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It's easy to make an MMO, why are some Devs so blind?


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If someone gave me £130 million and said make a SW MMO I would have done this:


1. Make all planets seamless, no instancing at all. If you have to queue for a mob to spawn tough luck, get over it as these things happen when a mmo is launched. The world would be totally free, you can go where ever you like, it would be just like in the film, hop on your speeder and explore.


2. There would be a LFG facility but you would not be allowed to teleport to your flashpoint, you have to make your own way there to keep the game as realistic as possible.


3. From level 20 - 50 on there would be plot crossovers so meeting the enemy faction will happen very often when you quest. You would be rewarded for killing enemy players and even get quests to take out their leaders. Yes ganking would happen, roll PvE if you can't cope.


4. All towns would be protected by NPC guards but they would not respawn quickly and certainly not in HUGE numbers, towns would NOT be capturable but you could bring your entire guild and cause havok in them. The invaded faction would have to rally to expell the invaders.... If you do not like this we would have PvE servers.


5. I would copy the UI from WOW, it works and is excellent.


6. Priority would be given to crafting and the AH, I would copy from Rift.


7. World events and world quests like in Rift would be on every planet to make teaming up an attractive option.


8. Level design would be taken from WOW, love it or hate it that game has some awesome designed levels. A mix of very open terrain but with the odd choke point added for ambushes. Loads of life, small towns and HUGE Cities and the odd little outpost. No invisible barriers.


When you pay a fee to play, you need to feel you belong in the world, you need to be part of it, it's almost your second home. SWTOR feels more like a chore than a exciting adventure, it's just too linear and too boxed in for me.

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BioWare please copy and paste this on the developers whiteboard. Thank you.


In regards to your first point, I still remember fondly the opening of the dark portal when Burning Crusade launched (on a pvp realm of course). The sheer amount of skeletons that littered the ground outside the portal was incredible.


The fight for quest mobs was intense, you couldn't grab a mob?, go find some Horde to gank while you waited. The population soon dispersed as others leveled and the pvp mad players basically spent 6+ hours still at level 60. It was awesome, this game so far lacks any sense of awesome from a player playing on a pvp world. So far I have not seen one member of the opposite faction out in the 'world'.


A linear approach to questing was completely the wrong approach in my opinion. Poor design.

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The problem with mmo's is the complexity and the huge amount of 3d models one needs. And then there are quests and the network aspects. There are very solid approaches for seamless worlds now so the many shard setup of this mmo seems outdated to me.
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I do not agree that an MMO is easy to make.


However, I do agree its ridiculous that they had a 200M dollar budget and this game is not the most outstanding MMO i've ever played. I do enjoy it though more than any other MMO. Aside from bugs, the game is pretty awesome.

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Go play WoW or Rift then? I hate these kind of dismissive comments, but you seem to have a very specific idea of what you want to play, and as you keep referencing two games, then you seem to have found what you want. WoW and Rift weren't the awesomeness they were when they launched, all these things take time.


What you are wanting seems to be Rift, but with starwars characters and a WoW UI. Seeing as UI is a preference thing, go play Rift and hope for a better UI. You want Star Wars to be something that it wasn't designed to be. Yeah, those things sound awesome, and I would be happy as hell to have them, but I am reasonable and understanding.


Its easy to make an MMO? Its easy to have ideas, but to implement them is something entirely different. Its arrogant and insulting to assume 'its so easy'. Its not, if it was easy, every MMO would be great, there would be no failures. SWG and Tabula Rasa would still be here.


I do wish the worlds were less instanced, but do you have any idea how bad it would be if the quest areas allowed for everyone to be there at once? I can't get a kill/quest item if there are four people in the area, I can't imagine 40 or 400 all one one quest. There is a line between connectivity and overcrowding.


ToR has its flaws and bugs, but I am hopeful it will get better. I am disappointed to a point, but I realize its only been a few weeks, and in Six months, who knows what this game will be like. I give the developers the benefit of the doubt they are trying there hardest, and everyone wants a lot of different aspects, and its impossible for them to solve it all at once. But if you think its so easy, I am sure they are hiring, so why don't you bring that to your interview. Tell them this should be easy, and you can fix all their problems, go ahead, I'll wait here so you can keep me updated.

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Maybe a better way to word this would be to say that there are some obvious core aspects every MMO should have that BW clearly forgot to put into this game. Either way you look at it, the point is the same. BW missed some pretty glaring parts of this game that the OP highlighted.
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So you think with £130 million, EA behind you and a load of seasoned game developers at your disposal that it's hard then?


Yeah, it is. To say that it's easy REGARDLESS of what's behind you is absolutely insulting, and you should apologize to mmo developers everywhere.

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You know nothing about business. Please go pick up a business degree, or at the very least, learn a couple key definitions. Namely, "investors", "deadlines", "ROI", "marketability", and "profit margin".


Then reread your post.


Well I have been running a business for 16 years and it's still going. :p

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Maybe a better way to word this would be to say that there are some obvious core aspects every MMO should have that BW clearly forgot to put into this game. Either way you look at it, the point is the same. BW missed some pretty glaring parts of this game that the OP highlighted.



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Well I have been running a business for 16 years and it's still going. :p


Anybody can be anyone or anything on the Internet. And, for having missed the so-called "glaring components" that are core elements of an MMORPG, they are being pretty successful. I think there's, what... 1.5 million currently playing? Servers are pretty full.

Edited by Sinister-Sith
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