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Why are players leaving games - pugs


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I leave all novaar coasts, and all odessan warzones. i fcking hate them so much. If queue pops are flowing I will simply leave strait away for anything thats not basic Huttball. Its the only warzone I like. I can stomache civil war and voidstar somtimes if queue's are low but thats it. Don't even get me started on queshball, I wont play queshball unless im in a premade. fcking hate it too. If its a arena I will simply look at my teammates if any of them are in sht gear or its a sht comp then im out of their too.


If there was a matchmaking system at all that would be great and if I could simply choose what warzones to play that would be amazing and save everyone a lot of time.

Edited by ridge_guardian
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Because the more experienced people show that its easy to quit, the more people are likely to become "sheep" -- not in just the physical skill, but also in the mind set.


Wow. I had to look this up, because I was calling BS again on one of your posts, Kwe.... But it seems AGAIN, there could be some merit in what you write!


When you wrote, "people are likely to become "sheep" -- not in just the physical skill", I thought what the hell is this dude talking about now... my god.... So, I went and looked it up.


You are right. Holy ****. There are actual WERESHEEP, people that turn into sheep! I am forever humbled.


Picture of a Weresheep. http://www.spwned.net/pics/weresheep.jpg

Another. http://orig07.deviantart.net/2a5e/f/2013/279/d/0/black_weresheep_by_angltigr-d6peydi.jpg

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Wow. I had to look this up, because I was calling BS again on one of your posts, Kwe.... But it seems AGAIN, there could be some merit in what you write!


When you wrote, "people are likely to become "sheep" -- not in just the physical skill", I thought what the hell is this dude talking about now... my god.... So, I went and looked it up.


You are right. Holy ****. There are actual WERESHEEP, people that turn into sheep! I am forever humbled.


Picture of a Weresheep. http://www.spwned.net/pics/weresheep.jpg

Another. http://orig07.deviantart.net/2a5e/f/2013/279/d/0/black_weresheep_by_angltigr-d6peydi.jpg


You should watch the movie Black Sheep. Not the one with chris Farley.

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I never used to leave out of respect for the guy that would get backfilled behind me, but i simply ran out of patience in regard to that as clearly the favor wasnt being returned.


I will leave any 4 man that isnt balanced, period. If the other team has heals and mine does not, im gone, for example. Not worth my time fighting the uphill battle against the inevitable outcome.


I will leave any match, 8 or 4, facing a premade trinity team without one on my side to balance things out.


Bottom line, all i ask is a reasonably fair fight, if it is not one, i will leave. Blame those who create that scenario, not those of us who simply no longer wish to be farmed without benefit. It isnt like they give any respect for putting up the good fight. All i usually get is verbal diarrhea from those who should know very well the outcome was pre-determined. This is simply not worth my time anymore.

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I never used to leave out of respect for the guy that would get backfilled behind me, but i simply ran out of patience in regard to that as clearly the favor wasnt being returned.


I will leave any 4 man that isnt balanced, period. If the other team has heals and mine does not, im gone, for example. Not worth my time fighting the uphill battle against the inevitable outcome.


I will leave any match, 8 or 4, facing a premade trinity team without one on my side to balance things out.


Bottom line, all i ask is a reasonably fair fight, if it is not one, i will leave. Blame those who create that scenario, not those of us who simply no longer wish to be farmed without benefit. It isnt like they give any respect for putting up the good fight. All i usually get is verbal diarrhea from those who should know very well the outcome was pre-determined. This is simply not worth my time anymore.


I started leaving matches where our players clearly have no idea what they are doing.

It often turns into a 8v3 while the rest of our team runs around like headless chickens.

Being in a group guaranties that there will be less headless chickens on my team.

Edited by Ruhun
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I started leaving matches where our players clearly have no idea what they are doing.

It often turns into a 8v3 while the rest of our team runs around like headless chickens.

Being in a group guaranties that there will be less headless chickens on my team.


As with all things in life there are always 2 sides of that coin.

In any 8 man pug match there are rarely that many so-called chickens on the team. It happens i grant you, but it isnt like every pug players is a daft idiot and more than being in a premade makes a player better than they are.

Fair fight benefits us all, anything else only benefits those with the advantage, and i will no longer feed that or be farmed by it.

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As with all things in life there are always 2 sides of that coin.

In any 8 man pug match there are rarely that many so-called chickens on the team. It happens i grant you, but it isnt like every pug players is a daft idiot and more than being in a premade makes a player better than they are.

Fair fight benefits us all, anything else only benefits those with the advantage, and i will no longer feed that or be farmed by it.

It's not every pugger. I know a lot of good players that solo queue almost exclusively.

Problem starts when 3 - 5 of the not so great ones end on your team and for whatever reason, all the other names you know to be good are against you.


This happened to me 4 times in a row. They know me and I know them, so it's 6 - 8 v 1.

I'm dropping that match.

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It's not every pugger. I know a lot of good players that solo queue almost exclusively.

Problem starts when 3 - 5 of the not so great ones end on your team and for whatever reason, all the other names you know to be good are against you.


This happened to me 4 times in a row. They know me and I know them, so it's 6 - 8 v 1.

I'm dropping that match.


Ruhun, you are marauder. kill one, stealth out... kill one... predation run away stealth out... kill one... etc! I am disappointed the old Ruhun I know could easily manage 6 enemies alone. What happened to you?! :eek:

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Ruhun, you are marauder. kill one, stealth out... kill one... predation run away stealth out... kill one... etc! I am disappointed the old Ruhun I know could easily manage 6 enemies alone. What happened to you?! :eek:


Memes keep me busy.

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It's not every pugger. I know a lot of good players that solo queue almost exclusively.

Problem starts when 3 - 5 of the not so great ones end on your team and for whatever reason, all the other names you know to be good are against you.


This happened to me 4 times in a row. They know me and I know them, so it's 6 - 8 v 1.

I'm dropping that match.


Oh i know that feeling all to well as i am frequently targeted over healers or anyone else due to my outspokenness.

I think we both know thats not the norm to have 3-5 mouth breathing trolls on the team. sure, it happens, but most solo players have to be decent or they get obliterated by the teams.

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Oh i know that feeling all to well as i am frequently targeted over healers or anyone else due to my outspokenness.

I think we both know thats not the norm to have 3-5 mouth breathing trolls on the team. sure, it happens, but most solo players have to be decent or they get obliterated by the teams.


Last few days have been awful.


No one guards or plays objectives.

I could live with it if they were any good at healing/dpsing, but they aren't.

I get backfilled into matches and get top dps on my team.

I don't get what's going on.

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Faced a 6 man premade the other day on Alderaan (I assume it was a regular 4 man + 2 entering the queue at the same time). We won that without too much of a sweat. Faced a premade on Ancient Hypergates that always capped both pylons at the start. Took our team a solid minute to take ours back, but we did it, even had both in one of the rounds. We had more than 5 quitters in that match btw. I also remember one time on Denova where we were getting nowhere and at 5 or so percent we managed to turn the fight and win. Kept running between turrets and managed to cap theirs just when they were capping one of ours.


I suppose many of the people in this thread don't have such stories to share. I stay in an absolutely lost match out of respect for my teammates, even if they are braindead. Losing is part of the game, if you get teamed up with the same noobs again and again or if you face the same fotm premade match after match, don't ragequit in the middle of it. Take a break after the match ends, clear your head. I've found that helps me a lot.


I'm actually surprised there are so many entitled people here with the "I pay for this, I can do whatever I want" attitude. What about the other people in your team? Or you're allowed to screw them because you give 15 bucks a month? If you're having that much trouble with solo queue, find yourself a pvp guild and do stuff together. The pros outweigh the cons imo.

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Last few days have been awful.


No one guards or plays objectives.

I could live with it if they were any good at healing/dpsing, but they aren't.

I get backfilled into matches and get top dps on my team.

I don't get what's going on.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the heavy pvpers (I mean players who frequently PVP not eat) are not playing as much right now. Just a guess.

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I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the heavy pvpers (I mean players who frequently PVP not eat) are not playing as much right now. Just a guess.


Is it exams?

All I do is work and sh*tpost. I have no idea what's going on anymore.

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Is it exams?

All I do is work and sh*tpost. I have no idea what's going on anymore.


I think alot of the pvp vets are taking breaks right now from the game, messing on other games etc. watching forums, hoping that things improve here. When those players leave, typically others follow suit.


Many of the more vocal PVPers have taken breaks from swtor, if you notice they are not posting anymore on the forums.


Now, I know the number of players posting on the forums doesn't exactly correlate with how many are logging in and playing... But it seems many very dedicated pvpers from the forums are not playing now and that could be a sign of what is going on in the game.

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Last few days have been awful.


No one guards or plays objectives.

I could live with it if they were any good at healing/dpsing, but they aren't.

I get backfilled into matches and get top dps on my team.

I don't get what's going on.


Funny thing is i see a lot of premades that dont do any of that too, they just go farm kills.

bottom line neither is an absolute, premades dont make players better, playing solo doesnt make you an idiot. one certainly has more advantages, but they can be overcomes if the skill isnt there.

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Funny thing is i see a lot of premades that dont do any of that too, they just go farm kills.

bottom line neither is an absolute, premades dont make players better, playing solo doesnt make you an idiot. one certainly has more advantages, but they can be overcomes if the skill isnt there.


While they don't get objectives premades who can stomp the others by simply farming kills do actually help.

Strong dps can push the other team to turtle their node while you run orbs or cap. Hell, you might even cap theirs while you're at it since they can barely leave spawn.


There are players who do not play objectives and are bad at farming anything.

Edited by Ruhun
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While they don't get objectives premades who can stomp the others by simply farming kills do actually help.

Strong dps can push the other team to turtle their node while you run orbs or cap. Hell, you might even cap theirs while you're at it since they can barely leave spawn.


There are players who do not play objectives and are bad at farming anything.


I always respected players that dished out tons of damage with a purpose and those who played objectively in a smart fashion.


When dps is poured out but without thought it's useless, just like playing objectively but doing it in a dumb manner is equally useless.


I often see people criticize those who "farm kills", but when I watched them playing they not only did little damage but added little to the objectives in the game also.


I find the majority of people who are really critical of other players that do high damage in matches ultimately are envious and incapable of doing the damage they see done so they use words like "numbers farmer" etc. in a derogatory way when the match is lost, particularly.


A good balance is always best, meaning good damage, healing, and objective play. Sometimes it's good to have "number farmers" because you need some killing power.


The only time this isn't the case is in APG where you can literally do zero damage or heals and win a match.

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Funny thing is i see a lot of premades that dont do any of that too, they just go farm kills.

bottom line neither is an absolute, premades dont make players better, playing solo doesnt make you an idiot. one certainly has more advantages, but they can be overcomes if the skill isnt there.


I will concede this to floplag: harbinger has a lot more premades that just go around wrecking stuff to wreck stuff. like going to the off node. dominating two nodes and abandoning one to go slaughter jawas at the third (thus giving away the original that they can then slaughter more jawas at). that is intentional. and it's not nice, and i wouldn't do it personally. but I wouldn't call it douchey. I would just leave if I were one of the pugs getting farmed. or I'd just protect a node if I were on the free ride team. but w/e.


that said, you don't see a lot of that on TEH or JC, which leads me to believe (at least in NA), it's more of a Harbinger problem than a game-wide problem.


here's what I used to see with shinarika's guild & unicorn stampede guys: the pit. completely dominate the other team in every way, from controlling mid & moving the ball to healing, burst, w/e metrics you want to apply. so they would "have some fun" by holding onto the ball near mid and pass it off just before the timer ran out...you know..keeping the WZ alive for the full 15 mins just to taunt, farm, rub it in on the other team. I don't think I've ever seen this on Harbinger or Pot5 (don't play there often), and I've never seen it on JC or TEH or JM. I have seen teams on JC and everywhere in the game try to farm numbers on the first doors of VS by purposely not capping, but that was MUCH more common 2-3 years ago than today. all of this is anecdotal, of course, but I do have a pretty wide range of experience on NA servers.

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like going to the off node. dominating two nodes and abandoning one to go slaughter jawas at the third (thus giving away the original that they can then slaughter more jawas at). that is intentional. and it's not nice, and i wouldn't do it personally. but I wouldn't call it douchey. I


I do this when the enemy is all clustered on one node dancing and not attacking our two nodes that we control.


I do it out of boredom, if they are not going to even try then I will attack their one node, even if I go solo and try to pull one out to fight me.


I often have died doing this, getting caught by a zerg of them running off the node to kill me. I don't consider it "douchey" at all, they are not trying to compete and I am bored so I will head to them to find a fight.

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here's what I used to see with shinarika's guild & unicorn stampede guys: the pit. completely dominate the other team in every way, from controlling mid & moving the ball to healing, burst, w/e metrics you want to apply. so they would "have some fun" but holding onto the ball near mid and pass it off just before the timer ran out...you know..keeping the WZ alive for the full 15 mins just to taunt, farm, rub it in on the other team.


This is douchey and I leave matches like this. I have even left a match when it's my team doing it to the other team because it's not fun for me to have absolutely no competition for 15 total minutes, while my team not only smashes them but taunts too, deliberately trying to stretch out the match. That's some BS there.

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I always respected players that dished out tons of damage with a purpose and those who played objectively in a smart fashion.


When dps is poured out but without thought it's useless, just like playing objectively but doing it in a dumb manner is equally useless.


I often see people criticize those who "farm kills", but when I watched them playing they not only did little damage but added little to the objectives in the game also.


I find the majority of people who are really critical of other players that do high damage in matches ultimately are envious and incapable of doing the damage they see done so they use words like "numbers farmer" etc. in a derogatory way when the match is lost, particularly.


A good balance is always best, meaning good damage, healing, and objective play. Sometimes it's good to have "number farmers" because you need some killing power.


The only time this isn't the case is in APG where you can literally do zero damage or heals and win a match.


The only map where you can farm kills and still lose is Huttball/Queshball or APG.

Unless your teammates are doing the exact same thing and ignoring objectives, fighting on or near the objective or pushing them back to whatever node they own is helpful.

A dead player can't cap your node.

Edited by Ruhun
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While they don't get objectives premades who can stomp the others by simply farming kills do actually help.

Strong dps can push the other team to turtle their node while you run orbs or cap. Hell, you might even cap theirs while you're at it since they can barely leave spawn.


There are players who do not play objectives and are bad at farming anything.


Again, 2 sides to this.

DPS with a purpose is good, DPS for DPS sake alone, not so much.

Spawn camping while the stealth classes gets behind you and caps, not good.

As the one who usually ends up watching the actual objective while they go farm and tell me how bad i am for doing half their damage when i saved 4 caps they never knew even took place.... yeah, kind of hard to think that was anything more than garbage damage.

I would rather play with people that do a mil and actually play the map, as opposed to 2 mil off in neverland far from anything that actually matters. Cant tell you how many people ive seen do 2, 3 mil in damage in a one sides loss and blame everyone but the mirror for it.

I dont care about stats, i care about winning. i will vote for the guy that did his job way before ill ever vote for the stat padders.

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I will concede this to floplag: harbinger has a lot more premades that just go around wrecking stuff to wreck stuff. like going to the off node. dominating two nodes and abandoning one to go slaughter jawas at the third (thus giving away the original that they can then slaughter more jawas at). that is intentional. and it's not nice, and i wouldn't do it personally. but I wouldn't call it douchey. I would just leave if I were one of the pugs getting farmed. or I'd just protect a node if I were on the free ride team. but w/e.


that said, you don't see a lot of that on TEH or JC, which leads me to believe (at least in NA), it's more of a Harbinger problem than a game-wide problem.


here's what I used to see with shinarika's guild & unicorn stampede guys: the pit. completely dominate the other team in every way, from controlling mid & moving the ball to healing, burst, w/e metrics you want to apply. so they would "have some fun" by holding onto the ball near mid and pass it off just before the timer ran out...you know..keeping the WZ alive for the full 15 mins just to taunt, farm, rub it in on the other team. I don't think I've ever seen this on Harbinger or Pot5 (don't play there often), and I've never seen it on JC or TEH or JM. I have seen teams on JC and everywhere in the game try to farm numbers on the first doors of VS by purposely not capping, but that was MUCH more common 2-3 years ago than today. all of this is anecdotal, of course, but I do have a pretty wide range of experience on NA servers.


I used to see alot of the same back on Bastion, then again most of those people transferred to Harb so its likely more of a PvP vs PvE mentality thing.

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