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The Characterization of KotFE


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Knights of the Fallen Empire isn't a story-based game. It's a plot-based game.


Those two terms are not interchangeable. Plot is an element of story, but not the only one.


The plot of KotFE is honestly so well executed that it actually makes it easy to miss all the problems with the other elements of the story, but this is where the "chapterization" of KotFE actually hurts the game. When you are playing through the chapters one after the other, they flow into each other and move along at such a brisk pace, each bit of intrigue revealing a tiny little bit of the mystery and bringing you closer to the end, but when you have to wait a month in-between chapters then all of a sudden you have time to sit back, think, and notice things.


Or as Mr Plinkett famously said, and you will now no-doubt read in his voice, "You didn't notice it, but your brain did".


The characterization is, quite simply, very very shallow and superficial. Reintroduced companions get only the most cursory introduction often with no explanation of what they've been up to with you out of their lives. How well do you really know Lana, Koth, and Theron, when you really stop and think about it (and no, books don't count)?


To Bioware's credit, they often use the minuscule amount of time devoted well. With Lana you quickly learn she can be ruthless in her pragmatism, and Koth a bit impractical (and stupid) in his idealism, but that's about it. Vaylin is a gleefully murderous psychopath, but that's it. You instantly know what kind of person Gault is in 5 minutes, and Vette gets reintroduced in one of her best moments ever, but then that's it. That's all you get. You don't get to sit and really talk with them save for maybe one scene each.


Imagine being the former co-head of the Dark Council, and finally meeting Satele Shan in this quiet, meditative setting with seemingly nothing pressing or galaxy-threatening going on, and you can ask her about literally anything, and your choices are "What happened to you?/[Flirt]/Oh great, it's you."


It's amazing how much richer and deeper the conversation tree was in a game like Fallout, nearly 20 years ago, where you could just stop the whole game for a moment and talk to these characters you meet. And it was all fully voiced! How I wish I could walk up to one of my comps in the Alliance base or the cantina and just talk to them, ask them about who they are.


Even if you didn't want to spend the money on more recording, this is something that the Codex could have been used for! Have a wiki entry in the Codex about where these characters were and what they were doing. I want to hear stories about what Xalek and Broonmark were up to before we find them on a murder-spree. I want to know about the experiment where Lokin finally tamed a bunch of little raklings and the hilarious panic that must have caused that sent him into hiding (and retirement). I want to hear everything Jorgan went through trying to keep Havoc Squad in one piece, and ultimately failing as the original members all moved on or got reassigned. I could have spent hours reading about this (or until the game booted me out for inactivity), but in the end, there's nothing there.

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Exactly the issue with KOTFE. You do the Lana romance and then after chapter 9, it's like you're suddenly just her superior and she thinks of nothing else. No flirting, no causal talking, just..."Oh hey we had a fling, I told you how much you mean to me, then back to business as if nothing happened."


Characterization is just bad.


But actually I have to disagree and there are major plot holes and the plot is just plain bad. Take my JK for example. He's one of the BEST duelists around and he's proven it time and again. But suddenly I get stomped by Arcann, not once but over and over again, then thrown by Senya as if my force abilities don't exist, some how survive being impaled through the chest(cause my JK told Valkorion to go screw himself), have to create a magic force weapon to give me an edge when I should be stomping Arcann into the ground in a lightsaber duel, same with Vaylin.


Then there's the fact that this story was more written for force users in mind and that the non force users in much of the story simply makes no sense.

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Exactly the issue with KOTFE. You do the Lana romance and then after chapter 9, it's like you're suddenly just her superior and she thinks of nothing else. No flirting, no causal talking, just..."Oh hey we had a fling, I told you how much you mean to me, then back to business as if nothing happened."


Characterization is just bad.


But actually I have to disagree and there are major plot holes and the plot is just plain bad. Take my JK for example. He's one of the BEST duelists around and he's proven it time and again. But suddenly I get stomped by Arcann, not once but over and over again, then thrown by Senya as if my force abilities don't exist, some how survive being impaled through the chest(cause my JK told Valkorion to go screw himself), have to create a magic force weapon to give me an edge when I should be stomping Arcann into the ground in a lightsaber duel, same with Vaylin.


Then there's the fact that this story was more written for force users in mind and that the non force users in much of the story simply makes no sense.


Most of those aren't plot holes.


Arcann is defeated you because he is better.


Senya pushed you because it was a surprise while you were focused on Vaylin.


You survived being impaled because Valkorian kept you alive.

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Most of those aren't plot holes.


Arcann is defeated you because he is better.


Senya pushed you because it was a surprise while you were focused on Vaylin.


You survived being impaled because Valkorian kept you alive.


This. Those things are easily explainable. It just depends on whether you like the explanation or not, or whether the player's need for their PC to be the Most Powerful One overrides common story points. Yeah, the JK's a fantastic duelist. Why can't Arcann be better? Yes, Senya Force-pushed you hard. But you were focused on Vaylin when it happened so you weren't protecting yourself from Senya. Yes, you may have told Valkorian what he could do with his offer, but when you do get stabbed, Valkorian will save you anyway because he's living in your body and he needs you (yes, he can leave, but we have no idea what would've happened if you'd died while he was in you, and besides that, he still wants to use you at that point).

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This. Those things are easily explainable. It just depends on whether you like the explanation or not, or whether the player's need for their PC to be the Most Powerful One overrides common story points. Yeah, the JK's a fantastic duelist. Why can't Arcann be better? Yes, Senya Force-pushed you hard. But you were focused on Vaylin when it happened so you weren't protecting yourself from Senya. Yes, you may have told Valkorian what he could do with his offer, but when you do get stabbed, Valkorian will save you anyway because he's living in your body and he needs you (yes, he can leave, but we have no idea what would've happened if you'd died while he was in you, and besides that, he still wants to use you at that point).


Yeah, and i'm afraid that they'll cause further need for explanations, especially if Arcann is more powerful, there has to be a rationale if we ever defeat him, and i hope its not some cop out reason like we defeat him after weakening him in some way, or something.

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Yeah, and i'm afraid that they'll cause further need for explanations, especially if Arcann is more powerful, there has to be a rationale if we ever defeat him, and i hope its not some cop out reason like we defeat him after weakening him in some way, or something.


I think we already got it when we forged Excalibur. The impression I got is that yes, Arcaan is better than you, but not by much. Without knowing how he got maimed, it's safe to say you might be the one opponent he hasn't been able to just steamroll one on one.


Of course, the irony is that we get PCs who get frustrated for the exact same reason with him. :D

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But actually I have to disagree and there are major plot holes and the plot is just plain bad. Take my JK for example. He's one of the BEST duelists around and he's proven it time and again. But suddenly I get stomped by Arcann, not once but over and over again, then thrown by Senya as if my force abilities don't exist, some how survive being impaled through the chest(cause my JK told Valkorion to go screw himself), have to create a magic force weapon to give me an edge when I should be stomping Arcann into the ground in a lightsaber duel, same with Vaylin.


like it was said above, it's logical + you'll have to go back to the training ground with Satele and Marr to understand what's going on and how Arkan and Vaylin are stronger than you. you fight against Vailyn especially to see your weakness

Remember the trailer, Arkan and his brother ? they've destroy every thing, killed the most powerfull Sith and Jedi along the way, they were not usual fighters.


i think more of a final fight like it was with Revan, multiple allies against One, Vailyn will betray her brother at one point for sure.

Edited by karmaann
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like it was said above, it's logical + you'll have to go back to the training ground with Satele and Marr to understand what's going on and how Arkan and Vaylin are stronger than you. you fight against Vailyn especially to see your weakness

Remember the trailer, Arkan and his brother ? they've destroy every thing, killed the most powerfull Sith and Jedi along the way, they were not usual fighters.


i think more of a final fight like it was with Revan, multiple allies against One, Vailyn will betray her brother at one point for sure.


One thing to improve my technique or learn some force ability I simply didn't know. But to basically build Excalibur and it's the only way. You gotta be kidding me.

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Fisrst of all, what is the deal with forging a magical weapon that will somehow give us the power to defeat our enemies? You can maybe, maybe with a stretch accept it for a lightsaber, but if you are a none force user class it simply dosent make any sense at all. The whole idea with classes like the bounty hunter or the smugler or the agent is that they compensate for their lack of ability to use the force, with training, and with the most high tech equipment that money can buy. But now they are gonna be using some weapon made from junk that they build in a cave while a crazy woman and a ghost looked over them?


That is some serious bs right there, it is compleatly uncreative approch that comes about because Biowere is forcing this one story to fit all characters instead of making some differences to acknowlege that not all people play the JK.


That is the main problem with this whole expansion, it was clearly and obviously designed to work with the force user classes, mainly the JK or the SW and everyone else has just been shoehorned in there

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One thing to improve my technique or learn some force ability I simply didn't know. But to basically build Excalibur and it's the only way. You gotta be kidding me.

i see your point and agree, but unfortunatly, we won't have more than that,

i wish they made a kind of pilgrimage for force user on Voss for exemple , a specific chapter, but then, they should have made a specific one for BH/IA and the like. and more, if only Kofte would have been like it was, a full story for each class:) or at least a separate one for force user and non force!


Well, for now, you need to have a strong story for your toon and imagine what it's not shown...

Edited by karmaann
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Fisrst of all, what is the deal with forging a magical weapon that will somehow give us the power to defeat our enemies? You can maybe, maybe with a stretch accept it for a lightsaber, but if you are a none force user class it simply dosent make any sense at all. The whole idea with classes like the bounty hunter or the smugler or the agent is that they compensate for their lack of ability to use the force, with training, and with the most high tech equipment that money can buy. But now they are gonna be using some weapon made from junk that they build in a cave while a crazy woman and a ghost looked over them?


That is some serious bs right there, it is compleatly uncreative approch that comes about because Biowere is forcing this one story to fit all characters instead of making some differences to acknowlege that not all people play the JK.


That is the main problem with this whole expansion, it was clearly and obviously designed to work with the force user classes, mainly the JK or the SW and everyone else has just been shoehorned in there


This. Teriaon put it very well. KotFE isn't a bad story, but it just handled some (if not most) situations horribly. Even ignoring the problem with non force users being given/forging a lightsaber to kill Arcann (which I thought was a blaster/rifle...being given a lightsaber is laughtable...unless we use it to trick the guards that we are force user:) ), our force users are too different to act in exactly the same way. Why didn't my SI bind Marr's ghost (or attempted for those of you who consider him to be too powerful) to get his/her power boost? Or even they could have shown our SW/JK prowess with lightsaber - we could have been winning the duel with Arcann then suddenly he say ''enough!'' and just overwhelm us with pure force might....

...similar situation with JC (and maybe SI, but Valkorion might have banished your force ghosts) just not winning the lightsaber duel, but the force one....and then lose because Arcann is just better once he gets close...


Most of those aren't plot holes.


Arcann is defeated you because he is better.


Senya pushed you because it was a surprise while you were focused on Vaylin.


You survived being impaled because Valkorian kept you alive.


Most of these explanations can work yes - but we once again come to the problem with the presentation....which in this case is missing entirely:)

Arcann being better is fine - just to be fair. I accept your point.

Senya pushing you not a small distance without any difficulty - that could have been handled better. Actually much better, seeing as it wasn't handled at all:) Couldn't we have discussed it with someone (our romance) or even with ourselves/Valkorion and in the process discovering Valkorion distracted us from noticing the attack, because the duel between Senya and Vaylin should have happened or something? I am not accepting anything else other than Valkorion, as force users should not be so easily distracted...otherwise why are they seen as gods to the non force users (as stupid as that might be)?

...or for that matter go the other way and have our guy/girl say to someone ''ofcourse I saw the attack coming, but Valkorion stopped time and convinced me to let myself get thrown as to let the duel between Senya and Vaylin happen''...?

Yes you survive becouse the force ghost (Valkorion) kept you alive - except SI, who might still have his/her force ghosts - surviving this way is not something new for him/her....actually speaking of SI why were they even almost dead from the Valkorion's power....wasn't the whole point of Belsavis and the mother machine to make you able to use so much power without disintegrating yourself?


To the OP - yes, please make talking with our companions outside of missions, devs:) You can even link it with time wasting content if you want - a race (forgot name in sw universe) or pazaak...or even make a small arena where we can practice vs our chosen companion (or why not couple at the same time) and then discuss our victory or defeat?


i see your point and agree, but unfortunatly, we won't have more than that,

i wish they made a kind of pilgrimage for force user on Voss for exemple , a specific chapter, but then, they should have made a specific one for BH/IA and the like. and more, if only Kofte would have been like it was, a full story for each class:) or at least a separate one for force user and non force!


Well, for now, you need to have a strong story for your toon and imagine what it's not shown...


I don't agree with you...or at least not fully. Imo we don't need full seperate stories - our non force users in certain ways can be even more dangerous than our force using ones. But the story definitely should stop forgetting that there are 8 different characters and not just one.

Edited by Saelinne
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To Bioware's credit, they often use the minuscule amount of time devoted well. With Lana you quickly learn she can be ruthless in her pragmatism, and Koth a bit impractical (and stupid) in his idealism, but that's about it. Vaylin is a gleefully murderous psychopath, but that's it. You instantly know what kind of person Gault is in 5 minutes, and Vette gets reintroduced in one of her best moments ever, but then that's it. That's all you get. You don't get to sit and really talk with them save for maybe one scene each.


The big, glaring problem with KOTFE, and to some degree with SWTOR in general, is that it really not a Bioware game. I say that because this game was not made by the people who we attribute with Bioware. The Bioware we think of, the ones who made Mass Effect and Dragon Age, are Bioware Montreal. This is Bioware Austin, founded specifically to make and support this game. I'm certain that there's a lot of crossover going in terms of staff, but all the A-List people we think of when we think of Bioware and what we consider "Bioware Storytelling", they are not working on this game.


The people who created SWTOR could never fully decide just what this game is, a story-focused singleplayer RPG like Bioware was known for, or a Star Wars-themed MMO. As a result, it is neither. It's a subscription-based, always-online singleplayer game with little bits of new content being added in every so often. It is, sadly, impossible to expect this game to be on the same level of detail as a Mass Effect or a Dragon Age.

Edited by BenKatarn
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Many interesting points and observations here, thank you.


I miss all that stories about Crysta on Rishi, state of the galaxy Shroud report, Theron on Nar Shaddaa and so on. This is a good way to flesh out the characters and world. Did the “metrics” showed that people do not bother reading site updates or Codex entries?


No matter how much you headcannon, our characters are too different to have the same reaction for everything.


Speaking of Senia, her motives aside (for me it looked like she was desperate to see her daughter and deal with her and Outlander was in a way, which itself speaks a lot), the push itself was pretty strong and the landing was not the most gentle. In all previous cutscenes then such “pulls” have been used (SW mostly) target usually end up dead. I understand that compared to the state Outlander is in after duel with Arcann a couple of broken ribs is not something to draw attention too, but still. Nothing? Not even from Lana who was standing rigth next to player? And why Senia send only Outlander flying? Too much questions we left with.

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I don't agree with you...or at least not fully. Imo we don't need full seperate stories - our non force users in certain ways can be even more dangerous than our force using ones. But the story definitely should stop forgetting that there are 8 different characters and not just one.


i'm not saying, Force user are the ''One'' and the other just here to please some players :)


what about a IAgent fully involve in a story with Theron, Lady of Sorrows and Kalyo instead, a BH who reunite all mandalorian instead of Shae + the specific story with Gault and Vette , keep the force users on the Fallen Emperor with Satele and Marr as it is, of course in the end all of them will face Arkan in a way or another.

it would have been totally different and a blast :)

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I think you hit the nail on its head. You don't really notice it the first time through, but you definitely do on later playthroughs.


"Why is my SW talking to Satele? She would NEVER willingly talk to Satele!" (This could have been easily fixed, too - let us attack right away, Satele and Marr knock us down and MAKE us listen)


For me, the biggest letdown of recent chapters was when my Warrior met Vette again. It's been FIVE YEARS since you've seen each other. When vanilla game ended, you two were best friends.

But I didn't even get to see them catch up. One quick line of dialog and that's it. No special conversations after the chapter, no asking about the rest of my old crew, nothing.


What I wouldn't give for more optional conversations with all the characters where we can just chat and catch up - or like you said, a dialog tree like in the old Fallout games. There are definitely times where I look at the available options and feel like none of them look like something my character would say (and I'm not much of a roleplayer - I just mean that, given the decisions I have made up to this point, none of the choices offered look like one I'd make).


As well written as the game is, this is definitely where it falls flat, and you expressed it much more clearly than I ever could. I hope the writers see this.

Edited by DarthVitrial
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It isn't a plot hole that Arcann beats us. During the time we fought him, we were weak from the carbonite poisoning. it's also not far fetched that the biological son of Valkorian would be more powerful than us, even without the carbonite poisoning. The one thing that is going to need some explaining, is how in the world is the Out-lander going to beat Vaylin. Vaylin is a female star-killer, and her ability in the force is second to none pretty much. Edited by cool-dude
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Even if you didn't want to spend the money on more recording, this is something that the Codex could have been used for! Have a wiki entry in the Codex about where these characters were and what they were doing. I want to hear stories about what Xalek and Broonmark were up to before we find them on a murder-spree. I want to know about the experiment where Lokin finally tamed a bunch of little raklings and the hilarious panic that must have caused that sent him into hiding (and retirement). I want to hear everything Jorgan went through trying to keep Havoc Squad in one piece, and ultimately failing as the original members all moved on or got reassigned. I could have spent hours reading about this (or until the game booted me out for inactivity), but in the end, there's nothing there.


This would make me happy. Not as happy as having more cut-scenes with my companions, but way happier than having nothing!

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It isn't a plot hole that Arcann beats us. During the time we fought him, we were weak from the carbonite poisoning. it's also not far fetched that the biological son of Valkorian would be more powerful than us, even without the carbonite poisoning. The one thing that is going to need some explaining, is how in the world is the Out-lander going to beat Vaylin. Vaylin is a female star-killer, and her ability in the force is second to none pretty much.


But why is the carbonite poisoning good enough reason for Force users like the sorcerer or the sage? Does it affect the mind and not just the body? And if it does - it is enough to prevent someone from using the force? Why haven't the invented or started mass producing such jedi/sith killer devices? After all with how advanced the star wars technology is, I am sure it is well in their skill level to make a devise that makes loud noises in only a particular zone or something....

...in short: why did characters (SI and JC) who are not relying or even fighting primary by lightsaber (like our SW/JK) are losing so easy to Arcann...like I said the problem isn't losing...it is how we lose:)

...good point about Vaylin, but like I said we have to trust the wisdom of a force ghost and some Jedi...no way they are deceived or just unwise....

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About Arcann and Asylum battle. Remember what happens there: Arcann prepares to attack, Valkorion freezes time (or perception of the Outlander), makes is proposal, is rejected, withdraws, Outlander is impaled.

This actually makes perfect sense. We are distracted. We are taken out of combat for a relatively peaceful talk and are not completely prepared to the end of it - when the fighting resumes. Yes, it is a minor distraction for an experienced warrior, but it exists. And Arcann is not distracted - he just continues the movement he has begun.

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While I agree that the characterisation of KotFE is shonky, I think the OP is dead wrong about the reasons.


"Characterisation" does not mean "long dialogues like in Fallout" (which, by the way, was in no way fully voiced - I seem to recall that exactly zero of your companions were fully voiced in the original, and only Sulik, Marcus and Myron were voiced in 2). As the OP points out, the game quickly and efficiently establishes the personalities of the major players and that is what caracterisation means. The fact that you don't get to sit them down and ask them where they grew up or what weapons they're skilled with doesn't make them less well characterised.


Where the characterisation falls down is in the character of the PC, where the plot basically assumes that no matter what class you are and how you played your original story, you're this generic Hero type. Characters who are loyal to nothing but credits, or who have devoted their entire lives to spreading pain and carnage to everything in front of them, or whose entire modus operandi is staying in the shadows are suddenly thrust into this position where they're basically Commander Shepard, standing up and telling a room full of Jedi and Sith that We Fight Or We Die.

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About Arcann and Asylum battle. Remember what happens there: Arcann prepares to attack, Valkorion freezes time (or perception of the Outlander), makes is proposal, is rejected, withdraws, Outlander is impaled.

This actually makes perfect sense. We are distracted. We are taken out of combat for a relatively peaceful talk and are not completely prepared to the end of it - when the fighting resumes. Yes, it is a minor distraction for an experienced warrior, but it exists. And Arcann is not distracted - he just continues the movement he has begun.


That end was good yes...and I like that theory that Valkorion simply distracted you in the wrong (or maybe the exactly right for him) moment....and you end up being impaled:)

What I don't like about this battle (apart from SI almost dying by using/being forced to use Valkorion's power) is how my assassin handled it (in the cutscenes ofcourse). She basically tried to fight as my SW or JK would...it was actually quite amazing she didn't impaled herself with the way she tried to use double-bladed lightsaber as single-bladed one...where was the lightning? Hell where was the force teleportation...Jadus could do it and we are arguably more powerful than him at this point (and as the DC member we were responsible for sith knowledge so we should know the trick).

....just a little/not so little details to diversify one char from the other (very nice bonus will be if our vanilla choice actually matter!)....which they actually did!...once...and then apparently found too bothersome:) In the early chapters (3 or 4) when you are

helping to lift the gravestone, if you play as non force user you actually say that you will guard while they do their thing and go guard!

And that was amazing!

...and pathetic probably, but you know what I mean:)

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While I agree that the characterisation of KotFE is shonky, I think the OP is dead wrong about the reasons.


"Characterisation" does not mean "long dialogues like in Fallout" (which, by the way, was in no way fully voiced - I seem to recall that exactly zero of your companions were fully voiced in the original, and only Sulik, Marcus and Myron were voiced in 2). As the OP points out, the game quickly and efficiently establishes the personalities of the major players and that is what caracterisation means. The fact that you don't get to sit them down and ask them where they grew up or what weapons they're skilled with doesn't make them less well characterised.


Characterization isn't a light-switch that is either on of off. It is impossible to describe a character without there being at least some element of characterization, even if it is something unintended and entirely subjective to the viewer/reader (see: Death of the Author).


The question here is how deep that characterization runs, and is the difference between a shallow character and one that is three-dimensional and fully-realized. A character does not have to have deep characterization to be entertaining or likable, as I said in the opening post, but they do need to have layers and depth in order to be interesting.


Yeah, think about the first Star Wars movie, A New Hope. Most of the characters are archetypes, except for Luke, who we get to know a little better because he's the protagonist. Everyone else? You can describe them in one sentence and have all the info you need to enjoy the movie.


When we got to Empire and RotJ, though, we got a lot more. The sequels took what were shallow archetypes, and built and expanded upon them. Big bad Vader suddenly is a lot more than a hulking threat in a scary costume. Wise old Obi-Wan is suddenly hiding things from Luke he wasn't ready to hear. Han and Leia are suddenly having all kinds of complicated feelings about each-other. Luke is now all kinds of conflicted and messed up hearing his dad is alive and a cyborg murder-machine who wants him back so they can rule the Empire.


Quick establishment, which I admitted Bioware does really well, is fine for the opening acts, but we're now three expansions in and how have we seen the supporting cast expanded upon? What do we really know about Theron or Lana we didn't in SoR, or the comps after the conclusions of their convos? How has 5 years of what's been happening not changed any of them? And if the supporting cast isn't going to be expanded upon, why even bother having them back at all?

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One of SWtOR's greatest strengths in the base 1-50 game (the 8 class stories) is its' biggest weakness in expansions. Dialogue is limited due to having to record every one of the protagonist's lines 16 times companion interaction is severely limited due to there being 8 full sets of companions. Like you guys, I wish there was more interaction, more dialogue choices, etc...but it's just not going to happen :(


The one thing I wish they would change (that seems like they reasonably could do) is the gameplay/cutscene segregation when fighting your enemy. Your vanguard pummels Arcann down to 20 percent of his health while the vanguard remains at full health? Well then the cutscene plays that makes it seem like you're losing and then you get beaten...wut? If they're going to auto-kill you, then make the battles much harder or give the enemy some really strong move that takes you down to low health so it's believable and not frustrating.

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