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Sith Sorcerers In PVP


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we are not at all easy to play. yes some players only spam force lightning but that wont get you anywhere. a good sorc kites needs to prioritise procs keep his dots running run heal cc.


try that with you melee hack and slash char's press 1 2 3 4 5 , faceroll!


That's probably why there's always so many melee characters in every warzone, right? Right?!

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Sorcs are fine, the problem is smugglers + IA/SW + JK don't kick in until 30-40. at that point they get just as powerful or moreso than the sorcs/sages. IMO. Scrapper/Concealment specced Op/Scoundrels are REALLY ridiculous right now, being able to do tremendous burst while near stunlocking people and having amazing escapability.


they'll be the new QQ class in a month or two i'm sure. Or maybe not, since they also happen to be the least played classes in the game. we'll see.

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The only thing I want to see changed is the force lightening. It is all you see in the warzones and I can't walk 5 feet without it coming from 3 different directions. It is OP and as some have commented if you don't think so it is b/c you are indeed playing one. That is the only way you could say any differently. Nerf the lightning and bracket the PvP already. I don't like playing as a lvl 31 Smuggler and not being able to get out of the spawn area b/c there are a couple of lvl 50 sith camping it force lightning me before I can make a step (this has happened on several occasions in Hutt Ball). I don't even get the time to defend myself. On that specific match they scored 6 times in under 2 min.
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Sorcs are fine, the problem is smugglers + IA/SW + JK don't kick in until 30-40. at that point they get just as powerful or moreso than the sorcs/sages. IMO. Scrapper/Concealment specced Op/Scoundrels are REALLY ridiculous right now, being able to do tremendous burst while near stunlocking people and having amazing escapability.


they'll be the new QQ class in a month or two i'm sure. Or maybe not, since they also happen to be the least played classes in the game. we'll see.


As a lvl 35/34(valor) marauder I seem to do fairly well as a whole in pvp.... Sorc's are difficult, but I think they're difficulty lies in the fact that they can just do so many different things. Their versatility is bar none. I recently ran into a lvl 50 Operative. This guy pretty much killed me while I was in his stun. One time I was able to use one ability on him after his stun wore off, but it didn't matter since I was already at 5-10% health. I've done a lot of pvping, and so far this is the only class that I've seen this much burst damage from.. Maybe an assassin could pull off something similar, but I haven't ran into many high level ones.


It could just be because I'm not lvl 50 and geared out. But I seriously doubt that even if I was 50 and geared from head to toes that I would have lasted much longer.. If gear and level IS that important then Bioware's pvp team needs to have a talk.. I actually like the idea of everyone, no matter what level being able to pvp with one another, but the game is going to turn into nothing more than geared lvl 50's rolling over everyone - which defeats the purpose of a 10-50 WZ. So, classes need to be looked at very carefully in order for this games pvp to last...


I would have loved to had a combat log in game. I would have at least been able to actually see what kind of damage I'm actually taking from certain classes. With no combat log, there's no real proof, or way to figure out what's going on.


Forums in general are suppose to be helpful(not sure to who...the Devs or players). So, I'm all for people complaining and other people complaining about the complainers. If some good info gets through, whatever.

Edited by Ekryth
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The only thing I want to see changed is the force lightening. It is all you see in the warzones and I can't walk 5 feet without it coming from 3 different directions. It is OP and as some have commented if you don't think so it is b/c you are indeed playing one. That is the only way you could say any differently. Nerf the lightning and bracket the PvP already. I don't like playing as a lvl 31 Smuggler and not being able to get out of the spawn area b/c there are a couple of lvl 50 sith camping it force lightning me before I can make a step (this has happened on several occasions in Hutt Ball). I don't even get the time to defend myself. On that specific match they scored 6 times in under 2 min.
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Just need to remember that perfect balance is virtually impossible. There will be always some classes that are better than most and classes that are worse than most.


To be fair, I don't even think Sorcerers are OP. Just seemingly a bit too easy to play.

Edited by Saprezzan
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if most people rolled it then there is a reason. the reason being they are easy and OP'd with current build. I have no issues killing a sorcerer one on one. but when you have 6 of them something is out of balance. That is the issue that Bio Ware must address.



More people play them because they wanted to shoot the purple stuff from their finger tips!


@ the OP: I'm an SI, Corruption spec, lvl 31, I can barely kill anyone, I suck at PVP but I'm not on here complaining nerf every other class. Enjoy your class and move on, just because you can't kill a class @ lvl 14-35 doesn't mean it needs to be nerfed.

Edited by jatagt
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As I said, their damage isn't a problem. Force lightning with a built-in snare is.


It is also a 3 second channel... have you even considered using your interupt. Every class gets one... if you have a friend you can keep that poor sorc from ever using his lightning skill.


This game has the solution to every classes annoying ability (and yes every class has a few) People in general need to examine the system Bio has setup and understand how to win within it... instead of pushing them to create a carbon copy of other MMOs mostly failed PvP systems.


Many people have given Bio a hard time about this being a {Insert MMO} clone. Truth is they have a very intresting PvP game setup. It appears to be rock paper at first... however it really is more complex then that with the resolve system stuns for all classes one stun break for all classes... and interupts and interruptible skills on every class.


The PvP game here is deceptively complex and people will adapt. (check back in in a month or so)

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It's almost as if "WoW has it, therefore it's fine".


Please explain how a channeled spell that deals about 2000 damage over 3 seconds and slows for 50% is imbalanced. I challenge you to compare this with the other classes in the game, many of which can keep a slow up 100% of the time while dealing far more than 2000 damage in 3 seconds.

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I think their damage is ok and only feels OP because of the ranged the problem i have with them is


1) bubble

2) sprints

3) heals

4) lots of cc


Their damage is on par but with all the rest of these it does make them OP.




This is coming from a Sith Jugg


I do agree with this a bit - now I will agree that it is impossible to sit here and say something is OP when lvl 50 pvp is what matters but....man I can be hitting one and all I get is "absorb absorb absorb" a glass cannon should be the most scared of a burst DPS class (operative is what I play) but the good sorcs/sages are not afraid of me at all - heck some of them bum rush me and fight me in melee range as they kick me forward and I get rooted...and then I get CCed....then they just get me from range...then they bubble again....they are a great class but I see some potential for abuse - there is a reason they are the most popular class, anyone saying otherwise is fooling themselves(or is a sorc/sage ;) )

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in mine opinion, every classe is good, no need to nerf, you only screw youreself with


but on the other hand, i played warhammer online for 2.5 y (really long), occasionally wow, and how you turn it around, its the thought that this class is OP, thats what manny people are thinking

the looks, common, who wants to wear robes and dresses with is sorc

ow yes, the lighting is cool, but give me more DFA or mortar strike

popular from day one, yes, if you see how manny people takes it


or everyone things that they become sith emperor one day

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Sorcs are so hideously overpowered that they literally create a magnetic field around themselves that causes all my 4k damage bullets divert from other targets and slam into a Sorc. What? Me delibirately targeting a light armored Mage for easy kills? How can you say things like that? I, for one, am not swayed by such simple things as using Ambush on light armor for 4.2k damage... mmmm... 4.2k damaaageee *drools*


*runs off to queue for WZ*

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I really don't think you PvP all that much or generally have no clue about other classes other than your own(SS most likely). I was gonna make a big post back explaining things to you but judging from your post I don't think anything would do any good in this case. I will leave you with this though, BH has no ranged interrupts other than their stun which is 10 seconds longer than the SS which you don't realize. BH big attacks take just as long as a SS to get off and honestly their single target DPS is very comparable, however SS crowd control is leagues a head of BH with stuns/roots/snares. Add to that they have the same range as a BH for attacks, a force run and what was said in this thread as a 3 second cloak upon the shield being broke.. that puts SS a lot further a head in tactical advantage.


Again, fixing the time in between CC's would solve this, but feel free to defend your class and say there is no fix needed because it benefits your class.


this +1


have you even considered using your interupt. Every class gets one... )



Edited by SeloDaoC
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Nerf a class for PVP, and you will nerf them for PVE.


Even though though there are PvP servers, If you do a server count, BW is obviously putting most of their eggs in the PVE basket. World PvP kills gain no valor points. There are no brackets in place for PvP "Battlegrounds." I feel comfortable saying PvP is an afterthought. I hope they wouldn't be so foolish by nerfing the majority of players who don't want the PvP experience, based on PvP complaints.


I think calling for a nerf one week into the game, after they've spent countless hours tweaking the math during beta, is a little premature. I mean really man. Some people can't even download the game! There are game bugs out the wazoo but you want them to spend time nerfing a class? Let's let them work some of the game kinks out before we call for the nerf bat.

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Not to hurt yall feelings but they really do need a nerf. I play Commando and I really can't make a dent against these guys. The combination of high damage, constant healing, numerous CC abilities, throwing in their shield will eat a majority of any burst you put out.


I hear alot of talks about interrupts. You have an automatically 3 second delay + server lag. Your going to be damn lucky if your able to interrupt something at the begining of its cast, if interrupt it all. This goes for your CC break as well, its for the most part useless currently.






Also. Delete or increase the cost of Force Sprint 10x fold. This ability grants Inquistors / Sages and incredible advantage in Voidstar / Huttbal.

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It's funny Assassins get Force Lighting as well, so maybe people are thinking anyone shooting lighting out of their fingers is a Sorc? Or should Assassins be nerfed also since they shoot lighting lol?


Game is fine leave it! I'm a Assassin btw not a Sorc.

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I hate to be the one to say it and I certainly hate to be the one advocating for a nerf but seriously. Sith Sorcerers are OP as heck! I may be the first one to come out and say it but seriously Bio-ware swing the bat before the whole game population rolls one.


The first person who says learn to play the game is more than likely a sith sorcerer laughing their behinds off at how simple it is to push the "I win" button.


If you don't think im tell the truth then look for yourself. Tells the population what the character class breakdowns are. I would guess its overwhelmingly Sith Sorceres for the empire. I can't go into a warzone game without having to fight 4 of them on a good day and on the worst days it's 6. Its all just purple lightning from every direction.


I know there is a huge fear of swing that bat so early after release but seriously bite the bullit and fix it.


Possible Solutions


1. raise the force cost to a point they can't use it as often.

2. decrease the range to 10

3. decrease the damage of it.

4. take the root out of it.


Do something to even the playing field!




Do the exact same thing to sages, since they are a mirror, then sure why not, till then your just a bad player with no understanding of the class and blame the big purple lightning flinger since its more shiny than the snipe that managed to sneak in and kill you.

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The only thing I want to see changed is the force lightening. It is all you see in the warzones and I can't walk 5 feet without it coming from 3 different directions. It is OP and as some have commented if you don't think so it is b/c you are indeed playing
Maybe because 70% of all sorc spells look like lightning?
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Problem with sorcerers for me (gunslinger) is that they win against me in a damage race. I can put up huge amount of damage but I also take a lot beating. I don't even know the numbers of the force lightning but it seems to be absolutely devastating against me. Few crits and it nearly drains third of my health.


Usually I just kite, but since they are ranged it just comes down to who gets the other down faster. I'm limited to only having one interrupt and one stun that requires a melee range. Also my best defensive spell dodge (100% dodge for every ranged and melee attack for the next 3 seconds) is unusable since sorceres are casters.


Makes me want to roll one just to learn how to play against them. :D

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Simply ridicolous, Sith sorceror everywhere. They do TOO MUCH damage, game is total unbalanced and players are taking advantage of this. PLEASE fix it ASAP,in my humble opinion i will not join another pvp battleground until this.


My 2 cent

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