced several days ago Diplomacy will NOT count toward this.

Diplomacy doesn't count to the servers tally, but it will move the individual characters LS/DS meter as it always had.

The metagaming is that you could get to DS V on a character without making any impact on the servers DS score.

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Diplomacy doesn't count to the servers tally, but it will move the individual characters LS/DS meter as it always had.

The metagaming is that you could get to DS V on a character without making any impact on the servers DS score.


Make very lightside choice you can, and put your character all the way to Dark V, even.

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I'm the same way, I tinker forever with their appearance, and to get the right name for them, and getting their outfits right, also takes hours. Then I start on their companions...it's a real undertaking, but one I enjoy...and if I make these toons, I'm pretty sure I won't be able to delete them after...as it is I'd have to delete two in order make room....then I'd have get five more slots to take it to 40. I just don't think it's worth it. For that amount, I can buy the rewards I want off the GTN.


For a roleplayer they are all unique and for me alone all my toons have anywhere from 12-16 outfits on the outfit changer. while I can get them off my collections the cost of outfitting them and unlocking the tabs well would be expensive. I am a very picky person on what my characters wear (even brand new ones) It takes me over an hour to design one and then another hour or so to get the outfits right.


I think you must fit in a very niche slot. To have all 40 slots filled with such unique characters. I like to collect the armour sets and gear up my characters in a decent look and have spent more hours in game than I'd care to admit and have only filled 25 characters.


I'll even admit to being fussy enough that I deleted several level 20 characters early on because their voice just didn't suit their look.


If you really wanted the Legendary title you'd find a way.


If you were a good roleplayer you'd be able to justify it in character.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Just got online for the first time today to check out the details of this event. Are you kriffing kidding me? There is no way I am creating a new character just for this crap! I have 20 as it is and several of them are not even 660 yet! Three aren't even past 35! None of them will even count for this, which is so fraking stupid.


Basically this is just another lame, boring event created to try and keep people playing the original content. The rewards are not worth it. Not one person in my guild will take part. I am willing to bet a sizable portion of the playerbase will not participate for one reason or another. This event is just not worth it.

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I have 16 characters currently. One of each class on each faction. All are done with all current content through Chapter 15 save for the E-Championship on most. All are Light V save for one, who is Dark III. I'e killed everything that could be killed via Ops, FPs, etc. I've done GSF and Warzone until my eyes bled. I even farmed HK-51 parts on 12 of the 16 toons... I done it all, now you are asking me to do it again on two more if I want everything?!


That is months of new work, and 3 years of pass work for nothing. They are going to have to make some of the achvs retroactive or the Top tiers are only going to be broken by very few people that will troll the rest of us because we dont have 18+ hours a day for the next 6 months to devote to this stuff. I'm in college trying to become a teacher, taking 20 credits a term, I dont have to time for this.


I hate to say this, but I'm going back to WoW and play through Legion, because this **** just hit my line of no return. I left wow at the end of 2013 for SWTOR, hoping never to have to return to WoW. I was happy for soooo long, but now you are basically forcing me back into the arm of the megacorp that honestly doesnt need or deserve my money.


Shame on you, Bioware. Shame Shame Shame

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I have 16 characters currently. One of each class on each faction. All are done with all current content through Chapter 15 save for the E-Championship on most. All are Light V save for one, who is Dark III. I'e killed everything that could be killed via Ops, FPs, etc. I've done GSF and Warzone until my eyes bled. I even farmed HK-51 parts on 12 of the 16 toons... I done it all, now you are asking me to do it again on two more if I want everything?!


That is months of new work, and 3 years of pass work for nothing. They are going to have to make some of the achvs retroactive or the Top tiers are only going to be broken by very few people that will troll the rest of us because we dont have 18+ hours a day for the next 6 months to devote to this stuff. I'm in college trying to become a teacher, taking 20 credits a term, I dont have to time for this.


I hate to say this, but I'm going back to WoW and play through Legion, because this **** just hit my line of no return. I left wow at the end of 2013 for SWTOR, hoping never to have to return to WoW. I was happy for soooo long, but now you are basically forcing me back into the arm of the megacorp that honestly doesnt need or deserve my money.


Shame on you, Bioware. Shame Shame Shame


You made a good point until you said you didn't have time. Most rewards are for those who can put in the time for the rewards.


Your choice of having 20 credits a semester (lol why, in that big of a hurry?) is not BW's fault that you cannot complete the requirements. I do agree most of it should be retroactive, but not because players won't have enough time. It should be retroactive because players earned the majority of the "new achievements" years ago.

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