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Eternal Championship is a joke


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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.

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Glad you found the Eternal Championship so easy. Look around the forum, and you'll find plenty of people to disagree with you. I'm sorry that there still isn't anything challenging enough for you. Have you tried Dark Souls? Might be more your type of game.



OK, all snark aside, I don't agree with you at all about it being a joke, or easy. I still haven't been able to get past round 7, and I've heard plenty of people say the same, or even having problems getting that far. If you find it easy or a joke, that's fine. Just realize that there are plenty of people who would say otherwise.

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Maybe I suck, but I can't make it past round seven. I find it quite difficult and it's getting annoying not fun. I think I'll just have to deal with not having Bowdaar. I don't have the kind of time it takes to go ten rounds all at once, at least if there was a way to save progress (if there is, I haven't found it) and come back to it again when I want to play it, that would make it a touch better.


I did most of them without having to refer to the guide, but come round 6, I started looking at the guide, and yeah, it's more than plenty hard enough, that I've had my fill of this supposedly fun activity.

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I find it quite difficult and it's getting annoying not fun. I think I'll just have to deal with not having Bowdaar.


Technically: No, even if you find yourself unable to complete all the matches in the Eternal Championship, you still can recruit Bowdaar. Just turn the quest in at the stage at which you are and start over. If you fight your way up to the stage at which you are, round 1-6, three runs should suffice to gain enough influence.


On top of that: While I am not 100% sure, you don't think you have to do it alone. There is a group variation and I think it still works for getting influence.


The point of the solo challenge is that you get loads of achievements for them. In other words: The only point to it is to prove that you can do it, nothing else. I for myself am working on Legendary Champion having completed it with an Infiltration Shadow (Consular), a Marksmanship Sniper (Agent), Darkness Assassin (Inquisitor) and Combat Sentinel (Knight). On the last run, with the sentinel, I actually died on the second boss, because I did not take him seriously... I was trying to ignore the adds and the poison grenades and acted like I was hitting a training dummy, thought that might be enough for this jerk. Well, turned out it wasn't. :D


Apart from that: Obviously it depends on your skill how easy or hard it is. But it also depends on equipment and your particular class. If you really want to do it, you can. It may require training, upgrades and a good stock of consumable equipment (medpacks, stims, adrenals, stun grenades) but you can do it. You do use both Unity and your Heroic Moment, right?

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Maybe I suck, but I can't make it past round seven. I find it quite difficult and it's getting annoying not fun. I think I'll just have to deal with not having Bowdaar. I don't have the kind of time it takes to go ten rounds all at once, at least if there was a way to save progress (if there is, I haven't found it) and come back to it again when I want to play it, that would make it a touch better.


I'm looking at the Quest log in game right now and it says you only have to get your influence with Bowdaar to rank 10. I've got him to 4 just turning in the first 3-4 rounds, so I think you can just repeat some of the lower rounds to build up his influence and still get him. It's just the more rounds you can do at once the quicker you can raise his influence is all.

Edited by LordGwaereon
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what an absolute perfect time for




memes aside though, for vast majority of the players - eternal championship is not only challenging, but not even soloable in its entirety.


even better then average players have found that they needed maxed out affection companions in addition to gear that is far above what the championship actualy drops - to be able to crush it without deaths and quickly enough to get timed run achievement.


rewards ARE pretty crappy for the amount of time and effort it takes to do this weekly.


but as others have said and this is completely unintuitive becasue it doesn't say anything about it anywhere in quest text. I had the same issue as Luna, as I didn't realize that I won't see any influence until I picked "I've had enough fighting for the day" option at the terminal inside instance and then turned in what I've done so far - outside the instance. but thankfully - you can pick up that solo mission indefinitely and grind influence for bowdaar to 10 by doing however many fights you can actualy finish - picking up and turning in the solo quest each time.

Edited by Jeweledleah
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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I did it in pvp gear with a level 1 companion died once to the insta kill thing, I didnt know would happen.. So much build up for it being this big bad hard as nails fight to the top. Sadly none of the fights even had any kind of difficulty to them.


Good job with making challenging content....oh wait its not.

Also the rewards are pretty trash as well.

Did it once and that was more then enough of this snooze fest.


The new warzone is bad everyone hates it.

Rishi arena had so many bugs I don't see how it launched.

Eternal Championship is a joke not even good rewards.

No class balance.(sorc healing in pvp plz)


I am really on the fence about subbing again after my time runs out.

Maybe one day Bio will listen to what the players want and by the way its not more cartel packs.


sorry but your going to find others that disagree such as:



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Technically: No, even if you find yourself unable to complete all the matches in the Eternal Championship, you still can recruit Bowdaar. Just turn the quest in at the stage at which you are and start over. If you fight your way up to the stage at which you are, round 1-6, three runs should suffice to gain enough influence.


On top of that: While I am not 100% sure, you don't think you have to do it alone. There is a group variation and I think it still works for getting influence.


The point of the solo challenge is that you get loads of achievements for them. In other words: The only point to it is to prove that you can do it, nothing else. I for myself am working on Legendary Champion having completed it with an Infiltration Shadow (Consular), a Marksmanship Sniper (Agent), Darkness Assassin (Inquisitor) and Combat Sentinel (Knight). On the last run, with the sentinel, I actually died on the second boss, because I did not take him seriously... I was trying to ignore the adds and the poison grenades and acted like I was hitting a training dummy, thought that might be enough for this jerk. Well, turned out it wasn't. :D


Apart from that: Obviously it depends on your skill how easy or hard it is. But it also depends on equipment and your particular class. If you really want to do it, you can. It may require training, upgrades and a good stock of consumable equipment (medpacks, stims, adrenals, stun grenades) but you can do it. You do use both Unity and your Heroic Moment, right?


Well, most of my gear on my SI-Sorc Madness spec is 220 purple, except for belt and bracers, and the implants and ear piece which are 216 purple. Everything is augmented with 208's. I usually use the adrenals and lifepacks my hubby makes for me, which are purple and quite good. I usually roflstomp my way through most things no problem. I thought I was skilled. *snirk* :p Also for the Sorc, my Niko is at 48. So I thought I'm fairly well off equipment and comp wise. And yep, I used unity, my heroic, my interrupts and the kiosks that up your health in the arena. I pulled out all the stops and I still sucked...so I suppose it's me lol.


I appreciate the advice, and I'll be doing just that then, I'll try and turn in the quest with my up to round six then and try to build it up that way. I was under the impression that it would just start you over back to one, if you didn't succeed going all the way to ten. It did set me back to one, but I suppose it's because I didn't hand it in. I haven't tried to group...gonna wait and see if I can convince the hubby to give it a go with me. He sees how frustrated I'm getting with round 7 and doesn't even want to bother with it.


Sadly I'm both compulsive and persistent so I'll likely keep bashing my head against the wall until either it cracks or the wall does. Though knowing I can get Bowdaar by doing a bit at a time is good. I didn't want to miss out on getting him for my alliance.


Thanks for advice. :)

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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.



No. You were told very specifically in no uncertain terms that it would be really hard for 190 geared players with no raiding experience, but fairly easy for 224 raiders.

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Well, Madness Sorcerer is ranged. I don't have a Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage (not counting a level 12 one on an off server), but from my experience with a marksmanship sniper I am inclined to say that doing it with ranged characters hurts. With all your channelled and charged abilities it's difficult to do damage while being constantly on the move. If you have a Marauder/Sentinel, try it with those.


Afaik, madness sorcerers / balance sages are really good at damage over time and area effects... you need to build up to deal serious damage on hard enemies. That kinda makes it annoying that you have to switch targets or they suddenly become immune. So, I wouldn't be surprised if it was difficult.


What surprises me a little is that you have problems with fight seven... I don't even remember it. I always found it a lot easier than fight 6, especially if you're ranged and short on hard stuns. (A marksmanship sniper does not have any hard stuns, I had to use consumable grenades.)


It's difficult to say for me how hard it is with the different classes. Obviously it seemed easiest on the very first attempt, but that's because that was my main character, the character with the best equipment I have and the highest companion influence. On the other hand one learns something on every attempt and gets better on the mechanics. If I try to calculate those effects out I am still inclined to say that combat sentinel was easiest. Really massive burst damage in the short windows you have is good. Force Jump, which is also an interrupt, is invaluable, particularly in the final fight. On top of that you have yet another motion ability... I don't know the name, but that spinning thing can really get you out of trouble in a way that a Consular's phase walk can't.


I seriously wonder if it's doable by any means at all with a healer, I haven't tried, but I do have my doubts. It was really painful with a tank. If you use a damage companion you don't get any heals at all, if you use a healing companion, it's difficult to get enough damage in before the fight moves into the next stage and gets even harder.


I don't have achievement for a timed run or a run without dying yet; in part because I never tried it with a character who had already completed a run. My best runs where the first, 3 deaths, never twice on the same boss, unsurprisingly with my best equipped character and highest level companion, and the last, 4 deaths with a combat sentinel, one of which was utterly needless.


With the Marksmanship Sniper I spend like 150k on repair bills (I don't count the deaths at this stage) and with the Darkness Assassin it was more like 250k. If there was an achievement for the longest run my assassin would probably have earned it, I actually first reverse engineered and then crafted rating 208 purple med-units (the ones that heal both you and your companion) standing in the arena.

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I seriously wonder if it's doable by any means at all with a healer, I haven't tried, but I do have my doubts. It was really painful with a tank. If you use a damage companion you don't get any heals at all, if you use a healing companion, it's difficult to get enough damage in before the fight moves into the next stage and gets even harder.


If you want to see it done, Dulfy's video guides are done from the perspective of a sorc healer using an akk dog.

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sorry but your going to find others that disagree such as:




Its not hard though. in 208/216 gear you can get through just about every fight relatively easily (save maybe Nocturna and the Melee circle kite guy) except for Zoltan or whatever the Arena Champions name is, and I was using a focus guardian with a heals HK-55 that has a rep rank of like 2.


Honestly the hardest part of the eternal championship is the delay of .5 seconds on every reticle ability that you have to move around on and AI slows that snare you in exploding robots. One of the hardest things in SWTOR is the fact that in solo anything your companion won't heal you if you aren't in range.

Edited by wrmrstacrdwower
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If you want to see it done, Dulfy's video guides are done from the perspective of a sorc healer using an akk dog.


Part of the fun for me is trying to figure it out myself, which is why I usually avoid guides on solo content. In group content it's a different matter, because it's not just about me, it's about the entire team. But I might have a look at it...


I have yet to decide with which smuggler I do it. One smuggler has merely played through the class story, a sawbones scoundrel, so I would have to do Ilum, Makeb, Shadow of Revan (incl. precquels), Ziost and Knights of the Fallen Empire to do it right. (I usually skip Oricon, since I don't do operations it's pointless.) That one would be a healer.


Or I do it with my token-created smuggler. But that one is a gunslinger, virtually identical with my sniper in skills. And that would a) be painful, b) boring, because I've already done it.


So there is a fair chance that I might do it with a healer, after all.

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If you want to see it done, Dulfy's video guides are done from the perspective of a sorc healer using an akk dog.


I watched that, she had it on tank mode, which is what I did with my Niko...put him on tank mode and healed the crap out of him while trying to keep the two monsters apart, that's how I managed with round 6, but it wasn't easy. Seven...urgh. Those two...yikes, even if I lead the one into the circles to get stunned, it's still a pain.


It's probably a bit me, and a bit the mechanics, I'm just going to have to keep bashing at it, until I lose my mind and give up or succeed.

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I find the eternal championship to be challenging, or maybe i just bad. You should tell that to the people on the fourms asking to nerf the bosses. I do not think it was at all easy or a joke


People are asking to nerf the bosses?


learning 2 mechanics (sometimes 3!!!) is hard now?

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Well, Madness Sorcerer is ranged. I don't have a Madness Sorcerer / Balance Sage (not counting a level 12 one on an off server), but from my experience with a marksmanship sniper I am inclined to say that doing it with ranged characters hurts. With all your channelled and charged abilities it's difficult to do damage while being constantly on the move. If you have a Marauder/Sentinel, try it with those.



Yeah, in the one fight in particular you have to get in melee range of them, and that's when it really starts to hurt. For the most part I was using my comp with heals, except for round 6, where I was using him as a tank and then letting him pick away at the monsters as I heal him and keep the monsters apart. Seven was with Nocturno and Drake I think their names were. Even in getting the one into the circles to get stunned, it's still hard, especially when the ads come out and get on the comp, that's what really screws me up on that fight, I can't stay ahead of it all. If there were less, or no adds, I might be able to cope, but as it is, it's a struggle.


I might give it another go with my sentinel...I gave up with her because round six was bad with her...that's why I went on my Sorc, see if I have better luck with her.


Thanks again for the advice, I'll keep at it. :)

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Yeah, in the one fight in particular you have to get in melee range of them, and that's when it really starts to hurt. For the most part I was using my comp with heals, except for round 6, where I was using him as a tank and then letting him pick away at the monsters as I heal him and keep the monsters apart. Seven was with Nocturno and Drake I think their names were. Even in getting the one into the circles to get stunned, it's still hard, especially when the ads come out and get on the comp, that's what really screws me up on that fight, I can't stay ahead of it all. If there were less, or no adds, I might be able to cope, but as it is, it's a struggle.


I might give it another go with my sentinel...I gave up with her because round six was bad with her...that's why I went on my Sorc, see if I have better luck with her.


Thanks again for the advice, I'll keep at it. :)


You can interrupt Drakes ability to summon those droids - don't know the name, but it has a Greenish icon when he's channeling. The stun circles are blue, and his jump is red. If you don't manage to interrupt, focus fire on the strong mob - if he dies, the rest die with him.

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No. You were told very specifically in no uncertain terms that it would be really hard for 190 geared players with no raiding experience, but fairly easy for 224 raiders.


still send shivers down my spine when i hear the phrase 224 raiders. Good old days when nightmare tier raiding gear was not given out like candy for completing the easiest hard-modes... a time when u could tell if a player is actually decent just by looking at his/her gear...

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I mean wasn't it supposed to be this arena with super hard fights that would even push the best players in the best gear to the limit.


I'm pretty sure it wasn't, it was made for teaching mechanics to newer players. Regardless if you want a challenge out of it try to see how fast a speedrun you can do, for that use dps companion as much as possible.

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Technically: No, even if you find yourself unable to complete all the matches in the Eternal Championship, you still can recruit Bowdaar. Just turn the quest in at the stage at which you are and start over. If you fight your way up to the stage at which you are, round 1-6, three runs should suffice to gain enough influence.


To back this up, after I got as far as I could on my first attempt (gave up on round 7 after countless deaths and a small fortune in repairs) Bowdaar was sitting at rank 6 and then after I gave it another try and managed to finish all 10 rounds Bowdaar was rank 13. If there had been some sort of hidden tracking system only allocating influence points once per each unique round completed it would have ended evenly on rank 10.


(This was done with an annihilation marauder in a 208/216 mix (plus some 156 augments) with a rank 28 Nico healing.)

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I didn't realize it was that hard for most people. Ended up getting Deathless Champion the day it came out, and again on my BH. The last boss can be a huge pain with the amount of stuns and pushes the guy can give, though. Definitely haven't gotten Sprinting Champion yet, but one day.
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I didn't realize it was that hard for most people. Ended up getting Deathless Champion the day it came out, and again on my BH. The last boss can be a huge pain with the amount of stuns and pushes the guy can give, though. Definitely haven't gotten Sprinting Champion yet, but one day.


But he's actually the easiest boss once he comes down from that retarded walker he's using. He's a cheap gold mob, not considered a boss by the game so it doesn't have any immunity. Spam all your interrupts, stuns and nuclear bombs and he goes down pretty quickly.

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