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Class Changes Coming in Game Update 4.5


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Huh, now that I think about, I could actually see them nerfing Death Field for Assassins as an afterthought simply because they want it nerfed for Sorcs. >.< If that is the main reason they are doing it, I'd like to see them add a passive ability to Assassins that bumps the radius of DF back up to 8m. Or, I dunno, just do something to Assassins besides giving them a nerf. (for both factions of course, I just don't speak "Shadow" lol) Edited by Gwena
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No one cares about fluff, they care whether their raid team can make it through healing-intensive fights. The point was that a capable commando or merc can keep up with sage heals in PvE. What sage healers in PvE do care about is being able to heal all the way to the end of a fight that requires constant high heal output, which is a significant chunk of the operations bosses at this point. I stopped playing my sage healer, which had been my main literally since beta, and swapped to scoundrel heals in 3.0 because resource management and mobility issues put sage healers at the bottom of the barrel. I was finally able to swap back in 4.0 because those issues were finally addressed.


Sage heals are where they should be in PvE. A capable commando can match the healing output of a sage in PvE content, plus do more damage and not be as squishy. Scoundrel heals need some serious single target buffs, but as a secondary healer they are fine as well.


The issue with this change is that it does not address the PvP issue at all--they just gave sages *more* healing capacity at the start of a fight. That is a weird thing to do for a class that is supposedly over-performing. Resource management is almost never an issue in PvP. If a healer lives long enough to run into resource management issues, the opposing team is doomed anyway. Where it will make a difference is long fights that require continuous high heal output--like Monolith. Two healers are always in a raid group because you need two, not because it's a nifty nice thing to do. If one is continually out of resources, it's a problem. In addition, the nerf to the puddle heal takes it from barely useful to useless in PvE. Sages are already behind the other two healing classes in terms of group heals. It's not an issue right now because you can bring one of the other two healing classes to compliment and carry the group heals while the sage focuses on the big single-target heals. It becomes an issue if the other healer has chunks of time when the sage can't throw heals.


Again, the devs just said sages are *overperforming* and instead of nerfing their heals slightly, they *increased* their healing output, but made them useless in long fights with continuous damage...which describes operations bosses, not PvP.


Why can't they just have two separate specs/ for each class, based on which game style or area you are at? One for PvE, and another for PvP. The game knows if you are in PvE or PvP. Seems like they make all these changes for those who want to game in PvP, and it affects the PvE gamers...just so the PvP'ers are happy with their competition. Why can't they have two completely separate specs for each class, based on if you are in PvP or in PvE? That way they can make the PvP'ers happy without screwing up the PvE players.

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Nice to see them acknowledge problems although they completly miss the point for pvp.


For corruption this change will make things even worse. With this change, sorc may even heal more within the first 2-3 minutes, which is exactly the timeframe in which most ranked games are predetermined (especially against merc and operative heals). This change will make things even worse for ranked.


As for dps sorc, what really needs to be changed is corrupted barrier which contributes way more to selfheal than dots.


For powertech: Range reduce is perfect. However the healnerf is a joke. No experienced pt even uses that skillpoint. What really needs attention is "reflective armour" which produces way too much dps for every specc.



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No one cares about fluff, they care whether their raid team can make it through healing-intensive fights. The point was that a capable commando or merc can keep up with sage heals in PvE. What sage healers in PvE do care about is being able to heal all the way to the end of a fight that requires constant high heal output, which is a significant chunk of the operations bosses at this point. I stopped playing my sage healer, which had been my main literally since beta, and swapped to scoundrel heals in 3.0 because resource management and mobility issues put sage healers at the bottom of the barrel. I was finally able to swap back in 4.0 because those issues were finally addressed.


Sage heals are where they should be in PvE. A capable commando can match the healing output of a sage in PvE content, plus do more damage and not be as squishy. Scoundrel heals need some serious single target buffs, but as a secondary healer they are fine as well.


The issue with this change is that it does not address the PvP issue at all--they just gave sages *more* healing capacity at the start of a fight. That is a weird thing to do for a class that is supposedly over-performing. Resource management is almost never an issue in PvP. If a healer lives long enough to run into resource management issues, the opposing team is doomed anyway. Where it will make a difference is long fights that require continuous high heal output--like Monolith. Two healers are always in a raid group because you need two, not because it's a nifty nice thing to do. If one is continually out of resources, it's a problem. In addition, the nerf to the puddle heal takes it from barely useful to useless in PvE. Sages are already behind the other two healing classes in terms of group heals. It's not an issue right now because you can bring one of the other two healing classes to compliment and carry the group heals while the sage focuses on the big single-target heals. It becomes an issue if the other healer has chunks of time when the sage can't throw heals.


Again, the devs just said sages are *overperforming* and instead of nerfing their heals slightly, they *increased* their healing output, but made them useless in long fights with continuous damage...which describes operations bosses, not PvP.


I'm not sure how sages are going to run into any sort of resource issues after this change they currently hardly have any sages simple choose to ignore it because they can while mandos need to filler with med shot etc and scoundrels can't constantly hard cast without throwing in a few scans. The reason why I brought up the 2 healer issue is because it becomes noticeably more difficult for a mando or scoundrel to heal if their co healer dies or is unable to heal for some unknown reason not common nor should it happen but sages are fully able to solo heal content with extreme awareness from teammates without exhausting resources . I'm really not sure what patch era ppl are living in as sages have no issues staying alive anymore since the consistent damage nerfs on bosses and the addition of 30% aoe dr in the heroic tree. Something ppl love to not mention is a mando healer matching sage output simply comes from trauma probes and kolto bomb stacking thats why i brought up the fluff healing comment.


It's amazing how many sages act as if though 1 gcd is going to cause someone to die and that no fights have any sort of low point in incoming damage That chunks of time complaint also makes no sense when the output sages have and speed they put it out completely counteracts spending a gcd to regain resources during that gcd spent sages will still be healing with resurgence hot puddle heal force armor and possibly roaming mend so that argument makes no sense either. As for the puddle heal how on earth is it going to be useless this is literally just another case of wanting to be the best at everything without any trade offs.


Really sages and sorcs are just afraid because they suddenly will have to pay attention to their resource bar and not just press any heal without thinking.

Resources for sages and sorcs are currently not an issue in pve or pve. that is being addressed and for some odd reason bioware feels like making sages and sorcs have to pay actual attention to this warrants a buff in healing values.

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There's just too many significant differences between PVE and PVP content to make class balancing a viable broad spectrum exercise. Relative to one another, PVE endgame is focused on long burns and long term survivability. PVP is concentrated on short burns and short term survivability. In PVE, stuns and slows are essentially useless in most boss fights. In PVP, stuns and slows are essential to success. Now, it might be possible to adjust the stun/slow issue without much impact to the PVE side. But, adjusting dps and/or survability is never going to be an isolated exercise. And, it seems to me that most of the changes we have historically seen are concentrated on just that.


Players have always been smart enough to figure out the flaws and exploit them. Tanks in dps gear is a prime example of this. But, how can you impact that strategy without nerf batting PVE tanks? Ask any Nim Tank about how hard Raptus or the TFB Tentacles hit and then tell them they are "too survivable." It seems to me that as we progress up the gear levels and scaled damage that the fundamental flaw of having PVE and PVP share attributes becomes more exposed.


The answer isn't easy. You either spend an inordinate amount of time tweaking both sets until you have an almost nonexistent amount of conflicts. Or, you divorce the shared attributes system and create a PVP and PVE specific ability/gear system. I'm not even sure if the former plan is feasible anymore. And, the latter plan requires a major reboot and a ton of man (people?) hours.


It's a flawed system. It needs a major revamp. Shoot...at this point, I'd consider it a moral victory if they scrapped most of these changes and actually listened to what the PVP'ers are saying needs changing. They seem to have a far better grip on what kind of changes will actually impact the game to it's betterment...while not jacking up the PVE'ers. Just my opinion on the matter...

Edited by UberSamoyed
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Tanks should honestly be the easiest to balance... The problem is that they gain 10% accuracy from their stance, and that shield and defense are pretty much worthless in PvP.


Reduce the accuracy to 100% base, make defense work on force/tech as well, and make shield work over crits.


The only problem this could create in PvE would be tanks missing. So, in order to compensate, increase the accuracy of taunts by 10% and increase the amount of threat gained by tabk stance.


Now, about that shadow nerf...

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I'm not saying they should or shouldn't change it, just why guess as to why. In general they make abilities with the same name exactly the same. The merc/mando change is an obvious exception with them being a ranged class.


But they are not the same already, sins version does not spreads dots. :)

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I'm not saying they should or shouldn't change it, just why guess as to why. In general they make abilities with the same name exactly the same. The merc/mando change is an obvious exception with them being a ranged class.


Well don't guess, they are not. Death field doesn't spread dots and the range is 10 m while in sorcs it's 30M. There is no exception in coding. Code is gonna behave like you write it.


There isn't a single one explanation for df nerf on assassins. And absent of a designer note proves it.


Eric I hope you read this thread and you will see that 3/5 people said the same thing. Why nerf assassins when they need a buff....

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Yet another sin nerf.... Like seriously can I have a quote on the lead designer notes on that. Can the designer also explain why there is no deception damage buff already? Do you even check the meta deta? If you check the parsley NiM brontes it's shows how much the sins underperforming. Every class has a tree that out dps us... I really don't care about pvp and stealth can't do much damage thing is really tiresome. What will I use stealth for in pve? And with deception you cant even really use stealth res cause force cloak is part of the rotation... Either completely separate the damage output in pve and pvp or make at least one tree viable in pve NiM.


In overall :

Worst damage in pve. (especially deception is a completely uttermost joke of all times. Hatred is no more different than that)

No raid buff

Position requirment

Every challenge has melee has in ops.


Seriously since this is a feedback post Eric, please and please try to get a quote on the designer on 'sins working as intended'


Because I don't know what meta you are checking but they are not viable to bring any Operation at the moment. I'm tired to switch the powertech or merc for viable burst in the last fights of NiM operations.


Edit : http://ixparse.com/rating/?boss=2&mode=HM&type=DPS&class=Vanguard&order=rating&dir=d


It's even more silly in PvP atm for shadows/sins. The third tree, Hatred, WAS my goto spec. It used to be fun to play and was an important DoT source on the team. Although I have gone back hopefully, wishing to see if I can rehab the spec, I am currently finding that switching to sorc is not only more viable but playable. The range needed to seed the DoTs are just too tight. And though Death Field is no longer used for DoTs, I have to point out that a smaller radius for Death Field just tells me that I'd be dying even more often, trying to stop the cappers in Voidstar and Alderaan Civil War.


The biggest fix needed right now is to roll back crit size and adjust the scale factor for critical hits and heals and hp, generally. Bigger numbers may look nice and lead people to think that they are "MOAR leet" and help them to brag a bit - but really the consequence of the bigger numbers is that it is currently hurting the game play and really throwing off the dev's calculations of where the fixes are actually needed.

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Tanks should honestly be the easiest to balance... The problem is that they gain 10% accuracy from their stance, and that shield and defense are pretty much worthless in PvP.


Reduce the accuracy to 100% base, make defense work on force/tech as well, and make shield work over crits.


The only problem this could create in PvE would be tanks missing. So, in order to compensate, increase the accuracy of taunts by 10% and increase the amount of threat gained by tabk stance.


Now, about that shadow nerf...


It may not be that simple. Several Op bosses reduce accuracy...and missing taunts may not be the only issue. Missing a force pull, grapple, knockback, interrupt or mitigation building ability could be devastating. Adding threat may sound great as well, although the notion of building threat via skillful tanking might become a lost art. Making defense work on force/tech is interesting, but will probably make PVE tanks too strong...not to mention that it would make Jugg tanks incredibly overpowered. No Op boss crits so you might have something there.


This all goes back to my original point. When you start tinkering with things in a flawed system, someone is going to get screwed or overpowered.

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Here's something I don't get, if a Sorc will no longer be able to take advantage of another Sorc's Affliction, then why can Sorc's still use up my Deathmarks from my Death Field as an Assassin?


I'm just so happy they are nerfing Assassin/Shadows again.


But seriously, I wish BW's combat team whoever it is.... understood the difference in AoE disciplines vs Single Target disciplines. They already nerfed Hatred into the grounds in the past, reducing DF and Demolish range, okay I get that one (albeit now it makes us the only discipline to not be able to stop a cap at 30m without burning a cooldown and being mobile, yea Creeping Terror doesn't stop caps), the changed our DoT spread to Lacerate (maybe they need to get Sorc's DoT Spread off of DF?), but now they feel they need to nerf Sorc DF and take us Sins down with it. In PvE, plenty of bosses I know of where that 16m diameter was helpful in hitting multiple targets.


Here's a list of best Single Target potential DPS based on parsely's leaderboards. I think it's a fair measure since 224 gear has been out for 6 months now and people have had a long time to put their best parses forward from every discipline there is:


By Discipline:

Rank: Name/Mirror:

1 Annihilation/Watchman

18 Carnage/Combat

25 Engineering/Saboteur

42 Virulence/Dirty Fighting

97 Innovative Ordnance/Assault Specialist

152 Lightning/Telekinetics

222 Arsenal/Gunnery

226 Lethality/Ruffian

231 Vengeance/Vigilance

250 Concealment/Scrapper

251 Advanced Prototype/Tactics

387 Hatred/Serenity

448 Deception/Infiltration

454 Madness/Balance

595 Pyrotech/Plasmatech

836 Rage/Focus

915 Fury/Concentration

1350 Marksmanship/Sharpshooter


By Class:

1: Marauder/Sentinel

2: Sniper/Gunslinger

3: Mercenary/Commando

4: Sorcerer/Sage

5: Operative/Scoundrel

6: Juggernaut/Guardian

7: Powertech/Vanguard

8: Assassin/Shadow

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Bounty Hunter

  • Missile Blast now has a base range of 10 meters (down from 30 meters).
  • Rail Shot now has a base range of 10 meters (down from 30 meters).

Designer Note: Powertech ranged potential is currently too strong for a class that is intended to be played as a close-quarters combatant. Powertechs are melee onslaught specialists and should be encouraged to engage their targets in close proximity. By reducing the range of Missile Blast and Rail Shot, we place the Powertech’s range potential closer to its design as a close-quarters combatant and further define their unique style in various combat scenarios. Mercenaries maintain their 30 meter range through our reintroduction of “Propulsion Systems.”



  • Suppressive Tools now reduces the movement speed of targets affected by Magnetic Blast, Flame Burst, and Flame Sweep for 3 seconds (down from 6 seconds).

Designer Note: The Powertech’s suppressive potential is currently a little too impressive with the Suppressive Tools Utility. In its current iteration, players fleeing from Powertechs are far too susceptible to suffering a perpetual state of reduced movement under the effects of Suppressive Tools. To better the player experience and balance Powertech target control potential, we have reduced the duration of movement speed reduction provided by Suppressive Tools.


  • Shield Cannon now heals you for 3% (down from 5%) of your total health when damaging a target with Shoulder Cannon.

Designer Note: Powertech survivability currently surpasses the survivability of similar classes. We are reducing the effectiveness of Shield Cannon to bring the class more in line with the other tank classes.





So my question is (and no this is not to upset marauder and sentinel players) that the logic that is implemented here about bounty hunters/Vanguards saying they are " Powertech ranged potential is currently too strong for a class that is intended to be played as a close-quarters combatant. Powertechs are melee onslaught specialists and should be encouraged to engage their targets in close proximity." Should not marauder and sentinel 30m range attacks be reduced to 10 m also? By bioware's logic as both those classes are also "close-quarters combatant specialists". while we are at it why not Jedi Guardian's and Sith Juggernauts.


I am not saying that this should happen to these other classes but by the logic they have used for the reduction of range for Pt's and Vanguards it should also be applied to all melee class's.

Edited by GolgoXIII
removing uneccessary information about mercenary's.
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So my question is (and no this is not to upset marauder and sentinel players) that the logic that is implemented here about bounty hunters saying they are " Powertech ranged potential is currently too strong for a class that is intended to be played as a close-quarters combatant. Powertechs are melee onslaught specialists and should be encouraged to engage their targets in close proximity." Should not marauder and sentinel 30m range attacks be reduced to 10 m also? By bioware's logic as both those classes are also "close-quarters combatant specialists". while we are at it why not Jedi Guardian's and Sith Juggernauts.


I am not saying that this should happen to these other classes but by the logic they have used for the reduction of range for Pt's and Vanguards it should also be applied to all melee class's.


After this change, PT/Vanguards will still have three 30m ranged attacks: Rapid Shots, Explosive Dart and Death From Below. The DPS specs get one more power (Thermal Detonator, Incendiary Missile)


By contrast, Marauders get Dual Saber Throw as their only 30m attack and Juggernauts get Saber Throw. Assassins don't have any base attacks that are 30m, but each spec gets something. Operatives get 4 30m ranged powers and Lethality gets 5 adding Corrosive Grenade. So ranking the melee combatants:



AP, Pyrotech, Concealment





I'm not sure that PTs have anything to complain about. Right now, the class has plenty of ranged.

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After this change, PT/Vanguards will still have three 30m ranged attacks: Rapid Shots, Explosive Dart and Death From Below. The DPS specs get one more power (Thermal Detonator, Incendiary Missile)


By contrast, Marauders get Dual Saber Throw as their only 30m attack and Juggernauts get Saber Throw. Assassins don't have any base attacks that are 30m, but each spec gets something. Operatives get 4 30m ranged powers and Lethality gets 5 adding Corrosive Grenade. So ranking the melee combatants:



AP, Pyrotech, Concealment





I'm not sure that PTs have anything to complain about. Right now, the class has plenty of ranged.


Actually what I see as the biggest problem with Rail shot/high impact bolt is that Adv prototype BHs and Tactic's Vanguards can shot people from range fairly regularly with it. what they could have done is reduced the range of Sticky grenades for vanguards and Explosive Dart for Bounty hunters (which both of these abilities have the chance to proc rail shot and high impact bolt) down to 10 m therefore it brings both rail shot and high impact bolt into the same cool down time (at range) as saber throw. With that no rail shot within a short period of time after the first one could be accomplished because the cool down has been reset by the other two abilities at range. But I guess that would be a solution that they have not thought of.


With this change it also would not affect the Pyrotech and Plasmatech range functionality for those two specifications or should I say what limited range affects that those two spec's have.


PT's and Vanguards still get the advantage of the grenades procing rail shot/high impact bolt but it can't happen at range anymore and it brings the ranged attack of these abilities more into line with the marauders/sentinels and Guardians/Juggernauts with their saber throw.


Well as for the rapid shots I really wouldn't have even counted that as it is the base attack that you get when you start the game and really isn't even used, except for a break to help either recharge cells for a vanguard or cool down your heat as a power tech. Or in the case that some one is running away a futile last act to get a small amount of damage on someone. As for Death from above and mortar volley, that can either be interrupted or if you can't do that well if you don't run out of that you deserve to get the damage you can receive from that.

Edited by GolgoXIII
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I'm not sure how sages are going to run into any sort of resource issues after this change they currently hardly have any sages simple choose to ignore it because they can while mandos need to filler with med shot etc and scoundrels can't constantly hard cast without throwing in a few scans. The reason why I brought up the 2 healer issue is because it becomes noticeably more difficult for a mando or scoundrel to heal if their co healer dies or is unable to heal for some unknown reason not common nor should it happen but sages are fully able to solo heal content with extreme awareness from teammates without exhausting resources . I'm really not sure what patch era ppl are living in as sages have no issues staying alive anymore since the consistent damage nerfs on bosses and the addition of 30% aoe dr in the heroic tree. Something ppl love to not mention is a mando healer matching sage output simply comes from trauma probes and kolto bomb stacking thats why i brought up the fluff healing comment.


It's amazing how many sages act as if though 1 gcd is going to cause someone to die and that no fights have any sort of low point in incoming damage That chunks of time complaint also makes no sense when the output sages have and speed they put it out completely counteracts spending a gcd to regain resources during that gcd spent sages will still be healing with resurgence hot puddle heal force armor and possibly roaming mend so that argument makes no sense either. As for the puddle heal how on earth is it going to be useless this is literally just another case of wanting to be the best at everything without any trade offs.


Really sages and sorcs are just afraid because they suddenly will have to pay attention to their resource bar and not just press any heal without thinking.

Resources for sages and sorcs are currently not an issue in pve or pve. that is being addressed and for some odd reason bioware feels like making sages and sorcs have to pay actual attention to this warrants a buff in healing values.


As someone who mains a sage healer, I just suggested *nerfing* my heals instead of mucking with my resource management. I am all in favor of class balance. This will make sages even *more* OP in PvP, while making them less useful in PvE.


I have at least one of every healing class and I do play them all. Every healing class has a resource recovery skill that takes one GCD. The equivalent skill in other classes recovers more resources, but has a decently long cool down. They also have heals that act to recover resources, or in the case of scoundrels, proc a free heal. Sages do not have those, but our resource recovery skill has no cool down, and now that it doesn't kill us off when we use it, it's actually reasonably useful. Unfortunately for these changes, we will have to use it a lot. That means that we will be saving the proc that improves it for resource recovery. That same proc also buffs the puddle heal (which was nerfed in 4.0 already), and reduces the cast time. It is a seriously long cast for not much of a heal without the proc, which now will also cost a ridiculous amount. So yes, the puddle heal will be useless in PvE. It is already nearly so. If you have resources to waste on the puddle heal, you would probably be more useful doing some DPS on the boss.


I would suspect that you haven't healed ops recently. You don't have tons of downtime to play resource recovery. It works right now. A minor nerf to healing output would still be functional.


I don't want sages to be overpowered nightmares to face in PvP. THIS CHANGE DOES NOT FIX THAT PROBLEM. It

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So ranking the melee combatants:



AP, Pyrotech, Concealment





I'm not sure that PTs have anything to complain about. Right now, the class has plenty of ranged.



I'm a bit confused here. What are you ranking? The base number of ranged abilities?

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Yo, Eric!

How about some love for Lethality/Ruffian?


Becouse your DoT spread is working like a pile of podoo.

Seriously folks. MAKE YOUR BATTLE TEAM WORK!!!

Tie DoT spread to corrosive grenade.

Do it. Just DO IT.


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As someone who mains a sage healer, I just suggested *nerfing* my heals instead of mucking with my resource management. I am all in favor of class balance. This will make sages even *more* OP in PvP, while making them less useful in PvE.


I have at least one of every healing class and I do play them all. Every healing class has a resource recovery skill that takes one GCD. The equivalent skill in other classes recovers more resources, but has a decently long cool down. They also have heals that act to recover resources, or in the case of scoundrels, proc a free heal. Sages do not have those, but our resource recovery skill has no cool down, and now that it doesn't kill us off when we use it, it's actually reasonably useful. Unfortunately for these changes, we will have to use it a lot. That means that we will be saving the proc that improves it for resource recovery. That same proc also buffs the puddle heal (which was nerfed in 4.0 already), and reduces the cast time. It is a seriously long cast for not much of a heal without the proc, which now will also cost a ridiculous amount. So yes, the puddle heal will be useless in PvE. It is already nearly so. If you have resources to waste on the puddle heal, you would probably be more useful doing some DPS on the boss.


I would suspect that you haven't healed ops recently. You don't have tons of downtime to play resource recovery. It works right now. A minor nerf to healing output would still be functional.


I don't want sages to be overpowered nightmares to face in PvP. THIS CHANGE DOES NOT FIX THAT PROBLEM. It


Good luck relearning what resource management is when these changes come. Plain and simple sorcs needed energy re tuned which happened but still managed to get away with heal increases. If your currently struggling energy wise as as sorc healer because you simple can't use a gcd once every 8 seconds you're beyond any help with these upcoming changes. As a final note sages are already a overpowered nightmare as healers in pvp and pve so not sure where that "I don't want them to become nightmares" fits in when they already are.

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Good luck relearning what resource management is when these changes come. Plain and simple sorcs needed energy re tuned which happened but still managed to get away with heal increases. If your currently struggling energy wise as as sorc healer because you simple can't use a gcd once every 8 seconds you're beyond any help with these upcoming changes. As a final note sages are already a overpowered nightmare as healers in pvp and pve so not sure where that "I don't want them to become nightmares" fits in when they already are.


The problem I have with what force management will be in 4.5 is that it's tied to aoe heal (and the fact it'll cost more to heal than dps, but that's another story).

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The problem I have with what force management will be in 4.5 is that it's tied to aoe heal (and the fact it'll cost more to heal than dps, but that's another story).


Instant cast snuggle puddle is a bonus it's not intended to be used with 3 stacks all the time people do realize this right?

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Yet another nail in the coffin of this game.

It boggles the mind that they continue to push out these class nerfs and continue to ignore the ever-growing plethora of game bugs.

So they push out this nerf to pacify the PVP'ers and basic say screw you to the SM/HM/NiM operations raiders.


Well one thing I know for sure...nerfs like this only cause more people to leave the game than it causes people to say "Oh hey, SWTOR just nerfed XXXX class, I'm gonna start subscribing again!"

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