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Sith Sorcerers In PVP


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A lot of people are playing force characters because we want to play force characters. This includes jedi knights and sith warriors who are definitely NOT overpowered currently.


It's been my experience that it's the trooper/bh that is the most op right now. I guess we all have different experiences.

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It's not the class it's the sheer number of them, there cc control is outrageous and 2/3 warzones is nothing but cc like hutta and void. All I see is lightning.. But they are not mirror to sage because I'm pretty sure there lightnig is not mitigated bye armor and sages rocks are mea ing lighting is internal damage.. Correct me if I'm wrong
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Im jk... SI are weak... i can take them out easy, especially a healing sorc... healing is pathetic enough where he can just keep casting heal on himself and my dps will eventually kill him.


of all the classes.. SI is the class I worry about least.





And IA should be buffed... that class is way underpowered.

Edited by bnzbacca
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Sorcs/Sages have no burst and are very squsishy. They're shields absorb between 1.5k-2k damage - the same damage as one of BH's Heatseeker Missle. The best they can hope for in a 1v1 is to kite you or LoS you while they. If you lose to a Sorc in a 1v1, chances are: (1) They're good; (2) You're bad; or (3) They caught you at a bad time - i.e. low mana, low HP, skills on CDs.
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"Nerf this, Nerf that" people destroy every single game they are in , and after they destroy it they go to other game to do the same becuz they realize that PVP in first game became worthless but they do not realize that it became worthless becuz of them crying and asking for nerfs.


Sad but true, that has been the nature of mmo's for a long time.

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Also, Sorcerers are glass cannons. They might put out crazy damage, but look at the number of times they die. Without their bubble which has a 20 second reuse time, they drop in no time. They might be putting out a lot of dmg, but if your team will focus them first, they won't last long.




I wish crying for nerfs was a bannable offense. :/

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Sorc is the classic glass cannon if focused they go boom... if not focused they make you go boom.


If focused, any class goes boom!


Ím tired of this wow-mentality.


The game is out for 2 weeks now....and from day 1 (13.12.11) people are complaining instead of leveling up. Im sick of it.


Why cant they just get 50 and see whats happening.


If you dont like it, pls quit.

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shield /sprint ... your 'glass canon just run away !


while meele still trying to figure out *** just happend


Funny story, today in Huttball my sorcerer was force speed + shield and I even pop a heal consumable, then BAM an Operative one shot me right in front of the goal line.



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I play as a sorcerer healer and i can tell you that not all sorcerers are OP, i find myself rather weak, maybe the weakest class of the game, heals just sucks in this game and are so weak that you can't even tank 1 dps class (that know what he's doing) on you.


Trooper/BH whole archetype are far more deadly than sorcerers. And i'm talking about lvl 50 pvp with full centurion gear, not low lvl pvp that doesn't mean anything.

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I play as a sorcerer healer and i can tell you that not all sorcerers are OP, i find myself rather weak, maybe the weakest class of the game, heals just sucks in this game and are so weak that you can't even tank 1 dps class (that know what he's doing) on you.


Trooper/BH whole archetype are far more deadly than sorcerers. And i'm talking about lvl 50 pvp with full centurion gear, not low lvl pvp that doesn't mean anything.


Don't worry, I play you're counterpart sage healer and I feel the same way. Healing is really clunky in PVP right now with 3/4 of our heals having a long cast time/channeled ability, and when every class has an interupt/stun/knockback it's hard to get a heal off =/


My main problem with Sith Sorcerer's (Or Sages) Is when you run into a group of them. In most of my PVP matched today most of the team were 5-7 Inquisitors. The damage they can put out and the amount of mobility the class has, these matched become instant wins for that team.


In world PVP I have taken on a Sorcerer and won, they aren't OP 1 vs 1, its when the come in warzones of 4 or more that they become an issue that everyone is qqing over.

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Almost no one will complain about Sorcerers and Sages once a lv. 50 bracket is added. Sorcerers and Sages just get too much too early, but that doesn't matter for endgame.


People might be complaining about Scoundrel and Operative burst though.


Well whats the point to wait to 50 when they own for at least 30 levels....this is a bad game mechanic in pvp.


People want to enjoy the game, the pvp and world pvp and not just rush to lvl 50....this is so naive to believe everything will be fine at lvl 50.....lol

Edited by BobaFurz
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Funny story, today in Huttball my sorcerer was force speed + shield and I even pop a heal consumable, then BAM an Operative one shot me right in front of the goal line.




Yeah one shot you with 11000 hp....sure. Your freaking shield absorbs 3 melee combos alone at lvl 30.

Edited by BobaFurz
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I think this all needs more time to pan out.


But I fought my first lvl 50 sorcerer today. Ahahaha wow. I was dead without really having a chance to do much of anything. That's alright I guess and I am sure it was mostly my fault.


But holy cow seeing 1.2k tick off my life every .5 seconds or something just looked ridiculous. Crazy stuff.

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They just get all of their good stuff early on, now at level 44 for my Sniper they are not that scary anymore, since I have all my good stuff too now.


As a matter of fact, Sorcs are probably the easiest kills nowadays, once you get interrupt, entrench and plain damage boosts with talents.


They have their pewpew and bubble at 20, while everyone has little more than a disguised auto-attack. They have their pewpew and bubble at 40, while everyone starts running around with nuclear warheads tied to their sticks at that level.

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I disagree, if anything Sorcerers don't feel powerful enough. We have the weakest defence in the game with only a static barrier to give us two or three seconds of breathing room. I have no problem being a glass cannon, but I do have a problem with being a glass pee-shooter. I say Sorcerers and Sages should get a power boost, but keep thier low defence the same.
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seriously the person who was in charge of balance should be fired, in warzones they are on top of healing AND damage, they are just as tanky as my juggernaut which is *********** ********. They got AOE knockback and a *********** snare that can be used on *********** allies, They got sprint aswell, while I can't even use my pommel strike and my charge is so broken that I fall trough the ground every 6th match or so when I charge someone /end of rant .. for now
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I hate to be the one to say it and I certainly hate to be the one advocating for a nerf but seriously. Sith Sorcerers are OP as heck! I may be the first one to come out and say it but seriously Bio-ware swing the bat before the whole game population rolls one.


The first person who says learn to play the game is more than likely a sith sorcerer laughing their behinds off at how simple it is to push the "I win" button.


If you don't think im tell the truth then look for yourself. Tells the population what the character class breakdowns are. I would guess its overwhelmingly Sith Sorceres for the empire. I can't go into a warzone game without having to fight 4 of them on a good day and on the worst days it's 6. Its all just purple lightning from every direction.


I know there is a huge fear of swing that bat so early after release but seriously bite the bullit and fix it.


Possible Solutions


1. raise the force cost to a point they can't use it as often.

2. decrease the range to 10

3. decrease the damage of it.

4. take the root out of it.


Do something to even the playing field!


Doing so means you're also nerfing Jedi Sages.

I am playing one at the moment (Sage) and I must say ... we're not that powerful (ok maybe @ lvl 50 but still...)

Imperial Agents & Smugglers are much worse than we are now.


Wanna know a trick to fight a sorc or a sage ?!

Stay close and cripple them, they hate close combat.

(Pushbacks are a pain specially if you need to cast something and fast!)

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seriously the person who was in charge of balance should be fired, in warzones they are on top of healing AND damage, they are just as tanky as my juggernaut which is *********** ********. They got AOE knockback and a *********** snare that can be used on *********** allies, They got sprint aswell, while I can't even use my pommel strike and my charge is so broken that I fall trough the ground every 6th match or so when I charge someone /end of rant .. for now


Problems seems to come from the interface between the screen and the chair.

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