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Am I missing something?


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As the title states, am I seriously missing something? How hard is it for people who do wzs to not remember BASIC PvP 101: Enemy healer=everyone attempting to burn it asap. I just did a 20 wz run and I found that roughly 76-87% of the time, people would not focus the healers even when they are marked and at least one person has mentioned go for the healer. The biggest example of this I personally got was in the wz number 20 where the team combos were as follows: Pubs:Myself as a vigilance guardian, a gunnery commando, a dirty fighting gunslinger, and a infiltration shadow, Imps: Carnage Mara, Arsenal Merc, Healer sorc, and marksman sniper. Out of my team, only me and the shadow were actively attacking the healer. So, seriously can someone explain what im missing as to understand why people cant remember one of the most simplistic and basic of pvp rules?
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Welcome to pvp (and most specifically, welcome to pvp 4.0 on mostly pve servers).


That is to say, you can expect more than one sorc healer in the same WZ, and not a lot of people focusing on said healer, because reasons.


There's nothing to miss, though, people just don't know how to play. You'll get people on these forums that will complain about premades, when in fact, no premade is evident, but they complain as such, because the enemy team has such good team synergy.


You'll also see a lot of people complaining about cheating or exploiters, and aside from the new recent addition of the WZs, 99% of these threads are people complaining about aspects of classes they don't understand.

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Even worse are all the fools marking non healers.


Let's mark snipers and Maras for no stupid reason.. I sort of understand marking tanks, but I don't agree with it..


I spend half my matches unmarking non healers and remarking healers after some fool has unmarked a healer to mark a Jugg.


But the absolute mental train wreck is when they argue about it and tell you L2P because you have asked them to only Mark healers.. Then troll you all match putting marks on your head.. That's when it's time to leave a match.. Then you get pm trolled because you leave.. That's when it's time to log out and come back later.. When the brain trust has gone to bed so they get enough sleep for kindergarten the next day.

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This discussion seems to be related : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=880895


I guess they mark Gunslingers and Commandos first, because they are believed to be the far weakest classes right now - and, according to that, to go down fastest.


On the other hand, everybody knows the H2F meme regarding Sorc Healers right now - so why touch this "untouchable" class in the first place ? When everything goes down so much easier, according to the "common knowledge" ? - Easy Wins - that is it.


The only "problem" there is that you can't tell a Sorc Healer from another Sorc Discipline by the first look ... You can only tell one from the other 2 Disciplines by seeing the Sorc in action.

1 Discipline to be The Untouchable (Sorc Healer) vs. 2 which are much better to get down.


But ... instead of trying to sort out which Sorc is which : Mow down those classes "common knowledge" "knows" go down fastest and easiest in the first place ? That's the way people seem to think. Laziness, to some degree.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Yup. PvP 101.


But as others have mentioned, you're just doing fluff damage by focusing on 1 healer- coz the other 3 or 4 or 5 are all keeping one another alive. If a couple of them are any good, they've bubbled or medpacked everyone, and can cleanse the debuffs and force pull people to safety. - some of them have phase walk as well.


- And too few people are playing DPS classes, which doesn't help. A lone gunman is rarely going to get the better of two cross-healers with guards on them.


If you're cynical, you might as well determine the result thus: Most healers wins.


You've basically got 4 options:

1) try to beat them,

2) join them,

3) quit,


4) don't take it too seriously. :)

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I've been in an Alderaan WZ with several Sorcs - hardly ever died anyone, and not at all those Sorcs.

I even got a wisper from another player meanwhile unsuccessfully trying to put pressure on these Sorcs with my Commando : "What are you doing, anyway ?"

I felt so much useless there.

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You should never burn their healer. Instead you go in the biggest crowd and start dot spreading. Make as much fluff dmg as you can but make sure noone is dying. Killing anyone decreases the damage you do and killing their healer is a big no, no.
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In 4v4s tunneling a healer will often lead to a loss, because if the sorc is any good he will heal to full 16 thousand times, phasewalk, and bubble.

By the time this happens their dps would have killed all of yours.


We often tunnel the dps with the weakest defenses to remove some of the pressure., in your case it would be the merc, then sniper.


Your Shadow should have CC'd the Sorc and burned down their dps.

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