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Petition: No more chance cubes in packs, better drop ratios

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Yes we get you are a business and you have to make money. But do you see these forums? That's a rhetorical question, you have a lot of unhappy customers I feel like I am being screwed over when I open these packs and I know for sure I am not the only one. If you feel the same please sign and explain your reasons. I think its about time someone made this post so I got a jump on it.
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No thank you, this is a horrible idea. I've only recently returned since launch and chance cubes are the only viable method I have to get a lot of the neat items I missed. I've spent about $500 bucks in 2 months on crates which I wouldn't have done if there were no chance cubes.



so keep them out of packs sell them seperately

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I disagree. While I've been subbed and have played the game since launch there are many many items that I've missed from prior packs. There are armor sets I was never able to complete, titles, toys and mounts that have been next to impossible to find or just ridiculously too expensive on the GTN.


These items are showing up in chance cubes that I've opened and I'm really pleased about that.

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As I said in another thread: one chance cube, at most, per pack is fine. Never more than one chance cube per pack. We buy new packs for new stuff, not old leftovers. Edited by Direach
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so keep them out of packs sell them seperately




Having played since launch there are precious few items left that I still really want from older packs and the chances to actually get one of those are just not worth it.


When I buy a new pack I do it because I saw the preview on Dulfy and decided that there are enough new items in it which I desire.

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Having played since launch there are precious few items left that I still really want from older packs and the chances to actually get one of those are just not worth it.


When I buy a new pack I do it because I saw the preview on Dulfy and decided that there are enough new items in it which I desire.


I don't buy packs so I don't have a dog in this fight. That said I think if they removed chance cubes from the packs there would be very little people buying a chance cube pack. So while I think it'd be nice I don't know how I'd feel about less older items in circulation especially with the recent inflation. I think that chance cubes keep inflation on items to reasonable amount when there is more supply.


I also think newer players deserve a shot at getting older items as well from both the cartel market and the GTN. It's a tough issue in my opinion but one thing I think they should do is reduce it so that the chance cube can only drop a maximum time of once when you open a pack. I've seen people open packs with nothing but chance cubes and that isn't pleasant for anyone spending their money.

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The chance cubes make business sense and they do allow us a chance to return old assets to the game.


HOWEVER, they do disguise the fact that each pack has far less in new assets than than those released prior to 4.0. Maybe a third of the amount of new decos are released. My stronghold is my baby.

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if they removed the chance cubes, then it would once again force them to actually fill the packs with new items, rather than pump up sales through intentional item dilution.


Chance cubes have re-injected a lot of popular older armor sets, weapons, and mounts back into the game. And in many cases (not all) it has meant lower prices as well... so that newer players are able to access older pack items. Many players want these and like the fact that they are back in circulation.


In other words.. chance cubes are a good addition to the game, and the vehicle they choose to deliver them (ie: current cartel packs) is fine. It's not like you are guaranteed any specific item from a current cartel pack, no matter how many you purchase.

Edited by Andryah
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Chance cubes have re-injected a lot of popular older armor sets, weapons, and mounts back into the game. And in many cases (not all) it has meant lower prices as well... so that newer players are able to access older pack items. Many players want these and like the fact that they are back in circulation.


Agreed. :)


In other words.. chance cubes are a good addition to the game, and the vehicle they choose to deliver them (ie: current cartel packs) is fine. It's not like you are guaranteed any specific item from a current cartel pack, no matter how many you purchase.


Got to give them credit for that they are honest that you have a chance to get an item from the new pack not that you are guaranteed that you will get a new item from the pack. In this regard even though I dislike RNG I feel they are fair in regards to what they are offering when you open a pack. They do not falsely advertise what you will get from the pack only what you can get from the pack.

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I think the RNG is off on them....you get them on average close to 55-60% time....so if opening a hyper crate, you have 60 chances for a crate and you end up with 33-35 of them or more.


That is too high.


I think if they simply offered a hyper crate of chance cubes for a lower price and kept new packs with only new stuff if would be better.

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Chance cubes have re-injected a lot of popular older armor sets, weapons, and mounts back into the game. And in many cases (not all) it has meant lower prices as well... so that newer players are able to access older pack items. Many players want these and like the fact that they are back in circulation.


In other words.. chance cubes are a good addition to the game, and the vehicle they choose to deliver them (ie: current cartel packs) is fine. It's not like you are guaranteed any specific item from a current cartel pack, no matter how many you purchase.


Please do tell who these "many players" are.

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Please do tell who these "many players" are.


I'm not many but I do like them. Even though I been here since launch there are still armor sets i want and this gives me a chance without paying the high price. Example: Handmaiden's outfit.

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I love my grand chance cubes. I'm up to something like 12 pages of armour in my collections, and it feels a little like Christmas, opening all of those presents.


The problem I find is that when you open the packs, at best you get 1/3 of an armour set, and usually the same 1/3 that you got from the last few packs (one of the recent Hypercrates I bought gave me 8 Lower Body Wartime Ambassador sets, and not one of the supplementary or upper - I had to buy those from the GTN separately). With the GCC's, you get a full set.


Like the many times the advice has been given before - if you want a specific item, sell your Hypercrate and use the money to buy what you want from the GTN. Instead, if you love the hope, expectation, and joy of opening presents, do that. But realise, it IS a gamble, and not every present is going to be what you want.


Still, I've never made a loss from buying a hypercrate on the market - I take the bits I want, and sell the rest on - and pretty often make a tidy little profit.

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Eric Musco: "Hey there's a petition going around to make packs more worthwhile. Players will purchase fewer cartel coins but they'll get more value for their money!"


EA: "Get out, you're fired."


Seriously, they don't care about your petition, they just care about your money. Stop buying, that's the only way to get them to change the packs.

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i said it before, i actually like the chane cubes.

remember how it was before they where introduced ?


you had like 15 bronze rifles, 10 bronze blasters, 10 bronze sniper rifles and of course 20 boxes of the same bronze armor.... the cubes replaced the heavy drop of bronze items which i like more, because sometimes i get really nice items out of the cubes.. never gotten a unstable light saber out of a pack, but twice out of cubes :D


that said:


i agree that the chances to grab better items should be a bit higher and the drop rate of the cubes a bit lower

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I like the chance cubes. I've gotten armor I wouldn't have considered that I ended up enjoying. Plus I prefer this way over the stacks and stacks of useless crap that will never sell. There is so much stuff in this game no longer available that its still likely you can sell your chance cube stuff.


That being said I don't like getting the same couple of silver items repeatedly in the same hypercrate. When your duplicates are getting duplicates of duplicates maybe they need to add more items to reduce the chance of that happening.


I would like to see the timers changed to bind to legacy though. It makes me twitchy getting something out of a crate on one character that I intend to use on another and have to wait the timer out before I can move it.

Edited by Rantank
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Eric Musco: "Hey there's a petition going around to make packs more worthwhile. Players will purchase fewer cartel coins but they'll get more value for their money!"


EA: "Get out, you're fired."


Seriously, they don't care about your petition, they just care about your money. Stop buying, that's the only way to get them to change the packs.


This, the only way to change the system is to stop buying the packs and the cartel coins, if everyone, for 1 month did not buy 1 cartel coin or one pack with the coins they had, EA would get the hint and panic

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This, the only way to change the system is to stop buying the packs and the cartel coins, if everyone, for 1 month did not buy 1 cartel coin or one pack with the coins they had, EA would get the hint and panic


and then no more swtor...genius plan...

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