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Well this stinks of desperation.....


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because if it was the most profitable game ever, then that means they should probably be putting more into the game. We could have operations, balanced pvp, new pvp maps, more qol changes in general, especially for roleplaying, a update to gsf, and still have kotfe on the side, but instead for a game with the most successful expansion ever in the history of swtor, its funnily enough the smallest. Instead we seem to have a skeleton crew running things with bugs from the launch of kotfe and new ones taking multiple major patches to be fixed.



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Lol, so why would you reply to his blocked message if you have him...blocked? IF you truly want to block or ignore someone then never respond to them, unless your that scared to read what he posted??


Not at all, bud. Honestly, just letting him/her know I'm not even reading his/her usual snark, so focus it on someone that cares.

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No idea what you typed, CrazyCT....got you blocked. I'm sure it's snarky and condescending as usual....
just the usual white knight denial garbage.


swtor is dead. bw is desperate now and its obvious

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just the usual white knight denial garbage.


swtor is dead. bw is desperate now and its obvious


Hmmm, seem to be tripping over a lot of "corpses" then.


Yeah, yeah, call me names because I don't agree with you. :rolleyes:


Maybe you ought to find something more to your taste and not waste your time snarking on the boards?

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How easy people forget....


Forget that this is the SECOND time that BW is using this marketing strategy which fits in the chapter style release that is currently being used.


It's not a new sudden sign of desperation, it's a repetition of a simple marketing technique. And remember, when KotFE started we all (as subs) got a free level 60 token. So they use it to give people a direct taste of their new product. Amazing what people then read into this.


People just love end of the world stuff and facts won't get in the way of that.

Edited by Tsillah
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If you've got me blocked, how did you know I typed anything? :confused:


When you block someone you still see that there is a post but the content is not visible.


This person doesn't like facts. The facts are that this marketing strategy was already used last year and it is indeed only chapter one, so new people can be enticed to sub.


Clearly he has other issues and needed something to blame it on.

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When you block someone you still see that there is a post but the content is not visible.


This person doesn't like facts. The facts are that this marketing strategy was already used last year and it is indeed only chapter one, so new people can be enticed to sub.


Clearly he has other issues and needed something to blame it on.


Attack me all you want. But every other game out there doesn't just give away a lvl 60 character boost out FOR FREE.


You PAY for it. Either with an expansion purchase, or a straight cash purchase. Not free.


If you don't see the fact they are handing out a lvl 60 character to ANYONE that bothers to download and load into the game as desperation, then it is YOU that has issues...

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White Knights to the rescue as usual I see.


Wonder when they will finally take off those rose tinted glasses and see what they've actually been looking at is a pile of horse crap. :rolleyes:


Subjective. I enjoy the game. If I didn't, I surely would not be hanging around on the game forums (yes, yes, I know, you have sub time left and are going to get every last wee bit out of it) whinging. I'd be off playing something I enjoyed.


*cleans glasses and goes back to having fun*

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Yet here you are ...


Well, of course. He has to make sure everyone else is as miserable about the game as he is.


I think I'll try Imperial Makeb tomorrow or Saturday. Haven't really gotten too far into the Imperial story except for the Imperial Agent Ch 1-3.

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Subjective. I enjoy the game. If I didn't, I surely would not be hanging around on the game forums (yes, yes, I know, you have sub time left and are going to get every last wee bit out of it) whinging. I'd be off playing something I enjoyed.


*cleans glasses and goes back to having fun*


I usually avoid the forums and simply play the game, but like a trainwreck I sometimes just can't help but stop by and watch.


If I find this game unsatisfactory I will... leave. Let my subscription lapse and go find something else to do. Maybe try the Star Trek Online MMO and see how that is. Otherwise, I have some old and new games I find fun and currently this is one of them.

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I usually avoid the forums and simply play the game, but like a trainwreck I sometimes just can't help but stop by and watch.


If I find this game unsatisfactory I will... leave. Let my subscription lapse and go find something else to do. Maybe try the Star Trek Online MMO and see how that is. Otherwise, I have some old and new games I find fun and currently this is one of them.


To be fair, you seem to still have a lot to do and experience right now, and I'd feel differently about the game if this was still the case for myself.(I have been through all of the stories multiple times)


As for STO, I started playing a week ago and I really enjoy it while I'm leveling up a char of each faction, but the most motivating aspect for me was getting a new ship every 10 lvls. Now that I'm in the 50's with my main, I hit a wall though leaving the choice of investing a lot more time into the game tha I'm comfortable with or paying 20$ or more for just one ship on one char.

Edited by Knorlac
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Attack me all you want. But every other game out there doesn't just give away a lvl 60 character boost out FOR FREE.


You PAY for it. Either with an expansion purchase, or a straight cash purchase. Not free.


If you don't see the fact they are handing out a lvl 60 character to ANYONE that bothers to download and load into the game as desperation, then it is YOU that has issues...


I see it as them making sure that new players have the means to actually try out chapter 1 for free. What is the point of a promotion to get people to try level 60 content if you don't give them the means to do so?


Is that not the logical conclusion for including it?

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Attack me all you want. But every other game out there doesn't just give away a lvl 60 character boost out FOR FREE.


You PAY for it. Either with an expansion purchase, or a straight cash purchase. Not free.


If you don't see the fact they are handing out a lvl 60 character to ANYONE that bothers to download and load into the game as desperation, then it is YOU that has issues...


And how many other MMOs bring out monthly episodes of story like sWTOR?


The thing is that it may be true that no other game is handing out specifically level 60 tokens, but that means nothing by itself. You see, you need context. Look at how easy you can level to 60 in this game nowadays and you'll see the real value of that level 60 token. We have a double xp coming up again because of May the 4th. Seriously, the amount of value you seem to put into that one token is completely ridiculous.


There is nothing strange about wanting people to access the newest product right away and for that the level 60 token is the best vehicle. You just don't want to get that.


Also you seem to completely bypass the fact that this promotion is not new, but already happened last year.


So really, you're reaction is a total exaggeration and not factual and the facts that you do present are taken completely out of context. You wanna be angry, that's fine, but really you just made it all up.


And by the way, I am not saying that I know the state of the game myself. I am just saying that you don't either and what you present to substantiate that is actually without any substance at all.

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White Knights to the rescue as usual I see.


Wonder when they will finally take off those rose tinted glasses and see what they've actually been looking at is a pile of horse crap. :rolleyes:


Said the person with a sub.


And please learn the difference between a white knight and somebody who wants actual evidence for claims people make. If the game was in dire need and falling apart, then what this guy brought to the table certainly doesn't prove that in any shape or form.

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White Knights to the rescue as usual I see.


Wonder when they will finally take off those rose tinted glasses and see what they've actually been looking at is a pile of horse crap. :rolleyes:


Why? I currently enjoy the game, I will try to take it as it is and if someone is being completely unfair like the OP I will chime in. Now I know that the game is not perfect even for players like me who still enjoy it but to be insulted for backing a game I care about and enjoy is just stupid.


And how many other MMOs bring out monthly episodes of story like sWTOR?


The thing is that it may be true that no other game is handing out specifically level 60 tokens, but that means nothing by itself. You see, you need context. Look at how easy you can level to 60 in this game nowadays and you'll see the real value of that level 60 token. We have a double xp coming up again because of May the 4th. Seriously, the amount of value you seem to put into that one token is completely ridiculous.


There is nothing strange about wanting people to access the newest product right away and for that the level 60 token is the best vehicle. You just don't want to get that.


Also you seem to completely bypass the fact that this promotion is not new, but already happened last year.


So really, you're reaction is a total exaggeration and not factual and the facts that you do present are taken completely out of context. You wanna be angry, that's fine, but really you just made it all up.


And by the way, I am not saying that I know the state of the game myself. I am just saying that you don't either and what you present to substantiate that is actually without any substance at all.


Yeah it's marketing 101, May 4th is a 'big day' star wars wise so they throw the kitchen sink at it, when the opportunity comes along you have to milk it for all its worth and in fact I have said before that Bioware got it wrong and not trying to capitalise more on the release of TFA.


So yeah it's a free 60 and chapter 1, for what's that's worth it's no skin off my nose. For marketing purposes you have to push the latest content to new players not the 1-50 game that has been out for years and the only way you can do that is with level 60's.

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Doesn't come across as desperate to me. Just a reworking of a previous promotion.

Desperate would be "come play now and we will give you all the best gear in game, free mounts and a few million credits"

A limited to chapter one trial is just bog standard introduction to an expansion

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I was at the supermarket last week, and Corn Flakes were on sale buy one get one free. It totally reeks of desperation! Kellogg's is obviously going to go out of business any day now.


Thanks for the heads-up, I'll look around for a new fav brand right away. :cool:

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