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The Emperor: who is he really?


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This might sound silly, but I would like Vitiate to be servant of Rakata whose plan is to create their Eternal Empire again. Valkorion is just a man Vitiate used to create more conflict so he could absorb more deaths. Vitiate promised him power so the prophecy (those books you can find on Zakuul) can be fulfilled. However, Valkorion had no idea he is about to make a deal with the Devil, thus destroying his familly, his Empire and himself in the process. :rak_03:


I am not sure would this all fit the timeline. I simply had strong feeling Gravestone was Rakatan made, so I came up with this.:rak_02:


Edit: Whatever it is, I would prefer Valkorion to be just a servant rather than the real Emperor. It is just too much of a change. Yes, I know some people like to think "people change". I do not believe in that lie. You can change your opinion about food or something similar, but not about something so huge as "consuming all life in the galaxy". He went from a mass murder to a familly man who has his own vegan cooking show. :cool:

Edited by Daex
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I'd rather they reveal that Valkorian isn't Vitiate and is merely messing with the gullibility of others to make himself look better but is instead a powerful servant of Vitiate who has gone rogue.


Revan was to take the Star Forge and smash into the Republic and Jedi as a Vanguard to get the Reps militarized and the Jedi broken so they'd be ripe for a bloody war of attrition.


Valkorian would be given a Rakatan Droid foundry and would use it to create a sprawling metropolis that would isolate itself from the greater galaxy until Vitiates genocide could be completed. Then Valkorian would spread the Eternal Empire across the galaxy and give Vitiate a playground with playthings to enjoy his eternal life until the stars go out.


To accomplish this Vitiate would teach Valkorian how to body surf into others and live on and maintain the "Eternal Empire". Hence why Valk was so big on one son and only one, preferably one who is weakened by anger and insecurity to make control easier. With Vitiate on the run though now Valk has gone rogue and tried to supplant his master for control of the galaxy. He even decided to have a daughter and personally I hope she turns out to be an experiment of what happens when you pump Rakatan Dark Side energies into a baby born of force users to try and justify why she is supposedly powerful rather than the lazy "Because we say so" reason that is so common with poor writing.


And now Valk is trying to control the player while Vitiate is still mucking around.


At least I WISH this was the case. As it stands it will probably be Valk is Vitiate which only makes Valkorian even MORE evil as "Vitiate" just runs around orchestrating galaxy-wide wars, genocide, exterminating whole planets only to turn around and say "Yeah but I don't care that I murdered billions anymore since I got laid so get over it". That's supposed to make him look BETTER?

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If there is any surprise reveal, I think it could be fun if he turned out to be Tulak Hord. It was rumored that he had discovered the secret to eternal life, so why not have that secret turning out to be the Emperor's resurrection / possession routine?


I love this idea,


but didn't Tulak Horde's apprentice assassinate him?


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I love this idea,


but didn't Tulak Horde's apprentice assassinate him?



Supposedly yes, but if the Emperor were to turn out to be Tulak Hord that bit of backstory would be covered by the Emperor's ability to resurrect by possessing other people.


They could even have it turn out to be intentional, with Tulak Hord maybe getting a little old /weakened by his own dark side corruption, and deciding it was time to move on by allowing his traitorous apprentice to kill him. He then returns and offs the apprentice at some later date in whatever new form he had taken.


The only issue would be why he never returned for Khem Val, but then Sith also aren't always caring sorts. Maybe he just decided Khem Val was no longer needed and kept him in storage.


Whatever the Emperor's back story, I don't think Vitiate was his first life. The backstory on Vitiate has him suspiciously powerful and skilled with the force even as an untrained child.


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What if he's actually the evil deity of Voss, Sel-Makor ?


Yes, Sel-Makor, who... We know forcefully took over Vitiate's weakened body on Voss when we went to free him. Yeah, no. Sel-Makor and Vitiate are separate Entities.

Edited by Codedrago
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The twist I want to see is that the outlander is Vitiate. "You are a part of me I wish to keep".


I think that is probably where they going, but I'm kind of dreading it. As much as I like this game, far too often it tries to be a trip down KOTOR memory lane, rather than having it's own identity. Having the Outlander turn out to be Vitiate would just be a repeat of KOTOR's twist.

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The twist I want to see is that the outlander is Vitiate. "You are a part of me I wish to keep".


So much *** in this statement I don't even know where to begin. How in the seven Corellian Hell's could they justify that this random soldier, top guy in the academy, who just so happen to take over Havc squad, and then lead them to victory on top of victory over the Empire, only to take down the Dread Masters, the Hutt Cartel, the Revanites, and even defiantly spit in Valk's face when brought before him, is in fact Vitiate? That's just making ONE class work, ever other Republic class is just as bizzare.

Edited by DeltaBos
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The twist will be that Valkorian/Vitiate was just distracting everyone with the whole KOTFE Plot while setting up his galaxy devouring ritual again. During the final chapter you will finally defeat Vaylin (Arcann gets offed in the penultimate one because she's the bigger threat of the two) in an epic confrontation while your alliance wrecks the eternal fleet. Then Valkorion shows up, laughs at you and kills every living thing in the universe. And then the Servers shut down. 10/10 Like Skyrim, but with lightsabers.


Jokes aside I don't think there will be any huge plot-twist converning Valkorions origins.

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