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Eternal Championship is too hard!


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I fixed that for you.


Some of us solo casuals ( and thats all ive been for a pretty long time ) found no issues completing this content solo. I completed it on a deception sin back when the EC first released. Yes, it took a few tries on a few of those fights but mistakes were corrected accordingly. Im guessing all that raiding i did in the beginning paid off one way or another.


Im sure im not the only solo casual here that did these fights with little to no trouble. :)


Thanks, but my opinions do not require community corrections.

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For solo casuals this content should not even be considered unless it is done with a friend.


why not? it's solo content, can be done on one's own schedule and can drop a fancy mount (a reskin of a NiM mount no less) which is not a bad incentive overall. the arena has healing stations and you can take any companion you prefer, unlike veteran and master mode chapters.

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This. It is much easier with two players, especially if they have halfway decent gear.


For solo casuals this content should not even be considered unless it is done with a friend.


Where are you having trouble? If you explain the fight(s) that are causing you issues, we can help you get through them.

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Thanks, but my opinions do not require community corrections.


Fair enough.


why not? it's solo content, can be done on one's own schedule and can drop a fancy mount (a reskin of a NiM mount no less) which is not a bad incentive overall. the arena has healing stations and you can take any companion you prefer, unlike veteran and master mode chapters.


As he mentioned, it's just an opinion.....not a very good one....but its his own constructive insight on it.

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Thanks, but my opinions do not require community corrections.

My advice: don't make generalizations about player groups and you won't invite such corrections.


And yes, advice is also not required but you have it anyway - to understand or ignore as you please.

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Yah that's right , using interrupts, having to kite mobs, staying out bad and having to adhere to fight mechanics is way too overated, I say damn to the whole process. The way I see it, everyone should never have to do anything to receive any kind of reward for a job well done. You are correct op, all we should have to do in this game is sit in a corner, go afk and receive the best rewards the game has to offer.


I am so glad I don't have anyone like you on my raid teams.


LOL amen! I can't stand it when the people like the OP think that all rewards should be open to solo players when Raiders and PVPers are actually working to get their prestige rewards. Someone had a rather nice message sig here on the forums that I think sums up the situation rather nicely, it read "Want stuff? Work for it."

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Perhaps some are not scumbags but ones that aren’t are far and in between and are silent when the doichebags reign. I’m a pvper mainly because it’s short and sweet get larger reward for winning and lesser reward for losing. You get some people that ***** and complain about this that or the other but over all time invested is measured in minutes not hours. My limited experience with grouppve content was down right horrible. I never knew what was going on in the story because everyone is space baring through and if I don’t ill get voted off. Then during boss fights people die group fails and the blame game for the next three hours start because you get rage quitters and by the time you replace those you get members running out of time. Of course we attempt it a couple more timed and fail. Those that didn’t quit the first time will by the fourth time. Before I know it I’m stuck in the middle of a lengthy mission with no one I started with wasted hours achieving nothing but frustration and stress. I end up having to decide for myself is it worth trying to continue on or quit and right the day off because I have literally spent a day on this crap only to get next to zero reward. So I stick it out and finally beat the boss only to have to roll against 20 other players for an item that may or may not drop. Of course I walk away with nothing to show or nothing worth mentioning. Bad attitudes kill this game more then anything the community makes the game fun or not.


You necroed this thread that was not active for almost a year and a half to complain about PVE to someone who may not have even played the game this entire year...

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First off I am not a troll I searched up something about eternal championship and this thread came up. Second of all if Heckling spelling errors is pathetic that’s what my phone came up with sure it didn’t look right but it pronounced close enough even for you all to understand what it was supposed to be. Also if you search the word Edicate you will see it is a commonly miss spelled word not something I use every day and so I spelled t the way I did to continue my point. So I’ll leave this thread and forum and let you all siècle jerk yourself into self delusions of enlightenment.
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  • 4 months later...

I made it to the third fight and hit a brick wall.


I have level 230 equipment so that is good.


But I only have a standard keyboard and mouse, not gaming hardware, so I can't have dozens of toolbars with every single ability easily clickable. As a Sith Inquisitor on the path of Hatred, I don't really have interrupts. I have debuffs. I do my best to stay out of the 3rd champion's area effect, but if I get caught in it even once, it completely locks my movement so that not even force speed work. The blue machines on the edges that are supposed to heal you are all disabled. My companion dies too quickly and then I die.


I don't see a way through it. I have the best equipment I can get until I get over Command Rank 100, and I'm only 43.

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I'm not necessarily saying that it needs to be lowered in difficulty, but if someone with the best possible gear for their command rank gets monkey stomped over and over again, that you can't consider this a tutorial or for any player. There might be Sith Inquisitors on the Path to Hatred who can beat it, but apparently there are gaps between me and such a player.
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It does not matter what gear you are or spec you play to complete this but higher gear level makes it easier on playing dumb. In the end it is all about following mechanics especially in the later rounds and there are plenty of guides for them online. This looks like a typical complaining thread of a brain dead player who expects to just rolf-stomp through everything without actually thinking and just meshing buttons. In the end eternal championship is a "solo" quest which actually forces solo players to follow fight mechanics and I am sure bioware will not change it because it does not need changing and because this content is so old and no-one cares and that would be a waste of resources. Edited by ottffsse
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I'm not necessarily saying that it needs to be lowered in difficulty, but if someone with the best possible gear for their command rank gets monkey stomped over and over again, that you can't consider this a tutorial or for any player. There might be Sith Inquisitors on the Path to Hatred who can beat it, but apparently there are gaps between me and such a player.


In the 3rd fight, begin in stealth, place mind trap on the Herald of Zildrog, (in your case) keep your comp on heal and burn the boss as quickly as possible.You should be able to Force speed out of his AOE, or you can stay in there and finish him off.

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I'm not necessarily saying that it needs to be lowered in difficulty, but if someone with the best possible gear for their command rank gets monkey stomped over and over again, that you can't consider this a tutorial or for any player. There might be Sith Inquisitors on the Path to Hatred who can beat it, but apparently there are gaps between me and such a player.


You can always learn and become one of the inquisitors who can beat it, though. :) First thing I'd do is to google a rotation guide for your spec ("swtor hatred assassin rotation" or "swtor hatred assassin guide" should find you some) to make sure you're getting all you can from your abilities. If you wish to complete the whole eternal championship and not just fight 3, I'd recommend making sure you get your aoe rotation working too -- fight 5 is all about add management, and using aoe attacks is crucial.


After that, make sure your tactics are all fine and good. Dulfy has a great guide with videos on EC, if you wanna check it out. Many of the fights lean very heavily on tactics. You can also rank up your companion with gifts -- you're saying your companion dies in fight 3, and I have to admit, my (healing) companion has never died there, so they might not be that powerful.


In addition, you can easily get loads of abilities keybinded by using shift and ctrl-buttons. You can i.e. bind one ability to q, another to shift+q and third one to ctrl+q, and do this with every easily reachable button. Getting used to new keybindings might take time, though, so I'd spend time learning them before trying EC again.

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I'm not necessarily saying that it needs to be lowered in difficulty, but if someone with the best possible gear for their command rank gets monkey stomped over and over again, that you can't consider this a tutorial or for any player. There might be Sith Inquisitors on the Path to Hatred who can beat it, but apparently there are gaps between me and such a player.


It's not a tutorial. A tutorial would have step by step instructions on exactly what you need to do to beat the encounter.


It's practice. Higher difficulty levels of PvE, whether story chapters or Veteran or Master modes, Hard Mode flashpoints, or Hard mode or Nightmare Mode Operations all work in pretty much the same basic way.


You fight the NPC(s), and during the fight you must do certain things at certain times or you will fail. It might be clicking on a terminal during a phase, it might be standing in an AOE, not standing in an AOE, interrupting a specific ability, standing on/under/beside/in front of/behind something, or any of many other possible actions. The player's job is two parts:

One is to figure out what the mechanic(s) is(are) that are causing failure during the encounter.

The second is to figure out what the player needs to do in order to "solve" the mechanic.


There's an element of puzzle game to MMORPG PvE content. You can skip in a sense by reading guides, or by outleveling or outgearing content (230 gear is not good enough to outgear EC) in cases where that works despite level scaling, but for the most part PvE is designed so that the player only gets through it if they solve the encounter in a "correct" fashion.


Oh, and aside from knowing how to solve the encounter, you also have to manage the timing of gameplay in terms of physical mouse movement and button clicking. Which may take some practice for each encounter.


Your hardware shouldn't be a problem. I have a standard keyboard, which I bind to hotbars as follows:


1 2 3 4 5 6 q w e r t y

Q W E R T Y a s d f g h

A S D F G H z x c v b



for a total of 40 abilities that I can operate with my left hand on the keyboard. Plus a few slower key combos like CTRL-b for opening inventory, CTRL-m for opening the map, etc.


Being able to touch type is very handy for hitting the right key at the right time, though you don't have to be that good at it. I type at around 20 - 25 words per minute error free, and that's more than fast enough for SWTOR in terms of keyboard skills.


One last hint, in terms of character abilities, especially utility point build, some encounters are much easier if you change ability build for the encounter. For example, in stun or snare heavy encounters a PvP build with lots of mobility enhancing utility points might be better than a standard PvE build. EC doesn't require that sort of thing, but you might find that it can make life easier.

Edited by Ramalina
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It's honestly not that difficult, and in particular now when we have gotten 248 gear and a new set of 236 augments you can easily complete it even with limited knowledge of your class. If a player with such gear is still struggling perhaps doing this type of more challenging content is not for them, there is always the story mode version or you can ask a guildmate for help.
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It's honestly not that difficult, and in particular now when we have gotten 248 gear and a new set of 236 augments you can easily complete it even with limited knowledge of your class. If a player with such gear is still struggling perhaps doing this type of more challenging content is not for them, there is always the story mode version or you can ask a guildmate for help.


You may be talking about Star Fortress. There is only one mode for EC. Originally it was designed as 65 content and was increased to 70 when the new cap hit. That increase made some of the fights slightly more difficult than I think they intended (for some classes) some of the fights can be a real struggle on some classes (especially with no taunts). However, they are possible if you are patient and work toward figuring out a plan that works. You absolutely have to respect the mechanics. So a little research might be necessary.

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You may be talking about Star Fortress. There is only one mode for EC. Originally it was designed as 65 content and was increased to 70 when the new cap hit. That increase made some of the fights slightly more difficult than I think they intended (for some classes) some of the fights can be a real struggle on some classes (especially with no taunts). However, they are possible if you are patient and work toward figuring out a plan that works. You absolutely have to respect the mechanics. So a little research might be necessary.


Nah I think Riku is dead on with what he is saying and when he says the SM version he means the one with the group instead of the solo run but the ET is so easy it should be harder. Mechanics are all it offers if you don't follow them you die simple.

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I will like to include something, I think the Eternal Championship is a good way of learning game mechanics, there is one issue.


I played and trying to progress through it with my Sage (I was able to breeze up to Supreme Vindicator Lanos on a couple of other toons) but my Sage healer this was a little more difficult. Many of the encounters have adds, now, having my companion on Tank mode, they will pull most of the time, but because I am healing, I am not getting a ton of damage off on the main boss. I have to run from the adds as healing will generate enough threat that any newly spawned adds are on me, I have to make sure that the Tank (manually force) is attacking the targets coming after me. As a Sage healer, these fights are very difficult and I would say aren't tuned for this type of fight.


I got further by switching my companion to damage but it is still not a friendly fight for healers. I will try again when my gear is better and I get my companion influence at a higher level as well.

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I will like to include something, I think the Eternal Championship is a good way of learning game mechanics, there is one issue.


I played and trying to progress through it with my Sage (I was able to breeze up to Supreme Vindicator Lanos on a couple of other toons) but my Sage healer this was a little more difficult. Many of the encounters have adds, now, having my companion on Tank mode, they will pull most of the time, but because I am healing, I am not getting a ton of damage off on the main boss. I have to run from the adds as healing will generate enough threat that any newly spawned adds are on me, I have to make sure that the Tank (manually force) is attacking the targets coming after me. As a Sage healer, these fights are very difficult and I would say aren't tuned for this type of fight.


I got further by switching my companion to damage but it is still not a friendly fight for healers. I will try again when my gear is better and I get my companion influence at a higher level as well.


I think your point is valid. Learning mechanics is important for harder group content, but solo with companion content isn't something you would do in end game PvE. It wouldn't hurt to try to tune EC so the role you play isn't holding you back. As a healer, a boss mechanic would affect you less in group content than it would a tank or dps and you certainly wouldn't have to be commanding your group members where and when to move while you are healing them.


EC is supposed to be solo content and it's supposed to require mechanics. Unfortunately, comps don't respect mechanics and some micro-managing will be needed (for some class / roles) which isn't a normal game mechanic that has practical end-game applications. Either the AI for comps should be tuned or they should take a look at the various difficulty levels presented by playing certain classes and/or roles and see if that is where they intended it to be.


In my personal experience, I find EC to be reasonably challenging, but easiest on tank classes. Then DPS with taunts is moderately challenging. DPS without taunts and healers have been very challenging. That is based on the level 70 EC. It felt easier to me on all of them when it was level 65 even if my gear was average and my comps were at lower influence levels.

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Funny, I did the entire thing on my sniper just a few days ago because i wanted the shiny legacy weapons. Just died once because I didnt understand/remember the mechanics of the two slow gorillas and handler dude quick enough. You can still do the [solo+] with group which should be considerably easier. At least that was the case when i grouped for it when it first came out.
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