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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Alignment doesn't make sense, BioLucas


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In my opinion...


First thought - remember, there is a subtle but important difference between the moral good/evil and the Force Light/Dark.


There should be more neutral aligned gear for Non-Force users. For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


There should not be much neutral gear for Force users. The Jedi and Sith are both, in their own ways, guided by the force, and are generally averse to doing anything that touches the opposed aspect of the force. Being pure light or pure dark is important to them, as there are long-term consequences (especially for Jedi, since the dark side seemes awfully self-reinforcing).


Does the current system seem to force certain choices in RP? Only if you're concerned about your "alignment". And from what I've seen so far, my Sith hasn't had many situations where I'd want to take that light-side choice (take the renegade general captive? No, no, he dies now, and painfully, as much for offending me as because he is a traitor).


For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


Thanks Bioware. I'm stuck with 100 lightside points because I played my character how I felt he should be played. Thanks for trivializing the story with your stupid system. GG. How can anyone on the development team think this was a good idea?

Edited by WarTornPanda
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In my opinion...


First thought - remember, there is a subtle but important difference between the moral good/evil and the Force Light/Dark.


There should be more neutral aligned gear for Non-Force users. For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


There should not be much neutral gear for Force users. The Jedi and Sith are both, in their own ways, guided by the force, and are generally averse to doing anything that touches the opposed aspect of the force. Being pure light or pure dark is important to them, as there are long-term consequences (especially for Jedi, since the dark side seemes awfully self-reinforcing).


Does the current system seem to force certain choices in RP? Only if you're concerned about your "alignment". And from what I've seen so far, my Sith hasn't had many situations where I'd want to take that light-side choice (take the renegade general captive? No, no, he dies now, and painfully, as much for offending me as because he is a traitor).


I like this, the LS/DS slider should be changed to a Moral/Immoral slider. I think that would be less confusing. At least to me anyway.

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In my opinion...


First thought - remember, there is a subtle but important difference between the moral good/evil and the Force Light/Dark.


There should be more neutral aligned gear for Non-Force users. For example, making light-side choices as an Imperial agent (such as not killing off the eels that will help get supplies for the imperial military) is perfectly reasonable. Being thoroughly light or dark isn't relevant to the way non-force users live.


There should not be much neutral gear for Force users. The Jedi and Sith are both, in their own ways, guided by the force, and are generally averse to doing anything that touches the opposed aspect of the force. Being pure light or pure dark is important to them, as there are long-term consequences (especially for Jedi, since the dark side seemes awfully self-reinforcing).


Does the current system seem to force certain choices in RP? Only if you're concerned about your "alignment". And from what I've seen so far, my Sith hasn't had many situations where I'd want to take that light-side choice (take the renegade general captive? No, no, he dies now, and painfully, as much for offending me as because he is a traitor).



In the star wars galaxy good moral choices are considered light side and dark side for the bad, this is the same for force wielders and non wielders, because the force is tied to everything.

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Thanks Bioware. I'm stuck with 100 lightside points because I played my character how I felt he should be played. Thanks for trivializing the story with your stupid system. GG. How can anyone on the development team think this was a good idea?



...Once again, they are making Neutral Gear. They probably didn't think there would be a QQ fest like this....

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Thanks Bioware. I'm stuck with 100 lightside points because I played my character how I felt he should be played. Thanks for trivializing the story with your stupid system. GG. How can anyone on the development team think this was a good idea?


Because it makes perfect sense in a Star wars sense. In other games no, but in this one yes. Not everything you do should end up rewarding you at the end, unless you do it all that way. Going dark on my smuggler I could not find myself able to kill the kids at the begining, but I have no issues with that.

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The system is only terrible for the people who dont want to be playing an RPG.


it's terrible for people who WANT to play an RPG. make a system that ONLY rewards going all good choices or all bad choices is precisely what ruins any "role playing" about it.


i don't get to role play. i get to choose whatever path gets me to the cake.


that's the only option

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...Once again, they are making Neutral Gear. They probably didn't think there would be a QQ fest like this....


I don't want neutral gear. My guy is a *********** murderer. I kill everything I come across. The ONLY time I didn't kill someone was for the benefit of the EVIL empire. My guy is just as evil as the next guy.

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it's terrible for people who WANT to play an RPG. make a system that ONLY rewards going all good choices or all bad choices is precisely what ruins any "role playing" about it.


i don't get to role play. i get to choose whatever path gets me to the cake.


that's the only option




This system kills roleplaying which is hilariously stupid considering that this game doesn't have much else going on. It goes against their whole design philosophy.

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it's terrible for people who WANT to play an RPG. make a system that ONLY rewards going all good choices or all bad choices is precisely what ruins any "role playing" about it.


i don't get to role play. i get to choose whatever path gets me to the cake.


that's the only option


No it is not. You can get max lightside while still getting dark side, and vise versus. You assume that you cant change your path, you can be dark side 5 and then switch to light side 5 if you want to.

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This system kills roleplaying which is hilariously stupid considering that this game doesn't have much else going on. It goes against their whole design philosophy.


Not sure how this system kills RPing im dark side 1 almost 2 and i've made a few good choices on occasion if only to extort that person of some money in the process so I'm still being a perfectly bad *** bounty hunter without having ot be a complete evil dbag.

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if i've painstakingly accrued 1000 lightpoints and 1000 darkpoints i should be able to choose lightrank I and darkrank I rewards.

Your suggestion actually makes no sense at all. The alignment system actually DOES make sense, however i think there should be more options for people who stay grey.

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This system kills roleplaying which is hilariously stupid considering that this game doesn't have much else going on. It goes against their whole design philosophy.


You guys still have not logically stated how it kills RPing...... It adds to it, or at the least takes nothing away. This is because no matter what you do you can undo it. You can fall to the dark side and then gain redemption... If you help the empire and then switch to the republic it is logical that they will not fully trust you for a long time, and then if you swith back to to the empire then logically they will trust you even less again.

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why give us options if the only way to get rewarded in the game for your choices is to pick ALL THE GOOD ONES, or ALL THE BAD ONES?


why make it so you shoot yourself in the knee by answering the questions as you think your character would?


alignment rewards should not be lightpoints - darkpoints = reward level. this makes no sense. if i've painstakingly accrued 1000 lightpoints and 1000 darkpoints i should be able to choose lightrank I and darkrank I rewards.


the system makes no sense at all as it stands. you're only rewarded for making the correct side choice every time, and you don't even make it a challenge by allowing UI to turn on gain displayed in the conversation choices.


tldr: go light 100% or dark 100% because being different means you get nothing


Totally agree. This is my biggest complaint so far about the game. I'm not allowed to make decisions based on what i think my character would do. I am being shoehorned into making decisions because if i don't, i don't get the gear.

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No it is not. You can get max lightside while still getting dark side, and vise versus. You assume that you cant change your path, you can be dark side 5 and then switch to light side 5 if you want to.


again, why would i WANT to. i get rewarded for one or the other. not both. don't argue just for the sake of being contrary. run these thoughts you have through your brain filter a few times before you bother typing and hitting the post button.


from a game standpoint there is NO incentive to do as you're suggesting. "you can do it" is not an argument for the merits of a system that has no rewards for said action.

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Totally agree. This is my biggest complaint so far about the game. I'm not allowed to make decisions based on what i think my character would do. I am being shoehorned into making decisions because if i don't, i don't get the gear.


Because you cant somehow make more of the other side latter to make up for it? No logical sense there bud.

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again, why would i WANT to. i get rewarded for one or the other. not both. don't argue just for the sake of being contrary. run these thoughts you have through your brain filter a few times before you bother typing and hitting the post button.


from a game standpoint there is NO incentive to do as you're suggesting. "you can do it" is not an argument for the merits of a system that has no rewards for said action.


There is incentive, there is the RP, there is different color gear, different looking gear. I am not arguing for the sake of arguing, I am speaking logically, you are speaking of instant gratification.

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I think there should be no rewards at all for being neutral, you can't choose a side, why reward you for failing to play the game, you would abandon a lot of quests and quest lines trying to do that, because at the end, its either LS or DS point answer, make a stand


why bother at all, go play another game without this system in it, if you choose the empire, and then constantly choose LS points, you at LS 2, should be able to be killed at will by the dark side, you are obviously a traitor to the empire


why join the bad side and try to play a good toon, waste of time, go join the alliance

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if i've painstakingly accrued 1000 lightpoints and 1000 darkpoints i should be able to choose lightrank I and darkrank I rewards.


So you're one of those people who want to be good and evil...and get the rewards from both, but not the penalties.



Edited by Thradar
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You guys still have not logically stated how it kills RPing...... It adds to it, or at the least takes nothing away. This is because no matter what you do you can undo it. You can fall to the dark side and then gain redemption... If you help the empire and then switch to the republic it is logical that they will not fully trust you for a long time, and then if you swith back to to the empire then logically they will trust you even less again.


You can only gain so many points. You can't earn back anything. If you gain 10 lightside points and 9990 darkside points, then that's it. You're done. You will never reach Dark V.

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There is incentive, there is the RP, there is different color gear, different looking gear. I am not arguing for the sake of arguing, I am speaking logically, you are speaking of instant gratification.


you're saying if i get dark 5, buy the gear, then get light 5 i can still wear the dark gear?

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