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Dark vs. Light Event


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??? Who will be stupid enough to put most expensive dyes into legacy armor? You cant extract dye after that.

You can't sell them and you can't transfer them so they are stuck on a character made for an event you may never play on again.


In a similar vein I know of players that have multiple cantina crate rewards when they make a new character. They may spend an afternoon making characters to see if they can get the elusive dyes.


While not a perfect solution it does offer up a compromise of getting the expensive dye on a chest piece you may like, and can then use as a stamp across the outfit designer across all of your characters in a legacy.


I'm not arguing that it's a perfect solution, just that there is a work around and many legacy set armours out there also on Reputation vendors, alliance crates, level 9 vendor on fleet.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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People need to understand a few important things...


1. This event is the equivalent of a Speedrun its meant to be a challenge to see who can get through waves of older content in a limited amount of time. I for one am happy for it because its going to be one of those events in which not many people will get.


2. You only need 2 character slots, once you get one to lv 50 the check mark is checked for the achievement is completed, then you can delete the toon, even eric said this.


3. Keeping in mind that this is a Speedrun, does that even change your mind?


Nope. While I can level a toon to 65 extremely fast, as I remember ALL the short cuts through maps, the new QoL changes, having legacy things that make leveling a breeze, etc. Speedrun challenge or not, it's still a boring thing to do. And this is from a female who watches every single cut scene in and out of flashpoints, kotfe, story chapters, MULTIPLE times.


I'm not asking for them to make everything retroactive, but damnit, I earned all this **** years ago. I shouldn't HAVE to do it all again cause Bioware can't make or come up with something a lot more fun for everyone and not just their damn 'new players' they keep thinking will stay.

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Seeing this "event" makes we kinda wish I'd invested in a software company that makes bots...because they are about the only ones who to stand to gain from this. :/


Oh, and fun fact for those who may not know...this whole "just delete your toon and start over thing:" Yea, make sure that whatever Cartel-gear you've unlocked through the bound LS/DS packs is unlocked ON ANOTHER TOON in your Legacy BEFORE you delete that toon to roll another. I suspect there will be some very unhappy folks who delete their toon (and another, and another) to discover later while browsing their Collections that they accidently deleted all the gear they just grinded for. (not that I've ever done that or anything...LOL).


As for me, like many others, there is no chance that I will be participating in this "event." I am a Founder, have had 24 toons for quite a while now, in addition to the more than a couple dozen previously level-capped toons that I've deleted over the years (on several servers) to make room for new ones. Frankly, just the idea of having to grind all 8 classes again, along with all FPs and Crafting makes me wanna punch a baby Jawa in the face while Force Punting an Ewok. I just can't do it anymore.


For now, I will not be quitting the game, nor unsubbing, still hoping for a truly "better tomorrow" (i.e., new meaningful Ops)...but I will say in all honesty that Blade and Soul is looking better and better every day. Yes, it has a helluva grind to it and some other issues...but at least that grind gives you actual rewards/better gear/and a more rewarding experience...in addition to the monthly/daily events and rewards as a bonus to their players. There's a lot SWTOR could learn from other MMOs in terms of showing at least some regard to their hard-core player base (i.e., subs and fools like me who've purchased A LOT of Cartel Packs who could've just F2P'd all this time to get a lot of the same rewards that will now have a chance to be handed out freely). Oh well, I guess...


I'll end this mini-rant with a quote that is really starting to summarize my feelings about SWTOR: "Strange game. The only winning move is not...to...play."

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Does anyone know how long we have to earn these achievements? Have we been given an end date?

That will make a huge difference as to how many toons I can conceivably level. I'm no speed-runner :p


the general consensus is oct 1st, the math so far is 160 hours total game time IF you do every flashpoint perfectly and pvp / gsf achievements are earned reasonably.

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Does anyone know how long we have to earn these achievements? Have we been given an end date?

That will make a huge difference as to how many toons I can conceivably level. I'm no speed-runner :p


There has been no set end date.

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the general consensus is oct 1st, the math so far is 160 hours total game time IF you do every flashpoint perfectly and pvp / gsf achievements are earned reasonably.


They've got repeating events in october listed in the official guides.


My money is on at least through end of Oct, possibly as late as dec 5

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Once I figured that Legendary level was well out of my reach it wasn't as bad.

Eternal is feasible, just have to find a couple of folk to run through the Tac FPs with (usually find companion healer is more useful :o )


And taht is all well and good for you. But for most MMO players, their DNA wants them to accomplish everything in the game... and legendary was made for them, but in doing so they've ticked those people off because those people have done that legendary tier 100 times over.

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is there any truth to the statements that you cannot do the achievements progressively: AKA while i'm working on tier 1 i cannot do legendary tier achievements?

Unconfirmed at this point.


All that has been said is that you have to unlock the previous tier before the next. Not that you can't unlock achievements for a later level.

Edited by Vhaegrant
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Which is some of the questions they need to answer:


(1) And can you answer the inconsistency on the rewards page or you going to keep ignoring questions:


Complete all Flashpoints in Solo or Tactical Mode



Champion Level Guide

Below you will find each objective required to complete the Champion Tier of the Dark vs. Light event. Notice the “spoiler” button associated with each objective. If you would like more information on how to complete that objective, simply click that objectives spoiler button for more details.


To participate in the Dark vs. Light event, you must use a character created on or after June 28, 2016. You will know if your character is participating in the event if they have the following icon present on the Character Select screen.





Flashpoint Expert


To complete the objective “Flashpoint Expert”, you must take a Dark vs. Light event character and complete the following Tactical Flashpoints (in any order):




Now which one in the blazes is correct. You giving out separate information . So which one is correct can it be solo or does it have to be tacts. This does make a difference if people start doing the solo and it doesn't count. You think the forums are a problem now wait till that happens.





(2) is there any truth to the statements that you cannot do the achievements progressively: AKA while i'm working on tier 1 i cannot do legendary tier achievements?



And it being 4 (eastern) I am wondering if they are going to answer those or ignore them.

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And taht is all well and good for you. But for most MMO players, their DNA wants them to accomplish everything in the game... and legendary was made for them, but in doing so they've ticked those people off because those people have done that legendary tier 100 times over.

Haven't there been repeated reports that most MMO players ignore significant swaths of the games they play? E.g., only 10% do raids, less than half PVP and only a fraction of that fraction do ranked, etc.

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Haven't there been repeated reports that most MMO players ignore significant swaths of the games they play? E.g., only 10% do raids, less than half PVP and only a fraction of that fraction do ranked, etc.

Pretty much. But it seems the noise they can generate on the forums is inversely proportional to their population ;)

And it doesn't apply just to MMO gamers, many, many game purchasers to not complete the games they buy but get distracted when a new game comes along or take a break and never go back to it because... stuff.

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Haven't there been repeated reports that most MMO players ignore significant swaths of the games they play? E.g., only 10% do raids, less than half PVP and only a fraction of that fraction do ranked, etc.


Each player may only do a fraction of the content, but that doesn't mean that a robust MMO shouldn't offer something for everyone, as different players do different content.

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Each player may only do a fraction of the content, but that doesn't mean that a robust MMO shouldn't offer something for everyone, as different players do different content.

I agree with that, I was just questioning that other poster's assertion about the mindset of most MMO players. I don't think the average player has an "I must do everything" mindset like s/he was claiming.

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Has anyone noticed Eric has gotten quiet?


Honestly I understand so many peoples rage with this event. It's a slap in the face to people who have stuck through this game for 2+ years and gotten all the achievements done, got their legacy to lvl 50, got legendary player status, etc. While it maybe special at the time cause you completed these things but you got no reward for it so it didn't feel like much of an accomplishment. Now this event comes along and all that work is even less special UNLESS you open character slots or transfer servers for the event to get the specials so many people probably wanted for completing these things that this has come as a major slap in the face to them.


I find it highly insulting that I have gotten 6 out of the 8 classes done my legacy is already at lvl 50 and if I complete the legendary player status during the event it isn't going to count cause I already have unlocked all the stuff from my legacy regarding the 6 characters I've completed my valor on one toon is at 77 and I've gotten the wealthy title etc. I may not have been around long but this is a major insult even to me because I was proud of my toons and how far I got them. I enjoy flashpointing and doing conquest and PvPing when people aren't being ***** but this this has come as the biggest slap to all veterans, and people who have played the game for so long and even in the short time I have and completed a vast majority of this.


It needs to be retroactive there is no questioning it and if Bioware continues down this path of self destruction the game'll die before season 2 of KOTFE and maybe that's what they want is so they don't have to create that content or they just want to be out with the old and in with the new. I don't know but it's like common stop screwing the player base everywhere you turn. People got limits and Bioware is breaking or stretching that limit. Some have hope the outrage and consistent and multiple post will make it where Bioware will change but if they don't they'll lose more players and haven't we lost enough since 4.0 launched? This is a great game I enjoy the story but this crap has to stop. They need to care about the people who put money in their pockets and invest in this game by subbing and buying Cartel Coins. This money just goes to waste. It's bull.


Add-on: The more people who rage quit the game the less money from subscriptions and cartel coins that's a massive loss when you multiply it by the numbers who have done so. It stands to reason that this game has survived so far my guess is on CM purchases by the player base that plays the GTN and sells packs at ridiculously high prices to make an in-game credits but that can't keep the game a float forever when the less players there are the less chances of making high rolling cash from heroics, completing PvP stuff, etc. cause it's harder to group for these things and make the cash.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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You can't re-level your main from 1-65 while the event is live, you can't re-participate in the SoR and KotFE while the event is live. At that point, you have to make new characters anyway.


You CAN run the HM FPs on your main. You can run the operations, PvP, GSF, datacrons on main- but it won't count b/c they aren't allowing any existing character to participate in the event. That is what I can't understand why they set it up as such. I get leveling a new Pub and Imp toon from 1-ch 16 through the game - sucks if your slots are maxed out and you have to buy new ones to particiapte in event- but I understand. Just don't get the exclusion of existing characters.

Edited by Jamtas
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Has anyone noticed Eric has gotten quiet?


Honestly I understand so many peoples rage with this event. It's a slap in the face to people who have stuck through this game for 2+ years and gotten all the achievements done, got their legacy to lvl 50, got legendary player status, etc. While it maybe special at the time cause you completed these things but you got no reward for it so it didn't feel like much of an accomplishment. Now this event comes along and all that work is even less special UNLESS you open character slots or transfer servers for the event to get the specials so many people probably wanted for completing these things that this has come as a major slap in the face to them.


I find it highly insulting that I have gotten 6 out of the 8 classes done my legacy is already at lvl 50 and if I complete the legendary player status during the event it isn't going to count cause I already have unlocked all the stuff from my legacy regarding the 6 characters I've completed my valor on one toon is at 77 and I've gotten the wealthy title etc. I may not have been around long but this is a major insult even to me because I was proud of my toons and how far I got them. I enjoy flashpointing and doing conquest and PvPing when people aren't being ***** but this this has come as the biggest slap to all veterans, and people who have played the game for so long and even in the short time I have and completed a vast majority of this.


It needs to be retroactive there is no questioning it and if Bioware continues down this path of self destruction the game'll die before season 2 of KOTFE and maybe that's what they want is so they don't have to create that content or they just want to be out with the old and in with the new. I don't know but it's like common stop screwing the player base everywhere you turn. People got limits and Bioware is breaking or stretching that limit. Some have hope the outrage and consistent and multiple post will make it where Bioware will change but if they don't they'll lose more players and haven't we lost enough since 4.0 launched? This is a great game I enjoy the story but this crap has to stop. They need to care about the people who put money in their pockets and invest in this game by subbing and buying Cartel Coins. This money just goes to waste. It's bull.


Add-on: The more people who rage quit the game the less money from subscriptions and cartel coins that's a massive loss when you multiply it by the numbers who have done so. It stands to reason that this game has survived so far my guess is on CM purchases by the player base that plays the GTN and sells packs at ridiculously high prices to make an in-game credits but that can't keep the game a float forever when the less players there are the less chances of making high rolling cash from heroics, completing PvP stuff, etc. cause it's harder to group for these things and make the cash.


The funny thing is I had two friends who were considering resubbing (they are preferred) when this was first announced but after the announcement they said hell with it.

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The funny thing is I had two friends who were considering resubbing (they are preferred) when this was first announced but after the announcement they said hell with it.


I honestly do not blame them. I resub just for the packs I have no intentions of doing any more then that during this event cause the rest is just not worth it when I've already done the vast majority and I can finish the legendary player status as a preferred.

Edited by DarthEnrique
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