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Poll: Will you drop Slicing?


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It's too bad the forums don't have those fancy polls with the bars and stuff but I'm curious how many of the slicers plan to drop slicing due to the nerf. This thread isn't intended to be a discussion, merely intended as a poll.


Please only answer Yes No or Maybe.


I'm likely to pick up Diplomacy instead so I'm marking Yes.


Yes: 2 - |=>


No: 4 - |


Maybe: 1 - |

Edited by halfpastzero
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I'm going with maybe right now.


I haven't played around with it post-nerf (stuck at work), but I intend to see how it performs before I drop it. I also may consider keeping it until 50 if it even provides a slight profit margin and then focus on Diplomacy at 50.

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Why dropping it? You can outsource the mission mission skill you miss for your crafting to an alt and keep slicing for $$$ from non-mission-lockboxes while you are out leveling.


If you are reeeeaally after light/darkside points diplo could top it, but other than that there is literary zero reson to drop it on a char you are actually playing.

Edited by Psykhe
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wanted to go slicing originally, got up to 100, then decided i wanted to go biochem and dropped it for diplomacy. I regretted not taking slicing further for the sake of credits (since crafting is so expensive). Glad i dropped slicing when i did now though
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Nope. Not giving it up. I just finished a few hours and raked in better than decent coin. Overall I netted profits from missions though not as extremely high as before. However I really raked in good money out in the wild harvesting nodes while questing (better'n usual so the notion the nodes might have seen a positive adjustment came to mind).
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Don't drop it guys. This was so grossly over nerfed it's obviously going to get readjusted and buffed soon, possibly even by design to trick players into being happy with the end result nerf as it's 'not as bad as before(read: right now)'.



Edit: P.S. Besides, even if it doesn't, we can just overcharge the crap out of augments/schematics/mission discoveries and make all those calling for a nerf pay. :jawa_evil:

Edited by Toggles
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What for? I mean If they broke slicing that fast what gives me any guarantee that someone will start crying craft x, y or z are also overpowered and it will be also destroyed?


Investing in any craft now is a huge mistake since it could be totally destroyed with 2 days of ppl crying for a nerf. Why bother?



Making money of PVP only and PVE, not buying anything from Auction House to save for inventory slots and skills/speeders.


To all those that cried for slicing nerf, congratulations! If it depends on me you will never sell your stuff on the auction house again. Slicing gave some ppl money to afford AH, now its over.

Edited by DarthPeterNorth
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Don't drop it guys. This was so grossly over nerfed it's obviously going to get readjusted and buffed soon, possibly even by design to trick players into being happy with the end result nerf as it's 'not as bad as before(right now)'.


This is the only reason I'm not dropping it (yet). After a solid day of testing I have to say that it is not worth it as is and I'd really like to think that BW overreacted and went too far. I'd like to think that a reversal of some kind is in the works.


I am not however confident that this is the case. I'm going to hold onto it for a week or two (though my slicing days are over for now) to see what they do.


....we'll see...

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To all those that cried for slicing nerf, congratulations! If it depends on me you will never sell your stuff on the auction house again. Slicing gave some ppl money to afford AH, now its over.


There is logic here. I for one will be holding on to my credits, as I have no way of knowing for sure how fast I could build up more reserves.

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Right now other gathering skills are better for profit at high levels, but it would be unprofitable to level them up. It's a very annoying situation, and not exactly fair.


I might just stick with Salvaging missions for high level compounds for awhile, or I might run more Slicing test missions to see if my abysmal 425 profit average goes up. I don't want to pull a BioWare and make a knee-jerk decision I'll regret later.

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no real reason to, still getting 500-1k credits a box, and more on crits if you do the right missions


not going to be pulling in 100k + credits a day anymore but its not going to be losing me money sending companions to do other things like another skill would be


I'll probably keep it til I hit a million credits and then drop it and pick up investigation like my original plan

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There is logic here. I for one will be holding on to my credits, as I have no way of knowing for sure how fast I could build up more reserves.


I have just hit 44 and was planning on taking the money I was making into buying stuff from the broker to outfit a few of my companions. Well now I am holding onto my creds and just sticking with the one I have outfitted so far.


Can't wait for the people that are going to complain nobody is buying their stuff.

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I have just hit 44 and was planning on taking the money I was making into buying stuff from the broker to outfit a few of my companions. Well now I am holding onto my creds and just sticking with the one I have outfitted so far.


Can't wait for the people that are going to complain nobody is buying their stuff.


People already don't buy our stuff, so I guess it just means crew skills are dead. Only way to make money now is by doing missions/space/pvp, or selling junk to vendors. DOABLE.

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I will hold onto it for now to see if common sense will prevail, but I suspect it won't. I won't be buying anything else from the GTN and will likely stick to quest rewards for gear upgrades as it is just too easy to go broke leveling crafting unless you also have slicing or some other means of making money to pay for it. Considering they just killed the game's only source of economic stimulus, all those people making money crafting can kiss their income goodbye now.
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