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My friends playing list is down from 15 - 1 hmmm


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Yikes, uh what's going on?? is anyone else have a decline in their friends not playing? hmm I haven't been on in a few months, but I check back now and then. I really like this game. I Hope that its just me LOL but..... :(
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Yikes, uh what's going on?? is anyone else have a decline in their friends not playing? hmm I haven't been on in a few months, but I check back now and then. I really like this game. I Hope that its just me LOL but..... :(


What server are you on? I reckon it's because you may be on a dead server and all of those people have moved to other servers because they would rather play with a healthy thriving population than a low population server.

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What server are you on? I reckon it's because you may be on a dead server and all of those people have moved to other servers because they would rather play with a healthy thriving population than a low population server.


Harbringer.... but how many servers are thriving these days? I am just curious. I know summertime most MMO's experience low population,

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I really like this game.

I haven't been on in a few months

but I check back now and then.

Yes, it's got nothing to do with you not playing this game for months at a time. Or that you may have missed your so-called friends during your once-in-a-while check-ins. Or that some people remove inactive players from their friends list.


I Hope that its just me LOL


Nah, it's probably sincerely definitely totally not just you. Cereally.

Edited by Starleash
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Harbringer.... but how many servers are thriving these days? I am just curious. I know summertime most MMO's experience low population,


Not many, the weekend before the 90cc discount ended a few servers experienced a mass exodus

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Yes, it's got nothing to do with you not playing this game for months at a time. Or that you may have missed your so-called friends during your once-in-a-while check-ins. Or that some people remove inactive players from their friends list.


Friends don't have to be mutual to see online status, so others removing him would have no effect on him seeing them. But I agree with the rest of what you're saying. It's always a bit curious how people take a break and then come back and wonder 'where everyone is', as if they're the only ones allowed to have a RL requiring a break, or a burnout, or other hobbies. :rolleyes:


I've been active basically non-stop since launch and I've seen quite a bit of fluctuation and a periodic return of friends and acquaintances. On every character that I play regularly I have a couple friends online when I log in. Sometimes not right away, but eventually. (Guildies not counted.)

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Yikes, uh what's going on?? is anyone else have a decline in their friends not playing? hmm I haven't been on in a few months, but I check back now and then. I really like this game. I Hope that its just me LOL but..... :(


To answer your question, yes the game is in serious decline. I am in 4 different PVP guilds and have been in them each for over a year and all 4 of them are dead. They are all around the 500 memberish mark and they are all dead. The game itself has died. What you are witnessing now if the last remnant of players trying to find the highest point on the titanic as it takes its final plunge into the ocean. I would compare this game right now as the point in the movie titanic when the boat is getting ready to split into 2 and we are the people running all over the boat looking for the high ground. I would say that is a perfect comparison.

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What you are witnessing now if the last remnant of players trying to find the highest point on the titanic as it takes its final plunge into the ocean.

Ha, that's actually a pretty good analogy. Although it would have been pretty hard for the people on the Titanic to be in denial about their ship sinking...

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To answer your question, yes the game is in serious decline. I am in 4 different PVP guilds and have been in them each for over a year and all 4 of them are dead. They are all around the 500 memberish mark and they are all dead. The game itself has died. What you are witnessing now if the last remnant of players trying to find the highest point on the titanic as it takes its final plunge into the ocean. I would compare this game right now as the point in the movie titanic when the boat is getting ready to split into 2 and we are the people running all over the boat looking for the high ground. I would say that is a perfect comparison.


Except it's not Mr. Doom & Gloom.

It's at a low point, but the game is not dying. If the game was dying like you said, BW/EA would have already said nope we done & not even been working on finishing what they started, nor talking about season 2. *smh*


The OP's problem is like stated he has quit playing himself that often & most likely missed his "friends" being on, or they have server transferred....IF he's talking about his in game friends.

IF he's talking about his refer a friend list, then I will agree with him. I've lost like 29 of them. (I'd have to go recount to see how many it is now.)

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Except it's not Mr. Doom & Gloom.

It's at a low point, but the game is not dying. If the game was dying like you said, BW/EA would have already said nope we done & not even been working on finishing what they started, nor talking about season 2. *smh*


In fact from EA's perspective the game is far from dying since the last 3 quarters worth of shareholders information have stated increases and that its still holding up well but of course forget about 'official' information.


Though I am sure I will get a reply of "wait until next quarter you will see" but that will just be kept saying again and again until it happens (probably a bit down the road yet) then they can finally say "Told you the game was dead".

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It's at a low point, but the game is not dying. If the game was dying like you said, BW/EA would have already said nope we done & not even been working on finishing what they started, nor talking about season 2. *smh*

I think most can agree that the core components of most MMO's are; Story, PVE & PVP. If this can be accepted then lets look at this from a SWTOR perspective:


  • PVP - Largely ignored other than the new warzone which was recently released. Constant complaints of bugs in warzones & class balance issues.
  • PVE - Recently stated that there are no short terms plans for a new Operation. The current stuff is a mix of rehashed content such as EV to DP & ToS and Ravagers which have been around for almost 1.5 years.
  • Story - This is the focus right now.


So 1/3 elements to an MMO is getting attention. To me this indicates that BW or EA have said "nope we done" to the other 2 elements. This shows that while the game may not be dying, it is not performing well enough to receive enough funding from EA to develop content for more than 1 of the 3 elements.


Now to keep the game going for the people that still play, if you had to choose either Story, PVP or PVE to focus on, of course Story is going to be the choice because that is something that appeals to everyone to an extent.

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So 1/3 elements to an MMO is getting attention. To me this indicates that BW or EA have said "nope we done" to the other 2 elements. This shows that while the game may not be dying, it is not performing well enough to receive enough funding from EA to develop content for more than 1 of the 3 elements.


What ever content they generate it still has to generate enough income, perhaps EA feel as if the resources required would not generate the expected sub return for doing so as if that was the case they would actually be making a direct loss from developing that content so in that case they still back the area of the game they know still generates a profit.


Pure speculation on my part as I don't have any figures on my part though.

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I think most can agree that the core components of most MMO's are; Story, PVE & PVP. If this can be accepted then lets look at this from a SWTOR perspective:


  • PVP - Largely ignored other than the new warzone which was recently released. Constant complaints of bugs in warzones & class balance issues.
  • PVE - Recently stated that there are no short terms plans for a new Operation. The current stuff is a mix of rehashed content such as EV to DP & ToS and Ravagers which have been around for almost 1.5 years.
  • Story - This is the focus right now.


So 1/3 elements to an MMO is getting attention. To me this indicates that BW or EA have said "nope we done" to the other 2 elements. This shows that while the game may not be dying, it is not performing well enough to receive enough funding from EA to develop content for more than 1 of the 3 elements.


Now to keep the game going for the people that still play, if you had to choose either Story, PVP or PVE to focus on, of course Story is going to be the choice because that is something that appeals to everyone to an extent.


I like how the only thing that qualifies as "PVE" to you is Ops. :rolleyes:


There is plenty to do now in the game. It just may not all be what people are used to. Yes, some things need more attention and they will get it... eventually. For now the focus is the story.

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  • PVP - Largely ignored other than the new warzone which was recently released.


Yup, largely ignored apart from two new warzones. But we can't count those, though, cause then you can't say it's been ignored.:rolleyes:


  • PVE - Recently stated that there are no short terms plans for a new Operation. The current stuff is a mix of rehashed content such as EV to DP & ToS and Ravagers which have been around for almost 1.5 years.


Have to agree with AlienEyeTX.......PvE doesn't not equal OPs


  • Story - This is the focus right now.


Ah, so points 2 and 3 were the same thing (PvE), just stretched out to make it seem like you had more points. Well done. I would do a summation, but since you only had 2 points, and you completely ignored the facts for the first one, and .....said the second was the focus at the moment(?), I'm totally baffled as to what your point was.


I'm reminded of Brick Tamland shouting "Loud noises" just to be part of the "discussion"

Edited by CrazyCT
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Have to agree with AlienEyeTX.......PvE doesn't not equal OPs



I asked this question last week and was told off because apparently it's 8 and 16 man content that has been 'neglected' They don't include Flashpoints as I think that they include the Star Fortresses under that banner so new flashpoint style content has been done in their opinion.


But yeah I agree with your and AlienEyeTX I don't believe that the definition of PVE content = OP's

Edited by Jedi_riches
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Yikes, uh what's going on?? is anyone else have a decline in their friends not playing? hmm I haven't been on in a few months, but I check back now and then. I really like this game. I Hope that its just me LOL but..... :(

I played WoW for about a year, about 2 or 3 years ago. One reason I stopped playing was that most of the people on my friends list, and in my guild, left. I guess WoW must be a ghost town by now, since everyone left. :D

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I haven't been on in a few months, but I check back now and then


.....and when I do I fully expect every single person on my friends list to be online to welcome me, waiting to tell me how much they missed me.

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Except it's not Mr. Doom & Gloom.

It's at a low point, but the game is not dying. If the game was dying like you said, BW/EA would have already said nope we done & not even been working on finishing what they started, nor talking about season 2. *smh*


The game is not dying in the sense servers closing anytime soon, but for some people it's at least in a deep coma.

Two years without any new group content for sure mean death for the raiders.


The pvp at least had some content released last couple of months but people are really tired of the current meta, hackers, bugs, queue times, etc. We'll see if the 4.5 slight nerf to sorc heals will have some refreshing effect on pvp state, but i'm sure that for some it's "too little, too late - game is dead - need to find a new game".


This leaves the story, which had some development so for the story people the game is alive and thriving.


Now, there are a couple of questions. Can they keep up releasing new chapters every month and if not - what's going to keep the story players subbed between chapter 16 and season 2? Is the money generated during kotfe from subs/CM enough to pay for the development of season 2? Is the ROI from the story content worth it to keep making only story or they need to try to keep/get back the raiders and pvp players somehow?


I don't have answer for any of these questions. I seriously doubt anyone in the forums does, but Bioware has to answer them and then publicly announce what its plans for the game are. The current silence is not good for anyone.

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Yes, it's got nothing to do with you not playing this game for months at a time. Or that you may have missed your so-called friends during your once-in-a-while check-ins. Or that some people remove inactive players from their friends list.

Huh? How would that impact HIS friends list? I can add anyone I want to mine...no matter what they do, they remain on my list until "I" remove them. The only way they stop appearing is if they quit playing or move.

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I think we got some of them over here on JC. We had an uptick in folks joining our guild. Thirteen new members of which six were current players and seven were actual newbies.


Shadowlands isn't bad either. One of my recruiters for our guild said it put out one guild spam, got 7 replies. Nothing dead here.

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Shadowlands isn't bad either. One of my recruiters for our guild said it put out one guild spam, got 7 replies. Nothing dead here.


I was particularly happy to see the actual newbies. And you could easily tell they were newbies. We're not huge, around 200 (300+ with alts) but we're a busy lot. I'm glad they found us since we're laid back and happy to help whether it be OPs, PvP, crafting, PvE, no matter.

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