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Why is Quinn middle aged, while the other LI are still young?


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SithKoriandr;8913621]Well of course, head canon is whatever one wants, my thought is just on the game storyline of it all. One doesn't tend to join the military late in life (21 being the average age in RL).


Going to have to disagree with you here. My father didn't join the service until he was 29 and my best friend's boyfriend didn't join the Air Force until he was 25/26 after finishing college.

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Well of course, head canon is whatever one wants, my thought is just on the game storyline of it all. One doesn't tend to join the military late in life (21 being the average age in RL).


But you did make me think. People complain about Nadia's naivety, yet here's our character almost as naive :p


I'm planning to go back in (I'm prior service though) and I'll be 38/39 by the time I get MEPs, Schooling, and stuff like that out of the way. I was 18 when I joined the Navy, did bootcamp, etc. And I'll be 38/39 when I go into the Air Force to finish up my retirement.


The oldest I personally ever saw someone, in bootcamp as a new recruit, was a 34 yo male in my brother division.


So, even though a good majority are 17-19 to join the military, there are a few who join in late 20s and even early 30s. This is FIRST timers though, not people like me who are close to 40 and went 'why the hell did I ever get out??'

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Yes, Quinn is one hot *** piece of tail in pixel form. So are alot of the MALE romance companions to ME. I find the other male LIs quite hot to trot too.


And having him use the voice he does for Quinn? Holy hot damn, it makes me make nothing but female sith warriors just to tease, flirt, and finally get with Quinn. I don't know if Quinn's VA sounds like that normally, or if he made his voice like that, but omgwtfbbq, I always love hearing and watching Quinn. Even if he read the dictionary I'd probably drool on myself.


Finally played a SW through with the flirt options this time and Ooo-la-la. Talk about still waters running deep. As for age, I always pictured Quinn as being 32 to 35 anyway when my SW first meets him. His whole demeanor just seemed older. And his voice, soft, calm, creamy, barely above a whisper. Bedroom voice. I am actually looking forward to the reunion with this one.


Andronikos I also pictured as older, mid 30's when my SI first encounters him. He is just too worldly to be a younger man. Jorgan is another I thought was in his early to mid 30's in the vanilla story. So, I think many or most of the original love interests can be seen as being more mature men. Torian and Corso are the only exceptions I can think of that exude youth.


Vector is simply in a class by himself.

Edited by MishaCantu
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Going to have to disagree with you here. My father didn't join the service until he was 29 and my best friend's boyfriend didn't join the Air Force until he was 25/26 after finishing college.


I said tends to (meaning there are exceptions) and 21 is the average age of enlistment, but that doesn't mean they don't run the gauntlet of ages between 18-35. :p However, with 21 being the average age, it would tend towards the lower age bracket of joining the military.

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I'm planning to go back in (I'm prior service though) and I'll be 38/39 by the time I get MEPs, Schooling, and stuff like that out of the way. I was 18 when I joined the Navy, did bootcamp, etc. And I'll be 38/39 when I go into the Air Force to finish up my retirement.


The oldest I personally ever saw someone, in bootcamp as a new recruit, was a 34 yo male in my brother division.


So, even though a good majority are 17-19 to join the military, there are a few who join in late 20s and even early 30s. This is FIRST timers though, not people like me who are close to 40 and went 'why the hell did I ever get out??'


When I was in boot camp, everyone was 25 and under, with the exception of 2 recruits who were over 30, and most of the 25 and younger were closer to 20-22 range. My guess on that was always, when you're 18 part of you hopes you can do something else other than the military :p

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When I was in boot camp, everyone was 25 and under, with the exception of 2 recruits who were over 30, and most of the 25 and younger were closer to 20-22 range. My guess on that was always, when you're 18 part of you hopes you can do something else other than the military :p


My husband joined the Navy when he was 27. 6 months DEP... he went to RTC at 28, on his birthday. 2 months there, then to Pensacola for another year or so (a-school for aviation electrician)... then he got his first set of orders at 29. The moment we got to Whidbey Island, WA... he was notified that his command was deployed in Bahrain. That was a shocker lol


You can advance pretty quickly if you put your mind to it, too. Previous schooling also helps... he went in as an E3. Got early promotion from A-school for graduating top of his glass, E4 by Whidbey. Then went up for his 2nd class, and made it first try. Was impressed with him, that's for sure. We've been at Whidbey for nearly 3 years now, he'll be going up for first class soon.


Anyway... I find all the military guys sexy in this. Doesn't matter their ages :p Aric and Quinn make me weak in the knees. I prefer my guys a bit older, too. My husband is 3.5 years older then me (he'll be 32, I'm turning 28). And I have a lot of age differences in my family. Uncles are all older then their wives (from 2 years to 25 years), except for my dad... who's two years younger then my mom.

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My husband joined the Navy when he was 27. 6 months DEP... he went to RTC at 28, on his birthday. 2 months there, then to Pensacola for another year or so (a-school for aviation electrician)... then he got his first set of orders at 29. The moment we got to Whidbey Island, WA... he was notified that his command was deployed in Bahrain. That was a shocker lol


You can advance pretty quickly if you put your mind to it, too. Previous schooling also helps... he went in as an E3. Got early promotion from A-school for graduating top of his glass, E4 by Whidbey. Then went up for his 2nd class, and made it first try. Was impressed with him, that's for sure. We've been at Whidbey for nearly 3 years now, he'll be going up for first class soon.


Anyway... I find all the military guys sexy in this. Doesn't matter their ages :p Aric and Quinn make me weak in the knees. I prefer my guys a bit older, too. My husband is 3.5 years older then me (he'll be 32, I'm turning 28). And I have a lot of age differences in my family. Uncles are all older then their wives (from 2 years to 25 years), except for my dad... who's two years younger then my mom.


I went to Meridian, MS for my A school. It wasn't bad and was tucked away, but my god the Mississippi heat. ICK.


Husband was an AT (aviation eletronics technician) and was first at TN until they moved most to Pensicola, FL (Me and him joined back in 1996), then hubby cross-rated (changed jobs) to IT, no schooling.


But yes, I find men in uniform sexy too. (Cept I'm not too impressed with Pierce and my own husband is a big guy like Pierce). I find Quinn's nerdiness with military stuff sexy and Jorgan's IT'S MY OP DAMNIT!!!! in chapter 12 kind of hot too. lol


I dunno, everyone so far turns my crank but for different reasons. Age doesn't bother me, accents, their morals, but I see them as meant for my character. Like Quinn might not fit as an LI for ALL female sith warriors, but he fits 100% perfectly with mine. While he's straight laced and almost by the book (he's not as bad as Dorne, egads) he's perfect for my Light Side 5, goofy as hell, tosses SW's version of popcorn at her holoscreen along with Vette and Light Jaesa, her BFFs. I can see Quinn married to MY sith war and face palming a lot at her antics. lol


Speaking of Vette and BFFs, I hope and pray that Bioware pays attention, and they have a bored employee who sometimes read's fem!sithwarrior/Quinn stories (G or NC-17) and understands that a lot of us gal players, who play gal sith wars, see Vette as one of our good friends. I definitely see Vette running and glomping us with Anime animations coming off her and from her eyes. lol

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I dunno, everyone so far turns my crank but for different reasons. Age doesn't bother me, accents, their morals, but I see them as meant for my character. Like Quinn might not fit as an LI for ALL female sith warriors, but he fits 100% perfectly with mine. While he's straight laced and almost by the book (he's not as bad as Dorne, egads) he's perfect for my Light Side 5, goofy as hell, tosses SW's version of popcorn at her holoscreen along with Vette and Light Jaesa, her BFFs. I can see Quinn married to MY sith war and face palming a lot at her antics. lol


I think this- its impossible to say who is the best LI for a character because everyone plays their character a little differently. Some people might not like an age difference, others might not care, and some might love one LI while another hates that LI. It's very difficult to compare which one is better than another because in the end it all comes down to individual tastes.

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I went to Meridian, MS for my A school. It wasn't bad and was tucked away, but my god the Mississippi heat. ICK.


Yeah, I wasn't too impressed with Pierce either. Like Quinn for very much the same reason you do. I also like Carth Onasi, and they both have 10 years on me. So age definitely isn't an issue. I'd also jump Kaidan Alenko, too. I REALLY like Theron as well, but he fits more in line with Garrus... where I'm not quite sure why I love him. Just do :p One of my uncles is 25 years older then his wife, and no one in my family even bat an eyelash.


I think the only relationship in this game that squicks me out is Nadia, but it's more of her attitude towards life. Maturity has always been sexy. Where as I can handle Torian just because he feels older then he is... but would find him A LOT more attractive if he were older then me. I always imagined my bounty hunter a bit older just because of the voice actor. I remember my high school years pretty well. No girl my age back then had such a husky voice! Then again... my graduating class had 8 people in it. And the entire school had like... 60 :p not a big pool of voices.


You kinda took everything in my head, and said it verbatim lol Vette is my f!sw's bff, too. But I did roll a dude just for her. I wasn't disappointed.


Also... did you do weather? Then again... my parents (and uncle/aunt) were both AG, and their A-school wasn't in Meridian back in the 90s. But my cousin, who is an AG now... her a-school was. She's back in Diamondhead right now, going to Norfolk.


I lived in Pensacola with him during his A-school. NEVER AGAIN. I lived in Texas all my life. But that humidity... yuck. Reminded me of San Antonio... and if you're joining the USAF, might be going there someday! Humidity sucks :p

Edited by GabbyMe
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But yes, I find men in uniform sexy too. (Cept I'm not too impressed with Pierce and my own husband is a big guy like Pierce). I find Quinn's nerdiness with military stuff sexy and Jorgan's IT'S MY OP DAMNIT!!!! in chapter 12 kind of hot too. lol l

Guys in uniforms ARE sexy!...except Pierce lol

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Guys in uniforms ARE sexy!...except Pierce lol

I find Pierce to be quite boring. Sure, he's smart in his own way, stubborn, know what he wants but...well, I'm not into hunky guys and this one is all about killing Reps and his hunky body :p


He is a reliable asset for my SW but I see nothing sexy in him - so neaither does my lady juggernaut :p

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I was just reading my copy of the old republic encyclopedia and it notes that Malavai Quinn is 37 years old. :eek: Utterly flabbergasted. He looks so young and yet he's so old compared to my young warrior in her early twenties. I thought Talos drellik had a decade or two on him, but surprisingly weathered Talos is only 27. :eek:

Some points have already been raised, but ages in-game actually make a lot of sense. At the moment of his first appearance Quinn is an officer (and not a junior one). He had his career slowed with the conflict with Moff, he had experience, he had time to attract Baras's attention and become one of his agents... I cannot imagine him being in his 20s.

Talos's weathered look makes perfect sense too. Unlike Quinn, Talos is an archeologist, and if Golah's team is any indication of usual IRS work, than he constantly changes climate, constantly goes into harsh environments, is constantly exposed to Force knows what on his work. I am really surprised that he is not covered with scars at the moment.

On the opposite end of the spectrum however, why is Torian only 18 years old? That's a boy, a child, not a man.

Not if we take into account his native culture. If I am not mistaken, Mandalorians come at age at 13, and I am quite sure that they begin training since they can hold a weapon in their hand. So yes, an eighteen-year-old Mandalorian may be an accomplished soldier and have dead enemies under his belt already.

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Not if we take into account his native culture. If I am not mistaken, Mandalorians come at age at 13, and I am quite sure that they begin training since they can hold a weapon in their hand. So yes, an eighteen-year-old Mandalorian may be an accomplished soldier and have dead enemies under his belt already.


I think this gets forgotten a lot in these type of stories. This isn't the setting of the real world. This is a fiction world where rules are different. With some species reaching adulthood faster than normal humans as well, and some of those species look exactly like or close to humans.


Torian is a Mando, he was probably wielding a blaster before he could walk :p

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I always imagined things like this:


Vette - 18

Ashara/Kira/Jaesa - 20

Torian - 20 or 21

Malavai Quinn/Vector - 27 or 30

Kaliyo - 29

Nadia - 25 to 30

Akaavi Spar - 30

Pierce - 30 to 33

Raina Temple/Felix Iresso - 27 to 30

Zenith - 35 to 40


But i might be wrong :D

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I think this gets forgotten a lot in these type of stories. This isn't the setting of the real world. This is a fiction world where rules are different. With some species reaching adulthood faster than normal humans as well, and some of those species look exactly like or close to humans.


Torian is a Mando, he was probably wielding a blaster before he could walk :p

Chiss for example. I think at 10-12 years old, they're physically and mentally equal to a 20 year old human. Just think, a Chiss IA could actually starting out as a pre-teen! lol

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