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Thanks for killing World PvP,devs.


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Too many pvp players (on a pve server) used the bug to intentionally flag someone that had no intention of pvp. Yes this happened. It happened to a friend of mine. She never pvp and was always cautious in Oricion and places like that when she used her AOE but it never failed there was an person that decided to stealth and hide and after she had checked before using her AOE they uncloaked while she was battling the champions.


This happened too many times as evidenced by the forums for a long time so they made it if you switched to a pve focus it can't happen.


While this may not be great for pvp players you only have yourself to blame for going around doing this. (No this is not directed at all pvp players but the ones that think it was funny to stealth and jump into someone's AOE and therefore cause them to flag.


If those players would have not done that I seriously doubt it would have been done.


I do a little pvp with my boyfriend but both of us have enough common courtesy not to jump into someone's AOE and cause them to flag.

Edited by casirabit
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Exactly. World PvP was dead the day they removed Ilum.


Ilum ? The kind of PvP where the Republic base was overrun by imperial side players ? At least that's what I've heard, and that's why "Remember Fray" still exists.


How is completely overrunning and dominating a base (that's what I deduce from that how it was) fun ? Well, of course fun for the imperial side players, because dominating someone is *always* fun, it seems ...

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I still don't get the point of this post. People who want to OWPvP will enter the PvP instance. I did it a lot, and no one was there... Instead of going on the forums, I did a 1+1 and figured out something simple - people aren't interested in OWPvP.


I don't understand why you think instances killed it.


Edit: also, OP, you seem to be defending the exact behavior (ganking) you said you never enjoyed... Why force someone who's unflagged into PvP? If they wanted it, they'd be flagged.

Edited by Greezt
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I still don't get the point of this post. People who want to OWPvP will enter the PvP instance. I did it a lot, and no one was there... Instead of going on the forums, I did a 1+1 and figured out something simple - people aren't interested in OWPvP.


I don't understand why you think instances killed it.


Edit: also, OP, you seem to be defending the exact behavior (ganking) you said you never enjoyed... Why force someone who's unflagged into PvP? If they wanted it, they'd be flagged.


Because obviously that is exactly what he wants, to gank people

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I dont expect bunch of whiny newbies to understand. Some people enjoy more than just siting in fleet and trolling in chat like you. Some like to actualy do something. And my biggest point,was about base raids,but i guess you,like most of those who cry here about "big bads pvpers ganking them",dont even read the post they commenting on. And you already have what you want,instance where you safe like on your mummy's lap,and noone can touch you no matter what you do. So what else do you want?
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Ahaha,are you serious? You poor friend who never does PvP dies once,OH GOD NO. God bless his soul. You kidding me? Its game,if you cant handle PvP and dying even once,dont go to online games,play something that doesnt even have multiplayer. This is sad. Crying noobs who were never any good in PvE nor PvP always whine and whine about such small and insignificant things. You died,so what? Respawn and wait in medcenter for few minutes till flag go off. Crybabies like you is the reason we have this instance BS now.


You just proved my suspicion. You are not actually a pvp player. You are a player that looks to trick players into pvp. I would never consider someone like you a pvp player because it sounds like you would go around tricking people. As I stated my boyfriend and I have done pvp but unlike you we don't trick a person into flagging but jumping into an AOE of a person that isn't flagged. We actually do the ones that are flagged and that want to do pvp.


You on the other hand is what I would consider a coward since you seem to want to trick people into pvp and that is why the devs did what they did is because of people likeyou.

Edited by casirabit
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I dont expect bunch of whiny newbies to understand. Some people enjoy more than just siting in fleet and trolling in chat like you. Some like to actualy do something. And my biggest point,was about base raids,but i guess you,like most of those who cry here about "big bads pvpers ganking them",dont even read the post they commenting on. And you already have what you want,instance where you safe like on your mummy's lap,and noone can touch you no matter what you do. So what else do you want?


I assume this wasn't meant for me. In any case, do you have an answer for me?

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I still don't get the point of this post. People who want to OWPvP will enter the PvP instance. I did it a lot, and no one was there... Instead of going on the forums, I did a 1+1 and figured out something simple - people aren't interested in OWPvP.


I don't understand why you think instances killed it.


Edit: also, OP, you seem to be defending the exact behavior (ganking) you said you never enjoyed... Why force someone who's unflagged into PvP? If they wanted it, they'd be flagged.


My biggest point,and thing i was most disappointed with,is that you can raid enemy base without a way for them to defend themselves. It was often the biggest fun and all whats left of WPvP. Now it is gone. And like guy above said,people sit in PvE instance not because they dont want PvP,but because they have option to be safe and untouched,and never be in any danger. People will always pick easiest options everywhere. And if they didnt wanted to PvP,why wz even pop then?

Edited by Ghost_Norbertas
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I still don't get the point of this post. People who want to OWPvP will enter the PvP instance. I did it a lot, and no one was there... Instead of going on the forums, I did a 1+1 and figured out something simple - people aren't interested in OWPvP.


Did you even read the whole thread or just the op. The same reasoning can prove that because people are not eating 100% of the time people don't like to eat.

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You just proved my suspicion. You are not actually a pvp player. You are a player that looks to trick players into pvp. I would never consider someone like you a pvp player because it sounds like you would go around tricking people. As I stated my boyfriend and I have done pvp but unlike you we don't trick a person into flagging but jumping into an AOE of a person that isn't flagged. We actually do the ones that are flagged and that want to do pvp.


You on the other hand is what I would consider a coward since you seem to want to trick people into pvp and that is why the devs did what they did is because of people likeyou.


First you whining,now just jumping to blind conclusions. You dont know me,nor what i do,and you are in no position to make claims about me. I dont "trick people into aoe",because first off,that is not a thing. You cant get flag by stepping in aoe,you can only get flag if you DIRECTLY attacking flagged person and aoes doesnt count. Stop whining here. I couldnt care less what you consider me to be. My point stands,and there are many people,people who play game for long time,and know it well,agrees with it. I dont have time to waste replying to people who go to online games and are deathly afraid of any PvP contact. Its like going to zoo when you are alergic to animals. If you are so afraid of any PvP,and so scared of in-game death,then my advice would be to take your... boyfriend... and go to something that doesnt even have multiplayer at all. Maybe go GTA or something,but then again,you may get killed by cop NPC,and then have to whine about it for next four years.

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Ilum ? The kind of PvP where the Republic base was overrun by imperial side players ? At least that's what I've heard, and that's why "Remember Fray" still exists.


How is completely overrunning and dominating a base (that's what I deduce from that how it was) fun ? Well, of course fun for the imperial side players, because dominating someone is *always* fun, it seems ...

Of the 214 servers at launch, not every one was as lopsided as you seem to think they were. Imps outnumbered Pubs on mine, but that's why I rolled Pub to begin with. I enjoy being outnumbered...Ilum was far from perfect, but I spent every night there...seldom even queuing for WZ's.

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Quit the crying. There was many large battles,especialy in Oricon,not to mention quite few with the conquest base raids. Dont need to give that nonsense here. The problem is,that now its not gonna happen anymore for sure.

Where? On the dead PvP servers? LOL! There's more PvP in Tat Heroics than I saw in the last year on POT5. Oricon was great for like 2-months, then it died except for the random lone stealther who did everything he could to just annoy you. Even Yavin was a bust on POT5.

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Where? On the dead PvP servers? LOL! There's more PvP in Tat Heroics than I saw in the last year on POT5. Oricon was great for like 2-months, then it died except for the random lone stealther who did everything he could to just annoy you. Even Yavin was a bust on POT5.


Yu know,i honestly start to think people dont read anything but title before commenting. Didnt i said,base attacks? Commander runs? That,was the majority of remaining PvP,and as little as there was,it was still entertaining and made day when it happened,great. Unlike now,when it cannot happen.

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Yu know,i honestly start to think people dont read anything but title before commenting. Didnt i said,base attacks? Commander runs? That,was the majority of remaining PvP,and as little as there was,it was still entertaining and made day when it happened,great. Unlike now,when it cannot happen.

What do you mean? It CAN happen...players just have to be in the PvP zone now.

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What do you mean? It CAN happen...players just have to be in the PvP zone now.


And they would never be. If they want to attack base,get guards or commander,they just do it in PvE zone. And all you can do is watch. Its laughable. "They dont want to PvP"? What does this crap even mean,they are IN MY BASE. You cant raid my base and not want PvP. Its not attacking someone while questing,its fighting off people raiding your base. And its ridiculous that you cannot.

Edited by Ghost_Norbertas
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OP, devs didn't kill anything. They just give the option to people to actually choose when and if they want OWPvP.

So you shouldn't whine to the devs. You should whine to every player is that is playing in a PvE instance. This thread is certainly a start, but you got a lot work ahead I think.

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OP, devs didn't kill anything. They just give the option to people to actually choose when and if they want OWPvP.

So you shouldn't whine to the devs. You should whine to every player is that is playing in a PvE instance. This thread is certainly a start, but you got a lot work ahead I think.


There's another person who only read the title. If you not gonna read entire thread and only comment after reading title,dont even bother at all.

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First you whining,now just jumping to blind conclusions. You dont know me,nor what i do,and you are in no position to make claims about me. I dont "trick people into aoe",because first off,that is not a thing. You cant get flag by stepping in aoe,you can only get flag if you DIRECTLY attacking flagged person and aoes doesnt count. Stop whining here. I couldnt care less what you consider me to be. My point stands,and there are many people,people who play game for long time,and know it well,agrees with it. I dont have time to waste replying to people who go to online games and are deathly afraid of any PvP contact. Its like going to zoo when you are alergic to animals. If you are so afraid of any PvP,and so scared of in-game death,then my advice would be to take your... boyfriend... and go to something that doesnt even have multiplayer at all. Maybe go GTA or something,but then again,you may get killed by cop NPC,and then have to whine about it for next four years.



:rolleyes: First of all you can get flagged in AOE, I watched someone do that to another individual, but the funny thing is my boyfriend and I were there and we stepped in to help the person. The person that did that ran off when they figured out people were watching. If you been here as long as you say you would have read that in the forums where a number of people had that happening to them.


Second. I been here a lot longer than you have. I been here prior to launch so when you make a comment make sure you check the status of time they been here. I been playing straight, never took a break.


Third, pvp was never the focus of the game. If you have been here as long as you claim you will have noticed that pvp was not the main focus of the game.


Fourth, you don't have to do pvp to play the game. If you think that then you are even more naive than I thought you were.


Fifth, for someone that fusses that people don't read, you don't read either as I have stated my boyfriend and I have done pvp and still do it when we are in the mood for it.


Sixth, since you are telling people to leave then maybe you are the one that should.


Now on that note goodbye OP. I will not be responding to your tirades any longer as you just want to stomp your feet and act like a five year old.

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:rolleyes: First of all you can get flagged in AOE, I watched someone do that to another individual, but the funny thing is my boyfriend and I were there and we stepped in to help the person. The person that did that ran off when they figured out people were watching. If you been here as long as you say you would have read that in the forums where a number of people had that happening to them.


Second. I been here a lot longer than you have. I been here prior to launch so when you make a comment make sure you check the status of time they been here. I been playing straight, never took a break.


Third, pvp was never the focus of the game. If you have been here as long as you claim you will have noticed that pvp was not the main focus of the game.


Fourth, you don't have to do pvp to play the game. If you think that then you are even more naive than I thought you were.


Fifth, for someone that fusses that people don't read, you don't read either as I have stated my boyfriend and I have done pvp and still do it when we are in the mood for it.


Sixth, since you are telling people to leave then maybe you are the one that should.


Now on that note goodbye OP. I will not be responding to your tirades any longer as you just want to stomp your feet and act like a five year old.


If you didnt wanted to,you wouldnt be talking in the first place. I not gonna "leave". Its my post,you came here,so you are one who should leave. Regardless from how long you been here,im fairly certain that i have been here much more than you. Having account made at the times of the release,does not mean you played nearly as much as someone,or did achieved as much. So your bragging here,is even more silly. I was at the game at his release too,but wasnt really into it back then - i returned shortly before release of ROTHC. Ever since,i played everyday,for 16 + hours,cleared almost everything that game has to offer. 82 % operations,and those i lack,are mostly 16m runs,as there not ever enough people to make them. I been PvP'ing everyday,and have plenty valor 100 chars,and so on and so forth. I know the game regardless what you think. So your point about being here for so long and knowing stuff,is even more invalid. First off,if you get flagged by aoing someone,then its only because of the bug and should never happen. And even if you do and die,get the hell over it. Its a game. You died,so what? Respawn,loose the flag,and carry out with your day. No need to be huge baby about it. Stop making it like its such a big deal,you make it sound like you actualy saving someone's life in there. "Oh,there was one time. I played MMO,and first time in my life,i got killed by a player. I didnt wanted to get flagged,but i did. I think i got PTSD from this." Just stop,you're being silly. In SWTOR,PvP suffers all the time from constant nerfs and boosts,because people with no inteligence or knowledge of the game are ranting in forums all the time. And the worst kind of all,is those cowering in fear to even think about PvP. Its MMO. Its two factions,and you gotta deal with the fact that PvP is part of it. You can not participate in it,and while in my eyes,you are weirdo if you go to game like this and completely ignore huge part of it,its your choice. But you can never tell me a single fact why you shoould be allowed to raid enemy bases without way for them to fight you,which is what my post is mostly about. People like you,afraid of everything,and mostly,of any challenge,is why we got this instance idiocy now,and even more of these crybabies are gathering to cry under this post. Its sad. If you cant handle any danger at all,dont play online games. "i wanna kill dem enemies,but if they fight back,and are better than me,oh my,it hurts them feelings of mine."

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There's another person who only read the title. If you not gonna read entire thread and only comment after reading title,dont even bother at all.


I read your entire post and there's little more to say. You're complaining because now people have the option to not be in PvP instance to do whatever they feel like and most people are choosing so. Your problem is with people taking that choice.


If you dropped the "look a me, bad***" posturing then perhaps there could be a more interesting discussion...

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Did you even read the whole thread or just the op. The same reasoning can prove that because people are not eating 100% of the time people don't like to eat.


The fact that OP felt the need to complain about lack of OWPvP means that he seems to have trouble finding people in PvP instances as well. Sure, maybe ALL the peole interested in OWPvP are on at different times/places, but that means that there is a very small amount of them.


You can argue otherwise, but here's the fact - if people were interested in it, they would be in PvP instances. Organised events still happen, but OP want his thrill of the hunt.


By the way (OP), insulting every single person who disagrees drives a poor point home.

Edited by Greezt
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By the way (OP), insulting every single person who disagrees drives a poor point home.


this was the key point I took away from this thread espec after I told him how I was enjoying pvp instances on pve servers and how we were organising fun casual CONSENSUAL pvp with this new cool feature.

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