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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

what was stopping people from just, getting slicing?


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Simple question i really don't understand the answer too.


You're given three skills. Only one -could- be a crafting, but it didn't need to be. there were crafting skills, gathering to get mats for crafting, and mission skills.


I never really got the point of most mission skills, but thats beside the point.


What was stopping anyone from just dropping a profession, getting slicing, and using the "**** its sooo op" money to fund their crafting?

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The only real nerf is to crew away missions, so they they're a small fee or breaking even to get free skill ups. It's still free money in boxes on the field, and augments for the people who know how gear works and actually get augment-available gear.

I'm sorry, but i have to flag this as spam, this has nothing to do with my post.

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Those money boxes you speak of are crap, i am at near 400 slicing and the most i ever got out of one was 500 credits. Big whoop.


Then you're extremely unlucky. Boxes on the field of Nar Shadda still frequently drop over 1000 credits, and it's nowhere near 400 skill level.

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Then you're extremely unlucky. Boxes on the field of Nar Shadda still frequently drop over 1000 credits, and it's nowhere near 400 skill level.


I wonder what Nar shadaa box you are talking about because the white box from the bonus mission area in Nar shadaa (165ish slicing i think) only gives round 300-600 per click. (unless you crit and got a green / blue box).

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Then you're extremely unlucky. Boxes on the field of Nar Shadda still frequently drop over 1000 credits, and it's nowhere near 400 skill level.


Uh, what? I'm about to finish Nar Shadda and have never seen a box drop near 1000. Rarely do I even get over 300 (and I'm almost at 400 skill).

Edited by MonkeyPulp
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Then you're extremely unlucky. Boxes on the field of Nar Shadda still frequently drop over 1000 credits, and it's nowhere near 400 skill level.


I have not seen this. Nar Shadda was giving me about 500 per box, give or take, and Tatooine seems to be around the 600 range for me. Perhaps I was unlucky, as well. Very unlucky.


And it's all free money. We don't pay for those resource nodes, either. I've been doing quite well with Salvaging, personally. Lockboxes seem to be balanced pretty well, and worth about the same as raw materials on the open market.

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That is basically what I did. I dropped Underworld Trading for slicing. UT is not necessary to advance synthweaving. I don't need to make blue or purple gear to advance the craft so I just figured that if I came across an item I wanted to make in my leveling that needed a UW mat, I could easily buy said mat from the DTN.


And I feel no need to drop slicing as long as I'm still capable of selling the cybertech schemes and mission drops. The augments on the other hand are crap for the most part. I will eventually switch back to UT, but probably closer to 50.

Edited by Msbungle
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Simple question i really don't understand the answer too.


You're given three skills. Only one -could- be a crafting, but it didn't need to be. there were crafting skills, gathering to get mats for crafting, and mission skills.


I never really got the point of most mission skills, but thats beside the point.


What was stopping anyone from just dropping a profession, getting slicing, and using the "**** its sooo op" money to fund their crafting?


because they were either too lazy to drop a profession they did need and level up a new one, or they were just that stubborn. presonall originally i had CT, UT, and Scav but dropped UT for Slicing since you dont need UT to advance CT just to make blues. although it has been nerfed i forsee it wont stay that way for long are at least not as bad and i can still make somewhat of a profit from it so ill be keeping slicing. then once i get scav and CT to max ill drop scav and get UT as by then i wont need to mats from scav since they will most likely be pretty cheap on the GTN and ill be able to sell left over Blues from UT, plus the mods i make from CT.

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because they were either too lazy to drop a profession they did need and level up a new one, or they were just that stubborn. presonall originally i had CT, UT, and Scav but dropped UT for Slicing since you dont need UT to advance CT just to make blues. although it has been nerfed i forsee it wont stay that way for long are at least not as bad and i can still make somewhat of a profit from it so ill be keeping slicing. then once i get scav and CT to max ill drop scav and get UT as by then i wont need to mats from scav since they will most likely be pretty cheap on the GTN and ill be able to sell left over Blues from UT, plus the mods i make from CT.


Yea, thats more or less what i did. I'm thinking, if nothing else, just picking up diplo so i can get more darkside points.

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@OP If the concept was for everyone to get slicing, then it shouldn't be disguised as a choice. Give everyone 2 slots and slicing.


If, on the other hand, the concept was to have relatively balanced crew skills where people felt that the pros and cons balanced out, then you begin to see where people might get grumpy about a crew skill that literally sticks credits right into your pocket.


How much credits it gave was ridiculous, especially balanced against the fact that you didn't have to put anything up for auction hoping that someone would buy it.




Now to more directly address your question, I just made an alt to add slicing to my list of crew skills. Crew Skills aren't limited by level, so my level 8 Agent is about to be helping fund my level 30 Sith Sorcerer :p

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On the other hand, I'm reading a lot of posts now about slicing making regular losses. If that's truly the case, that's even more useless than how it was pre-nerf. Nobody should be picking a profession that's gonna net guaranteed losses o.O
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I'm thinking it really hard to believe that people actually thought that gaining (a lot of) money while afking on their ship by pressing a button and pressing another one after a couple of minutes was totally good design and didn't warrant a nerf.



I'm finding it harder to believe that you don't see how having net gains in the negative credits now is a suitable nerf.. RIP Slicing.

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