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[Spoilers] Broonmark (KotFE) Dark Only?


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When that Dashade companion was dark-side only, okay, fair enough. And it was hardly the most evil action ever, even for a light side character, to let him join you. My light-only char is probably only one who wouldn't do that, and I can live with losing one side character.

This thing with Broonmark though seems kind of silly. I've gone through every conversational choice with him, and unless I'm missing something, it seems the only way to recruit him is to let him kill the Wookie ambassador. Which is fairly extreme in terms of dark side, and also arguably a stupid idea, since the wookie can bring you more allies, being an ambassador.

With the Dashade, hardly a great loss losing him. But having no option but to go down a seriously dark route to unlock a former class companion (even if not for your specific class) seems a really bad idea in my books. There should have been at least one way to have both live. Like with Xalek on Ilum, when dealing with the guys who desecrated his father's grave.

If anyone knows of a way to let both live, maybe I've missed something, and would love to hear it. I'm fairly sure there isn't though >.>

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Haven't finished the Broonmark mission, but it's not like he's a very noteworthy character anyway. I've been trying to be a completion when it comes to companion alerts on my main, and I didn't mind taking some DS points with Ak, but I'll have to see how this pans out.


I do wonder if we'll see a few the other way around eventually, when we get some more of the 'pubside companions eventually coming back our way in "season 2".

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Who cares, Broonmark is one of the least interesting companions of the old class story, I just hope I get a chance to kill the unstable animal when I get there, my sw will be looking forward to it, since for some lame as reason in the original class story he was forced to pick him up
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When that Dashade companion was dark-side only, okay, fair enough. And it was hardly the most evil action ever, even for a light side character, to let him join you. My light-only char is probably only one who wouldn't do that, and I can live with losing one side character.

This thing with Broonmark though seems kind of silly. I've gone through every conversational choice with him, and unless I'm missing something, it seems the only way to recruit him is to let him kill the Wookie ambassador. Which is fairly extreme in terms of dark side, and also arguably a stupid idea, since the wookie can bring you more allies, being an ambassador.

With the Dashade, hardly a great loss losing him. But having no option but to go down a seriously dark route to unlock a former class companion (even if not for your specific class) seems a really bad idea in my books. There should have been at least one way to have both live. Like with Xalek on Ilum, when dealing with the guys who desecrated his father's grave.

If anyone knows of a way to let both live, maybe I've missed something, and would love to hear it. I'm fairly sure there isn't though >.>


I was never fan of Broonmark and in fact thought was useless addition to any SW, but at least by sound of this they keeping it consistant with his nature. That is good.

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What I'd like to know is what got up Hylo's butt on this one.


With my warrior, I convinced Broonmark that the ambassador was not worth his claws and that he should come back to my clan. I then got the ambassador to swear a life debt to both me and Hylo.


I get back and Hylo gets all pissy about the whole thing. She complains that I did the exact opposite of what she asked and is pissy about Broonmark joining up. (I chose the "Shut up and deal with it" option because I kinda think that she needed to remember who's in charge.) I don't know if it just wasn't scripted to take the SW route but you think that she'd be thrilled that I saved the ambassador AND extracted a life debt (which will come in real handy with supplies) from the ambassador.

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Nope, light 3.


Okay, will someone please explain HOW they successfully recruited Broonmark while also saving the wookiee ambassador? If that's too spoilery, then click on my name and send me a private message. On my mercenary, I went through almost every possible follow-up and had to reset the mission and start from SCRATCH three times. Finally I gave up and Broonmark is dead in my merc's storyline.


My sniper and commando are completionists and both are Light V. I want to be able to recruit every companion on those two toons. So please, instead of these "I did it," "no, on a trooper," and "No, I'm LS," please outline the conversation choices. Put them in spoiler tags if you must, send me a private message if you must-- I've DONE the mission, twice (my Sith Warrior was glad to let Broonmark kill the wookiee), so I would really, really appreciate it if you spared me the dozens of "hit escape to get out of the conversation" trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Edited by HollyUSEC
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Okay, will someone please explain HOW they successfully recruited Broonmark while also saving the wookiee ambassador? If that's too spoilery, then click on my name and send me a private message. On my mercenary, I went through almost every possible follow-up and had to reset the mission and start from SCRATCH three times. Finally I gave up and Broonmark is dead in my merc's storyline.


My sniper and commando are completionists and both are Light V. I want to be able to recruit every companion on those two toons. So please, instead of these "I did it," "no, on a trooper," and "No, I'm LS," please outline the conversation choices. Put them in spoiler tags if you must, send me a private message if you must-- I've DONE the mission, twice (my Sith Warrior was glad to let Broonmark kill the wookiee), so I would really, really appreciate it if you spared me the dozens of "hit escape to get out of the conversation" trying to find a needle in a haystack.


Total agreement. This is basically what I've been asking since start, lol. All well and good people saying they've done it - just tell us how >.>"

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I managed to keep both Broonmark and the wookie alive on a L5 Sith Warrior. I don't remember the exact lines of dialogue so bear with me, but for the first dialogue tree I picked the 3rd choice (something along the lines of "Broonmark stop, tell me whats going on"). Second tree I picked the second option (something about "I want to know his crimes before judging him"). Third tree I want to say that I picked the option about how "this bloodlust serves no purpose" or something like that. Then I got an option to tell him that "he swore to serve me until death back on Hoth" or something along those lines and he was just like "Yeah, you right. Go Sith clan.".


After that I remember seeing a tree with an option telling him that I "worked for an alliance that had many enemies he could help me with", and another option along the lines of "help me fight zakuul and show true Talz strength". I suspect both would work, I want to say I picked the one about true strength though. Told the wookie that he'd better thank Hylo that she sent me to save him and he promised a life debt.


I am unsure if you can manage to save both if you aren't a Warrior since he obviously wouldn't have swore to serve, say, a smuggler. But that's what I can recall picking. If somebody can point me to a place where all the dialogue trees are laid out I'd be able to tell you exactly which ones I picked, but unfortunately I didn't record it so I don't have that info. Hope this helps at least a little bit! :o

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I managed to keep both Broonmark and the wookie alive on a L5 Sith Warrior. I don't remember the exact lines of dialogue so bear with me, but for the first dialogue tree I picked the 3rd choice (something along the lines of "Broonmark stop, tell me whats going on"). Second tree I picked the second option (something about "I want to know his crimes before judging him"). Third tree I want to say that I picked the option about how "this bloodlust serves no purpose" or something like that. Then I got an option to tell him that "he swore to serve me until death back on Hoth" or something along those lines and he was just like "Yeah, you right. Go Sith clan.".


After that I remember seeing a tree with an option telling him that I "worked for an alliance that had many enemies he could help me with", and another option along the lines of "help me fight zakuul and show true Talz strength". I suspect both would work, I want to say I picked the one about true strength though. Told the wookie that he'd better thank Hylo that she sent me to save him and he promised a life debt.


I am unsure if you can manage to save both if you aren't a Warrior since he obviously wouldn't have swore to serve, say, a smuggler. But that's what I can recall picking. If somebody can point me to a place where all the dialogue trees are laid out I'd be able to tell you exactly which ones I picked, but unfortunately I didn't record it so I don't have that info. Hope this helps at least a little bit! :o


Sorry, should have specified for non-Sith Warr. As with most (all?) class chars, can recruit former companions by skipping over the quest or details. Trying to get him on my Jedi Sentinel.

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It's still a start, although a non-SW wouldn't get the option, "You swore to serve me on Hoth" or however the line is worded. It's worth a try, and if it doesn't work, I can reset one more time and wait for another answer.


If a non-warrior is *ABSOLUTELY* forced to eat the DS points and allow the ambassador's death in order to recruit Broonmark, I'm not going to be happy. For completionism's sake, I'd do it, but I'd be fairly PO'ed about it.

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It's still a start, although a non-SW wouldn't get the option, "You swore to serve me on Hoth" or however the line is worded. It's worth a try, and if it doesn't work, I can reset one more time and wait for another answer.


If a non-warrior is *ABSOLUTELY* forced to eat the DS points and allow the ambassador's death in order to recruit Broonmark, I'm not going to be happy. For completionism's sake, I'd do it, but I'd be fairly PO'ed about it.


Yeah. It's one thing to allow the skipping of a recruitment quest for a class - but forcing non-class people to take an evil-only route is just, for lack of a politer term, downright stupid. And as a side point, most people are going to play SW dark side. So they're arguably one of the classes least likely to care about having the ambassador whacked anyway.


I'll probably go the Broonmark/Dark route if have to, but won't like it. From an RP point of view (and I like playing my chars with a bit of personality), it's not good. And from a logic point of view, having an ambassador, who could bring in support of loads of planets, killed is just really, really dumb.

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And from a logic point of view, having an ambassador, who could bring in support of loads of planets, killed is just really, really dumb.

Particularly becase the reason is a zealot vendetta of an individual who thinks his race should be more murderous than it is.


Can't even compare to Xalek's motivation in his recruitement mission which if not agreeable, was at least understandable where it came from. Broonmark is just a maniac so, yeah.


I wanted to recruit all companions on my 2 mains, but Broonmark became the first I killed.


My Light Side warrior will probably kill him too BTW

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Any non-sith warriors, let the wookiee live and were still able to successfully recruit Broonmark? My choices are to let him kill the wookiee or something along the lines of "For the last time , no you can't kill him." I would rather not kill the wookiee, but if it's the only way...
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Particularly becase the reason is a zealot vendetta of an individual who thinks his race should be more murderous than it is.


Can't even compare to Xalek's motivation in his recruitement mission which if not agreeable, was at least understandable where it came from. Broonmark is just a maniac so, yeah.


I wanted to recruit all companions on my 2 mains, but Broonmark became the first I killed.


My Light Side warrior will probably kill him too BTW


This. It's why I didn't feel more than a brief moment of remorse when I had to kill Broony on my JK, who was reasonable with Xalek. Xalek had a genuine beef that could be fixed; the only options here (that I could find, anyway; there must be another option I missed) were either let him kill the Wookiee, or kill Broony. Obviously the ambassador helps the alliance a lot more in the long run, so Broony got the shaft...


of my lightsaber. :D

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Okay, on an Imperial Agent:


I asked Broonmark if we could settle things peacefully. I had to fight and subdue him.


Next dialogue choice, I told him I admired his spirit, and was there anything I could do to satisfy him.


Broonmark said he's born to rip and maim, and asked what I understood of his hunger.


Dialogue choice: I told him that interrogation was a gentle term for my favorite pastime. (a major breach of character for my Light V Sniper, but I said it.)


Broonmark said I understood his hunger and would be indebted to me for letting him take Gryzzak's life.


Here's the big decision. I told him that I'd allow his killing Gryzzak in return for the life debt. He wasted Gryzzak. Broonmark said he was sated and would let me walk away.


Dialogue choice: I asked him to join my clan. He agreed.


Outcome: I had to let Broonmark kill Gryzzak. I had to get chewed out by Hylo.


I did *NOT* have to eat the big DS point penalty; in fact I got 100 LS points for trying to defuse the situation.


So, bottom line:


Non a non-SW you're forced to let Broonmark kill the ambassador, but you do NOT have to take a large DS point hit doing it.


The dialogue choices will be slightly different on other classes, but that's the gist of how I did it and preserved my Light 5 status on an Imperial Agent.

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I've only been able to save the Wookie and Broonmark on my SW, Hylo is still pretty annoyed at you even though you save both which is odd because I thought she'd at least be grateful I saved the Wookie :p


I have tried to save both on my other non-SW characters and I've tried multiple ways and multiple dialogue choices and just can't do it no matter what I pick.

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sorry can't remember the convo choices, but will try a different combination soon.


What gets me is the Chewing out from Hylo Visz. along the lines of an angry "What were you thinking, letting a crazed psychopath lose on the base?"

I handed in a crate and she says "Oh! Nice!" "Lets see what we got!" in her little sing-song voice.

I know you can't record dialogue for exact conversations but that bit really jarred.


I didn't recruit her, she just turned up like a bad penny. - It'd be nice to take her for a walk outside and show her how far down it is from the ledge. - And if she's going to get all worked up again, then maybe she'd like to measure it on her way down.


Broonmark recruitment was like watching a silent film. Text based adventure with pretty visuals? - in 2016? Have we really made no progress in gaming in 20 years?

Edited by Storm-Cutter
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