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warrior female vs male


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Yeah, pointing out how women's concerns about how they are depicted by male designers totally aren't valid even though I have no first-hand personal experience in the matter and they do is very stupid.

Fixed that for you.


I'm gonna be sneezing with all this straw around. I'm specifically adrressing how your arguments fail due to the many flaws in them.


And again you assume that all sex appeal in games is done by soley male designers (Bayonetta, fully because of a woman. Though again, I do not see the problem with sexyness in games). Again you assume that I have no first-hand experience because I do not agree with you.

Edited by Codedrago
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Waht the hell even is that anyway. Still, that's not the argument at hand, and im sure theirs plenty of over things the internet could bring over these characters. The point is, that men, and women, are both sexualized in media, and that theirs more to females in the Metal Gear universe than physical appearance.


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I'm just gonna let those two statements sit together side by side and bask in each-others stupidity. :D








I went to art school and the only guy I have ever seen even come close to those proportions is Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, the guy who plays The Mountain on Game of Thrones.




The guy he's next to is 5'11", which is above-average human height. If Pascal had maybe 15lbs more muscle he'd be a perfect example of type 2 male body next to a type 3.


And because guys arguing against me are so predictable, I'll head off the argument they're already getting ready to post, that the type-3 female body is Brienne of Tarh, so it works.


And if you think that's a valid defense, then kindly go jump in a river, because your argument is that laser swords, magic levitation, faster than light space travel, and aliens are all more realistic in a game than a woman who's over 6' tall and has thick arms.


I didn't go to art school but I feel the Mountain is slightly bent here. So he's bigger than BT3. IMO.

I imagine BT3 male as heavyweight boxer or UFC fighter.

Fem BT3 type is, for me the example of mega-fit woman. Sure there are women with much more muscle, but not in sports that could relate a bit to what we're doing in game. BT3 looks like a swimmer.

You can't satisfy everyone -if they wanted to do strong female body type and had just one slot available for it they had to choose either tall and broad shouldered or muscular. Both would be too much -creating a very rare, probably disliked by most players hardcore bodybuilder.


Brienn is just long, I don't find her convincingly strong. Shes moving awkwardly.

Anyway, got lost a bit here -you started with fem SW as powerful female archetype. Now we're discussing GoT?

I agree there are not too many convincing female characters in media that are powerful and unstoppable. Its probably because the producers/directors/developers/creators don't think they would sell.

You want more? Make a movie and put them there. World is what it is.

Edited by jstankaroslo
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Where have I dissmissed the femle point of view? I've tried to always present an argument instead of simply going ''Meh, I'm right you're wrong''. If I am doing so, I'd like to see it so that I may improve.


Except the tone of your replies belies this point, you are basically saying exactly that. You're right and all you silly girls are wrong. It's most likely an unconscious thing, you're human, it happens and people will misinterpret. Especially in the written form on a forum. It's pretty much why I generally don't get involved in this type of thing and just let sleeping dogs lie. But, something about your posts were just getting under my skin, sorry.

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Old Republic, and Bioware in general, do better, but if they treated men and women the same we wouldn't have the Slave Leia or dancers outfits. The female body type 3 and 4 would also be a lot heavier, in muscle and fat, respectively.

I'd argue that they should let both genders wear the slave/dancer's outfits rather than taking them out of the game.

When the game was new, it did slant more towards traditional sexist costumes where the same outfit would be sexy on female characters and covering on male characters but that's not the case anymore. The old outfits are still in the game so you can use or not use them at your discretion but all new outfits they make are worn the same on men or women (well in the cases where there is a difference, it's the MALE characters who wear less as they go completely shirtless when the women wear a sport bra).





I agree that female BT4 should be much fatter and would like it if the BT3 was taller and a little more muscular (she's pretty good) though to match the male versions but other than that carry over from the early days I am 100% satisfied. There is zero stat difference, power difference, dialogue difference (aside from who you can flirt with or romance), story difference, etc...between genders. I'm not sure what more you want.

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Except the tone of your replies belies this point, you are basically saying exactly that. You're right and all you silly girls are wrong.


I find it hard to beleive that to have come across, I always thought I was producing ''I think I'm right, here's why. Please tear my argument apart" especially when I've only been arguing with Cross, only specifically adressing her points. But then again, I am biased in ths matter to myself and I probably come off as a condescending arse to most. So I admit I probably could improve my tone.

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I find it hard to beleive that to have come across, I always thought I was producing ''I think I'm right, here's why. Please tear my argument apart" especially when I've only been arguing with Cross, only specifically adressing her points. But then again, I am biased in ths matter to myself and I probably come off as a condescending arse to most. So I admit I probably could improve my tone.


It's all good to me, as it's my discomfort I suppose. It'll all be good after about a pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream.

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Old Republic, and Bioware in general, do better, but if they treated men and women the same we wouldn't have the Slave Leia or dancers outfits.


Because bikini tops are apparently taboo. :rolleyes:


My lady pureblood Juggernaut wears a bikini top with her leather pants, high boots, gold bracelets and tiara. Why? To show that she is so strong in the Force that nothing can touch her (and she likes being pretty). :p My guy wears the same outfit minus the bikini top, and has earrings instead of a tiara -- for the same reasons. Their ancestors are the Massassi, and they don't wear so many clothes, after all.

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I loved playing through the story with the female Sith warrior, and wouldn't have it any other way. Sounds like you've already seen the whole story, though, so maybe you're not playing for enjoyment of the storyline in either case. But on top of that, she looks ****** in her heavy warrior armor, and I love the chuckle she makes while in combat.
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Old Republic, and Bioware in general, do better, but if they treated men and women the same we wouldn't have the Slave Leia or dancers outfits. The female body type 3 and 4 would also be a lot heavier, in muscle and fat, respectively.



Please I am a lady and I do not wear the blasted heavy armor they have nor do I wear the slave leia outfits. I like to dress in dresses and skirts so I am thankful there is a variety of clothing we can choose from. You may want to dress is the heavy armor but some of us don't and appreciate the clothings like Xoxxan's armor or Mira's outfit .

Edited by casirabit
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I actually disagree.


It makes sense Warrior/ Knight for Male and Inquisitor/ Consular for Female. The clothing you get while leveling, seems to fit what I said. Warrior Males get armor where Females get half tops and stuff, doesn't make sense for a frontline fighter.


The roles of the Warrior for example seem leaning more towards males too at least the Juggernaut, frontline fighter/ brute. Physically strong.

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It makes sense Warrior/ Knight for Male and Inquisitor/ Consular for Female. The clothing you get while leveling, seems to fit what I said. Warrior Males get armor where Females get half tops and stuff, doesn't make sense for a frontline fighter.


The roles of the Warrior for example seem leaning more towards males too at least the Juggernaut, frontline fighter/ brute. Physically strong.


There is a little thing called "the force" that negates all of that.


Warrior females also get plenty of armor that isn't those stupid crop tops. (Thank god they came to their senses and stopped ruining armor for women!).


Do you think Darth Maul isn't a manly, front-line fighter because he wears fabric instead of armor? Or Yoda because he is little? Clearly the Imperial Guards aren't intended to fight since they all wear skirts. Right? :rolleyes:

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Male, better VA and can romance Vette

Highly subjective.


I found the Male Sith Warrior VO seemed to go against the character design I had in mind. If anything the general tone and inflection of the Sith Inquisitor male would have been better.

Then again I had issues with most of the Male VO content but no problems with the Female VO content.

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Highly subjective.


I found the Male Sith Warrior VO seemed to go against the character design I had in mind. If anything the general tone and inflection of the Sith Inquisitor male would have been better.

Then again I had issues with most of the Male VO content but no problems with the Female VO content.


My subjective opinion trumps everybody elses subjective opinions, thank you very much! :D

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Please I am a lady and I do not wear the blasted heavy armor they have nor do I wear the slave leia outfits. I like to dress in dresses and skirts so I am thankful there is a variety of clothing we can choose from. You may want to dress is the heavy armor but some of us don't and appreciate the clothings like Xoxxan's armor or Mira's outfit .


I agree, I'm so glad at the variety of armor now vs in the beginning when everyone looked the same.

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