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Dark vs. Light Event


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My toon list on Harb is 19 long with 3 lvl 55, 5 lvl 60s, and 10 65s, with one random lowbie than im transferring or deleting.

I have one of each class on both sides with a combination of light and dark on both.

I am a founder with legendary status.

My legacy is maxed.

I have max valor on multiple of them.

How the Hades can you erase all that and tell me it doesn't count?


Its ridiculous... whoever the idiot was that didnt make this retroactive should be fired, immediately. This will not encourage me to do it all over again, it will encourage me to tell you to shove this game up your collective kister!


If all that counted and i need to add a few levels or pick up a few things one or two didnt have fine, i would make that effort, and it would entertain me long enough to buy you the time to do what you needed to do, but this????? to even suggest would do it all over again is just absurd and a total insult to the time and money ive invested.




I realize my sub doesn't matter in the grand scheme, and im not one to post idle threats, but this is insulting.

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Do not forget, it also tells new prospective players " don't invest too much time in this game, cause they will just make you do it all again, and to heck with the players that have supported this game for years. It's bad enough they recycled every single fp and op in the game over the course of 5 years and counted it as "content", but now they are effectively recycling every single class story, crafting line, and literally every single thing all players have done in this game since launch.

If I were a new player, and did a lil reading on the forums here, and saw how things have been handled this past several months, I'd never in a million years get started with it. I would however, pity the people who've already invested years of time and money into it, which is exactly what they are banking on: people being too invested to want to admit they are being treated poorly.

Guess they learned from wow's example after all.

Um, the dev stance has pretty much always been go back and redo existing story content from launch let alone this event. Just go back to the original launch and build up and see how much was made of 8 unique class stories to play through. For many complaining at this new event the real issue is that this event is what they've already been doing for 5 years for no reward, and now people doing it potentially for the first time are getting stuff!

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So I wanted to highlight a few concerns I have here. Some of these rewards you mentioned are tied to the character or legacy. The options you gave above on what to do with someone who ahd a full account was to delete a toon or do on another server. Now creating and deleting a toon to stay on same server apparently won't work on rewards that are character specific. And moving to another server would only grant character and legacy rewards to that server not the main one someone plays.


So to get the legendary achievement and all rewards earned *and* have it available for a player's main legacy would require either deleting 8 characters or buying 8 additional slots (which for some who are capped is not possible)


I understand the concept here but think the execution needs more polishing. You want players to try and explore/complete a lot of what this game has to offer. And for a new person, that is great. But for a veteran who did most of these things (some in cases of content drought to stay engaged) it really feels like we have to either sacrifice toons that have earned no longer available rewards/titles/schematics -or- buy an additional 8 character slots -or- do this all on another server and never see a majority of the rewards/titles on a main account.


I agree with others on making maybe 1 or 2 new characters per faction as a requirement, but 8 seems a bit much - esp if deleting them then loses out on the rewards they would have earned, or changing servers eliminates the main legacy from getting them.


I also think, letting some of the achievements be retroactive allows BW to at least thank and reward those who had put in the time previously to get these things. Its not like they didn't have to do the same thing or the event makes it more challenging to accomplish.


Hopefully, this isn't set in stone and some final changes can be made to tweak things a bit to not make it so burdensome on a longtime account.


Very sad indeed to see that people that have been playing for years will have all of their playtime not counted at all. Because the "event" is only a few days away, I doubt they will be able to "refix it" before Tuesday to make some of them retro active (which I very much wish for as I'm at the 40 character max on my main server JC) though will all the backlash they are getting with this, hopefully they will add it. Running the fps and ops and warzones and gsf and kills in the events, I get redoing them because its just like the achievements when they came out April 9th 2013, all the main storyline one off or class or codex entries were granted the second you signed in, all the bosses (without a codex) and kill achievements you had to farm again, which is fine by me. Wish they could do that here, like for the classes and crafting to retro activate them but not the fps, warzone, gsf, events (gree rak and bounty) and ops, those we can redo and makes queues pop more. The sad part is I think the reason they made it so all the achievements we have now like the classes to 50, 55 and 60 (and storylines (yes I know you don't need to do storyline to do this "event" just saying.) and crafting is so that the people who have been playing for years don't get a "head or jump start" advantage on newer people incoming. (just like making 224 gear not drop in NIM ops to reduce people gearing up to quickly (yes I know that might not be the reason for it, but then changing months later because of community feedback, but maybe it was the choice to do it, knowing they (devs or the people in charge of making decisions) would just change it later on, but that's me a conspiracy theorist and I could be wrong and they really did listen to the community feedback, but who knows :) Which.....is a very sad choice in my opinion, rewarding people who have been playing for years over newer people I think is a good thing, because it shows that "Yes you have been playing longer then these newer players, so yes your playtime before hand counts." Even me I only started right before f2p and the cartel market came out, and I missed the jawa balloon by a few days because I didn't know about it. Yes I wish that rumor about the jawa balloon being the in cartel market or a pack was true because without it I cant get those 3 achievements that require it. But it was given to people who were subbing before f2p became a thing, so grats to you who did. (Even missing the first rakghoul event and the chevin event, though they have added some of the rewards back ingame mainly meaning the titles.) So I hope that the devs or whoever is in change listens to the forums, not just here but on Reddit, dulfy.net and tor community, where it seems the majority of the feedback is negative because of no retro activate for some of the requirements for this "event' and change it to allow use who have been here for years to let some of the requirements be retro active. Though.....most likely it won't, so be prepared to grind them all over again *sigh*. To use as a example the wookie boss achievement in Cadedimu FP, asked CS to grant them as I had that FP to 100% done years ago, but now its 86% because of them adding that achievement with 4.0, my friend got his granted so I asked, they said no because they were not ment to be retro active, so yes I had to run that fp 25 times over again, even though I had run it more then 25 times before. (forget the CZ ones which I have kept a number that is continuing to run into the 200s) And because of that.....I doubt even if we ask them to retro activate some of the requirements, they cant even if they wanted to (which I doubt). Sorry for the long in the tooth rant, but....I hope the devs or the people in charge read these forums and see a lot of us are very unhappy and upset and listen and hopefully change the way this event works before its added. (though I doubt it as the coding is all lined up for Tuesday and to go back and change it would.....probably mess up even more of the game then it already is.) I love Star Wars, have since I was 6, and its very sad and depressing to see it.....handled this way.:( *sigh* Well here is hoping they listen. May the Force be with you....always.

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So basically, you want them to grant everything retroactively so you can collect all the rewards and do nothing?


Or at least find a way for veterans who have played multiple characters to actually participate in the event. In any way that doesn't involve buying new character slots or switching servers for multiple weeks/months at a time. Even a reduced price for character slots is simply unacceptable. I won't pay them for CC so I can participate in a community event that requires me to run the old content I've been doing for four and a half years. Some of that even as 4.0 endgame content.

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There are a few options:

  • Complete the objectives on a different server than the server where you are capped.
  • Purchase additional Character Slots (to make this easier the team is planning to put these on sale at the start of the event)




Are you serious? Is this a joke? Please tell me it's a joke.


So let me get this straight. If veteran players like me, who have already done everything on the list for the event, want to get anything out of the event, we either have to pay real world money to buy more character slots, or create and level and gear eight completely new characters on another server (while knowing the rewards won't transfer over to the server you actually play on because they're tried to the Legacy system)?!


This is the biggest "screw you" I've seen directed at the veteran players on this game yet! Bad enough the developers for this game can't even be bothered to create a new event after how many years? I mean, this event is basically "Go grind the exact same content that's been in the game for years but do it while we're watching this time!" And now people who have been loyal customers of this game for years have to potentially create an entire new character roster just to participate?


Here's an idea... how about you grant the rewards from the event also based on achievements characters already have instead of making them earn them all anew? That would be far less a slap in the face than what you're proposing! As it stands right now, this event is a terribly designed, lazy, and downright insulting concept. I won't even bother participating, because it has now been made crystal clear that BioWare/EA does not care about their loyal paying customers, only in acquiring new casual ones.

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My toon list on Harb is 19 long with 3 lvl 55, 5 lvl 60s, and 10 65s, with one random lowbie than im transferring or deleting.

I have one of each class on both sides with a combination of light and dark on both.

I am a founder with legendary status.

My legacy is maxed.

I have max valor on multiple of them.

How the Hades can you erase all that and tell me it doesn't count?


Its ridiculous... whoever the idiot was that didnt make this retroactive should be fired, immediately. This will not encourage me to do it all over again, it will encourage me to tell you to shove this game up your collective kister!


If all that counted and i need to add a few levels or pick up a few things one or two didnt have fine, i would make that effort, and it would entertain me long enough to buy you the time to do what you needed to do, but this????? to even suggest would do it all over again is just absurd and a total insult to the time and money ive invested.




I realize my sub doesn't matter in the grand scheme, and im not one to post idle threats, but this is insulting.


You only need 2 character slot, the achivments are brand new achivments so you don't need to start a new legacy, read all of the posts and the things become clear. Ive posted already how easy it will be to get all of the levels but the final one, and even then ways to get that one to.

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Ok, checked through all the achievements again.

Unless I am very much mistaken, the only problematic one for me (for getting the companion) is completing round 5 of Eternal Championship.

The final tier, which as we know is after the companion, has a few things that are laughably easy... and some that are tedious, and one or two that are likely to pose an actual challenge, including a handful of things I've never actually done yet... and one that I wouldn't do if you paid me (contribute to the plague trolling BS).


If Solo+ mode in Eternal Championship counted too, then it wouldn't look so daunting.

Hopefully I can get my broadband upgraded asap so I won't have as many lag spikes and disconnects... and my graphics card so I can play Star Trek Online again :p

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This event has zero new things in it to explore

Rewards that are mostly already in game in some capacity



Um....no thanks. Well who am I kidding I'll probably do level 8 new characters to 65 because THERE'S NOTHING ELSE TO DO.


I'm sorry devs, musco, whoever...this is a terrible event. The only thing that comes to my mind is that this event is legit a way to recycle the content you already have in game...again...because....


You have nothing new in the pipeline. Not a thing.


..but HK! jk jk I joke.


This is truly a disappointment.

Apparently 5 new datacrons are in the event ;)

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So basically, you want them to grant everything retroactively so you can collect all the rewards and do nothing?


This is an event. Yes, an event designed to attract new or returning players. But that does not preclude any veteran from running characters through the event whatsoever. It's an event... and since you do not need to complete the class stories... much less actually do the entire event... I really don't see the problem given how easy it is to level in this game now days. It is ridiculously fast to level a character through the H2s these days.


I likely will not do everything in the event, but I appreciate that they gave a wide range of activities and completion levels to let players decide how much of it they want to play and what rewards they seek. I'll most likely do it until I get a full set of the armor with the embedded XP boost... Then.. perhaps do some more... depending on my mood.


This is not a veteran reward program... it's a summer/fall event.. probably leads in to the next expac at some point and they also have a nice promotion pack for late comers to get started with. Do it or don't do it... as you like. IMO, it is a great way to bring in new players that you know and to level up with them.. making the event a group/friend social pathway and gain rewards in the process. I imagine guilds not specifically focused on PvP/OPs will form event teams and run the heck out of this thing.


Except it is not helping with groups if you still have to do EC solo or the achievements don't count. Two friends were going to come back until they read that. So not really a group/friend activity.

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They are not retroactive. They can only be earned with an event character, which is any character created on or after June 28th when the event goes live.




Are you serious? I have all 40 slots filled on my server. I don't have the space for this.


You're telling me that I have to make 8 new characters to reach level 50 with for the last reward tier, even though I already had that for 4 years now???



Come on is it to much to ask to make the event retroactive? I mean it sounds like a great event if your into but an event this large that is not recurring and your asking people to re-roll toons or spend money to by slots or be separated from their guild and friends on a completely different server. That is not fun I want this event to be fun but all I am seeing is stress.

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Or at least find a way for veterans who have played multiple characters to actually participate in the event. In any way that doesn't involve buying new character slots or switching servers for multiple weeks/months at a time. Even a reduced price for character slots is simply unacceptable. I won't pay them for CC so I can participate in a community event that requires me to run the old content I've been doing for four and a half years. Some of that even as 4.0 endgame content.


You have a legit gripe - you should not have to change servers, pay CC, or delete characters to enter the event.

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You only need 2 character slot, the achivments are brand new achivments so you don't need to start a new legacy, read all of the posts and the things become clear. Ive posted already how easy it will be to get all of the levels but the final one, and even then ways to get that one to.


Why the Hades would i be expected to buy 2 slots, what would that give me i dont already have?

i dont need 21 freaking toons

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Or at least find a way for veterans who have played multiple characters to actually participate in the event. In any way that doesn't involve buying new character slots or switching servers for multiple weeks/months at a time. Even a reduced price for character slots is simply unacceptable. I won't pay them for CC so I can participate in a community event that requires me to run the old content I've been doing for four and a half years. Some of that even as 4.0 endgame content.


I'm a veteran, and nothing is preventing me from playing the event, if I want to. I will, and though I dobut I will run it all the way... I will run a good amount of it. I'll use two character slots to do it... and since 1-50 in H2's is about 12-14 hours of play.. it's really not that difficult.


If they give veterans retroactive credit.. the event is largely a nonstarter right out the gate. Many players will immediately cap the event, and then sit in the forums for 3-4 months demanding their final completion rewards, which do not come until the end of the event.


Do people even think before reacting in a negative manner?

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"the Companion"... Does that mean that all of our LvD characters' LS/DS decisions are being tracked together, and we'll only be getting one of the companions at the end of it all? If I do three Light V toons and five Dark V, I'll only get the DS companion across my legacy? Not sure I'm a fan of that part...


Also, to reiterate what many others have asked in the 19 pages I've read so far, does [solo+] mode count for TEC or just [solo]?


So far that I have read, the companion is going to be selected based on the total of ALL light side or dark side points across the entire game on all servers. It will not matter if your character is light side, if dark side wins, we will ONLY get the dark side companion, and that's it. (vice versa also)

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Except it is not helping with groups if you still have to do EC solo or the achievements don't count. Two friends were going to come back until they read that. So not really a group/friend activity.


Not sure why that would put them off. Just get some basic gear and augments, throw some companion gifts to level up 1 companion, and bam: Easy 20 mins or so to complete EC. The HM FPs, the story OPs, and the world bosses are all harder. If you also do those first, you'll probably get some decent gear along the way making EC even easier.

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I'm a veteran, and nothing is preventing me from playing the event, if I want to. I will, and though I dobut I will run it all the way... I will run a good amount of it. I'll use two character slots to do it... and since 1-50 in H2's is about 12-14 hours of play.. it's really not that difficult.


If they give veterans retroactive credit.. the event is largely a nonstarter right out the gate. Many players will immediately cap the event, and then sit in the forums for 3-4 months demanding their final completion rewards, which do not come until the end of the event.


Do people even think before reacting in a negative manner?

I agree with what you said. I don't want retroactive rewards I was hoping for something else out of this event. Unfortunately, since I already have the classes maxed out. I may sit this one out entirely or re-level my main's class through the story as the other AC to enjoy it from another perspective.

Edited by spectreclees
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Has anyone asked this ??


Will only the character you leveled during the event get the companion? Or is it like a tally in the end which companion gets released?


From a post earlier, it looks like every character on your account (even other servers) will get the companion, just like Nico. But at the end of the "event".

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Ok, checked through all the achievements again.

Unless I am very much mistaken, the only problematic one for me (for getting the companion) is completing round 5 of Eternal Championship.

The final tier, which as we know is after the companion, has a few things that are laughably easy... and some that are tedious, and one or two that are likely to pose an actual challenge, including a handful of things I've never actually done yet... and one that I wouldn't do if you paid me (contribute to the plague trolling BS).


If Solo+ mode in Eternal Championship counted too, then it wouldn't look so daunting.

Hopefully I can get my broadband upgraded asap so I won't have as many lag spikes and disconnects... and my graphics card so I can play Star Trek Online again :p


Handy guide on Eternal Championship here: http://dulfy.net/2016/04/02/swtor-eternal-championship-guide/

I'll not be patronizing and say any of the bosses are easy, but the first five are doable... I've not made it past boss six :(


What I'd really like to know is are the achievements unlocked in any order?

Some of the achievements for Legendary are likely to be unlocked very early or are dependent on a timed event so I suspect that the unlocking is a two phase requirement.

To advance you must have unlocked all of the achievements for that level but it doesn't prevent you from unlocking other achievements as well making it likely that some will effectively jump up a couple of levels at a time and make it to Legendary with half the achievements required already completed.

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You have a legit gripe - you should not have to change servers, pay CC, or delete characters to enter the event.


Since you can add character slots really easily and stay on your current server, this complaint is weak sauce IMO. And no.. you don't have to spend CC for character slots.... though I do expect this will drive the GTN prices up on character slots during the event. But it also means people looking to convert CCs to credits will be flooding the GTN with character slot tokens. A few million credits and you can buy a character slot. If you are already at the server cap, nobody can reasonably tell me there are not two characters they can delete to make room.

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I am one of those people that have 40 toons, most of them lvl 65. I am NOT planning on deleting any of them. Neither am I planning on starting on a new server.


Up the character limit is a MUST now.


Make this retroactive... OR YOU HAVE FAILED YOUR PLAYERBASE.

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This thread is going to become the mother of all collections of entitlement posts I can see.


People really do want everything handed to them in modern MMOs it seems.


Play the event or don't. It's that simple. If you want the rewards, you play the event. If the rewards have no interest to you.. then you can skip the event completely.... like very other event ever in any MMO.

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Winter Solstice is around 21 December.


I could be wrong, but when I was reading the wall of text In the blog post for this "event" I think I saw Oct 25th, though I could be wrong. So either please recheck the blog post or get a answer from a dev or community manger just to be sure.

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