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warrior female vs male


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i plan on making a warrior sith but i dont know which would be better..a male or female..suggestions and reasons for either...and since i have not played a warrior in a while and plan on pvp would marader or vengence jugg Edited by Ketsuin
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Female because of bikinis obviously!


Just pick one that you find yourself more comfortable with and look to the future of the romances perhaps, as that's the real difference between the two. You're going to miss Vette... and... and... and JAESA... I wouldn't miss her for the world.

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i have 2 males already but i stoped playing around hutt cartel xpac due to life..now that im back i need to start new and i romance vette..jaseas and the medic guy...but i need to make a new one to relearn the warrior..
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Male, better VA and can romance Vette


Female, better VA and no qualms about keeping Vette gagged and collared in the cargo hold of the ship. :p


@OP: If you're not squeamish about "spoilers", you can check youtube for some voice acting samples of both and decide what you like better. (Close your eyes and just listen to the voice and then create your own look.)


For a character I want to RP and take through the story, I think about the personality, and then both looks and voice have to match the character. Took me 2 hours to create the looks that match the female SW voice in my imagination, but I love my female DS Mara. xD (It's an unrequited love, though.)


For a pure pvp or crafting toon I don't care either way. Never hear them talk, anyway.


Another difference is that many of the classic 1-50 outfits that look quite nice on male characters show as skimpy rags on female characters, which I personally find very annoying.

Edited by KyaniteD
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Male has better romance options. Granted one of them is a bat***** crazy witch but the other is Vette, so you still come out ahead of Pierce and the annoying stain on the inside of my ship's hyperdrive casing that used to be Quinn.

However, the voice actor for the female Warrior (Natasha Little) does a great job of providing a sarcastic and desceptively evil voice which also works well for a more light-sided Warrior. Mark Bazeley's voice is great for the more brooding dark-side "kill them all and let the Force sort them out" type of play through.


Regarding the class, in PVP I usually find that people focus my Marauders earlier in the team list than they do my Juggs, particularly if there are healers about. So a Vengeance Jugg would probably be a better bet there.

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I have both, personally. voice acting is great for both, I love male warrior's voice though.

males get 2 romance options - dark and light. females get... Quinn. and a fling. males get to flirt with npc's more.


other then that.. its pretty much whatever.

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My advice: do both eventually. Have a juggernaut male and a marauder female, or vice versa. If I had to pick, I would probably go with male for the first one. Male voice sounds better to me (IMO female sounds a bit like an old lady, but I got used to it), and heavy armor (juggernaut) makes male warrior looks like an unstoppable killing machine. (Comes from a guy who actually had a female warrior juggernaut first haha :D.) But this is just my opinion. Like others have said, take a look at videos first to see how you like male vs. female voice, animations, etc., before making a decision. Edited by VictorMike
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Warriors fits better as a Male, Inquisitor for Female.


I find that all classes are equally suitable for both genders, it's down to romance options and voice actors and I really love the male inquisitor voice :p

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I find that all classes are equally suitable for both genders, it's down to romance options and voice actors and I really love the male inquisitor voice :p


Agreed. The female Sith Warrior VA is very good, but Mr. Bazely's voice makes me swoon. :)


That having been said, I have one of each gender of Juggernaut, since I think dual wielding lightsabers looks stupid. Just a weird quirk of mine, I guess.


Also, I think purebloods fit best for the class being "from a noble family".

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Warriors fits better as a Male, Inquisitor for Female.


Not sure about that. I have a female warrior and she does just fine. All my toons are female, as for me it is weird for me to play something opposite than my own sex (noticed I said me).

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This is pretty much the same as asking which is better: Left Twix or Right Twix. Which, of course, depends on whether one prefers (a) soft caramel dripped on tasty cookies and covered in delectable chocolate or (b) chewy caramel drizzled on tempting cookies concealed in delicious chocolate. Some people prefer (a); some can't live without (b).


I've played both Male and Female Sith Warriors ... both Marauders. The Pureblood guy Warrior turned out to be a stereotypical mean pain in the arse. The Human chick Marauder turned out to be slightly crazy ... she wore a pink dress and used pink crystals in her sabers ... and she liked to dance and twirl. They've both been long-deleted.

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The Human chick Marauder turned out to be slightly crazy ... she wore a pink dress and used pink crystals in her sabers ... and she liked to dance and twirl. They've both been long-deleted.

Now all I can imagine is Baras calling the Warrior for their next mission, but is told to wait as the whole crew finishes their balley class.

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I like Female Warrior. I have two who are Juggernauts and Light Sided, so it's fun to listen to her being all nice to Imperials when they have failed ad are waiting for her to snap and kill them or something. It terrifies them, and she finds that amusing.


I have a few Male Warriors, but I haven't left Korriban on either of them, because I have some thirty-two other characters to play as well...

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If I had to choose I'd go with female. Male SW is really well-acted and written, but in the end he comes off like almost every grimdark dude-bro villain-protagonist anti-hero that I have seen in so many different things. Female warrior's VA is just as good (and she seems to do sarcasm just a bit better, for those who like snarking at Baras), and having the woman be the unstoppable power-fantasy murder-machine is something you simply don't see as often (if ever) in media, so it might make for a fresher experience (imo).


Downside is your only romance option until SoR is Quinn :mad: (although a fling with Pierce is also possible).

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and having the woman be the unstoppable power-fantasy murder-machine is something you simply don't see as often (if ever) in media, so it might make for a fresher experience (imo).


'If ever'? It's not a common character (Depends on how far you stretch the 'unstoppable power-fantasy murder-machine'), but its no where near rare.

Edited by Codedrago
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'If ever'? It's not a common character (Depends on how far you stretch the 'unstoppable power-fantasy murder-machine'), but its no where near rare.


Oh yeah, there's Azula from Avatar series, The Bride from Kill Bill, River Tam from Firefly... and well... Azula from the Avatar comics!


Totally not rare! :rolleyes:

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Oh yeah, there's Azula from Avatar series, The Bride from Kill Bill, River Tam from Firefly... and well... Azula from the Avatar comics!


Totally not rare! :rolleyes:


Jack, Samara, Mornith - Mass Effect

Ellie, Tess - The Last of Us

Samus - Metroid

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

Lightning and Fang - Fnal Fantasy 13

Black Widow - Avengers

Ridley - Aliens

Juliet Starling - Lolipop Chainsaw

Revy - Black Lagoon

Kallen - Code Geauss


Again, depends on your criteria to fit into it.

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Jack, Samara, Mornith - Mass Effect

Ellie, Tess - The Last of Us

Samus - Metroid

Lara Croft - Tomb Raider

Lightning and Fang - Fnal Fantasy 13

Black Widow - Avengers

Ridley - Aliens

Juliet Starling - Lolipop Chainsaw

Revy - Black Lagoon

Kallen - Code Geauss


Again, depends on your criteria to fit into it.


Except for Revy from Black Lagoon (which I will totally give you, along with Balalaika and Roberta), most of those don't even come close to what I was describing.


And this is why I dread even posting in these types of discussions, because no matter how I phrase a simple fact or observation, I am going to get a horde of zombies pouring out of the woodwork, all going, "Well actually...!" at me on a subject I have more practice arguing than my warrior gets with her lightsabers. :rolleyes:

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Except for Revy from Black Lagoon (which I will totally give you, along with Balalaika and Roberta), most of those don't even come close to what I was describing.


And this is why I dread even posting in these types of discussions, because no matter how I phrase a simple fact or observation, I am going to get a horde of zombies pouring out of the woodwork, all going, "Well actually...!" at me on a subject I have more practice arguing than my warrior gets with her lightsabers. :rolleyes:


Then explain what fits the critera, ebcause the way you decribe it, it's simply a ****** who kills a lot of people. Also, 'horde of zombies'? I know my ego is big, but it doesn't count as multiple different people.

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