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Eternal Championship is a joke


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I'm not killing the charge droids in wave 7 fast enough before the insta-death; and if I pop my heroic moment that should fix it. I'm not having any issues with health prior to that.


Yea DPS spec would fix that. Also Senya, even as heal spec would do damage to them if you get her to attack them.

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Okay, OP, you're über. Hurrah for you. Glad you could share that with us.


*goes back to reading up on how to finish this thing*


The class imbalance really takes a toll here. I got quite far on my first go with my zappy Inquisitor. My agent basically got spanked on the first boss, no joke.

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Yea DPS spec would fix that. Also Senya, even as heal spec would do damage to them if you get her to attack them.


I don't like changing specs, I have enough muscle memory problems since I am running a DPS Sorc as well. It's literally a matter of a second out two I need to shave off, and I know I've got some room for improvement in my technique. Too much melee, not enough ranged/AoE

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Glad you found the Eternal Championship so easy. Look around the forum, and you'll find plenty of people to disagree with you. I'm sorry that there still isn't anything challenging enough for you. Have you tried Dark Souls? Might be more your type of game.



OK, all snark aside, I don't agree with you at all about it being a joke, or easy. I still haven't been able to get past round 7, and I've heard plenty of people say the same, or even having problems getting that far. If you find it easy or a joke, that's fine. Just realize that there are plenty of people who would say otherwise.


Yeah I agree. If you want more difficult games just play dark souls. And the eternal championship was not easy it took me a lot of time and tactics to complete it and most people would agree. So if you want something mor3 challenging just go into a HM FP solo with no comp and done or just do the HM OPS with a group of noobs

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  • 3 weeks later...
Another waste of time. not worth the effort for either the rewards or the companion. Another failure of BioEA to remember that games are supposed to be FUN not boring, frustrating, or pointless. They think grinding and repetition are a great way to keep people playing the game for longer periods of time but every time I run into a poo-poo mission like this it makes me eye that cancel subscription option. Get better game designers Fanboys and BioEA employess pretending to be fanboys reply with your mindless defense of the mission, I won't read them anyway..
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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.


No, it was never meant to do that. Maybe the last couple bosses, but that is it. The whole goal of EC, was to give people an entry level look into mechanics, and maybe some average gear to get people into OPs.


But no, it was NEVER about being some crazy challenge to the most skilled players, they even said as much. That if you have all assembled 220 or 224, you would probably breeze through it.

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Another waste of time. not worth the effort for either the rewards or the companion. Another failure of BioEA to remember that games are supposed to be FUN not boring, frustrating, or pointless. They think grinding and repetition are a great way to keep people playing the game for longer periods of time but every time I run into a poo-poo mission like this it makes me eye that cancel subscription option. Get better game designers Fanboys and BioEA employess pretending to be fanboys reply with your mindless defense of the mission, I won't read them anyway..


FUN =/= Faceroll easy everything....sorry.

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for a casual player who just doesnt care about gear its probably challenging. for a player that runs the weekly hm ops runs its probably very easy to do.


the issue with the eternal conflict is that its SUPER boring solo and an utter joke if your well over geared. top that with the rewards are well not worth the time.

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I did it on all 8 classes to get the title, but all my chars are in 208 pvp gear and they're going to stay in it. I'm not good enough to get the speed run title and the deathless title seems doable with a bit of luck if I do it enough. But, I'm not really interested in doing it more. The holo decos seem kind of pointless and there really isn't anything else other than the mount. The tokens required to get one though would require a ridiculous amount of run throughs.... its 46 tokens or something silly isn't it? Just not worth the hassle. I got two of the mounts from the star fortress runs and I still haven't equipped one, and almost never use the other one.
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The point of the tokens is that you can buy 216 gear with a fair stat distribution from them - similar to the ones that drop out of hard mode flashpoints, with the difference that the tokens bind to legacy, whereas an item out of a hard mode flashpoint you'd have to strip and put the modifications into a legacy shell.


Personally I do have Eternal Legend and Deathless Champion by now. I don't have the sprint achievement yet - I will get it when I can bring a character in full 220 and a level 40+ companion, neither of which I have yet. But I think there are numerous posters who play down the difficulty of it.


There may be a difference in perception. In my understanding, anyone who isn't deathless champion hasn't made a single one really successful run yet. I consider a run where I die no more than thrice and no more than once against the same boss "okay" (not with the same degree of success than without dying, but successful). Everything else is just "somehow squeezing through".


Particularly the last phase of the final boss is difficult in bad gear. If you don't get the sheer, raw damage in in time you will die. When someone says they did it in pvp gear I find that very hard to believe, unless they had a companion of level 30+ and were of a class better suited for it (particularly a melee damage dealer with good off tanking capability or any class with more than one hard stun and the alacrity to use them frequently).


I do believe that the influence rating of the companion, along with the presence attribute and the abilities in your heroic moment from the other class play an important roll. I guess it is a lot harder for someone who has only finished the class story and companion dialogues with a single one class than for a "Legendary Player", not just because of the experience a legendary player supposedly brings, but out of the boni that come with that.


When I did it with my darkness assassin tank with an average gear rating of 213 or so and a level 16 companion, a substantial amount of the damage I dealt came from the heroic moment, for example, which is available for two minutes every five minutes (and those five minutes start running down when you activate it, not when it runs down, meaning I can be on a heroic moment 40% of the time if I really want to). An actually new level 65 without a legacy to back them up can't do that.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.

No it was NOT meant to be a huge super challenge. But sadly it's harder than it should be for most people, even with a guide.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Yeah I call bull. But nice try on that one. You want to complain about it, go for it. BUT tell the truth. Don't start this lying, over exaggerated crap.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The eternal championship is too hard. Make a story mode, hard mode, nightmare mode, and I am the God of the world mode. It is annoying, tedious, and makes me so freaking angry it is not enjoyable at all.
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If your doing better on your shadow as a tank, I would switch it to Infiltration (DPS) for burst damage. Also, recommend using your skill points in talents that provide damage reduction and immunity. Some talents you might need to change per round. Also, bring in adrenals and use a mastery stim for a boost in DPS. Make sure you have healing stims. I'm assuming cloaking out resets the fight? If so, then you won't be able to double heal stim the fight if needed which is a downer.


Better to do it with hatered. Few rounds with dps comp then switch it to heals. With deception you end up losing lots of your burst and damage due loss of maul. Force cloak doesn't work in TEC.

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I dont think its easy, I can't get past round 2. But then I don't have a 50 influence companion.


It's easy (for the most part) for people who are experienced in operations, especially HM/NiM. It is supposed to be tough for people who have not done ops before (it is basically supposed to train people for operations). Any you don't need a level 50 companion to beat it, I've done it with a level 10 or 11 companion in really bad gear. If you are failing in round 2, take a step back, see what is killing you, and play it again avoiding the thing that is killing you.

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Ah, people bringing this up again.


Fellow swtor players, the Eternal Championship is really really easy. The reason you cannot complete it is because you lack the knowledge of the basic principles of the game, which is for example, staying out of red circles, interrupting, stunning etc. Once you learn all these you will be much better players. Also, you need to master your class, use the best rotation for the given spec, adapt the rotation to the circumstances of the fight etc.


Yes, people might trash me for being and elititst and whatever, but I am trying to help and explain. EC was good to show people that they are doing something wrong. Many people dont do operations and never realize how bad they are. EC is solo content so its good to make people realize they are doing something wrong, which is good.


Anyway, i did all the achievments for EC in the first days (had to do KOTFE on 5 toons to be able to do EC with all classes). Was fun mainly with my undergeared toons when i was doing the 8 classes achievment (slinger had 188 gear).

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Since it is not needed then I am fine with not getting the rewards for round 5. I just hope they do not make it any harder than it already is. Although unlocking Bowdarr might be annoying with only getting past level 5. I just wish solo+ had some weeklies so there are some incentives to try the eternal championship (something better than common crystals). Anyone who can beat it good for you, just do not ask them to make it harder because there are some people who are having problems with it.
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A nerf would be good.


I have to disagree. It's designed as a training tool. Since they made Flashpoints into "Tacticals" - where you don't need to know any tactics and can still complete them - you need something to give you an introduction to Operations. With this, each boss is designed like an Operations boss, with all the different mechanics, and each fight is do-able, even with a lower geared player - I managed to get to boss ten with a 190-200 geared operative simply by knowing the mechanics and avoiding them where possible.


Calling for a nerf on this is pretty sad. It just says that people can't be bothered to learn, and want things to be awarded to them just for participating. There are plenty of options out there if you want some content you can play without knowing your class (tactical and solo FP's and heroics), don't make this another one.


I've been playing for a long time and I'm still learning new things about my characters (did you know that a PT tank gets 35% defence boost for 15 seconds with Explosive Fuel?) Try to see this as a chance to improve your knowledge, and if you learn your class better, you'll probably enjoy the game better.

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