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Why is Quinn middle aged, while the other LI are still young?


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So, why does your Warrior (the age of Princess Leia in A New Hope) get with Quinn (the age of Han Solo in A New Hope) get with each other, with that big of an age difference? *Note: Leia was a bit younger than warrior and Han a bit younger than Quinn, but the same age difference is there*


I just don't know!




Why does your Hunter get with the few years younger Torian? Likely because of shared life experiences. Don't discount his age. He's lived through a lot as a Mando.


Why does Quinn look younger than Talos? Quinn is a soldier leader who works out in the gym a few hours a day. Talos is the guy who gets his excersize from exploring ancient tombs, being exposed to some ancient traps and new kinds of fungus.

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Honestly, I thought Quinn is 30+, but Talos surprised me. I am sure I read somewhere he is in his late 30s but seems it was inaccurate information.


I have to add how I feel about Torian. My Bounty Hunter's future became black the moment I saw him. I silently kept praying he is yet another npc to whom I will help and move on. His hair reminded me on that guy, Justin Bieber, and his voice and body type did not help much to my question: "Is that it?"

She seemed older than him. Her voice, alone, screamed "I am more mature than you".


Gap between age becomes wider depending on a life person leads. One age of a BH, adds ten more of experience Torian will never have. It could cancel itself out when he is in his late 30s. I can understand if someone would percieve him as nice and cute but, to be her husband, I cannot.


Maybe, it is more about how you play your character, so my character resulted in a creep who abused Torian's confusion and him being mesmerized by awesomeness of my 'Great Creeper of a 18-year-olds Hunt'. :confused:


I just never imagine Mando's lacking in life experience. Don't they grow up in war?

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So, why does your Warrior (the age of Princess Leia in A New Hope) get with Quinn (the age of Han Solo in A New Hope) get with each other, with that big of an age difference? *Note: Leia was a bit younger than warrior and Han a bit younger than Quinn, but the same age difference is there*


I just don't know!




Why does your Hunter get with the few years younger Torian? Likely because of shared life experiences. Don't discount his age. He's lived through a lot as a Mando.


Why does Quinn look younger than Talos? Quinn is a soldier leader who works out in the gym a few hours a day. Talos is the guy who gets his excersize from exploring ancient tombs, being exposed to some ancient traps and new kinds of fungus.


I guarantee you when they were writing this game, they weren't concerned with making sure the player felt age appropriate for their romance. They assumed the majority wouldn't take it that seriously...lol


Could be why players can't pick an "old" looking face and that none of the romances have an "old" face either. BW expects it's players to head canon a lot of it especially with romances.

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Male BH - 66. Female BH - 44.

Mako - 34. Torian - 40.


Male Agent - 39. Female Agent - 46.

Temple - 29. Kaliyo - 49. Vector - ~40


Male Knight - 47. Female Knight - 39.

Doc - 44. Kira - 35.


Male Consular - 47. Female Consular - 41ish

Iresso - ? (Doing Off-Broadway by 1993) Nadia - 40.


Male SI - 39. Female SI - 38.

Andronikos - 56. Ashara - 35.


Male Warrior - 46. Female Warrior - 47.

Jessa - 37. Quinn - ? (I'd guess 50s) Vette - 37.


Male Smuggler - 45. Female Smuggler - 63.

Akaavi - 48. Corso - 42. Risha - 43.


Male Trooper - 46. Female Trooper - 44.

Jorgan - 47. Dorne - 47.


Theron - 40. Lana - 36.


That was interesting, thanks. Being 39 myself I fit right in with this crew!

This. He is a bunch of good-looking pixels and Richard Teverson voiced him in such a yummy way... who cares how old he is?


I wish he was an easier actor to see in things. He needs to do more shows or somethin.

Edited by grania
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I just never imagine Mando's lacking in life experience. Don't they grow up in war?


Maybe. I grew up in a war and I think that situation makes the gap even wider. People who are ten years older than me experienced it in a different way.

You see, I had a feeling BH is in her late 20s and that she, herself, grew up in a similar environment. If not, I can see her falling for him. I think I dislike his character overall. He seemed...tiny :D and simply did not fit my BH. I hope KOTFE will make me like him more. I like my characters to stay with their original love interests. :)



Anyhow, I see this thread took a wrong turn at certain point...because the topic is about age.

You are NOT old if you are in your 30s or 40s, but some people might find you 'old' if they are in their early 20s. For example, I am 26 and I can understand how someone who is 18 find me 'old' (for them). They usually take it from their own point of view and imagine themselves at that age. I am sure they see themselves wiser and more experienced, so that is why would they think you are 'old' to date them. So, there, just wanted to say that.

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Anyhow, I see this thread took a wrong turn at certain point...because the topic is about age.

You are NOT old if you are in your 30s or 40s, but some people might find you 'old' if they are in their early 20s. For example, I am 26 and I can understand how someone who is 18 find me 'old' (for them). They usually take it from their own point of view and imagine themselves at that age. I am sure they see themselves wiser and more experienced, so that is why would they think you are 'old' to date them. So, there, just wanted to say that.

Hm...the way I was thinking...as a kid (10yo maybe) old was 30+. As a teen I've seen 30+ as mature, not old. Now that I'm 29 old starts with 55+ and is a barrier I wouldn't want to cross relationship-wise :p

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It's the opposite for me with Mako, my BH is well in his thirties even during Chapter 1 and then I found out Mako was like 17.


Well if you take into account how she never ever ever shuts up about Brayden, Mako seems to have a dirty thing for daddy figures. The Bounty Hunter is just the newest Brayden to her.

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With how all the classes intro the character, I can't imagine how anyone can say they're in their 30's. Even the BH (which does seem to have the oldest sounding voice) comes off as inexperienced and brand new to the job, except for Smuggler, which may just be more bragging than anything else.
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With how all the classes intro the character, I can't imagine how anyone can say they're in their 30's. Even the BH (which does seem to have the oldest sounding voice) comes off as inexperienced and brand new to the job, except for Smuggler, which may just be more bragging than anything else.

I imagine all my LIs as being in their mid-20's. None of them sound "young" to me.

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Oh it is. ;)


Financial security and stability has never been something I've looked at critically when it comes to men. If he happens to have it, great. If not then oh well, we'll get there together. And though I may 'crush' on older men like certain older actors and such and in the past teaching assistants and the likes rather than the brats I shared a classroom with, my fiance is only a little less than 3 years older than I am and we're completely in sync with each other on every level. :)


Same, my husband is two years and 3 months older than me, and we're on the same level with him being just slightly more mature than me. I see maturity as bills are paid, I have a job, now time to act like an 18 year old on my off days/non-bill paying days cause even though physically I'm almost 39, I prefer to be mentally 18 when I don't need to be 39.


As for my personal attraction to older men, they're not as immature or as I call it 'stupid' as younger guys are.


My sith warrior may be 18 years old when she meets Quinn on Balmorra (I was 34 during 2011 when I played these guys first time) and Quinn is 37 on Balmorra. I like older men and what I like/don't like bleeds into how I play my characters, so all my girls like older men too. Doesn't have to be 20 or 30 years older, but even 6 months older seems preferable to me than to be older than the man. It's a personal bias I have, men must always be older than a woman. Do I put MY preference on people? No, but in things I can control, game, my own life, etc, I make men older than me/my characters.


But back to game wise, Quinn being 19 years older than his wife, just seems right. He has all this military knowledge, you can't say he's not a nerd/geek when it comes to this. He's the serious side to my sith warrior's goofiness (in fact EVERY SINGLE one of my characters are goofy as hell, it's why they get along perfectly with whoever they're 'destined' to marry...or in Theron's case, date.)


Now, if Quinn was 19 years younger, I'd feel icky. It's NOT icky, but it'd FEEL like that to me.

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With how all the classes intro the character, I can't imagine how anyone can say they're in their 30's. Even the BH (which does seem to have the oldest sounding voice) comes off as inexperienced and brand new to the job, except for Smuggler, which may just be more bragging than anything else.



SI got captured and made a slave. Not hard to imagine any age from them.


SW was groomed and trained before they arrive on Korriban. Why not assume their sith parents did do the training until a proposition came from Korriban that a powerful Lord seeks a new apprentice? Easily fits into the late 20s early 30s.


BH could start late. Imagine where he/she lost their family or other reason to live "normally" and they decided to live off bounty hunting. Can work with any age.


Agent is a more tricky one but still doable. It isn't unheard of agents being recruited from the military. You could have served for some time and did something to get the attention from Intelligence. Or you were born nobility on Dromund Kaas but decided to quit the constant parties and sign up :D


Smuggler - could be 60 and still it works as it is implied we are no rookie :p


Trooper - same story as BH, you could have signed up at any age for any reason.


JK and JC is familiar to SW, they had training before arriving on Tython it's up to you to decide for how long.


There, see? I can make it work for most of my toons :)



Just remembered that in the JC story it is implied you are young (I think Syo welcoming you to Tython says something along the lines of "unheard of someone so young having this much power in the Force").

Screw JCs age, Iresso is not picky and Nadia is too much of an idolizer to notice :p

Edited by Asheris
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This. He is a bunch of good-looking pixels and Richard Teverson voiced him in such a yummy way... who cares how old he is? :p


Yes, Quinn is one hot *** piece of tail in pixel form. So are alot of the MALE romance companions to ME. I find the other male LIs quite hot to trot too.


And having him use the voice he does for Quinn? Holy hot damn, it makes me make nothing but female sith warriors just to tease, flirt, and finally get with Quinn. I don't know if Quinn's VA sounds like that normally, or if he made his voice like that, but omgwtfbbq, I always love hearing and watching Quinn. Even if he read the dictionary I'd probably drool on myself.

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Quinn looks 25; Talos looks 50. I don't care what some obscure codex says. If you want to talk about "dating Grandpa", that's what Andronikos and every custom skin for Doc looks like (why can't they just take off Doc's mustache without putting the "old man" template on his skin? Ugh). I don't find them physically appealing at all. Edited by Tamyn
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If you want to talk about "dating Grandpa", that's what Andronikos and every custom skin for Doc looks like (why can't they just take off Doc's mustache without putting the "old man" template on his skin? Ugh). I don't find them physically appealing at all.


Just want to say I agree 100%, Doc must have the most ugly customizations out there, it's like they pressed the "random" create a character and used what ever popped up :p

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Just want to say I agree 100%, Doc must have the most ugly customizations out there, it's like they pressed the "random" create a character and used what ever popped up :p


Worse than Andronrikos? This I have to see :eek:




oh, oh dear

Edited by grania
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Yes, Quinn is one hot *** piece of tail in pixel form. So are alot of the MALE romance companions to ME. I find the other male LIs quite hot to trot too.


And having him use the voice he does for Quinn? Holy hot damn, it makes me make nothing but female sith warriors just to tease, flirt, and finally get with Quinn. I don't know if Quinn's VA sounds like that normally, or if he made his voice like that, but omgwtfbbq, I always love hearing and watching Quinn. Even if he read the dictionary I'd probably drool on myself.

YES! Quinn's voice just makes you want to melt! Actually, so is Vector's.

If a character's voice actor is bad, I don't care what they look like. That's why I can't bring myself to play Republic....I can't stand their voices. The Imperial accent is sooooo yummy!

hmm now I need to make another female SW....

Edited by Avashnea
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YES! Quinn's voice just makes you want to melt! Actually, so is Vector's.

If a character's voice actor is bad, I don't care what they look like. That's why I can't bring myself to play Republic....I can't stand their voices. The Imperial accent is sooooo yummy!

hmm now I need to make another female SW....


They're not too bad on Pub side. But I'm American so it doesn't bother me too much. Even Corso's 'country' accent doesn't bother me, my own real life husband is from Kentucky.


But I will admit, my main girls are Imperials cause British and British sounding accents turn me into a puddle of girly drool. :D

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Mmm yes the accents are.. divine. :o


And I'm Dutch so even guys like Corso, to me, have a pretty nice accent. With some of the words he says he actually kinda reminds me of guys like Owen Wilson. I enjoy plenty of American accents too. Irish/Scottish/British are my preferred accents but the American ones aren't bad to my ears. :p


Quinn's voice.. not just his accent but his voice too it's just... gah take me to bed sir. :o

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They're not too bad on Pub side. But I'm American so it doesn't bother me too much. Even Corso's 'country' accent doesn't bother me, my own real life husband is from Kentucky.


But I will admit, my main girls are Imperials cause British and British sounding accents turn me into a puddle of girly drool. :D

lol I'm American, too. Originally from NY, and have lived in the South for 30 years....still can't stand the Pub accents. I could just imagine if the male SW was able to romance Quinn...I'd be a puddle of goo with every convo they had!

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Jesus, so according to this my sith warrior is chronogically 35 and biologically 30? (when i created him i decided that he was 24)

and his wife (vette) is 32?

damn, time flies




My toons are now:


Warrior--Was 18, now 28/29

Inquisitor--Was 17, now 27/28

Smuggler--Was 18, now 28/29

Agent--Was 21, now 31/32

Trooper--Was 18, now 28/29

BH--Was 18, now 28/29

Knight--Was 17, now 27/28

Consular--Was 17, now 27/28


Was = Prologue/Act 1, Now=Kotfe after chapter 3.

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SI got captured and made a slave. Not hard to imagine any age from them.


SW was groomed and trained before they arrive on Korriban. Why not assume their sith parents did do the training until a proposition came from Korriban that a powerful Lord seeks a new apprentice? Easily fits into the late 20s early 30s.


BH could start late. Imagine where he/she lost their family or other reason to live "normally" and they decided to live off bounty hunting. Can work with any age.


Agent is a more tricky one but still doable. It isn't unheard of agents being recruited from the military. You could have served for some time and did something to get the attention from Intelligence. Or you were born nobility on Dromund Kaas but decided to quit the constant parties and sign up :D


Smuggler - could be 60 and still it works as it is implied we are no rookie :p


Trooper - same story as BH, you could have signed up at any age for any reason.


JK and JC is familiar to SW, they had training before arriving on Tython it's up to you to decide for how long.


There, see? I can make it work for most of my toons :)



Just remembered that in the JC story it is implied you are young (I think Syo welcoming you to Tython says something along the lines of "unheard of someone so young having this much power in the Force").

Screw JCs age, Iresso is not picky and Nadia is too much of an idolizer to notice :p


Zash says about the same thing of the SI. Talking about the SI's youth.


Hunter is this inexperienced Hunter who knows nothing.


Trooper is the new young recruit. Think they even call you a kid at some point.


None of them know anything really about the universe.


Really, they all come off as young, which makes sense, since this is SW where all the heroes have started out young in the fiction generally.

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Zash says about the same thing of the SI. Talking about the SI's youth.

You got me here, I didn't pay much attention to the SI story and I played it a very long time ago :)


Hunter is this inexperienced Hunter who knows nothing.

Nothing about being a hunter, life expirience is never brought up I think?


Trooper is the new young recruit. Think they even call you a kid at some point.

To be honest I think most recruits, age aside, might be called "kids" in the military. *shrug* Didn't stop me from headcanoning my trooper as a 40+ :D


None of them know anything really about the universe.


Really, they all come off as young, which makes sense, since this is SW where all the heroes have started out young in the fiction generally.

True that BW made the early dialogues a bit goofy, some lines sound so naive it makes me cringe but, like I said, one can put any age tag on a character and it will work after the prologue is done ;)

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You got me here, I didn't pay much attention to the SI story and I played it a very long time ago :)



Nothing about being a hunter, life expirience is never brought up I think?



To be honest I think most recruits, age aside, might be called "kids" in the military. *shrug* Didn't stop me from headcanoning my trooper as a 40+ :D



True that BW made the early dialogues a bit goofy, some lines sound so naive it makes me cringe but, like I said, one can put any age tag on a character and it will work after the prologue is done ;)


Well of course, head canon is whatever one wants, my thought is just on the game storyline of it all. One doesn't tend to join the military late in life (21 being the average age in RL).


But you did make me think. People complain about Nadia's naivety, yet here's our character almost as naive :p

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