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Sentinel Strategy in Huttball


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Hello fellow Sentinels!


What is your strategy in huttball? I'm trying to find ways to meaningfully contribute to the team, but I find that the general squishiness of our class makes it difficult to do much more than leap at the ball carrier and do as much damage as I can before dying. I certainly can't take the ball... I'll die instantly.


I was toying around with the idea that it might be best to pick off reinforcements from the other team as they head towards the ball, but it's hard to know (not to be confused with randomly picking fights with people).



Edited by BaeGeeN
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Hello fellow Sentinels!


What is your strategy in huttball? I'm trying to find ways to meaningfully contribute to the team, but I find that the general squishiness of our class makes it difficult to do much more than leap at the ball carrier and do as much damage as I can before dying. I certainly can't take the ball... I'll die instantly.


I was toying around with the idea that it might be best to pick off reinforcements from the other team as they head towards the ball, but it's hard to know (not to be confused with randomly picking fights with people).




We suck in Huttball.


Plain and simple. Very little CC and no push or pull. We can only deal damage and we don't deal it fast enough usually stop stop a runner. The best thing we can do is not play Huttball or, since we don't have the option of not participating, we can try to kill people who are setting up to be thrown the ball before they get the ball.


We have one decent use, if we can get the ball (as in our team) and 30 stacks of centering, then we can Transcendence which can really get some Huttball distance.


Also if we Force Camoflauge, our second CC break, while we have the ball the ball resets to center. Which also sucks.

Edited by ProfessorWalsh
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We can do perfectly fine in Huttball.


You're going to be a receiver if you're team is on the offensive, try to get on the bridge areas past the fires so that a teammate can pass up to you, then force leap to an enemy that just spawned to get a quick goal.


Only travel with the ball when you have full defensive CDs (if possible).


We can permaslow enemy ball carriers and when a carrier goes over the fire, you can force leap to immobilize them and/or force stasis them in the fire for a quick kill.


There's plenty we can do to help, including just killing other players who are on our carrier (but you're better off trying to be a receiver).


Also what you can do to get the ball away from your side is throw it (to no one) to send it to the neutral (starting) zone, or stealth and make your way towards the neutral zone to get the ball again, almost like a pass to yourself (do this when the ball is on your side and you need to get it out).

Edited by Siokai
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We can do perfectly fine in Huttball.


You're going to be a receiver if you're team is on the offensive, try to get on the bridge areas past the fires so that a teammate can pass up to you, then force leap to an enemy that just spawned to get a quick goal.


Only travel with the ball when you have full defensive CDs (if possible).


We can permaslow enemy ball carriers and when a carrier goes over the fire, you can force leap to immobilize them and/or force stasis them in the fire for a quick kill.


There's plenty we can do to help, including just killing other players who are on our carrier (but you're better off trying to be a receiver).


Also what you can do is get the ball, from your side and throw it to send it to the neutral (starting) zone, or stealth and make your way towards the neutral zone to get the ball again, almost like a pass to yourself (do this when the ball is on your side and you need to get it out).



We can't Force Leap to immobilize. Try again. Only one spec line can do that.


We can perma-snare, but other classes have real CC which tends to be better.


We can Force Stasis over the fire, but our Force Stasis can be broken with any push back ability and/or interrupt.


We are the weakest class in Huttball.

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kill healers first, kill ball carrier second.


Meayfly gave a good idea of using watchman +100% damage immunity force camo to run through fire.

Using force camo with the ball will drop it. But otherwise, people still will not expect you to be able to run through the fire.


Our lack of displacements make any attempt to fight on top of the ramps, precarious. running the ball up there, practically not a choice at all.

so, ideally, even with our many def cooldowns, let someone else run the ball.

If you do have it, go DOWN, not up. And have someone else run up top, across to the opposing teams spawn point. And simply throw the ball up to them for the score. People not carrying the ball will tend to be ignored. A stealth class is best obviously.



Guarded by the force also gives 99% damage reduction for 5s. Also lets you walk through fire without dropping the ball. Focus and pvp set gives you a 45s CD guarded by the force.

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We can't Force Leap to immobilize. Try again. Only one spec line can do that.


We can perma-snare, but other classes have real CC which tends to be better.


We can Force Stasis over the fire, but our Force Stasis can be broken with any push back ability and/or interrupt.


We are the weakest class in Huttball.


*double buzzer* We can immobilize with Force Leap it's in the tooltip.


Don't be a debby downer, so what if we can't have the epic CC, we can still be a benefit. I'm a Sentinel and constantly on top with DPS and objective points, even in Huttball. Your point on Force Stasis being useless is just ridiculous, don't position yourself into a spot to get pushed back, and by the time someone interrupts you that ball carrier is probably toast.


All other points of mine are still valid.

Edited by Siokai
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*double buzzer* We can immobilize with Force Leap it's in the tooltip.


Don't be a debby downer, so what if we can't have the epic CC, we can still be a benefit. I'm a Sentinel and constantly on top with DPS and objective points, even in Huttball. Your point on Force Stasis being useless is just ridiculous, don't position yourself into a spot to get pushed back, and by the time someone interrupts you that enemy is probably toast.


All other points of mine are still valid.


In short, L2P.


Nope. Immobilize doesn't work on players in PVP unless you spec it. You need to L2P if you think that the Sentinel is even viable compared to a Guardian or a Shadow in Huttball.


Contributing less than anyone else can isn't contributing. It is hindering. The fact remains any other class can perform better than we can in Huttball. The best thing a Sentinel can do in Huttball is not to play Huttball.

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Nope. Immobilize doesn't work on players in PVP unless you spec it. You need to L2P if you think that the Sentinel is even viable compared to a Guardian or a Shadow in Huttball.


Contributing less than anyone else can isn't contributing. It is hindering. The fact remains any other class can perform better than we can in Huttball. The best thing a Sentinel can do in Huttball is not to play Huttball.


I never said it was the best =] Obviously Guardian rawks.


lol just queued for huttball.


Force Leap totally roots people in place, I don't know why you think it wouldn't. Maybe you're confusing it with the spec skill that adds a stun to your Force Leap in the Guardian tree?



Edit: And a video for proof:

Edited by Siokai
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Nope. Immobilize doesn't work on players in PVP unless you spec it. You need to L2P if you think that the Sentinel is even viable compared to a Guardian or a Shadow in Huttball.


Contributing less than anyone else can isn't contributing. It is hindering. The fact remains any other class can perform better than we can in Huttball. The best thing a Sentinel can do in Huttball is not to play Huttball.


You really need to quit perpetuating misinformation.


Force Leap DOES immobilize in PvP. No spec required, that's in its core functionality.


You also claimed, in another thread, that the talent to make Master Strike root doesn't work in PvP, which it does.


I have several videos of either of the above working, and one has already been linked to you.


Honestly, when you make flat out erroneous claims like you do, it's really no wonder you are having trouble with the class.

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Level 50 Sentinel - Guide to Huttball.


Valorous Call at the gate, Transcendence, try to get it or if a sage/shadow is in play let them get it. Toss to a guardian/trooper tank.


Force Leap. Hit chasers with force exhaustion, force stasis. When they're grouped together, BOOM, force sweep. Watch them fall like flies. Proc zen, blade stone, and go to town with slash on multiple targets.


If you've got a tank and a healer you're good.


Also when going to score try to use transcendence and when you get close to the goal guarded by the force for those last couple steps.

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Troll alert.


Leap not only immobilizes but also interrupts casting. If you are Combat specced you get 2 additional immobilizes (Crippling Throw and Master Strike). As mentioned earlier Force Stasis is an epic skill along with our perma slow. Sentinel is perfect against ball handlers. We might lack stuns but we got plenty of movement impairing effects. No doubts u can't handle hutta ball If you never got beyond 15th lvl as sentinel (u wouldnt say such a ... if u did). Personally I find myself most useful in Hutta Ball (I usually carry the ball, gawd, i love leaping to spawning enemies scoring a point).

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Troll alert.


Leap not only immobilizes but also interrupts casting. If you are Combat specced you get 2 additional immobilizes (Crippling Throw and Master Strike). As mentioned earlier Force Stasis is an epic skill along with our perma slow. Sentinel is perfect against ball handlers. We might lack stuns but we got plenty of movement impairing effects. No doubts u can't handle hutta ball If you never got beyond 15th lvl as sentinel (u wouldnt say such a ... if u did). Personally I find myself most useful in Hutta Ball (I usually carry the ball, gawd, i love leaping to spawning enemies scoring a point).


Actually you only get those immobilizes if you spec very high in the combat tree.


Also... Level 35 right now, level 45 in Beta. Thank you and have a nice day. Also it is Hutt Ball not Hutta Ball. Hutta is a planet. Also, as mentioned earlier, Stasis is easy stopped by any and every class.

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You really need to quit perpetuating misinformation.


Force Leap DOES immobilize in PvP. No spec required, that's in its core functionality.


You also claimed, in another thread, that the talent to make Master Strike root doesn't work in PvP, which it does.


I have several videos of either of the above working, and one has already been linked to you.


Honestly, when you make flat out erroneous claims like you do, it's really no wonder you are having trouble with the class.


Master Strike root doesn't work, even combat specced, I have multiple videos to prove it :)


Sure it is suppose to work....

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Actually you only get those immobilizes if you spec very high in the combat tree.


Also... Level 35 right now, level 45 in Beta. Thank you and have a nice day. Also it is Hutt Ball not Hutta Ball. Hutta is a planet. Also, as mentioned earlier, Stasis is easy stopped by any and every class.


lololol Okay "Professor". What does lvl 45 and 35 have to do with anything?


This thread is now pointless, I'm done.

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Well, if you are on one of the side platforms with defensive CD's and trinket up, there wont be anything stopping you from capping the ball at all.


Transcendence / Guarded by the Force / Force Leap / Awe...

We are extremely good in huttball if played correctly.

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Level 50 Sentinel - Guide to Huttball.


Valorous Call at the gate, Transcendence, try to get it or if a sage/shadow is in play let them get it. Toss to a guardian/trooper tank.


Force Leap. Hit chasers with force exhaustion, force stasis. When they're grouped together, BOOM, force sweep. Watch them fall like flies. Proc zen, blade stone, and go to town with slash on multiple targets.


If you've got a tank and a healer you're good.


Also when going to score try to use transcendence and when you get close to the goal guarded by the force for those last couple steps.


+1 to this.


Just had 5 huttball wins in a row (one epic match vs another republic side and 4 X 4-0 murderings of the Imperials).


Sentinels are pretty useless below lvl 25 in PVP (as are most classes) but above 35 we shine.


- Sentinel is the long reciever. Catch a pass within 20 meters of the goal and you can always run it in with rebuke, sabre ward and if you manage your resolve properly you won't get snared. Force leap onto spawning imperials for the score = particularly win and works every time.


- Sentinel = great tackler. Murders ball carriers - our slow knee slash thing is excellent, and force leap allows us to move vertically on the course where others can't. It also immobilises. Crippling throw, if specced is also an immobiliser and I think the only healing prevention move in the game. Totally win.


- We're not that squishy - other teams healers and ranged team are squishier, and have no chance in a 1v1 vs us.


Scored two ball-spawn -> finish line points tonight because I had a good healer and saved up my damage absorbing buffs.


OP needs to post what lvl his sentinel is . . . I'm betting not that high or not pvp specced.

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Nope. Immobilize doesn't work on players in PVP unless you spec it. You need to L2P if you think that the Sentinel is even viable compared to a Guardian or a Shadow in Huttball.


Contributing less than anyone else can isn't contributing. It is hindering. The fact remains any other class can perform better than we can in Huttball. The best thing a Sentinel can do in Huttball is not to play Huttball.


This is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. If you're a decent sent you'll deal out +200k damage. You don't even have to be lvl 50. Destroy the ball handler or tie up your opponent elsewhere. If that's not contributing then I don't know what contributing is.


Also, nobody mentioned Guarded by the Force (99% damage reduction for 5 sec), who together with Transcendence, Force Camouflage (another 100% damage reduction for all Watchmen, not to mention increased movement speed), Saber Ward and Rebuke will help you carry that ball over the line. It has for me on numerous occasions.

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People not playing to the strength of their class will always whine and complain it sucks in X or Y situation. Hutball is the perfect Warzone to show you exactly who knows how to play this game and who doesn't.


Huttball is about two things :


- Killing the ball carrier. Sentinel is the highest DPS in the game with healing debuff and perma snare available, if they don't kill or heavily CC you, the ball carrier will die.


- Your defensive skills are powerful and very often available. That means you are one of the best forward/scorer available to your team. Position yourself ahead of the ball carrier, get a pass, activate cooldowns and win. Running around like a maniac trying to defend the ball carrier is not your job. You don't have CC, nor heals.


That said, if you REALLY want to kill someone, Force Leap towards the ranged DPS hiding upstairs and destroy them. Don't go for the ones on the ground, they'll die to the swarm.


Follow those two points and you'll be an asset to your team instead of wasting their time and feeling useless.

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Seriously Professor for someone who has made a name for himself for being knowledgeable about things I can't believe you'll come in here and make a statement that force leap doesn't immobilize players in pvp when the tool tip clearly states that it does. On top of that double down after someone points out that your wrong. The only leap that a Sentential has that doesn't immobilize is Zealous leap and there isn't a talent to make it do so. And the only talent that affects the immobilizing effect of force leap is stagger and it only adds one second to the 2 seconds force leap already has. The talent point says nothing about it "now works in pvp." Not to sound all jedi master but I think your anger has clouded your judgment. I'll agree we need some pvp issues addressed but just by looking at your grossly incorrect statement that you defended a second time and then defend statements by stating what level you are and were in the beta when i can post links to Force Leap and Stagger to prove you otherwise shows how unreliable your opinions on play experience has become. I think you need to take a step back and look at where you are.
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Seriously Professor for someone who has made a name for himself for being knowledgeable about things I can't believe you'll come in here and make a statement that force leap doesn't immobilize players in pvp when the tool tip clearly states that it does. On top of that double down after someone points out that your wrong. The only leap that a Sentential has that doesn't immobilize is Zealous leap and there isn't a talent to make it do so. And the only talent that affects the immobilizing effect of force leap is stagger and it only adds one second to the 2 seconds force leap already has. The talent point says nothing about it "now works in pvp." Not to sound all jedi master but I think your anger has clouded your judgment. I'll agree we need some pvp issues addressed but just by looking at your grossly incorrect statement that you defended a second time and then defend statements by stating what level you are and were in the beta when i can post links to Force Leap and Stagger to prove you otherwise shows how unreliable your opinions on play experience has become. I think you need to take a step back and look at where you are.


You are trying to insult me and it isn't working, you won't raise my ire, I've had far better try to do it than you.


1. You can't trust the tooltips.


This is simple fact. The immobilize on Force Leap doesn't always work, or, often it does but it doesn't seem to work. You simply are trying to make excuses for poor design. The first is that "immobilize" is crap.


Yeah, I say it straight, immobilize is next to worthless in this game. The number of times I have Force Leaped onto someone only to immediately be thrown backward and by the time I get back on them they are gone are beyond what I can count.


The same goes for Master Strike.


I can't remember the number of times I have used the immobilize off of it only to be:


1. Interrupted

2. Knocked back

3. Stunned

4. Mezzed


And such is staggering.


So it is very possible when it doesn't seem to work, it is simply because I can't see it work as I am instantly stunned/mezzed/knocked back/knocked down/etc after landing it.


I know I've been hit in PVP with other people's force leaps and I haven't been stopped. So... Dunno what to tell you...

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You are trying to insult me and it isn't working, you won't raise my ire, I've had far better try to do it than you.


1. You can't trust the tooltips.


This is simple fact. The immobilize on Force Leap doesn't always work, or, often it does but it doesn't seem to work. You simply are trying to make excuses for poor design. The first is that "immobilize" is crap.


Force Leap counter starts the moment you use the ability, not when you land at the target, thus you lose 0.5-1s depending how far you are jumping from compared to the tooltip.


Also, sometimes lag will not correctly register the resolve bar and show it as white too late.


Force Leap immobilization always work otherwise. Blame the ****y PvP desync issues, not the skill. I can't remember a solo ball carrier in huttball that ever not got rooted on a Force Leap.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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to all the people saying that leap doesn't work like the tooltip says...


its called resolve. at full charge it makes a player immune to cc and snares for a short time. any player can get a full charge if he lives through enough cc.


force leap, master strike, basically anything that impairs a player's control of his character, has no effect while their resolve is beefed up.


not usually an issue, since most players die long before they fill that bar. the times someone does fill that bar, its usually because they are playing on a coordinated team with heals and support keeping them alive... and you're just getting outplayed anyways, so no matter what buffs they give the class... you will still lose.

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