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Everything posted by Revnan

  1. thought it was just super sonic racing remix lol i will double check./
  2. I am going to be making more videos, I notice i need to learn better management of when to use dodge and cover screen. I also am terrible at not applying armor pen. anyways if your really interested in my UI i can clean it up a little and upload it. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/9d6a43cf-95a9-4c7e-8e74-7ece002176ed thats my armory/
  3. Hey guys this is my first vid i put together, it was with my guildys, but it was a fun game. Any advice or tips on my play or how to improve would be nice. Enjoy
  4. Regina Spektor ^_^ -good wz awareness, great reaction, good use of abilities, yep class played right. -wish my Gunslinger vids are half as interesting as those.
  5. Huttaball iS NOT BROKEN, nuff said learn to play and counter. Close thread. ty and goodbye Brought to you bye Rev, 5
  6. solution is to just put expertise on 20 and 40 gear. BOOM easy, The only thing 50 bracket is going to do is make ques *********** forever for alts or new players joining the game. I personally like playing with my guildies on alts.. NO 50 BRACKET woot woot
  7. your server must not be very good at dps, cause our guilds scoundral does around 360k damage in Warzones with me following in about 50k behind him but always first and second.. OH yeah we know how to play our class Dps Slinger reporting in, Bursting kids one at a time.
  8. Revnan

    Sith Sorcerers In PVP

    It's not the class it's the sheer number of them, there cc control is outrageous and 2/3 warzones is nothing but cc like hutta and void. All I see is lightning.. But they are not mirror to sage because I'm pretty sure there lightnig is not mitigated bye armor and sages rocks are mea ing lighting is internal damage.. Correct me if I'm wrong
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTP31OTZxtU&feature=related
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6ODb9wltbY&feature=related
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFZrzg62Zj0&feature=related
  12. I posted something like this.. and it got shut down lol, i agree good luck
  13. I had 7 threads closed trying to tell ppl to calm down, went to the gym, refreshed email on my phone a few times, got some arrows shot in my knee, went for a walk and watched a movie with the GF, having a day off is lame.
  14. these forumsare nothing but QQ, go ahead and shut them down till the 20th, i dont care, better then reading all this whining.. that is all.
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