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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf the Sith


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Seriously, anyone else notice that the Empire always, and I mean always, win all PvP matches, no matter which Warzone it is? They deal more damage, have stuns and knockbacks that actually work and have significantly more stuns than any Republic class.

Now I'm not just some sore loser, I'm complaining on behalf of the Sith as well. As a Sith, PvP matches are a guaranteed win, which takes away all the excitement. Sure, we all get our commendations and whatnot, but it would be fun if the outcome wasn't already decided from the start.


So I hope some BioWare employee stumbles across this and at least gives it a thought.


Anyone who agrees? Or disagrees?

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Seriously, anyone else notice that the Empire always, and I mean always, win all PvP matches, no matter which Warzone it is? They deal more damage, have stuns and knockbacks that actually work and have significantly more stuns than any Republic class.

Now I'm not just some sore loser, I'm complaining on behalf of the Sith as well. As a Sith, PvP matches are a guaranteed win, which takes away all the excitement. Sure, we all get our commendations and whatnot, but it would be fun if the outcome wasn't already decided from the start.


So I hope some BioWare employee stumbles across this and at least gives it a thought.


Anyone who agrees? Or disagrees?


They have exactly the same skills with different names.

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Because Sith have more players overall or more competent players on your server?

Because they actually know/learn their cc skills instead of zerging blindly into battle?

You even checked how much the classes are MIRRORED before qqing about getting your back kicked?


If its a troll its a bad one. seriously.

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Very much discussed over on the PvP forum ;)


My explanation:


- Levels matters a lot, and at 50 PvP gear matters as well. The "boost" people get isn't sufficient to make up for them fighting with 11000 hp and 2 talent points a Lv50 with 18000 hp and 40 talent points. Bioware's decision to not have separate 10-39 and 40-50 brackets was extremely bad. This has been pointed out ad infinitum but no response or comment, so don't expect anything. For some reason Republics have leveled far slower and there's 95% of the time a serious level gap between Republics and Imperials.


- Sith Inquisitors are generally considered pretty OP or at least "easy mode". Force Speed - Ability-absorbing skins - one push win button with force lightning - healing - they just have a bag full of tricks. And DPS bounty hunters/troopers.


Now, many people wanted to start "iconic characters" as recognised from the movies. As it happened the "Good" iconic characters are Jedi Knights, Smugglers and Healers. The "Bad" iconic characters are bounty hunters and force lightning users. Guess which side just randomly happened to get all the OP classes?


The Republic does have a mirror obviously, the Jedi Consular. We just need to wait until everyone who started other classes eventually reroll Consulars and level up to 50. That should take 2-3 months or so. Though there are certain ability differences cross-faction and they are all in Republic's disfavour.


I am not sure if the recent change, to give winners more exp and losers less, is a good idea, because now republic will catch up even slower.


Feedback to Bioware is in any case pretty pointless.

Edited by dingoperson
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Very much discussed over on the PvP forum ;)


My explanation:


- Levels matters a lot, and at 50 PvP gear matters as well. The "boost" people get isn't sufficient to make up for them fighting with 11000 hp and 2 talent points a Lv50 with 18000 hp and 40 talent points. Bioware's decision to not have separate 10-39 and 40-50 brackets was extremely bad. This has been pointed out ad infinitum but no response or comment, so don't expect anything. For some reason Republics have leveled far slower and there's 95% of the time a serious level gap between Republics and Imperials.


- Sith Inquisitors are generally considered pretty OP or at least "easy mode". Force Speed - Ability-absorbing skins - one push win button with force lightning - healing - they just have a bag full of tricks. And DPS bounty hunters/troopers.


Now, many people wanted to start "iconic characters" as recognised from the movies. As it happened the "Good" iconic characters are Jedi Knights, Smugglers and Healers. The "Bad" iconic characters are bounty hunters and force lightning users. Guess which side just randomly happened to get all the OP classes?


The Republic does have a mirror obviously, the Jedi Consular. We just need to wait until everyone who started other classes eventually reroll Consulars and level up to 50. That should take 2-3 months or so. Though there are certain ability differences cross-faction and they are all in Republic's disfavour.


I am not sure if the recent change, to give winners more exp and losers less, is a good idea, because now republic will catch up even slower.


Feedback to Bioware is in any case pretty pointless.



Hopefully they'll eventually notice the severe difference in W/L ratios, though if they choose to do something about it is another matter.

I guess PvP's out for both my Assassin and Guardian, seeing as I already know the outcome of every match. Fortunately we have another 95% of awesome game left to enjoy.

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Because Sith have more players overall or more competent players on your server?

Because they actually know/learn their cc skills instead of zerging blindly into battle?

You even checked how much the classes are MIRRORED before qqing about getting your back kicked?


If its a troll its a bad one. seriously.




If they nerf an Empire class (let's say Sith inquisitors) then they should do the same with its republican counterpart (jedi consulars). Maybe the OP just have bad luck, or there are more empire players on its server.

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Very much discussed over on the PvP forum ;)


My explanation:


- Levels matters a lot, and at 50 PvP gear matters as well. The "boost" people get isn't sufficient to make up for them fighting with 11000 hp and 2 talent points a Lv50 with 18000 hp and 40 talent points. Bioware's decision to not have separate 10-39 and 40-50 brackets was extremely bad. This has been pointed out ad infinitum but no response or comment, so don't expect anything. For some reason Republics have leveled far slower and there's 95% of the time a serious level gap between Republics and Imperials.


- Sith Inquisitors are generally considered pretty OP or at least "easy mode". Force Speed - Ability-absorbing skins - one push win button with force lightning - healing - they just have a bag full of tricks. And DPS bounty hunters/troopers.


Now, many people wanted to start "iconic characters" as recognised from the movies. As it happened the "Good" iconic characters are Jedi Knights, Smugglers and Healers. The "Bad" iconic characters are bounty hunters and force lightning users. Guess which side just randomly happened to get all the OP classes?


The Republic does have a mirror obviously, the Jedi Consular. We just need to wait until everyone who started other classes eventually reroll Consulars and level up to 50. That should take 2-3 months or so. Though there are certain ability differences cross-faction and they are all in Republic's disfavour.


I am not sure if the recent change, to give winners more exp and losers less, is a good idea, because now republic will catch up even slower.


Feedback to Bioware is in any case pretty pointless.


You do know that the republic and empire are 100% mirrored right? Not 1 thing different other than graphics of the ability used.


You bad players need to understand its the player beating you not the faction. And guess what I am Republic not Empire.


Just because you lose it does not mean the other team has an advantage.

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OP THANK YOU ! - I was wondering when some one would bring this up. They have unfair advantages. I can't even beat a sith at my own level. They have a 6 sec cool down on chain lighting. My skill "Force of will" once every 2 minutes. Some on seriously.


Its getting that way that PvP is not even worth it, Sith players are guaranteed a win every time.


If they nerf an Empire class (let's say Sith inquisitors) then they should do the same with its republican counterpart (jedi consulars). Maybe the OP just have bad luck, or there are more empire players on its server.


Seriously. Consulars are already weak.. I play as one, and like I said can't play against a sith that can spam chain lighting ever 6 seconds, and I have no defense against it, because I can only use Force of will once every 2 minutes.

Edited by dronepilot
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OP THANK YOU ! - I was wondering when some one would bring this up. They have unfair advantages. I can't even beat a sith at my own level. They have a 6 sec cool down on chain lighting. My skill "Force of will" once every 2 minutes. Some on seriously.


Its getting that way that PvP is not even worth it, Sith players are guaranteed a win every time.


How do they have an advantage?!?!? They have exactly the same classes, abilities, and skill tree ***.

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Chain lighting as stated. They can spam it every 6 seconds. Check their skill tree again. For sith Sorcerers. Consular Force of will 2 minute cooldown. I mean come on !


Dude you are a complete noob. Chain lightning's mirrored skill is Telekenetic Wave, exact same damage, cooldown, casting time, try research next time so you don't look noob. Sith and Jedi have EXACTLY the same skills, with different names, L2Play.




Edited by dodgygeeza
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Dude you are a complete noob. Chain lightning's mirrored skill is Telekenetic Wave, exact same damage, cooldown, casting time, try research next time so you don't look noob. Sith and Jedi have EXACTLY the same skills, with different names, L2Play.






+ 1 for this guy, close this thread,


it's dead.

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Seriously, anyone else notice that the Empire always, and I mean always, win all PvP matches, no matter which Warzone it is? They deal more damage, have stuns and knockbacks that actually work and have significantly more stuns than any Republic class.

Now I'm not just some sore loser, I'm complaining on behalf of the Sith as well. As a Sith, PvP matches are a guaranteed win, which takes away all the excitement. Sure, we all get our commendations and whatnot, but it would be fun if the outcome wasn't already decided from the start.


So I hope some BioWare employee stumbles across this and at least gives it a thought.


Anyone who agrees? Or disagrees?




Sorry but this happens, we used to win every single PvP match on the Horde side on my old server, till we stopped even caring. It happens, and maybe look at your own team to why you guys are loosing.


Every class in this game has a copy on the other side....

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The abilities are somewhat similar, but the Sith have lightning versions instead, which all debilitates you in some way, while the Jedi's "stuns" don't stun and they have a non-functional knockback. The Snipers have the longest range and most debilitating effects, Bounty Hunters have to many stuns; the Republic classes have none of these things.

This is a huge part of the reason the Sith are OP, and as I was saying; I'm complaining for both sides, as there's no challenge in PvP as a Sith.

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The abilities are somewhat similar, but the Sith have lightning versions instead, which all debilitates you in some way, while the Jedi's "stuns" don't stun and they have a non-functional knockback. The Snipers have the longest range and most debilitating effects, Bounty Hunters have to many stuns; the Republic classes have none of these things.

This is a huge part of the reason the Sith are OP, and as I was saying; I'm complaining for both sides, as there's no challenge in PvP as a Sith.


Nonsense, they are EXACTLY the same, stop spreading misinformation about things you clearly know nothing about. There is no lightning or telekentic resist in this game, the damage is the same on both abilities, you just don't get it do you. Stuns are also the same, unless you want to mention specifically a Sith stun ability that doesn't work the same as it's Jedi counterpart be quiet, and even then I'll shown you that you are again wrong and ignorant. I know you are disgruntled that you are losing PvP, but your posts clearly show you know barely anything about the abilities given to each class, which is probably the reason you suck. Research more and then L2P.

Edited by dodgygeeza
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Seriously, anyone else notice that the Empire always, and I mean always, win all PvP matches, no matter which Warzone it is? They deal more damage, have stuns and knockbacks that actually work and have significantly more stuns than any Republic class.

Now I'm not just some sore loser, I'm complaining on behalf of the Sith as well. As a Sith, PvP matches are a guaranteed win, which takes away all the excitement. Sure, we all get our commendations and whatnot, but it would be fun if the outcome wasn't already decided from the start.


So I hope some BioWare employee stumbles across this and at least gives it a thought.


Anyone who agrees? Or disagrees?


So I hope you go back to wow or troll another game as this post is utterly stupid and I feel bad for you if you truly believe anything what you say. I mean... they have more stuns, do more damage etc. Ugly troll who should stay under the bridge.

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Not one of you get it, do you? I clearly said, several times, that I'm mainly complaining as a Sith, seeing as I WIN EVERY DAMN MATCH, without any form of challenge. Read the posts before you start hating.


As for abilities with differences; Force Sweep vs. Overload.

Force Sweep's stun and knockback doesn't work, and Overload always does, no matter the enemy's level.


And I was trying to start a reasonable discussion, not a hate thread. If you can't keep it civilized, ****.

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