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Dark vs. Light Event


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I really like the concept: lots of new players have no clue how many stories are available in the game and with levelling happening so fast it's easy to experience the whole SWTOR storyline in a weird and bizarre order if you don't pay attention. When I re-joined in December last year, playing through the game with my first new toon exactly like the LS/DS event proposes you do was awesome and convinced me to stick around: you see how the stories build on each other, you experience a progression of your character that is not just numbers, but also of place in the galaxy and by the time you reach KOTFE you have a deep emotional connection with them. So for newcomers or returning players I think it is a brilliant way to experience the game. Even better that you are being rewarded to do so in the case of this event!


But the one thing that is absolutely ridiculous and is infuriating to anyone who is not an absolute newcomer to the game is the requirement to level 8 toons to level 50. It is a major slap to the face of old players and it does not even thematically fit with the rest of the event! The event is all about story (from one or both sides, through the expansions, etc.) and that is just about "grind-level 8 characters that you will have no emotional connections to.


It would have made 1000x more sense for it to be instead "Your account must have achieved legendary status", that way:


1) Old players are rewarded for their loyalty (i.e. they most probably already comply with the hardest requirement of the event);

2) It does not force mindless level-grinding which is so against the "story-story-story" spirit of the game and the event;

3) You do not bump into the character-slots issue;

4) You encourage new players to see ALL the base story.


i.e. Up to Eternal level it remains the same and then to go from Eternal to Legendary Victor require Legendary Status + if you insist taking part in all the events, Ops and FPs as currently listed.


It's so obvious that I really do not understand why BW did not make it so...



Edited by stef_bocklin
emphasis + missing negative
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I am a subscriber since 3 years,having 18 toons and it makes me very very very sad to see how you guys totally ruin this game.

i rly rly love star wars and this game and i have so many friends in this game like other people too.

and you only bring out cheap contents last year and force us to do old stuff over and over.

i just did quit my subscription cause there is no need anymore to be a sub in this game.

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a sad day for me :-(

Edited by tonitirola
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I think when a game or event lures you into all of the aspects of the game is a good thing. Try it out you might get to like it. HOWEVER, the way this event is implemented is just plain wrong. Why is that? There is no retention to the veteran(ish) players at all. All of your previous achievements don't mean jack, you can't participate with your already pimped out toons, you have to start again from scratch. The way it seems to me this is mainly aimed for those who registered not too long ago. Even tough I have enough toon slots to participate I just don't feel like this is for me and I can understand that lot of folks saying this as well. Didn't read all the thread, but still...


I have put in a bit more thinking since the news dropped, my perspective on this is, that it paves the road for KotFE season 2. This event is basically the same as was the 12x XP period last summer. I remember everyone and their mothers were leveling toons. I did that as well, to have more toons for raids. Also I remember that BW stated that according to their "metrics" people were doing story content mainly and that's why KotFE focuses mainly on story. See the connection?


Onwards to conspiracy. KotFE was most probably designed or started to be designed before Ziost(maybe way before Ziost). Given that the time required to develop the first 9 chapters, to me this seems legit. However BW had to justify that with KotFE there won't be any raids and group content. How they did it? They introduced the 12x XP period before KotFE release so they could have "data"/"metrics" to back them up. To sum up, they knew exactly what they gonna do/say and how will the game population react and they created a period to gather enough data to back up their claim for release. Easy.


How this is connects to the current event? Just look at what you have to do to get rewards! Create 8 toons, and do everything that you already did. A lot of people will do the 8 class stories and SOR and KotFE. Some will do the FPs and OPS. A few folks will do the PVP. Will I be surprised if KotFE season 2 will be solely single player content? Hardly. Will we see a statement that "our data reflects that the main interest is story content". Probably.


*drops mic*

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When the event was announced, I was really looking forward to it. And to be honest, I wouldn't mind redoing a lot of the stuff - killing X mobs, finishing flashpoints, slaughtering operation bosses - again, even though I already did them all; the new carrot on the stick would suffice.


But there's no way in hell I'd shelve my beloved main, which I nourished for 3 years, in order to do all of that on some throwaway alt.

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I have over 55 characters at 65, i leveled about 35 without tokens, i did the story back then on EU and US on male/female chars for the story - I did every piece of conceivable content in the game multiple times over - you are telling me with this event that what I did before is irrelevant and I should level up 8 characters again for titles and cartel items we already spend money on?


Why do you hate your Veteran players?


This game is making me depressed as of lately. The Time you spend and put into this could have been spend on something that players actually wanted - like repeatable content. Don't be surprised if most of your playerbase will leave for "ANY" other MMO.






Are you people really crazy??? Such a stupid event!

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I've posted this before and will post it again...


The simplest solution (in my mind) is the following:

1) Make the "Eternal Level" be achievable only by having "new" characters. This would mean doing the event as advertised up to "Eternal Level" and would be fair as it would basically involve playing 2 characters to max level and doing all story content on those 2 characters (it might even be fun).

2) Once "Eternal Level" has been achieved and the title "The Eternal Victor" has been unlocked, achievements that have been completed before on the Legacy and that contribute to "Legendary Level" are unlocked on that Legacy. This *only happens* after "Eternal Level" has been reached by participating in the event as advertised.

3) Players can then complete the remaining achievements needed (those that were not automatically unlocked when they reached "Eternal Level") to reach "Legendary Level" on any existing (old or "new") character (in essence, remove the "Dark vs. Light event character" requirement for "Legendary Level").


Bioware should be able to gate this as stated above (requiring "Eternal Level" to have achievements be retroactively awarded). They are doing it with the Eternal Championship where they require that Chapter 9 of KOTFE be completed to be able to participate.


The proposed solution will have people playing the content while at the same time not forcing long time players to redo everything they have already done (in some cases many multiple times).

Long time players won't be receiving anything without doing something. They will still have to achieve "Eternal Level" the same way as everyone else. The proposal simply makes all they have achieved in the past count for something. Think of it as "rewarding" the long time players for being long time players.


Do this and everyone will be happy! (or at least satisfied)


Would like your post but there are no likes here :D

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It is nice to see things haven't changed since I left. Yes it is so hard to get to level 50...sniff. Are you for real..lol

No one is forcing anyone to do it. You don't get rewards for pouting about it. Do it or don't pretty simple. I don't get ops gear but I don't do ops so I don't deserve it. Frell.

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I am super excited about the event and I cant wait to start leveling 8 more toons so I can relieve the best part of SWTOR, the story. Not to mention I get to relive the old content again. /sarcasm


Event would be awesome if it came out 4 years ago when people didnt have 20 toons. Now its just a big slap for the veteran players who have done every story multiple times. Not to mention some are maxed out on character slots.


Rewards are great and the idea is nice if it would only stop at Eternal level. Even that is a serious grind. Legendary level is a complete joke and it should be made retroactive.

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It's one thing to expect us to redo content to get event rewards.


Hell, I can even understand why this particular event would encourage rolling new alts to replay through all the class stories. It's not like we can just hit "Replay Act 1 of the JK story" on our existing characters (though I wish we could, as it would add much replay value to the game's solo experience).


But locking out my main characters (including one in almost all 224 gear) from the event completely? My geared mains can't even contribute to the FP/ops farming requirements?


That is a bridge too far. Eff that.


The event requirements that are not directly tied to class story should be able to be done on any character in the legacy.

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they are just spittin in everyones face, i wonder if people will get it this time and stop buying Cartel coins


Just unsub ... you are obviously unhappy about it ... back it up! Go the whole hog!


More people threatened to unsub ( or actually did ) over their precious "I win" companions getting nerfed than this ... this thread is just non stop whining with very few offering up alternative solutions ( kudos to those that do ) or really putting their money where their mouth is.


They could have done no event what so ever and this thread wouldn't exist and the game would be worse for it so let's keep that in mind regardless of if you like this concept or not ( I don't - I just won't do it ).


Instead focus on ... are we actually going to get any real new content soon beyond KoTFE chapters?

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Cut and Paste seemed to have failed. Text from the "Righteous" objective of the Legendary Level Guide: "To complete the objective “Righteous”, you must take a Dark vs. Light event character and gain enough Light side points to reach Dark V Alignment."




"Once your Character has made enough Dark side decisions to reach Light V alignment, you will receive the Achievement “Dark vs. Light: Righteous” to note that you have completed this objective."

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I'm really disappointed. I have one character slot left, but i won't start to grind stuff and then delete that toon to grind other stuff again. And i certainly won't restart on a new server or buy charcter slot to get another generic companion, who probably has no story, no interaction and isn't even able to be customized via armor.

What do i need XP boost equipment for? Who has come to the conclusion that leveling is still too slow, now that we are almost as fast as with the 12x XP while not having a 12xXP event?

I don't have as much fun leveling a new toon as i had before because the XP gain is already insanely fast.


Achievements are something a lot of players normally not interested in them are doing since last year, because there was nothing else new to do besides the story.

I'm working on 100% FP and it is already mostly annoying to run HC FPs with PUGs now, as it was for quite some time during 12x XP. Again, just like then we will have to cope with all these people with inadequate gear, speedleveling, not knowing how their class or role is to be played, but invading the FP, PvP and OPS queues in masses to get the event stuff done.


While I do think it's a great idea to motivate new players to experience all the possibilities the game offers, the road taken just is wrong again. To revitalize FPs, PvP, OPS the way it is implemented by this event is thought out very poor. It doesn't encourage players to have fun there, but to mindless grind them. Grind as much and fast as possible. Not a recipe for fun and building a community of old and new players together.


And why are players who are here for some time shunted away like this?

Why don't FPs for example or event stuff like gree, bounty hunters and so on count, if you do it with an already existing character? Why has it to be a newly created character for everything?

Without this, it would have been interesting for veteran players too, who already leveled many many times, there would be a potential that old and new players come together and learn from each other. As it is now, none of my guild mates has any interest in that event, if this forum, dulfy and reddit are any indicator, there are many many more veterans that won't participate at all.

The new players will do this mostly by themselves, without having more experienced players to help and support them.


If the veterans even stay, i heard and read from so many veterans, that they are thinking of ending their sub because of this "slap in the face", players who i thought whould stay until the servers are shut down, who liked the way KOTFE was done. Not because they don't like the game anymore but because how BW treats their loyal long term customers.


I wonder if there are really enough hyaena like players, who tingle from game to game, stay for a few months, before going on, to sustain this game. Because the latest "content" additions and promotions seem to aim only for this audience and not towards anyone who is interested in a long term gaming commitment, no matter if for group content, story or single player. The only crowd that seems to interest BW are new players, who don't stay for long to have expectations, but leave their money here.


To me personnally it's just a 12x leveling XP event in other colors, play what you have played again and again, again for a third time. Not interested at all, as long as i am forced to create new characters to participate in stuff I'm already doing for years.


My worst case scenario: After the event, the "metrics" show that players do this or that, and love it ... yeah, because they do that out of their own choice, because it really is fun and not because there is an event hype train. Or shiny shinies, they get for grinding old stuff. And then we will get more of this, again for a fourth or fifth time... No need to be creative or make something new...

Edited by Khaleijo
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To achieve the "Big Earner" objective, can one of my other characters give a Dark vs. Light event character 1,000,000 credits?


You get million credits just by doing story stuff. You should have over million credits before end of chapter 3 and way sooner if you do heroics.

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I'm really disappointed. I have one character slot left, but i won't start to grind stuff and then delete that toon to grind other stuff again. And i certainly won't restart on a new server or buy charcter slot to get another generic companion, who probably has no story, no interaction and isn't even able to be customized via armor.

What do i need XP boost equipment for? Who has come to the conclusion that leveling is still too slow, now that we are almost as fast as with the 12x XP while not having a 12xXP event?

I don't have as much fun leveling a new toon as i had before because the XP gain is already insanely fast.


Achievements are something a lot of players normally not interested in them are doing since last year, because there was nothing else new to do besides the story.

I'm working on 100% FP and it is already mostly annoying to run HC FPs with PUGs now, as it was for quite some time during 12x XP. Again, just like then we will have to cope with all these people with inadequate gear, speedleveling, not knowing how their class or role is to be played, but invading the FP, PvP and OPS queues in masses to get the event stuff done.


While I do think it's a great idea to motivate new players to experience all the possibilities the game offers, the road taken just is wrong again. To revitalize FPs, PvP, OPS the way it is implemented by this event is thought out very poor. It doesn't encourage players to have fun there, but to mindless grind them. Grind as much and fast as possible. Not a recipe for fun and building a community of old and new players together.


And why are players who are here for some time shunted away like this?

Why don't FPs for example or event stuff like gree, bounty hunters and so on count, if you do it with an already existing character? Why has it to be a newly created character for everything?

Without this, it would have been interesting for veteran players too, who already leveled many many times, there would be a potential that old and new players come together and learn from each other. As it is now, none of my guild mates has any interest in that event, if this forum, dulfy and reddit are any indicator, there are many many more veterans that won't participate at all.

The new players will do this mostly by themselves, without having more experienced players to help and support them.


If the veterans even stay, i heard and read from so many veterans, that they are thinking of ending their sub because of this "slap in the face", players who i thought whould stay until the servers are shut down, who liked the way KOTFE was done. Not because they don't like the game anymore but because how BW treats their loyal long term customers.


I wonder if there are really enough hyaena like players, who tingle from game to game, stay for a few months, before going on, to sustain this game. Because the latest "content" additions and promotions seem to aim only for this audience and not towards anyone who is interested in a long term gaming commitment, no matter if for group content, story or single player. The only crowd that seems to interest BW are new players, who don't stay for long to have expectations, but leave their money here.


To me personnally it's just a 12x leveling XP event in other colors, play what you have played again and again, again for a third time. Not interested at all, as long as i am forced to create new characters to participate in stuff I'm already doing for years.


My worst case scenario: After the event, the "metrics" show that players do this or that, and love it ... yeah, because they do that out of their own choice, because it really is fun and not because there is an event hype train. Or shiny shinies, they get for grinding old stuff. And then we will get more of this, again for a fourth or fifth time... No need to be creative or make something new...




i am one of those players who stoped sub after 3 years permanent beeing a sub.

shame on you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sad day for all the long term players :-(

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Having read about this event, I doubt that I will be participating. I don't want to start over and only characters created after June 28th at level 1 count.


^This !


Give us the Nar Shaddaa Nighthlife Event and tuck this lousy event where the sun don't shine.

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nice to see the veterans are getting screwed over. So we have to do the same stuff over and over again. Now just with new chars. That is just stupid. Look at the comments on dulfy. So many people are angry about how you have decided to do this event, and i agree, its ******. So all I have done so far, is pointless, when it comes to this event. I guess they wanted everybody to be on the same level. But we will never be. Some people have more time etc, to put into this game. I barely play this game anymore, because im getting tired of doing the same stuff over and over. I was looking forward to this event, but if I want to do it, i have to do things i, am somewhat tired of doing. And with a new char, that has worse gear, so some of the things you will need to grind alot, just to get the gear, so you can do other things for the event. Like the HM for FP. I have had troubles doing it with my main, that is decent geared. I won't be able to do that with a new gear. Do you actualy think about these things, before you made your event. Seems not. I have been a sub since day 1, and I had been thinking of cancelling my sub (proberly after the current storyline, as im this far into it, so i might as well finish it). But this event, might just give me the push to cancel my sub. So much grind, of the things people have already grinded. Guess you took the lazy route. Do the developers even play the game. Dosen't seem like it Edited by ibervang
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Many people here are posting that they made a mistake not retro-acting achievements. My guess is after reading the backlash they may do just that.


You must be dreaming... It will never happen.


Achievements are so screwed in the first place (hello deleted HK-55 achievements for 2 months now) that I am sure they are totally clueless how to track them and grant the achievements for this event retroactively.

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So I'm up to date on this thread now and I can see when reading the Dark vs. Light Event and Rewards Blog that I made some pretty stupid assumptions.


A few extra details on the packs -the armor sets come in three separate boxes, Upper Body, Lower Body, and Supplementary. Each item that you earn from a Force-Bound Dark vs. Light Pack is Bind on Pickup, so they cannot be sold. However, these items do unlock in collections similar to other pack items.


Eric, can you please clarify:



  • Does each pack contain an armour set (upper, lower and supplementary) or only one of the separate boxes? A single upper, lower or supplementary box isn't going to help anyone by granting them a few pieces of a highly sought after set, especially when they can't send it to another character.
  • The question from my previous post about the weapon tunings still remains unanswered as well. Are the weapon tunings from the packs definitely unlockable in Collections, as clearly suggested in the rewards blog, despite the current tunings not appearing in Collections?
  • I'd also like to see a complete list of the "Best of" items contained in these packs. The event is sounding less and less like something I will participate in.

Edited by Ceinwyn
missing space
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Can't we as a community (talking about the veteran players, which is I believe at least 80% of the community) just boycot this and start a petition against this ridiculous event? Maybe even with official votes for or against, so it becomes clear for Bioware how many people are actually positive about this and looking forward to it (no one).
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Wow, as a founder with all classes and advanced classes maxed, all flashpoints done, all events done, all operations done including world first nightmare runs I feel this 'content' is a real slap in the face.


I can understand if you wanted to make 1 new character to 65 in order to qualify but needing to do everything all over again on 8 characters to reach the goal........ just dumb.


My guild is already dead due to no new group content, this may well be my last sub if this is implemented as no way I'm grinding out what I've already done all over again. Seriously....great way to take a cool sounding idea and kill it dead.

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Worst requirements ever for anyone who has been a loyal fan and player of this game.


Bioware, why are you intentionally killing your own game?


The requirements on the legendary level as well as all other rehashed content is a slap (if not a male member slap) in the face to all the devoted and loyal gamers who have played through the game's content already (as indicated by the achievement points total they have gathered).


What sort of crack do you guys use when coming up with this " event "?

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