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Best "Canon" Class for KotFE?


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First, I put "canon" in quotations for a reason. Don't freak out. I know you want to think your smuggler can take on the most powerful Force-users in the galaxy single-handed. Go for it :rolleyes:


Right now, debating between Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. Obviously different people will play each class differently, but I'm particularly interested in defining themes which develop throughout the story progression of both JK and SW and how they become relevant in KotOR. Specifically, JK: order, preservation. SW: freedom, conquest. Personally, I find the Sith Warrior's relationship with Valkorion to be the most compelling, even considering Chapter 3 of the JK story arc. But I'm biased.

Edited by Stultophobe
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Everyone have their opinions.


MIne is SI/JC depending on IMP/REP side followed by SW and last being JK. Universally albeit I think just like you SW/JK are favourites, but at least for me there is big disconnect between certain important figure presentation in JK story and in KOTFE. In trailers BW are using JK.


From non-force users I would say they all have problems, I view them more specialists than leader types. Same with JK and SW, even though JK does get some leadership duties in his story. Trooper, Agent, Smuggler, BH? Kinda difficult to go with this.


But hey, this is my view of this.

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Everyone have their opinions.


MIne is SI/JC depending on IMP/REP side followed by SW and last being JK. Universally albeit I think just like you SW/JK are favourites, but at least for me there is big disconnect between certain important figure presentation in JK story and in KOTFE. In trailers BW are using JK.


From non-force users I would say they all have problems, I view them more specialists than leader types. Same with JK and SW, even though JK does get some leadership duties in his story. Trooper, Agent, Smuggler, BH? Kinda difficult to go with this.


But hey, this is my view of this.


SW gets a traditional BioWare leadership scenario on Taris.

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While I am perfectly happy with how the story has been playing out with my "grey" Sith Sorcerer, I think the best class in terms of fitting the KOTFE story is the Jedi Knight.


Spoilers for JK Class Story, end of SoR, and start of KOTFE:


The Jedi Knight's story (and, according to Scourge, her destiny) has always been deeply connected to the Emperor - after their confrontations and the Emperor's 'death' at the Knight's hands, the idea that he would view her as a worthy individual fits nicely into the narrative. ("I see futures in you" as he puts it even early on during the Knight's class story.)


But moreover, I think the characterization of Valkorian works best coming after the Knight's storyline. Most classes (other than the Knight and Sith Warrior) only encounter Vitiate when he is first revived on Yavin and then on Ziost, where the sum and substance of his character is presented as "Mwwa-haha, I will eat the galaxy, haha evilevilevil!" - so when he shows up again as Valkorian, it can be jarring and even disjointed.


But the Jedi Knight has a conversation with the Emperor where he lays out his raison d'etre in such a way that I think sets up his Valkorian persona quite well:

  • "Beyond these stars exist other galaxies, other worlds, other beings. I will experience or ignore them as I wish. I will spend eternity becoming everything: a farmer, an artist, a simple man. When the last living thing in the universe finally dies, I will enjoy peace and wait for the cycle to begin again."~Vitiate


That is a characterization of the Emperor that I can totally believe spent centuries building his vision of a 'perfect society' on Zakuul, living and even falling in love as Valkorian as he sought those endless new experiences as part of his megalomania.


Edited by DarthDymond
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As long as you go for a character that uses the force you are somewhat okay, but I would say if you are looking for the best, go for the knight or the warrior. I would personally say warrior but thats because I find the warrior story a lot more interesting then the knight story, especially since knight ach 3 compleatly runined the knight story for me, by being compleatly unbelivable, to me at least
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Personally I love playing a Sith Warrior. Here was a woman who did her duty, stood by her empire, and then got b*tch slapped across the face by the man who she had devoted all her service to, and THEN had 5 years of her life stolen by his son who also destroyed the empire she tried to help restore to greatness, and to add insult to injury, had that SAME emperor then decide to tag along with her inside her mind! Talk about a twisted story right there.


It's also very fun to play as a Sith Warrior who started out dark, went gray, and is now slowly going towards the light. My reason for this is because at the beginning she was so certain of everything, so certain that she was right and that the darkside was the only side. But as time went on, she began to realize that sometimes being helpful and making compromises helped her more along the way, and over time she began to become more neutral. But then her entire world was deeply shaken when her emperor, the one she swore to defend, went and betrayed her by eating a planet full of her people and then revealed to have had a second empire that he liked even better!


And that just blew her mind- her empire followed instructions that VITIATE HIMSELF left for them, followed in his footsteps and in his way, only for him to then turn around, declare them all idiots and fools for doing what he told them to do, and went on his way. At that point, my SW began to go full light-side because she realized what a duplicitous liar her emperor truly was.

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Personally I love playing a Sith Warrior. Here was a woman who did her duty, stood by her empire, and then got b*tch slapped across the face by the man who she had devoted all her service to, and THEN had 5 years of her life stolen by his son who also destroyed the empire she tried to help restore to greatness, and to add insult to injury, had that SAME emperor then decide to tag along with her inside her mind! Talk about a twisted story right there.


It's also very fun to play as a Sith Warrior who started out dark, went gray, and is now slowly going towards the light. My reason for this is because at the beginning she was so certain of everything, so certain that she was right and that the darkside was the only side. But as time went on, she began to realize that sometimes being helpful and making compromises helped her more along the way, and over time she began to become more neutral. But then her entire world was deeply shaken when her emperor, the one she swore to defend, went and betrayed her by eating a planet full of her people and then revealed to have had a second empire that he liked even better!


And that just blew her mind- her empire followed instructions that VITIATE HIMSELF left for them, followed in his footsteps and in his way, only for him to then turn around, declare them all idiots and fools for doing what he told them to do, and went on his way. At that point, my SW began to go full light-side because she realized what a duplicitous liar her emperor truly was.


Can relate to this narrative for my Warrior, former conqueror turned liberator. Although he is still very much Sith in the traditional sense.


I do not think Valkorion is an agent of the Dark Side, per se. He's both a creator and a destroyer, beyond the Jedi and Sith's cultural interpretations of the Force. That's what makes him so dangerous.

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I lean towards JK being the most 'canon' feeling at this point. I say that b/c it never felt like the SW had much of a personal connection to the Emperor as the Wrath. It's like when you start your first day of work and your boss welcomes you and gives you an orientation or whatever but then you never see them again after that day. With the JK, the Emperor possesses a companion of yours and turns her against you for a short time, he makes you his slave for months with Force mind-control crap, and then you race to stop him from eating planets before 'killing' him.


The original SW story is much better than the JK one though.


Either way, they are the two better choices.

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I actually think the Smuggler probably fits the "canon" best, with Consular a very close second, but there are good and bad points to each (including those two). Some of this just may be because it's my main, so it just feels most natural to me, but let me break down the points.


  • First off, the efforts to locate Vitiate in Chapter I are focused around a joint Republic/Imperial strike force, so with an Imperial character, it feels redundant. I like the Smuggler a little bit better here, because there's no freaking way Saresh would authorize working with Darth Marr. Thus, having the "Republic" forces figureheaded by a hero who can tell the Chancellor to screw off anytime s/he wants seems to make the most sense.
  • Second, a big part of the KotFE story is leadership. Of the various Republic classes, the Consular is really the best here, being the most tried and tested leader, not to mention the most effective. The Knight is a one-Jedi army, but doesn't do much actual leading (even when s/he is named a commander, Var Suthra does most of the actual legwork). The Trooper does small-unit tactics, but nothing on a grand scale. The Smuggler can be a big time leader, but depending on how you play that story, the Smuggler can also be completely untied from any organization (thus, why maybe it's just my Smuggler that fits).
  • Third, there's a lot of sneaking going on. For the leader of the Alliance forces to spend so much time on Zakuul and right under Arcann's nose, it just feels right that classes that can have a natural affinity for stealth would fit into the story (even if the game mechanics don't always allow that).
  • Finally, and this is the one that will probably drive the purists up the wall, what really puts the Smuggler over the Consular for me is that, honestly, I think it makes sense for the Outlander to not normally use the Force. If you really look at the Outlander's role (and heck, the role Lana got him/her to fill), it's never been about being the Alliance's "most powerful" anyway. It's always been about the Outlander's ability to lead the Alliance (see point #2). Having a canon hero who can leave the Force stuff to the Force-specialists, or who has to fall back on Valkorian (or at least be tempted by it) when it does become absolutely necessary actually fits the story. If the hero could have just easily said "screw it, I'll move the rocks myself" when Lana's in danger, makes the railroading of the story feel pointless.
  • PS - I thought of another one. Sort of related to the previous point, I've seen a lot of people say that, for example, a Knight fits the "you alone are worth my time" line from Valky, but honestly, that seems backwards to me. The Knight was basically raised from birth to be a sword that Jedi could stick into the Emperor and make him die. So someone like that fighting and defeating an avatar of the Emperor? I think a guy who can decimate planets would honestly find that pretty...banal, especially since the Knight failed. Same thing for all those others who start off naturally gifted or otherwise (including the aforementioned Consular, who I still think is second best for points 1-3). On the other hand, just a "regular person" who accomplishes everything the Smuggler accomplishes (again, including planet stories, granted)...that actually seems like the sort of thing that would get a cosmic monstrosity interested: pure amusement value. Nobody is a threat to Valky, so it seems like the best choice for the story is someone who would be interesting for a different reason.


A lot of people like to cite "power" as a counterpoint to that last one, but really, "power" has never been about using the Force or not in this game. All 4 non-Force class stories give the hero the chance to trounce Jedi/Sith at at least one point, if not several (Agent requires making certain choices, but it still has it), and the planetary stories never make a big deal out of it either way (and feature plenty of non-Force enemies who are considered just as dangerous/tough in both story and gameplay terms as their Force using peers). And even those who can use it still apparently need a magic weapon to handle Arcann (at least according to the story so far). So "power" has never been a factor.

Edited by JLazarillo
Editing because hey, another important point to shoot down the "Force is needed" argument
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of course, i'm a bit biased, but i'd say the JK. SW is a pretty close second. but i've played through the story on both and the knight just feels the most natural to me. of course, as someone who has 3 jedi guardians, i might be a little biased. (for the record, i have 2 warriors also, a jugg and a marauder).
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I actually think the Smuggler probably fits the "canon" best, with Consular a very close second, but there are good and bad points to each (including those two). Some of this just may be because it's my main, so it just feels most natural to me, but let me break down the points.


  • First off, the efforts to locate Vitiate in Chapter I are focused around a joint Republic/Imperial strike force, so with an Imperial character, it feels redundant. I like the Smuggler a little bit better here, because there's no freaking way Saresh would authorize working with Darth Marr. Thus, having the "Republic" forces figureheaded by a hero who can tell the Chancellor to screw off anytime s/he wants seems to make the most sense.
  • Second, a big part of the KotFE story is leadership. Of the various Republic classes, the Consular is really the best here, being the most tried and tested leader, not to mention the most effective. The Knight is a one-Jedi army, but doesn't do much actual leading (even when s/he is named a commander, Var Suthra does most of the actual legwork). The Trooper does small-unit tactics, but nothing on a grand scale. The Smuggler can be a big time leader, but depending on how you play that story, the Smuggler can also be completely untied from any organization (thus, why maybe it's just my Smuggler that fits).
  • Third, there's a lot of sneaking going on. For the leader of the Alliance forces to spend so much time on Zakuul and right under Arcann's nose, it just feels right that classes that can have a natural affinity for stealth would fit into the story (even if the game mechanics don't always allow that).
  • Finally, and this is the one that will probably drive the purists up the wall, what really puts the Smuggler over the Consular for me is that, honestly, I think it makes sense for the Outlander to not normally use the Force. If you really look at the Outlander's role (and heck, the role Lana got him/her to fill), it's never been about being the Alliance's "most powerful" anyway. It's always been about the Outlander's ability to lead the Alliance (see point #2). Having a canon hero who can leave the Force stuff to the Force-specialists, or who has to fall back on Valkorian (or at least be tempted by it) when it does become absolutely necessary actually fits the story. If the hero could have just easily said "screw it, I'll move the rocks myself" when Lana's in danger, makes the railroading of the story feel pointless.
  • PS - I thought of another one. Sort of related to the previous point, I've seen a lot of people say that, for example, a Knight fits the "you alone are worth my time" line from Valky, but honestly, that seems backwards to me. The Knight was basically raised from birth to be a sword that Jedi could stick into the Emperor and make him die. So someone like that fighting and defeating an avatar of the Emperor? I think a guy who can decimate planets would honestly find that pretty...banal, especially since the Knight failed. Same thing for all those others who start off naturally gifted or otherwise (including the aforementioned Consular, who I still think is second best for points 1-3). On the other hand, just a "regular person" who accomplishes everything the Smuggler accomplishes (again, including planet stories, granted)...that actually seems like the sort of thing that would get a cosmic monstrosity interested: pure amusement value. Nobody is a threat to Valky, so it seems like the best choice for the story is someone who would be interesting for a different reason.


A lot of people like to cite "power" as a counterpoint to that last one, but really, "power" has never been about using the Force or not in this game. All 4 non-Force class stories give the hero the chance to trounce Jedi/Sith at at least one point, if not several (Agent requires making certain choices, but it still has it), and the planetary stories never make a big deal out of it either way (and feature plenty of non-Force enemies who are considered just as dangerous/tough in both story and gameplay terms as their Force using peers). And even those who can use it still apparently need a magic weapon to handle Arcann (at least according to the story so far). So "power" has never been a factor.


Alright so first of, in your first point you say that an imperial character is redundent on the strike force to find the emporor, why? because Marr is leading it? there are still a bunch of republic npcs there, the republic is very clearly represented, so I find it very hard to see how an imperial character could be called redundent in that situation. And as for the telling Ssaresh to screw of, well again not an issue as an imp first of all, and secondly the character has proven before regardless of their class that they are willing to ignore her and work with the empire seen on Ziost and Rishi, so that dosent hold either.


Focusing on the part of actual leadership, all the characters show small time leadership abilities, since they all command a crew of companions, so it comes down to which of the characters could lead on a larger scale, yes if we are only seeing pub characters then yeah the JC character has leader ship abilities, but I would argue that for instance the trooper while not showing any of it, would have been trained for it regardless, and second of all, yes the smuggler could potentially lead a larger organization, but if we focus for a moment on the other side, the SI is a darth, and is actually in command of a larger powerbase, and as such would be a much more suited character for actual leadership. Finally, as you point out later, a non force sensetive character can get advice on the stuff from the specialists, which begs the question what prevents any of the characters from getting advice from the other advicers, thus making all characters viable for leading if we take that approch.


As for sneaking, the smuggler could sneak ýes, but so could for instance a sith assassin, or a jedi shadow for that matter, the trooper could just wear different armor to fit in as could the bounty hunter as for that matter could anyone. Zakuul is such a large place that you wouldent need any actual sneaking, some disguises would do, and as you established with the force advicers, they can get the specialists to help them out, so if you want to go beyond what we see and what the mechanics allow for then Hylo could help with all the sneaking, or Koth could show them around, or Scorpio which was an informations brooker before you pick her up, again this is an argument that can be used to support any character for the leadership position.


Then as for the other points, you say that the smuggler acompishes a great deal, but if you actually look at what it dose in its story, its kinda meh, the smuggler takes part in a glorified treasure hunt and thats pretty much it as far as acompishments, where as a lot of the other characters, mainly the imperial ones have a lot greater stakes, with the exception of the bounty hunter, so yeah you smugler can find a bunch of money, big deal if Valkorion was impressed with that, then he would have made Gault his host body. As for the non force users reguarly beating force users in combat, yeah of cause they do, because if you got beat up, as by rights you should every time you ran into a jedi or sith as a smuggler, who the hell would play the smuggler then? no one would which is why they make force user npc essentially just normal npc mobs with a lightsaber instead of a vibrosword


If you think the smuggler is suited for the plot then more power to you, but all of your arguments could pretty much be used for any of the characters, and all are made pretty much moot by the fact that the game will always make your character out to be able to beat everyone, regardless of how nonsensical the odds are.


I would argue that the SI is clearly the best choice for a canon character. First of, it has established leader abilities, being a darth with an actual powerbase, it dosent have to respect anything Saresh says so there is no problem there, it dosent really have to answer to its own goverment either so the initial mission makes sense as well. The SI has the potential for cloaking as well with the force, so again sneaking is not an issue and that is if you dont take into account all the other ways he or she could get anywhere they wanted on Zakuul with help.


The SI also has extensive knowlege of the force meaning that it can deal with the things valkorion wants, and yes it dose mean railroading but when has the stories in this game ever not?

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I appreciate you discussing it! It's more fun to talk it out, IMO.


Alright so first of, in your first point you say that an imperial character is redundent on the strike force to find the emporor, why? because Marr is leading it? there are still a bunch of republic npcs there, the republic is very clearly represented, so I find it very hard to see how an imperial character could be called redundent in that situation. And as for the telling Ssaresh to screw of, well again not an issue as an imp first of all, and secondly the character has proven before regardless of their class that they are willing to ignore her and work with the empire seen on Ziost and Rishi, so that dosent hold either.

I'm not really saying it has to be either way. I'm just saying it feels more like a joint effort if there's more than just Republic grunts, but it's absolutely true that it doesn't mean that a 'pub PC is essential. It just feels a little more natural to me that way.


Focusing on the part of actual leadership, all the characters show small time leadership abilities, since they all command a crew of companions, so it comes down to which of the characters could lead on a larger scale, yes if we are only seeing pub characters then yeah the JC character has leader ship abilities, but I would argue that for instance the trooper while not showing any of it, would have been trained for it regardless, and second of all, yes the smuggler could potentially lead a larger organization, but if we focus for a moment on the other side, the SI is a darth, and is actually in command of a larger powerbase, and as such would be a much more suited character for actual leadership. Finally, as you point out later, a non force sensetive character can get advice on the stuff from the specialists, which begs the question what prevents any of the characters from getting advice from the other advicers, thus making all characters viable for leading if we take that approch.

I actually agree that if you want to look at the Imperial side of things, the Inquisitor is the best fit for the Imperial classes, and their role in a "leadership" position is definitely a big part of why. And yes, almost everyone leads small groups at one point or another. But I think of the 8, Consular, Inquisitor, and (sometimes) Smuggler get the most under their belt before KotFE began. It's true that any of them could get advice from the advisors, but to me, I feel like it gives a better excuse for why Lana would go after that particular person to be a leader from the beginning. Just my take on it, though.


As for sneaking, the smuggler could sneak ýes, but so could for instance a sith assassin, or a jedi shadow for that matter, the trooper could just wear different armor to fit in as could the bounty hunter as for that matter could anyone. Zakuul is such a large place that you wouldent need any actual sneaking, some disguises would do, and as you established with the force advicers, they can get the specialists to help them out, so if you want to go beyond what we see and what the mechanics allow for then Hylo could help with all the sneaking, or Koth could show them around, or Scorpio which was an informations brooker before you pick her up, again this is an argument that can be used to support any character for the leadership position.

Again, true. But I think it feels a little more "natural" once again to the classes that get stealth-using ACs...even if they're not the AC that uses the actual Stealth ability. Agents of all kinds are use to striking tactically, Inquisitors of all kinds move carefully to manipulate power, etc.


Then as for the other points, you say that the smuggler acompishes a great deal, but if you actually look at what it dose in its story, its kinda meh, the smuggler takes part in a glorified treasure hunt and thats pretty much it as far as acompishments, where as a lot of the other characters, mainly the imperial ones have a lot greater stakes, with the exception of the bounty hunter, so yeah you smugler can find a bunch of money, big deal if Valkorion was impressed with that, then he would have made Gault his host body.

The Smuggler basically rises to the most famous figure in the galactic underworld, a second Nok Drayen if you will, from basically a nobody. And s/he's just a regular person. That's the aspect I think that Valky would respect. There are other classes that fit that bill though, too. An Inquisitor is once again a great example of starting as nobody, becoming one of the big players. Same with a Hunter. I feel like Knight, Consular, and Warrior, who were all "meant" for their roles since early childhood if not birth, though, would just come off to him as "expected".


As for the non force users reguarly beating force users in combat, yeah of cause they do, because if you got beat up, as by rights you should every time you ran into a jedi or sith as a smuggler, who the hell would play the smuggler then? no one would which is why they make force user npc essentially just normal npc mobs with a lightsaber instead of a vibrosword

The point is, whether it fits the lore of other Star Wars tales or not, it doesn't change the fact that the Force doesn't mean much here. The justification isn't particularly relevant. The story and the role of the Force in it are what they are. And it's not just for PCs not wanting to fall behind. After all, no Force-using PC is going to be able to go toe-to-toe with Jarg or Sorno, either, despite the fact that neither of the latter can use the Force. Maybe I can let it go easier than other people, since I'm not as invested in Star Wars EU lore. I dunno. The point is nothing in KotFE violates precedent within this game on that front. SWToR as a whole is consistent on this point (but it's also consistent in the idea that it is often unexpected, which again, I think makes the non-Force users better candidates, personally).


If you think the smuggler is suited for the plot then more power to you, but all of your arguments could pretty much be used for any of the characters, and all are made pretty much moot by the fact that the game will always make your character out to be able to beat everyone, regardless of how nonsensical the odds are.

As I've probably let slip at this point, yeah, I think I've probably made it clear that most of the points I made can probably apply to other classes as well. The reason I like the Smuggler best is I think it fits the largest number of those points, but like I said in the beginning of my initial post, no one class is quite "perfect".


I would argue that the SI is clearly the best choice for a canon character. First of, it has established leader abilities, being a darth with an actual powerbase, it dosent have to respect anything Saresh says so there is no problem there, it dosent really have to answer to its own goverment either so the initial mission makes sense as well. The SI has the potential for cloaking as well with the force, so again sneaking is not an issue and that is if you dont take into account all the other ways he or she could get anywhere they wanted on Zakuul with help.


The SI also has extensive knowlege of the force meaning that it can deal with the things valkorion wants, and yes it dose mean railroading but when has the stories in this game ever not?

I pretty much agree 100% with every sentence in this part except for the very first. I still think the Smuggler or Consular are the top two by a hair, but Inquisitor makes it into third place without lagging too far behind, for all the reasons you mentioned. It's definitely the best candidate of the Imperials.

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SI I feel. SW just comes across as a brutish enforcer most of the time, not really a true leader, just someone to fear. Same goes for the JK to a lesser extent.


The only non-force user I could accept to a degree was the IA. Highly skilled, already a commander and familiar with all the cloak and dagger stuff you tend to get up to in the Alliance. Chapter 12 will be weird of course, but I can live with one weird chapter.

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First, I put "canon" in quotations for a reason. Don't freak out. I know you want to think your smuggler can take on the most powerful Force-users in the galaxy single-handed. Go for it :rolleyes:


Right now, debating between Jedi Knight and Sith Warrior. Obviously different people will play each class differently, but I'm particularly interested in defining themes which develop throughout the story progression of both JK and SW and how they become relevant in KotOR. Specifically, JK: order, preservation. SW: freedom, conquest. Personally, I find the Sith Warrior's relationship with Valkorion to be the most compelling, even considering Chapter 3 of the JK story arc. But I'm biased.


Any of the Jedi/Sith characters--but I think the JK. Though I like my Sith Marauder (LS), JK is simply more iconic to me.

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The JK is used for all the KOFTE trailers, so I would say that class is considered canon by Bioware.


Storywise as well the Jedi Knight also fits the best, fighting his 'eternal nemsis' (to quote Valkorian). Also the Outlanders role: building the Alliiance as a General, whilst adopting guerilla warfare tactics and fighting on the frontlines is in the Jedi Knights holonet description.


SW also fits very well but Chapter 12 didn't make much sense for SW imo. The generic story telling makes all classes fell out of place at times, I have found except for JK.

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This is one of those questions that everyone has a different answer to. KOTFE is built in such a way, with it's "one size fits all" story, that it's nearly impossible to have a definitive canon class.


In MY personal opinion, the classes that work best are those that have a pre-existing personal connection with Vitiate/Valkorian. So either Jedi Knight or Sith Warrior. Both work very well because thanks to their backstories (i.e. the "Vanilla" SWTOR's class stories) the player gets the feeling of a "built-upon" KOTFE. The Knight was the Emperor's archenemy, so that's an almost perfect fit to continue in KOTFE, and the Warrior was his personal executioner who decided to turn against him which also works pretty sweet as a narrative. Those things enrich the story of KOTFE for me, but it's still mostly a matter of personal opinion.

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The Smuggler basically rises to the most famous figure in the galactic underworld, a second Nok Drayen if you will, from basically a nobody. And s/he's just a regular person. That's the aspect I think that Valky would respect. There are other classes that fit that bill though, too. An Inquisitor is once again a great example of starting as nobody, becoming one of the big players. Same with a Hunter. I feel like Knight, Consular, and Warrior, who were all "meant" for their roles since early childhood if not birth, though, would just come off to him as "expected".

Well there is nothing bad with accepting and fulfilling your destiny.

Edited by adormitul
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I think I'd have to agree in general with the knight or warrior being closest to the classes the story seems written for. The JC seems like a natural choice in that alliance building, leading and coordinating things on a planetary scale is part of their remit but there are just too many parts of the story where (maybe it was just me) I was throwing my arms up in the air thinking why oh why are you telling me this I already know it, I've already done it, or when you

meet satele someone you've worked closely with as a council member (if lightsided) and you just stand there crossing your arms looking at her like she was scrapped off the bottom of your boot

Just too many little things put me off being fully immersed in a JC alliance commander and that's what I main.


The double edged sword of a one size fits all story is ending up as a one size fits none story, so bearing in mind what I said about JK and SW and then completely ignoring it, It's really all down to what class you think fits best into the story and how well it plays for you.

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I feel that even though the warroir and Knight have pre established relations with valkorion they don't "fit" the scenario you the player finds themselves in as well as some of the other classes do.


The person leading that task force with Marr when the game begins would most likely be the SI, followed by IA, and JC. I'd also say these are the three that Lana would be most justified in breaking out of Cryo.


I'd also like to take a second and talk about the agent. SI and JC have had plenty of defenders on this thread already and I agree with a lot of what they say. The agent on the other hand has barely been mentioned and I feel has the best chance of mounting a successful resistance group.


He's a worked both as and against terrorist groups in the past, Is an infiltrator without equal, has proven to be able to take out force users much more powerful then himself, and may or may not have the black codex and an already existing intelligence network at his disposal.

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My question is, as all of the 8 player characters have apparently vanished prior to KOTFE, does it fit better with the 'Bioware' canon to have a 'new' start at Level 60 character and say the previous characters are MIA or captured?


It would seem that Bioware has a preference for the JK but should it be the Hero of Tython or should it be just a 'veteran of the great galactic war' who has now come to prominence?


I haven't started KOTFE yet so just looking at whether I should do a JK playthrough first to continue the story or if it SHOULD be a 9th PC whether to start at Level 60.

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