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Eternal Championship is a joke


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That could be. If EC dropped really good gear..... the hard core raider crowd would be all grumpy puppies about it, because you are supposed to have to go through raider hell to get the good gear. :p


They specifically noted that raider rage was why it drops "less-than-storymode" gear (and fixed stat, too.)

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That could be. If EC dropped really good gear..... the hard core raider crowd would be all grumpy puppies about it, because you are supposed to have to go through raider hell to get the good gear. :p


Hmm, what's wrong with being disappointed with the way some of the mechanics/drops turn out? Why do you feel the need to condescend a certain demographic?

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They specifically noted that raider rage was why it drops "less-than-storymode" gear (and fixed stat, too.)


Well below. It drops like 194 stuff. Insta 60 tokens have as good of gear. I'm pretty confident that many players wouldn't clear EC to begin with if they were wearing the stuff they give out.

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joke nah not first run. died 3 times but for just being slow to react due to watching other RL things going on at the time. finished first night. was not short but was easy enough if you put effort into it and paid attention to what the npc was doing.


no for the joke part. once done all the time they invested in this content is the joke. i finished. the stuff on the vendor gear wise certainly is a joke for both stats and looks. just recycled junk. the other trinkets. well i guess some are interesting enough but not worth spending any time gathering up tokens to purchase.


so in the end it was yet another failed attempt by bw team to invigorate the game. as for the latest chapter the only good thing of it was the snarky comments from gault. outside of that after 20 minutes of cut scenes into it i was sorta tired of hearing it.

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That could be. If EC dropped really good gear..... the hard core raider crowd would be all grumpy puppies about it, because you are supposed to have to go through raider hell to get the good gear. :p


They specifically noted that raider rage was why it drops "less-than-storymode" gear (and fixed stat, too.)


No kidding. Can't have people getting BiS gear without working their way up the hamster-wheel, right?

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No kidding. Can't have people getting BiS gear without working their way up the hamster-wheel, right?


It does break the gear progression path, but so did bolstering SM Ops and putting BiS gear in HM EV/KP that can be done in 192s.

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No kidding. Can't have people getting BiS gear without working their way up the hamster-wheel, right?


I wouldn't care if EC dropped 224s if it took a significant effort to get it. It should be harder to solo than a HM FP for it to drop 224s, require an effort that is higher than most Operations in HM, mostly because for solo difficult content to work that drops good gear, you need to have it be more difficult than the grouped alternative, otherwise the group content will be significantly cannibalized.


Current EC drops too low gear, custom 208s would be fine. It would need to be over 3-4 times as hard to drop 224 gear, or if we go the speedrun route, you should have to speedrun faster than like 10min total to drop 224 gear, effort must match reward then tuned for the amount of players.

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I'm guessing most of the people who find it hard were not around during launch.


Soa Hardmode with insta kill lighting balls, and extremely tight enrage timer, now that was hard.

Denova Hardmode before augments made it a joke, that was hard.


Eternal Champ is not hard everyone in my guild who has done it has walked right through it. We are a pvp guild mind you. I doubt any one has gear above pvp sets.


The whole thread about nerfs is sad. Its like saying I don't know how to play plz make things easier. Keybinds, interupts, stuns, standing out of red stuff is too hard for me.


Every one of the fights needs to be buffed. I shouldn't be able to breeze through in pvp gear ignoring the mechanics on almost all the fights.


And shall I remind you of something on these hardmode operations you have to have other people to help you through them. Operations are for groups not solo. Yes I have been here long enough to know that. The EC is soloable not group oriented. That can make a difference when you are used to working in a group on hard challenging things.

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Remember, they also missed their ship date by 3 months, 3 months than included a (small) change in the gear progression. They probably ought to reset it to 204/208 static stats, to match common crystal gear. (Or just give out empty orange shells and data crystals, or tokens for gear inferior in stat budget to SM Ops gear but otherwise equivalent, including set bonus, a la PvP comms gear. That's a different rant, though.)
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They should take EC out of the game because, for one, it's pointless to do. And second, it's like doing a heroic mission.




You could make the case (it would fail, but you could make the case) that they shouldn't have developed it. But now that it's in, why take it out? It's not hurting anything to be in there.

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They should take EC out of the game because, for one, it's pointless to do. And second, it's like doing a heroic mission.


Eh? Might be to you but others are quite enjoying it. Also, what does it matter that it's like doing a HM?

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They should take EC out of the game because, for one, it's pointless to do. And second, it's like doing a heroic mission.


I don't wanna break your game for you... but, with that attitude, frankly you deserve it: it is a video game, it's all pointless.

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I think some classes may have it easier than others. I did fine on my smuggler but my sage healer is having trouble. My smuggler is my main though so experience helps too maybe. Something to note, I did this on solo+ with two guys having trouble and we blew through it like cake. Edited by Ybini
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I seriously wonder if it's doable by any means at all with a healer, I haven't tried, but I do have my doubts. It was really painful with a tank. If you use a damage companion you don't get any heals at all, if you use a healing companion, it's difficult to get enough damage in before the fight moves into the next stage and gets even harder.




My run through the Eternal Championship, and eventually my timed run for the competition will be too, was with my Sawbones-specced Scoundrel.


I used my Nexu companion, and spent a lot of the fights trying to determine whether to use my companion as a tank or DPS. Some of the fights, like the 10th, were far more effective with the Nexu tanking and keeping the boss occupied while I destroyed the droids and tossed out my Kolto Cloud to keep us both topped-off. Other fights, though, like the 7th -- those were more a DPS race to kill the bosses as quick as possible or end up being overwhelmed. I played around until I figured out which was which.


It was fun, mind you. I'm really hoping to see what sort of time I can best manage, at least before the competition is done. I'd love showing healers can be effective enough, when all's said and done. But I'm more cheering on my guildmate in the competition; because he's amazing when it comes to playing whatever class and spec you hand him. I don't believe he's venturing in there with a healer, hehe.

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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.


Couldn't agree more with you, cancelled my sub after Chapter 10, this game is a complete joke, im actually devastated at the amount of money ive wasted on it over 4 years in some deluded belief it would ever get any better. Came back for this chapter as my sub still has 2 months to run, and completed it in 45 mins, and no im not doing it on all my chars because why the hell would I. I pay for content and if thats what they come up with in a few months, someone needs to get fired.


For me it's the standalone game for how NOT to run an MMO, and this phrase always springs to mind "Its Star Wars, how can you possibly screw it up".


Well EA did, and they have also made a complete mockery of Battlefront.

Edited by Nippon
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It doesn't take someone to be the best at something to deem it easy. Do I have to be Tiger Woods to say putt putt golf is easy? I don't have to do the speed run challenge to deem overall that the EC is easy and the mechanics can be ignored at times.


It's forgiving because solo players can't handle much more. It's not supposed to occupy experienced raiders, the only challenge you can find is how fast you can do it, and I'm saying if you are looking for challenge in the EC and are running a healer companion, you can ignore all the mechanics and laugh. That's easy. Doesn't mean everyone can do it, and it doesn't mean there aren't ways (at least right now due to the contest) to make it more challenging.


That being said, after the contest, it'll be boring as ****, agreed. But I honestly didn't think anyone was looking at this for challenge, if you want challenge from your solo content, go solo Lost Island HM. Triple dog dare you.


WTB actual endgame content plz.

Edited by GrandLordMenace
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Came back for this chapter as my sub still has 2 months to run, and completed it in 45 mins


Can you send me a signed photo? Write on it - "To Crazy - My Biggest Fan"

Edited by CrazyCT
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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.


New warzone is not bad and not everyone hates it. Eternal Championship was never advertised as being difficult. :rolleyes:

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rewards ARE pretty crappy for the amount of time and effort it takes to do this weekly.


That's the understatement of the week.


I have compelted it on a raid geared commando, had some issues learning the bosses but from there it went ok. Turned around and tried a sage healer in 208s with a 17 affection companion and found it mostly impossible. Took gear from another character (augmented 216s, no set bonus) and managed to get to round 7, but that's the wall. I stopped having fun and am pretty much done with it I think.

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How are people having trouble with EC (solo) on a healer? I did on my Sorc healer with no problem with a 25 Influence level Ashara set as DPS. I was in full 224's and fully augmented though. That probably helped a tad bit. I completely ignored almost all the mechanics. I killed the boss first before adds on almost all the rounds except for the rounds that actually required you to kill the adds that put a shield on the boss.
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How are people having trouble with EC (solo) on a healer? I did on my Sorc healer with no problem with a 25 Influence level Ashara set as DPS. I was in full 224's and fully augmented though. That probably helped a tad bit. I completely ignored almost all the mechanics. I killed the boss first before adds on almost all the rounds except for the rounds that actually required you to kill the adds that put a shield on the boss.


I've got a 220/224 Sorc healer with dps 50 Influence Lana but I keep falling short of the Sprint achievement. My first clear was 19 min, second clear was 17:03 and third clear was 16:19. But I still need to shave off 80 seconds. I think I'll have to swap to dps to do it, but then I'd have to have Lana heal for some fights...

Edited by AshlaBoga
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